Fallen Down Under (Down Under #2) (7 page)

BOOK: Fallen Down Under (Down Under #2)
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This house still feels fucking empty. I spent years designing the perfect home where I'd feel comfortable and what for? What used to feel like my perfect getaway now feels void of anything. It's like a show home. It looks fucking good, but what use is that if I don't enjoy being here anymore? The place feels bare, it's far too quiet, something that I used to thrive on after a busy day and dare I say it, now it all feels fucking pointless. I have all this space with nothing but me to fill it. Space also used to me my thing but now my heads getting more and more fucked up there more time I spend here alone. I need to find a way to get Jess to come back to where she belongs. With me. I don't like knowing that she is more comfortable with Liss than she is here with me.

Fuck my life and what it's become.


Setting my Cadillac into park, I look out at Mal's new house. He sure seems happy here and that in itself makes me happy. It's all I've ever wanted to try and repay him in someday for everything that they have done for me and Liss over the years. They have both been there for us, no matter what and to see them happy gives me a sense of pride that maybe, just maybe, I have done something worthwhile in this life.

Tonight, I really need to talk to Jess. I need to know what is happening with us and if she feels like it’s worth giving it another shot. I know that I have fucked up so far, but the Stella issue was purely bad timing of a fucked up situation and I’ve explained that to Jess.



"Oh what do you know? My so called daughter finally answers her goddamn phone to mummy dearest." My mother’s voice echoes down the line and I can tell she is drunk from the slurring of her words.

"Hi mum. What's up?" I say sharply. I can't help the snap in my tone even though I try my best to hide my irritation. Holding my finger up, I signal to Melissa that I'll only be a minute.

"I don't see you anymore Jessica. Why don't you bother to call me? You’re supposed to be my daughter or are am I not good enough for your fancy life anymore?" Oh god. Here we go. As soon as alcohol touches her lips the world and everyone is suddenly against her.

"You know why I don't call you anymore mum. You made it pretty clear last time we spoke that you wanted nothing to do with me. I believe your exact words were that you wished me dead." At my words, Melissa's head whips around to face me, causing her unruly curls to bounce a few times. I just shrug at her to try and remove the outrageous look she has on her face.

"What is it with you? Every fucking thing always has to be about you don't it? You’re just like your father you know? Only out for yourself in this world and you don't care who you hurt in the process."

"Well it's been lovely taking to you mum as always. I've got to go." I desperately want to get her off this phone. Normally I'd be okay to deal with it, but I know that Melissa is stood before me all I want to do is cry. My hands begin to shake as I press the end call button on my phone and I bite my bottom lip to prevent the tears that threaten to fall. After everything, she still has ten audacity to blame me because dad walked out on us. I understand that she's still hurting, I completely get it but jeez, she's never tried to let go. Instead hate and anger have been bubbling away inside her ever since and all she can do is spit her poison. Not to mention that my mother can hold a grudge for a bloody long time. I wouldn't mind but I haven't spoken to her for months, so why is she suddenly calling now after all this time?

"What the fuck was that about? Was that your mum?" Melissa is on me in an instant, her hand rubbing frantically on my shoulder in circular motions trying to calm the shaking that is taking over my entire body.

"It's nothing new. I'm used to it honestly. I guess it's just the shock of her calling after so long."

"Still that's not right Jess. No mother should ever speak to their child like that. Ever." No they shouldn't. I know that but it's something that I have had to get used to over the years. "Honestly, I'd rather just forget about it. Now." I say straightening in my top and painting on my big girl face. "Are we ready to go?"

"You bet'cha."


I'm still livid at my mum’s out of the blue outburst when we pull up outside Mal and Daisy's. I'm still rocking my big girl panties but deep down every single hurtful word slices me open inside. I often wonder what she would have been like if things has have worked out differently and if my dad had stayed around. Maybe she has always been that way deep down and I hate to think that maybe that's one of the reasons that he walked out on us. I've never tried to contact him to find out the reasons behind his actions. He's never tried to contact me and I've never really felt the urge to contact him either. He didn't just turn his back and walk out on my mum; he did it to
too. I feel a soft hand rest on my shoulder which makes me jump and pulls me away from my thoughts.

"What do you say, you ready to face the world or do you need some more time?"

My hands clasp together in my lap as mixed emotions run wild within me. Why oh why does she get to me like this. It's ridiculous. Nothing she says to me should bother me anymore. I take a deep breath and gather my thoughts before plastering on the biggest smile I can muster. "Let's do this."

We're greeted by Daisy at the door. She looks a pure picture if health and contentment in her new home and I don't blame her. It's modern yet classic all at the same time. Absolutely beautiful. Both myself and Melissa are taken through to the kitchen area where people seem to be gathering. It's large, very open spaced and has more knobs and gadgets than I ever thought possible. I sense him before I see him. His presence is electric. His back is currently facing me but I'd recognise that strong set of shoulders anywhere. His posture is quite casual as he stands with his legs shoulder width apart next to Heath. Even dressed in jeans and a plain black shirt with his sleeves pushed up to his elbows causes excitement to ripple through my body. I look down at my outfit and feel slightly overkill. As if automatically sensing that I have arrived he turns in his heels to take me in. With one hand in his pocket and the other holding a beer to his mouth, he really is the picture of utter perfection. Those piercing blue eyes penetrate into my soul as he undresses me bit by bit. No matter how much time passes, no matter how much I etch his beautiful face into my memory, it always feels like I am seeing him again for the very first time. I notice his eyes grow darker, from the alcohol I'm not too sure but they teasingly roam seductively up and down my body, resting at each of my curves until he slowly raises them back up to meet mine once again.

"Come on through dear. There's no need for you to just stand there." Daisy says as she waves me over. I force myself to tear my gaze away from Max so I don't appear rude to our host. Standing there in her outfit she looks the perfect picture of summer and health which is quite apt for the party after all.

"Where's the man of this party then? Don't tell me that he's sat watching the bloody football again?"

"Of course he's watching the football. Jess, I'd be worried if he wasn't. Oh Melissa darling you look beautiful as always." Melissa flashes a knowing smile to Daisy before throwing her glossy black hair over her shoulder as she spots Heath heading towards us.

"Thank you Daisy." She says, while leaning in to give her a swift peck on the cheek.

"Come on now girls. Why don't we head outside and I'll get us all a drink."


The house is beautiful and from what I can tell I'd say both Daisy and Mal seem to have settled in rather well. Everything is on one floor which is convenient for Mal, but god it's spacious. Where Max's house is modern and bright, Mal and Daisy's house is much more homely. Family photographs now hand in frames along the walls and you can tell Daisy has been busy adding a woman's touch.

"Wow, Daisy this really is something else." I say unable to hold back.

"Isn't it just. Max knew just how we like things and has it all arranged. He's a good man Jess. Don't be fooled by his Mr arrogant persona." She pats me on the arm as she says this. To comfort me, maybe? "I know he can be immensely difficult at times, but his heart is always in the right place. All he needs is someone to remind him how to use it."

I literally have no words to reply to her, none whatsoever. My guess is that he has been pretty destroyed over something in the past. The question is what? I'd like to think he'll tell me when he's ready and if not then that's fine by me.

"Come on girl, let's move." I look to my secret keeper stood before me bouncing from one foot to the other. Can I actually bring myself to ask her such personal questions about her brother? I've never, ever been the snooping type before, so why should I start now?


"What a lovely home Mal."

"Flower, its bloody good to see you. How's things going with the development?" Seriously is he asking about work at his party? Of course he is.

"Everything's under control and not for you to be worrying yourself with." The hairs on the back of my neck stand up and goose bumps break out over my arms at the powerful deep voice that sounds behind me.

"Jess." The way he says it has my knees going weak. Every fucking time. In seconds he stands next to me and I quickly grab my drink from Melissa and toss it back. I look at her with a pleading stare for her to help me, maybe pass me another drink but all the sneaky cow does is smile and walks off in the opposite direction towards Heath.
The bitch.

"Max." I nod towards him and a sexy curve forms on his lips as he takes in my discomfort in front of Mal and Daisy. Why does he do this? It's pure fucking torture. Torture that's somewhat increased when he places the palm of his hand against the base of my spine causing a mass of delicious tingles to travel south.

"I've missed you angel." His words kiss my ear as he leans is close to whisper them to me. He's not even bothered that Mal and Daisy are in the same room as us. "You look fucking beautiful."

"You don't scrub up so bad yourself." I laugh. Suddenly feeling much more relaxed around everyone, I look up into his eyes and give him a shy smile. One that says yes I do want you, more than you will ever know.



I feel like I've gone back in time. It feels so fucking surreal. Here I stand, Mal, Liss and Daisy all around me doing normal family stuff. It feels just like it used to, except now instead of reliving my memories in black and white, they now have a glow to them and they start to shine so fucking bright like never before.


What a fucking woman. No matter what, she always finds ways to surprise me no end. Even if she doesn't know that she is doing it. Unable to stop myself, I make my way back over to where she stands, the pull too strong to resist. As soon as I am close to her a feeling of contentment surrounds me. It still feels crazy as hell. Wild thoughts begin to take over my mind. All the things we could do together, the possibilities could be endless if only I could get my fucking act together. I've felt what it's like to be without here and there is no fucking way that I'm prepared to go through that hell again.

I nod my head in acknowledgement towards Mal and Daisy and the step closer to Jess.

"Allow me to take you on a guided tour Miss Townsend?" I ask as I rest my hand at the base of my spine so my fingers lightly touch her. Tonight she will be coming home with me, that I am fucking sure off. It's been far too long and her reaction towards my touch tells me that she feels exactly the same.

"Thank you but I'm okay. Hasn't anyone ever told you that it's rude to go snooping around other people’s homes?"

"To Mal and Daisy, you're family Jess so they won't mind at all. Come on, I’d love to show you around."

"Still, I'd rather not." She licks her bottom lip and I want nothing more than to capture that delicate tongue with my own. She smiles at me, fully aware of what she is doing to me as she smooth’s down her blouse. She's lucky I have respect for the people that are around me otherwise that top, fuck everything she has on would be gracing the floor right now.

"Okay everyone. The barbecue’s ready." Mal shouts at the top of his lungs. A gruntled and frustrated sigh escapes me and I don't miss the chuckle that leaves Jess's mouth. Someone is clearly enjoying themselves. Shit, what do I care? It's fucking amazing to see that smile again.

No sooner are we all gathered together outside on the patio, Mal stands and chimes his fork against the glass.

"Well, I'm not the best with words as you all know but I'd like to try and raise a toast." Laughter filled with happiness erupts around us and my chest fills with pride for this man stood before me. "Firstly I'd like to personally thank you all. For being here tonight but also more importantly for taking time out of your busy day to day lives to rally around me and my distraught darling wife here. As much as she would love the life insurance pay out, she's going to have to wait a while longer for those endless shopping trips." Only Mal could stand there and make a joke about his health. He's always been the one to make light of a heavy situation.

"Here, here." Daisy shouts through an emotional filled voice.

"Well, with that said, I just want you to know how thankful I am to each and every one of you for being here tonight and for your prayers and support. I don't think there will ever be enough words to tell you how much that means to me. Now woman, where's that food." He demands as he takes a seat in his rightful place at the head of the table. If I turn out to be half the man that Mal is I’ll be one happy fucking guy.

BOOK: Fallen Down Under (Down Under #2)
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