Fallen from Grace (26 page)

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Authors: Leigh Songstad

BOOK: Fallen from Grace
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reached into her purse and took out her concealer. After rinsing her face, she applied a small amount around her eyes and began reapplying her makeup. By the time she was finished, there was no evidence of her emotional bathroom breakdown—on the outside at least.

Behind her stare were tears that burned for release, her chest ached and her stomach was in knots. Thoughts were trying to form, but they were interrupted by a dizzying sensation.

She grabbed the edge of the marble sink and took several deep breaths. She felt as if she were going to vomit. How could Judas have done this to her? She tried to look at the situation from his perspective. Grace had been in a private box with Ellis, but they weren’t fondling one another, or sucking each other’s faces like a couple of teenagers!

The image of him with that woman made her angry, and she welcomed the bittersweet exchange of emotions because it was better than the pain of heartbreak. It motivated her to make her way back to Ellis, take a seat beside him, and stay for the remaining act of

“Is everything alright?” he asked, genuinely looking concerned.

She nodded. “Of course.”

Ellis began clapping as the actors took a bow. “Beautiful performance,” he said, looking at her with an unusual grin.

It made Grace feel uneasy. She clapped with him, and watched the actors bow once more, then the curtains closed.

“I’ll be just a moment. I need to speak with my guests in the box next to us.” He stood, buttoned the bottom two buttons on his jacket, and gracefully walked around his chair and out of the box.

Grace absently found herself looking to the area Judas had been. The entire row was still waiting to exit, but his two seats were empty. Did he leave early? Why wouldn’t they stay for the second act?

“Are you ready?” Ellis asked from behind her.

Startled, she stood quickly. “Yes.”

He helped her into her black jacket and led her to the front entrance. On the way out, Ellis took a call. He held up his finger and walked away.

Grace stood in the entrance of the opera house and looked around. There were so many people walking around her, and she tried not to get anxious, but it was difficult. Ellis returned with an irritated expression and put his arm around her.

“I’m not taking no for an answer. You
coming home with me tonight.”

“Okay,” she whispered.

Ellis mouth curved into a wicked grin, and he led her to the black SUV out front where Burke was waiting for them.

“Is everything alright?” Usually it was Robert holding the door.

“Just an extra precaution,” he shrugged, nonchalantly.

Grace nodded and slid into the car; Ellis followed behind her.

At his apartment, he opened a bottle of wine and brought a platter of meat and cheese to the coffee table in the living room. The fireplace was lit, and the lights were dimmed. It was romantic, and very unlike Ellis—he wasn’t one for intimacy.

She stood at the edge of the brown leather sofa, reluctant to take a seat. She should have gone home. “I kind of have a headache.” It wasn’t a lie; her head was pounding.

Scooting to the edge of the sofa, he clasped his hands together and looked mildly aggravated. “I’ll run you a bath.” He looked down, then stood and sauntered toward his bathroom. Grace strode behind him.

He started the water in the giant whirlpool tub in the center of the bathroom, then leaned against the sink. Was he planning to stay and watch? She didn’t want to be rude and ask him to leave.

“Would you mind getting me a few Advil and a glass of water?”

“Anything else I can get you?” he asked.

His question was weighted with a mysterious tension Grace didn’t understand. She shook her head.

He left the bathroom and she removed her clothes, sinking into the warm water. She leaned her head against the cushioned headrest and tried with all her might to push Judas Woods out of her mind. But no matter how hard she tried, he kept scraping her heart. She would see his lips on that woman, then imagine them on her. She would see his hand grazing her thigh, and wish it was her thigh he had been touching.

Grace tried to imagine her life years from now. How would she feel? Would it be love keeping her with Ellis, or would it be obligation because she’d agreed to marry him? She knew the answer, and even if Judas didn’t love her, she couldn’t marry Ellis.

Grace sat up in the bathtub, and the water sloshed around her. She no longer questioned her decision to call off the engagement. Ellis walked in, and she tucked her knees to her chest. She looked at him and forced a smile.

“Thank you,” she said as he placed two pills in her hand.

He handed her a glass of water, and she winced at the light from above the sink to her right.

“Let’s get you to bed,” Ellis said, taking the glass and placing it on the sink.

She went to grab the towel, but he held it open and stared down at her with an odd expression. His green eyes were alight with something she couldn’t quite put her finger on, and the slight curve of his lips said he was...happy?

Grace stood, and he wrapped the towel around her. Why was he coddling her? This wasn’t like Ellis.

“Are you sure you wouldn’t like something to eat?”

She shook her head, and he retrieved her nightdress off a hook in the corner. It was pink silk and reached halfway down her thigh. He collected the length into his palms, holding the straps with his thumb and forefinger.

She slowly removed the towel and laid it on the counter. Standing in front of him naked wasn’t exhilarating or arousing; it was embarrassing and demeaning. She lifted her arms in the air, and he looped the silk over her hands, pulling it down her body and sliding it with his fingers until it hung perfectly from her shoulders. He smoothed his hands down her back and pulled her against him.

“You belong to me, Grace.” His green eyes blazed with possession, and his lips hovered over hers. “I won’t lose you.”

His words sent a quiver of fear down her spine. He led her to the bed and pulled the covers back on her side. She laid down as he moved to his side of the bed and removed his watch, cuff links…until he was wearing nothing but a pair of white boxer briefs. She could see the white scar right above his heart where a sniper had shot him. The bullet had gone through the front of his chest, then came out of his back, missing his heart by an inch.

Ellis was tall, nearly the same height as Judas, and they both had the same dark features. However, Judas had a kind look in his eyes, but Ellis had a cold, sinister look that chilled her to the bone. Why hadn’t she noticed it before? Even beneath the covers, her body shook.

He turned off the lights and climbed into bed. Lying next to her, he snaked an arm around her waist, nuzzled her neck and kissed her cheek, then the side of her mouth.

“My head really hurts, Ellis.”

He stilled. Seconds ticked by, or maybe it was minutes—she wasn’t certain of anything at the moment. He kissed her cheek one last time. “Of course. Get some rest.”

Relief flooded her body. Not wanting to seem distant, she laid her hand on his arm and turned her head towards him. Ellis was acting strange, and Grace was scared.

The morning came quickly. Grace felt like she had just closed her eyes, but Ellis was already awake and looking at her.

“Good morning. How do you feel?”

She wanted to lie, but saying she still had a headache seemed too obvious, and there was no way he would believe her. “Much better.”

His lips twitched. He placed one arm over her, bracing it against the mattress, then laid a leg over hers. The muscles in his right arm and shoulder tensed. His eyes were heavy with need. She was scared to deny him, and scared to call off the engagement.

How had she gotten herself into this situation?

He swept a wayward curl out of her face with the tip of his finger, then trailed a line down her cheek to her mouth. Placing his finger under her chin, he forced her to look into his eyes, then he kissed her. His kiss was skilled and demanding, not at all sensual or romantic.

Moving above her, he forced her thighs open and positioned himself between her legs. His boxers were gone, and she felt his erection pressing against her.
She didn’t want to have sex with him.

Tears burned behind her stare, and her heart was beating out of control. Her legs began to shake, and just when Grace thought she couldn’t take it anymore, his phone rang.

“Dammit,” he growled.

Holding the sheets up, he moved out from between her legs and grabbed his phone off the bedside table. “This is Congressman Randall.” Throwing his legs off the side of the bed, he sat on the edge.

“Who?” he growled. Ellis was not happy about being interrupted. “He’s not supposed to be here until this afternoon.” He stood and put a hand on his hip as he strode naked across the room. “And you’re his assistant?” he snapped.

Grace quietly pushed the covers forward. As she stood, the wooden floorboards creaked, and Ellis looked at her.

“I’ll be right there.” He walked to the bed and tossed the phone onto the duvet. “I’m sorry, but I have to go.”

Relief washed over her. “No need to apologize. I have a nine o’clock session anyway.” She walked into the bathroom, and she heard him follow behind. He turned on the shower and met her gaze in the mirror. “Would you like to take a shower with me?”

“I wish I could, but I’m already running behind. What time will you be home this evening?” she asked, trying to distract him.

His mood noticeably softened. “I don’t know. I might have to go to D.C for a few days. As soon as I find out, I’ll let you know.”


She heard the shower door close as she picked up her toothbrush. After brushing her teeth, she pulled her hair into a bun and sped through the makeup application process. She pulled a pant suit out of her closet and grabbed a pair of heels.

She was going to cancel her appointments for the day. She had to find Judas and ask him why he wanted to hurt her. She needed to know why he would kiss that woman right in front of her.

Peeking into the bathroom, she realized Ellis was still in the shower. “I’m heading out. I’ll see you later.”

He opened the shower door, his expression distracted by obvious thoughts of his upcoming meeting. Grace wondered who it was with, but he never discussed business with her. “Pearson will be waiting for you downstairs. Have a good day, love,” he said with a wink.

How would she ditch her bodyguard?

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