Fall of Sky City (A Steampunk Fantasy Sci-Fi Adventure Novel) (Devices of War)

BOOK: Fall of Sky City (A Steampunk Fantasy Sci-Fi Adventure Novel) (Devices of War)
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Praise for Fall of Sky City

Wow! What did I just read?? The story was deliciously complex, full of fear, wonder, magic, gadgets, gizmos, one heck of a psycho Queen and wonderful friends. Every character brought something to the story, each with a unique personality that came to life through the book, each with their own fears to overcome.
Victoria Limbert

I love the world Blooding has created. She managed to create it in a way that it combines specs of all my favorite movies, books, etc. It’s a mixture of young adult fantasy, steam punk, dystopia, sci-fi, paranormal and even some tiny bit of romance. The Hands of Tarot is a diverse book that is intense, a little bit violent, and a whole lot of awesome! I look forward to reading the next book of the series!
Unputdownable Books

SM Blooding is a new author to me, but this is definitely not the last book I’ll read by her. Synn El’Asim is a powerful character–the reader sees him grow from a young man who has not yet come into his power to a strong man who is courageous enough to fight for what he believes in–his family and his people. The world building Ms. Blooding does is nothing short of remarkable. A world composed of flying ships, ice worlds, danger, and intrigue.
My World of Dreams

This book is action-packed and intense. You feel like you’re part of the drama. This story is intense. The action is perfectly paced. I had trouble putting the book down. I really felt for Synn from the very beginning. He goes through so much. As soon as he gets his mark, he is plunged into one situation after another. Queen Nix, who is horrifying by the way, pushes Synn to new levels, in more and more diabolical ways. With the help of friends and family, Synn becomes a strong leader.
Waiting on Sunday to Drown

I’m amazed of the world Blooding has created and built. It has Sky, Land, and Water Cities. These cities each has its own technologies, language, and a whole different way of life. These worlds remind me a lot of Avatar the Last Airbender and Star Wars, which I both loved wholeheartedly.
Bahrain Newspaper Article Review!


In a world governed by the opposing forces of the mystical House of Tarot and the tribal Great Families, Synn is caught in the crossfire. He witnesses the slaughter of innocent people, and the devastating murder of his father. This act awakens his Mark of power, a Mark greater than any the world has seen in a very long time.

Queen Nix thought she won a great prize when she destroyed Synn’s father, the leader of the strongest Great Families. She had no idea she’d be doubly blessed by capturing his son. However, before Synn can become her treasured weapon, before she can use him to bring the rest of the world to its knees, she must break him and bind his soul to hers.

She does her job with brutal brilliance. Synn’s mind is broken and his soul is seared to hers in an unbreakable bond.

That doesn’t stop him from wanting to be free. She may have broken his mind and claimed his soul, but he
find a way to destroy her.

Experience a world of ships that sail the clouds and cites buried beneath the ocean, and survive the fiery battle brought forth by those who control the forces of nature!

This is a work of fiction. All the characters, organizations, and events within this book are products of the author’s imagination and are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to business establishments, actual persons, or events is entirely coincidental. The publisher does not have any control over and does not assume any responsibility for author or third-party websites or their content.

Blooding Books
Denver, CO

Copyright © 2012 SM Blooding
All rights reserved.
Per the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, no part of this publication may be reproduced, scanned, or distributed in any form without written permission from the publisher. Please only purchase authorized editions.

Printed in the United States of America

Cover Design by Ravven’s Glass
Interior Design by Once Upon A Time Covers
Formatted by Anastasia Creatives and Frankie Blooding
Proofread by Annie McMahon & Veronica Roland
Published by Blooding Books

Blooding Books
Denver, CO
Visit our website at:

ISBN 10: 1484052293
ISBN 13: 978-1484052297

Other works by SM Blooding:

Chronicles of Illona (NA Steampunk Adventure)
Devices of War Trilogy
Fall of Sky City
Knight of Wands

The Dream Killers
Season 1
Pilot Episode: Graveyard of Dreams (Dec 2013)

The Demon Talker Novels
Demons Are Jackasses

With Just Ink:
Dreamland Stories (Fairytale Romance)
Nightmare’s Dream (2014)


To Kenna who asked,
“Why would you choose to be on Earth when you could be anywhere else?”
You know me so well!

And to Kallie who said,
“Really, Mom, you’re not very creative, are you?”
Oh, sweetie, your apple fell from




1 No Mark, No Measure

2 Do Not Look Back

3 Marked

4 A Reminder for the People

5 Beaten, Breaking, Broken

6 What Game Is She Playing?

7 You Will Always Belong to Me

8 To Escape Sky City

9 Good-Bye, Nix

10 You Are Mine, Primus

11 Dear Mother of Dirt

12 No Landing Gear

13 We’re Lunch

14 Quicksand and Sinking Fast

15 What Exactly Had I Given Up

16 They Found Us

17 Ino Is Glad to See You

18 Ino City Under the Sea

19 Who Will Stand Against Them?

20 Take Me to My Yvette

21 A Poison-Filled Tide

22 Keep Your Doubt, Your Fear

23 What Had I Done?

24 We're All Scared

25 Oh Goody

26 Don't Be Stupid

27 I Finally Have Worth

28 A Hornet to an Airboat

29 I Am Not Primus

30 Oh Crap! Oh Crap! Oh CRAP!


32 Nicely Played

33 Trust

34 Out of Time

35 This Could Be a BAD Idea

36 Whirring Motors

37 The Stars Are Amazing

38 Fall of Sky City

39 Not the Ending I Was Expecting

Sneak Peek - Knight of Wands


About the Author


Everyone says that writing is a lonely process. My life is anything but lonely, and my writing is much better because of it! I am truly blessed!

Veronica Roland puts
to shame! Overachiever? Um, yes. She would come over and we’d write, she’d sing, her lyrics would make it into my narrative in odd and interesting ways (that were then edited out later with a “What was I…oh! That was Veronica!”) and she kept me feeling energized enough to write this book while editing

Krista (aka SistaPITA) is a really odd nut. She inspires by breathing! No joke! She never had any doubts that I could make this book happen, but, oh man! The ridicule.
of it. There’s a reason why she’s my PITA! She has been quite instrumental in the second edition. She’s taken on the challenge of being my marketing assistant, and the ideas she’s come up with have kinda floored me. Her enthusiasm surprised me. I’m used to my bratty little sister being a pain in my butt, ridiculing me because it’s fun, and being there for comedy relief (usually at my expense). I never thought I’d see her rise the way she has in support of my dream. It’s been amazing.

Dre is someone who deserves a medal and possibly hazard pay! She’s survived so much: my tantrums, my glares, my bad moods. She’s the one who gets ideas bounced off of. She the one to tell me why they don’t work. Now, granted, there were a few ideas that got the Raised Eyebrow of Doubt that actually worked, but she still gave me her open and honest opinion, knowing she
incur my wrath.

I have to thank Jill and Alli for being my BETA readers. I wasn’t too hard on you, but I really have to thank you both!

The second edition wouldn’t have happened without Krista, Veronica and Annie’s help. Honestly, after so many years of writing, it amazes me what I’ve forgotten grammatically. Also, I can tell I read a lot of European novels as there were a few things that were grammatically correct, but not here in the States. LOL! Sometimes, there is such a thing as being too well read. Thank goodness for editors who can read AND be smart about it.

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