Falling For My Best Friend's Brother (18 page)

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Authors: J.S. Cooper,Helen Cooper

BOOK: Falling For My Best Friend's Brother
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You Know When You Know


I’d always wondered how I would know that I’d met the one. I’d always wondered what true love was. I can tell you now that once you have it, you’ll stop wondering. Once you have true love, you’ll know it from the bottom of your being. You’ll know because there is nothing that will ever replace or top that feeling. Nothing will ever live up to the feeling of simply seeing your loved one’s face. Once you have true love, you don’t wonder if it’s real. No, once you have true love, you just want to bottle it up so that you never lose or forget that feeling. Once you’ve found the one, you’ll know what it really means to be complete.

“Do you know how happy I am, Alice? Do you know how much I love you?”

“Yes,” I said as I lay next to him in the bed. “I know because I feel the same way.”

“We’re really lucky

you know that, right?”

“I know.” And then I nibbled down on his chest and looked up at him. “I still can’t believe you faked being a Dom.”

“I’m surprised you forgave me so quickly.” He pinched my ass. “Is it because I’m so lovable?”

“I forgave you so quickly because I know I’ve been a bit immature myself in the past. But pull a stunt like that again and you’re going to really have to make it up to me big time.”

“Oh?” He laughed. “I think I’ve made it up to you, don’t you?”

“Why? Because you like to tie me up and spank me?”

“No, because I let you tie me up as well.” He laughed. “And because I let you talk me into going to a couples massage.”

“You went to the couples massage because you thought we’d have sex in the pool.” I laughed.

“How was I to know that there would be five other couples in the same pool?” He groaned. “That was not sexy.”

“It was fun, and we both felt more relaxed afterwards.”

“True.” He pulled me close to him and kissed the top of my head. “I always feel relaxed when I’m with you.”

“Really?” I held him close to me.

“Yup. You make me relaxed and happy, Alice. You’re my everything. You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me.”

“You’re only saying that because I booked us a room at Kat’s Corner again next week.”

“Well, are you not excited to try out the sex swing?” His fingers grazed my lips as he stared at me.

“Well, about that …” I said and sat up. “I have a little surprise for you.”

“You do?” His eyes widened in glee. “What is it?”

“It’s an early birthday present.” I jumped out of the bed and grabbed a big plastic bag that was next to my suitcase. “I figured maybe you might want it early.”

“Ooh, what is it?” He grabbed the bag and pulled out the box holding the doorjamb sex sling that I’d bought him. “Wow,” he said with a huge smile as he stared at the box. “This is hot. Seriously hot.”

“We can try it now, if you want?” I winked at him and laughed as he jumped out of bed and ripped open the box. I stared at him while he set the sex sling up and smiled to myself. This was what it was to be in love. This is what it meant to be adventurous and fun loving. I didn’t need to play games with Aiden. I didn’t need to try and make him jealous. I knew I loved him and he loved me and that was enough. Between our adventures in and out of the bedroom, I had enough to deal with.

“You need to hold onto these straps and put your feet in here.” Aiden pulled me over to him and lifted me up so that I could fit in the sex sling.

“I hope it doesn’t fall down,” I said as I glanced up at the top of the door with a worried expression.

“Don’t worry,” he said and gave me a quick kiss. “I’ll be here to catch you if you fall. I’ll always catch you, Alice. I’ll always be here to catch you,” he said and my heart melted as his eyes glittered into mine right before he entered me with one long, deep thrust.

Note From Author

Thank you for reading Falling For My Best Friend's Brother. I hope you enjoyed it. If you did, please leave a review and recommend the book to your friends. This really helps me as an author.


I am thinking about writing a book for Scott Taylor and Elizabeth and a book for Henry James as well if enough people are interested. Please
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Also, there is another standalone book for Liv and Xander called One Night Stand that you should definitely read if you haven't read it yet. Find out why Xander is called Mr. Tongue!



You can see a list of my other book releases

One Night Stand


The Ex Games


Rhett in Love

The Last Boyfriend

Everlasting Sin

The True Diary of That Girl


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