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Authors: Sandra Owens

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Where to start? With you the reader, I think. I would write even if no one read my books, but turns out they do. Because of my books, I have made so many friends all over the world. For that I am deeply, sincerely thankful. Your posts on social media begging for the next story keep me motivated to write the best possible book for you. Your e-mails telling me that you loved a particular book, or which hero is your favorite, or how you related to the heroine, are so special to me, and I save them all. So, thank you from the bottom of my heart. If you took the time to leave a review for one of my books, or any book for that matter, you have every author’s gratitude.

Like most authors, I have a support group, a tight circle of friends who are there for me, be it to discuss a plot issue, read/critique for each other, or whatever. Some I have met and some I haven’t, but each and every one is almost as important to me as the air I breathe. They keep me sane; they often make me laugh; they tell me when I’ve gone astray with my story. Jenny Holiday, we’ve been together from the beginning and have shared our disappointments and celebrated our successes (looking forward to sending the champagne glass tiara back to you). You know I love you! Lindsey Ross (super-duper beta reader) and Felice Stevens (super-duper author), don’t either one of you ever break up with me. I’d just pull the covers over my head and never get out of bed if you did. Our late-night chats, sharing our secrets, laughing at our dumb typos—for all that and more, I love you both. Miranda Liasson, Lucky 13 Golden Heart
sister and now one of my Montlake Romance sisters, my life is better for knowing you. Truthfully, my life is better for knowing all of my amazingly talented Golden Heart
and Montlake Romance sisters. With every book the circle of people important to me grows wider, and that is such a wonderful thing.

This is the third book of the K2 Special Services series, and I want to say a big thank-you to my Montlake Romance editor, Maria Gomez. You’re the greatest! And, Maria, however do I thank you for assigning Melody Guy as my developmental editor for each book? She totally gets me and her suggestions for improving my stories are spot on. My copy editor, Scott Calamar, is the best, and he’s even learning to grin and bear my fragmented sentences. To everyone at Montlake Romance who plays a part in seeing my books published, thank you! You have my sincere appreciation.

Then there is my agent, Courtney Miller-Callihan of Sanford J. Greenburger Associates. You are awesome, Courtney! There are too many reasons to list, so I’ll just say thank you for everything, because you know what all those everythings are. xoxoxo

About the Author

Photo © 2015 Catherine Ford-Coates

A native of Florida, Sandra now lives in the beautiful Blue Ridge Mountains of North Carolina. Before achieving her dream of writing books, Sandra managed a Harley-Davidson dealership (and yes, she rode a Harley), and was once the manager of a private airport where she had the opportunity to fly in a stunt plane while the pilot performed aerobatic maneuvers. She thought that was great fun, as was the thrilling time she skydived.

These days, Sandra spends her time writing. In addition to
Crazy for Her—
a 2013 Golden Heart
finalist for Romantic Suspense—her works include
Someone Like Her
, book two in the K2 Special Services series, and the Regency Romance novels,
The Training of a Marquess,
winner of the 2013 Golden Claddagh Award, and
The Letter,
winner of the 2014 Golden Quill Award for published authors.

Sandra is a member of Romance Writers of America. Connect with Sandra:




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