FALL (The Senses) (31 page)

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Authors: Cindy Paterson

BOOK: FALL (The Senses)
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He struggled to inhale. Then
failed to exhale. He couldn’t. He gazed up at Max and met her stare. She shook her
head once and closed her eyes. He felt the surge burst through him. It was like
a lightning bolt hitting his chest. He exhaled on a

Suddenly, his breathing became
easier and he started taking deep breaths. Max matched his, but when he looked
up at her face, he noticed how pale she was. Her hands were cooling but still
lay on his arm, trembling. He raised his hand and put it over top of hers.
There were no words for thanks; she’d saved his ass.

But it was her fault she had to
save it.

“Still not liking what you did,
babe. If that snake had bitten you instead, we wouldn’t be sitting here.” He
sat up and she quickly shifted away from him.

“Yes, sir.”

He paused, watching the woman
stare boldly back at him as if his words meant nothing, yet she agreed to
everything he said. She wasn’t afraid, but looked rather bored with what just
happened. And damn she didn’t even appear weak after the healing. He had to
ask, “You were not afraid of it?”

“An Inland Taipan is rather
docile, sir.”

Jasper was taken back and failed
to hide his surprise that she knew exactly what type of snake she’d picked up.
He still thought it was foolish. “Until it bites you. As you just witnessed.”

“Yes, sir. There is that.”

Jasper felt a strange tug of the
corner of his mouth as his lips curved upwards. “Well, then Max, brave or
foolish which is it?”

“It matters not, sir.”

“And why is that?”

“Because you’ve already made your

Jasper tensed realizing her words
were true. He thought her actions were foolish and regardless if she knew the
name of the blasted snake, he’d still think that. What he didn’t understand was
why she went for it in the first place. No Healer should ever put themselves in
a dangerous situation. This woman was a walking contradiction, appearing meek
and submissive, yet she was completely unafraid and bold.

“Sir, excuse me.” She went to get
to her feet when he grabbed her hand.

“What are you? I felt it. There
was something else when you were healing me.”


She tugged on her hand, but he
didn’t release her. “Like I said, hate repeating myself. Answer the question,

“Foolish it seems, sir.” She
yanked her arm from his grip and walked away.

Jasper had the urge to run after
her, but pride kept him in place. Never had he run after a woman in his life and
he wasn’t going to now. But there was this urgency to get her back. She
disappeared into the kitchen and he went and picked up the note.




Xamien stopped Kos and slipped
from his back. The stallion pawed the ground with his hoof, uprooting the grass
and flinging it backwards. Xamien calmly stroked his soft, gray muzzle, the
stallion’s stiff whiskers a stark contrast to his own buttery skin. “Yes,
you’ve been a patient man, Kos. Off you go.” The horse shook his thick neck
then blew air through his nostrils before he trotted a few feet away to graze.

Xamien watched Delara as she
stared in awe at the sight he’d brought her to. Thousands of almond trees
graced the land, their white blossoms dazzling as they swept the orchard like a
blizzard of petals. She swung her leg over Xadea’s rump and jumped to the
ground. Her eyes were sparkling as if diamonds were magically shining within
the irises.

Her hand ran smoothly down
Xadea’s neck and he felt the emotions swimming through the mare’s body. It was
remarkable to be able to give Delara such a simple breath of life. This land
was magic this time of year—when the willowy almond trees blossomed, covering
acres as if landscaping a fairytale.

Xamien moved behind Delara and
slipped his arms around her waist. He waited, knew the tension would come. The
damn woman was adept at guarding her emotions. He also knew she was
contemplating Waleron. But this is what she needed. A push.

He nuzzled her neck, his day-old
scruff rubbing against her smooth skin. He basked in her scent, her warmth,
knowing this might be the last time he held her in his arms. He clucked to
Xadea and the mare walked off to graze. “My parents married right over there.”
He pointed to where two trees made what appeared like an arch with their
branches. “It was in January, when they bloomed.” Delara’s hand rested on his,
but they were far from relaxed, her entire body was a coiled-up slinky. “My
mother used to bring me here after father died and we’d sit beneath those trees
and she’d sing.” He stroked her hand with his thumb. “She loved to sing here.
Said the land was magical. It would give to you, if you gave to it.”

“Guess that’s where you get singing

“Hmmm.” He pulled away and began
walking towards the arch. Her soft footfalls followed beside him. He sat under
one of the trees and leaned up against the trunk. Delara followed suit, her
shoulder inches away from him. The thin branches hung low over top, white
petals occasionally floating to the ground as the wind blew across the land.
One landed in her hair and he plucked it from the strands. Controlling his
desire was becoming more than he could handle and right now he was afraid to
touch her lest he take her right here in the grass.

The crux of it was, he knew
months ago she’d willingly fall into his arms. They’d been like two live wires,
but it wasn’t enough. He’d known it from the beginning, just like she did. But
neither of them were about to admit it—until now.

When the bare flesh of her palm
touched his cheek, he nearly lost it. He placed his hand over top of hers and
closed his eyes briefly as he soaked in her heat. “Xamien?” Her voice was soft
and hesitant. He met her eyes and what he saw took him back—fear. God, she was
scared. Too much had happened with this woman, her trust of love was blown into
fragments and scattered. She was desperate to grab hold, but anxiety kept her
from capturing the pieces and putting them back together again. She feared that
she’d plunge into despair and be destroyed by Waleron—again.

“I want you, Kitten. You know
that.” Xamien cupped her chin. He heard her sharp inhale and ran his thumb
lightly over her lips. “But something’s changed. I feel him all around you. I’m
a Reflection, in case you’ve forgotten. Despite mulling my abilities, I can
still feel your mind working at warp speed. Best you get it out before you blow
a fuse in that brilliant mind of yours.”

“I’m not—”

He grabbed her chin and forced
her eyes to meet his. “Don’t lie to me, Kitten. If you wish to forgo speaking
then say so, but don’t tell me lies. We’ve always had trust between us.”

She hesitated. Her eyes wavered,
the pounding of her heart growing louder as she contemplated. He dropped his
hand from her chin and instead laced his fingers with hers and pulled her
gently towards him until she was snug against his side. He kept his gaze locked
on her, reading the uncertainty.

“I…Xamien, you know I feel
something between us but,” she hesitated, closing her eyes and tilting her head
back so her uneven strands fell away from her face. “I can’t do this anymore. I
can’t. What we shared was just—”

“Sex?” he said. “And that’s
lying.” His jaw clenched and his muscles tensed as he tried to keep his anger
and disappointment from coming through.

“Sorry, you’re right. I just
don’t want to hurt you. I do care about you. I do love you, but…”

He waited.

“I can’t give up on him,” she
finally blurted.

His push had worked. This woman
was irresistible to him and yet…he knew somewhere all along that despite what
they had, she’d never be his. This woman belonged to Waleron and now she
admitted it. Now he admitted it.

She turned when she said, “I
can’t leave him.” Her strength faded somewhat and he saw her face shatter as if
her facade had been a mirror that now lay in shards at his feet. “I can’t get
him out of me. It’s like he’s a blanket covering me and it is so warm and
protective and yet...” Her voice was a quiet, pain-filled tone. “My heart
belongs to him whether I want it to or not. He is who I am.” Finally her eyes
reached his and he saw the stricken remorse in them. “I can’t leave him even if
he refuses to have me. Even if the Wraiths separate us. ”

“Are you sure it’s him refusing
you?” She needed the truth whether she wanted to hear it or not. If she loved
Waleron, she had to throw away all her fears and take the chance on maybe
losing him again. “He is trying to scare you. You know why, Kitten. Because he
is scared shitless himself. Yes, the almighty Taldeburu is terrified of being
unable to let you go once you let him in.” Xamien ran his hand through his
haphazard hair.

“He says he’ll hurt me.”

“Do you believe that? Do you
think he’d ever come near you if he honestly thought he was capable of harming
you? That man lives and breathes you. He’d kill himself before he ever laid a
hand on you.” Xamien added in a low voice. “So would I.”

She met his eyes. “You’re an
amazing man, Xamien.”

“I know.” He pulled her into his
arms and kissed the top of her head. “You’re going to fight for him?”

She nodded. “Yeah.”

“Good. The Wraiths are a problem.
But I’ll do what I can to help.”

She pulled back to look up at
him. “He can’t lose his Taldeburu. That is the only thing important to him.”

Xamien held her on either side of
her cheeks. “Kitten, can’t you see it? I was in that house for ten seconds and
I saw it. The only thing important to him is you.” Xamien whistled to the
horses. “At least I lost you to a man that I know will protect you with his

He turned to Kos when Delara’s fingertips
grazed his arm, his heart leaping at the unexpected touch. He yearned to spin
around and devour her. But it wouldn’t be the same. Her passion was locked up
in another man and she deserved to find that once-in-a-lifetime love. It was true,
Waleron had always been in her bed. He had never left.

“Xamien, I’m sorry.”

“Me too, Kitten.”

He helped her mount Xadea and
then vaulted onto Kos. He was about to urge Kos into a walk when he felt the
disturbance within his horse. Kos’s nostrils flared and he pawed the ground, his
ears alert and eyes looking off to the right. His entire body was bunched up
like a spring ready to burst into a galloping mass of hooves.

Kos jerked forward and something
flew past where they’d just been standing. Kos pranced around in a circle,

Xadea whined, and then screamed
out with pain. The horse reared and Delara tumbled from her back. Xamien leapt
from Kos and ran to Delara. An arrow protruded from Xadea’s flank muscle.

Jesus. Fuckin’ arrows. Silent and
deadly and really hard to get a handle on where exactly they were coming from.

“Move!” Xamien protected Delara
with his body as another arrow went straight for them. It missed, but hit Xadea
in the throat. Her silky white coat slowly turned red as the blood seeped from
the wound. She began squealing a horrid sound as she pawed at the ground,
swinging her head back and forth. She dropped to her knees.

“Oh god, no!” Delara screamed.
She pulled towards the horse, but Xamien held tight.

“Delara. No.”

“But—” Another arrow hit the
beautiful Andalusion in the shoulder.

“Christ.” Xamien hauled Delara up
and threw her on top of Kos who had been prancing around Xadea snorting. Xamien
leapt up behind Delara. “Kitten, stay down.” He pushed her forward so she
blended into Kos’s neck. Xadea was now on her side, her breathing rapid.

Xamien felt Delara’s tears land
on his hands. It wasn’t for them, but for the massive beast that now lay dying
in his orchard. The grief cut though him and he mourned the loss of his beloved

“Wrap your hands in the mane,
Kitten. We ride hard.”

He looped one arm around her
waist and pulled her snug against him. “Kos, home boy.”

The stallion took off in a made
gallop for home—without Xadea.







As soon as they galloped into the
barnyard, Delara saw Glunk running towards them. But he didn’t stop, instead he
hopped on a bay horse the stable boy held and took off.

Xamien pulled her from Kos, then
grabbed her hand and they ran to the house. “Xamien. Xamien, I’m sorry. Oh god,
Xadea. ”

Xamien had his hand on the door
knob. “Me too.” He threw open the door and strode inside.

Waleron and Jasper stood waiting
in the kitchen. Xamien obviously had been speaking telepathically with them.
Jasper leaned back against the counter, his hands resting on the edge while his
ankles were crossed, appearing rather relaxed. But the scent in the kitchen was
anything but.

Waleron hovered near the marble
island, his stance stiff, his hand resting on a piece of paper. It was crumpled
as if read a dozen times, even the paper looked worn and yellow, like it was
old. Delara walked closer. There was a tear in the top corner. She gasped
feeling the color drain from her face. No. That was impossible. Why...how did
he get that?

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