Falling for Seven (18 page)

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Authors: T.A. Richards Neville

BOOK: Falling for Seven
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“Obviously.” She took a few hits and then handed it to me. I looked down at it with disdain.

“Let me guess,” said Nicky. “You don’t smoke?”

“No. I’m in training, I shouldn’t even be drinking.”

Kaitlyn jabbed the joint farther in my face. “Come on, Angel. I dare you.” She smirked, her eyebrows wiggling.

“You know what happened last time someone said that to her.” Nicky’s laughing turned into a grunt when kit planted her foot into his thigh. “Shut the fuck up, idiot.”

I looked at her in apology.

“It’s fine. It was forever ago. Just take the damn joint, would you?”

I extended my fingers like I was ready to grip a needle filled with Hepatitis C. I reluctantly took a drag, my lips on the very rim. I inhaled, nearly sucking back the roach, and coughed up an explosion of smoke, raw against my throat. Katlyn and Nicky doubled up with laughter.

“Oh, man. You are holding it like a cigarette. Here.” Katlyn adjusted the joint in-between my thumb and forefinger. I had another go. “That’s better,” she said. “I bet this is the worst thing you’ve ever done, huh?”

I passed Nicky the joint. I felt floaty. Really freakin’ floaty. “Yeah,” I mumbled. I couldn’t speak as loud as I wanted to. My reflexes were too relaxed. I giggled, my whole body lifting with a weightless, alien sensation. I was in a hazy bubble and everything was just great.

No problems here.

It was amazing how quickly all the things I’d been worrying over diminished into non-existence. Maybe I should have been getting high all along.

Two games of beer pong later and I had discarded of my jacket and was immersed in some sort of weird dance, my arms wafting all over the place. Katlyn raised my arm, my hand in hers and we danced together to a Justin Bieber song. I felt Nicky settle in behind me when Katlyn declared that she had to go pee in the trees.

“I definitely would have,” he said, his lips pressed against my ear. I shivered from his hot breath, and wiggled out of his hands when they cradled my hips. “I’m not surprised Seven has turned into a pussy. He won the lottery when you came along. Sexy little Spanish piece. I never knew O’Hara had it in him. Bet you are a freak in the sheets.”

I blinked. I was either really stoned, or Jordan was here. I gave my focus more time to come together.

Yep. Jordan was here, and coming this way.

“Actually,” I slurred, full of beer, and pushed Nicky out of the way. “I don’t care what you or Julian think. I have someone and he is way better than all of the guys here.” I poked him in the chest, stumbling forward. “Including you.”

Nicky’s sly smile grew. “Seven know this?”


Nicky advanced on me, his hands sliding over the back of my thighs. I wanted to be more forceful with him, but I was moving and retaliating at the pace of a slug. He looped his finger through the strap of my tank top and let it slap against my skin. “You up for giving me another peak of what’s under there?”

“Yeah, right.”

Katlyn ran up behind Nicky and jumped onto his back, reaching round to kiss him. “I’d say it’s time for some skinny-dipping.”

Nicky grabbed her leg and readjusted her so he was carrying her from the front, her legs wrapped around his torso. “That’s why I love you, babe.”

I slapped him on the arm, laughing. “You’re funny.”

And then he no longer mattered, because Jordan was here.




Jordan steadied me by my forearm while I struggled to get out of my sweats. “I’m not so sure this is a good idea. She’ll probably drown.”

“Pish-tosh,” I said. I was tangled at my ankles, and if it wasn’t for his hold on me I’d have been in the lake already.

“Pish-tosh?” Jordan crouched down, his legs in a wide-V, wearing only a black pair of boxer briefs, and pulled my sweats free, tossing them aside. His eyes slid up my bare legs and lingered on my white panties. They weren’t the nicest in the pack, but they were free of holes and tears. He re-adjusted his junk in front of everyone and then stood up.

Katlyn was with Nicky a few feet farther along the lakeside, her arms crossed over her bare chest. Jordan kept up a steady stream of glances in her direction, feasting on the display of side-boob. It was enough to release the weight into the pit of my stomach. Jordan hadn’t just brought himself tonight, he had brought all the usual feelings of never feeling good enough with him. No amount of alcohol could cover it up, but that didn’t mean I wouldn’t keep trying.

“This is as far as I go,” I said, circling my hand in front of my tank top and underwear. “I’m redeeming my reputation.”

“Where the fuck are Kit and Seven?” Nicky said to no one in particular.

“Doing exactly that. Fucking.” Dan said it serious enough, but my stomach rolled with the reality check. It wasn’t lost on me that they had been gone most of the night. “They were never coming back,” Dan went on.

My buzz was steadily being killed off. Desperately wishing he would shut up, I took a step forward, threw out both my arms and pushed him into the lake. He came up to the surface quickly, wiping a hand down his face.

“Aw, fuck no, you didn’t.” He hoisted his body up to the edge and grabbed my ankle. I couldn’t fight it. I dropped like a ton of bricks and he pulled me in, my ass sliding along the grass. I was laughing hysterically, unable to grab a breath. I didn’t get too far under when I was pulled back up, the pressure so tight on my arm it felt like my skin was burning.

“Easy, tiger.” Dan lifted me out of the lake and dropped me onto the bank with my legs still in the cold water. I swiped at the wet droplets sitting on his cropped hair. He ducked, and then sent a wave of water at me. My teeth were starting to chatter as I kicked out at him.

Nicky got into the water and Katlyn waded near the edge. Jordan settled onto the ground beside me, the side of his leg touching mine, but there was an unending distance between us. It was strange, I was no longer his and he was no longer mine, but he felt like mine. And he was here for me after Kit—like Kit always did—persuaded him to come tonight.

“Here’s Seven now,” said Nicky.

I turned my head and saw the Range Rover taillights go out. Kit got out the passenger side and then the next thing she was under Julian’s arm, holding onto his fingers over her shoulder.

“She’s definitely been fucked.” Nicky was nodding his head, a smirk pointed my way.

Was he saying that to piss me off? Julian could do what he wanted. I’d never put any claim on him. The guy I wanted was here, next to me, metaphorical divide or not. If the people I was with wanted fireworks, they wouldn’t get them off me.


17: Julian



SOMEONE WAS SITTING next to Angel, his skin siding up to hers. Rage burned at my temples, but not at them—at Kit.

“Is he here because of you?”

I only just felt her shrug. “I ran into him, and asked him along. I knew Angel would want him here.” Her tone was flat, edging away from any wrongdoing.

“You thought she’d want him here after what happened at Sigma?”

“Nothing happened. He swears it.”

“Okay.” I took the defeat. I didn’t want to fucking talk to Kit anymore, and she’d only bring up the bet if I kept on pushing it.

Nicky jumped out of the lake, his dick dangling everywhere. By the time we got to the lake, the vodka bottle Nicky had brought back with him couldn’t get into my grasp quick enough. I gulped it, aware of Dan creeping between Angels legs from in the water. He smiled, his head getting nearer her underwear. I wasn’t even sure she knew, she looked out of it, too invested in Jordan, and we all knew he wouldn’t speak up.

Move, Angel!

“What’s up, Seven? It’s not like we’ve never shared before.”

“Keep your fucking mouth shut.” I was fired up, my short-fuse now aimed solely at Dan.

Kit’s fingers splayed across my chest. “Baby, calm down.”

“I’m calm,” I said, shaking her off. This was her fault. She brought
here. The vodka bottle made it’s his way back to my lips and I took a few deep pulls, before passing it to Nicky.

“I’ll drive back tonight.” Kit offered. “I could always stay at your place.”

“No. I’ve got shit to do.”

Dan lifted Angel into the water, her giggling a poor effort of staving him off. This time, I wasn’t the only one who looked pissed. Jordan watched the two of them, either jealous or confused. He wasn’t giving too much away, but happy, he wasn’t.

“Whoa, scrappy, she’s taken.” It wasn’t for Dan’s benefit, Nicky was baiting me.

“Kit, get in here already,” said Katlyn. “Before I shrivel up.”

Kit took off her clothes as if it was her profession and then slid off her bra, her tits out for everyone to see. She caught me looking at her, a glimmer of triumph on her face.

She thought I was jealous.

I might have been, I had just had sex with her. Her body had been mine an hour ago, and now everyone was getting a piece.

She lowered herself into the water and when she was fully submerged she catapulted her thong at me. I was quick off the mark, catching them in my fist thanks to my footballing skills, even though I didn’t want them. It was a reflex I couldn’t ignore. I stuffed them into my back pocket. She’d need them later.

“Where’s the vodka?” Angel asked. Nicky passed her the bottle.

Jordan moved fast, sliding into the water the minute there was a break between Angel and Dan. He took the bottle out of her hands, taking a drink, and then pressed his mouth against hers. It wasn’t a kiss, she was swallowing the vodka.

“Get in, Jules.” Kit was safely covered by the water, but we all knew she was naked under there.

“I really need to pee.” Angel started for the edge of the lake. She hadn’t looked at me since I got back, not once. She still wasn’t looking at me.

“We’re in the lake,” said Dan. “Oh shit. There’s Dionne.” The redhead was farther along the lake, lounging in a blow-up dingy, her fingers trailing across the water.

“That’s gross. I’m not doing that.” Angel climbed out of the lake with a good push on her ass cheeks from Dan.

“Yeah, whatever. Go piss in the wild, then. I’ve got someone to see.” He swam away with brisk arm-strokes. There was nothing quite so motivating to Dan than a nice piece of ass.

“Want me to come with you?” Katlyn asked Angel, ready to get out and act as her piss-partner.

“Then who’ll keep my cock warm,” Nicky said, grinning.

“He’s joking,” said Kit when Angel gaped at him.

Christ, could she say

Angel insisted she was fine and hurried to the cover of the forest in a zig-zag line. Jordan got out the lake to go after her.

I sat on the grass with nothing else to do. I’d been in the lake once, and it was freezing. I wasn’t getting in again. Rixton came over, taking the space next to me. Out of all of us, he always kept his shit together. “I take it I’m the designated?”

“You’re probably the only one who’s sober,” I said. I was glad he was here, it would stop me looking back, searching for Angel. “You had enough?”

“I’m cool,” he said, eye-balling me. “You’re the one who looks like you’ve had enough.”

“Yeah, I have,” I admitted. The party showed no signs of dying down, and a few minutes later Jordan came back.


Kit shouted him over and he obliged without a second thought. They got close enough that her nipples brushed his chest, and I’d bet he was flagging a boner under the water. They weren’t doing anything but talking—Kit probably nosing about Angel–but I was partly relieved Angel wasn’t here to see it. “Rix, you ready to leave this shitfest?”

“Sure.” He started to get up when I did.

“Here’s my keys. I promised Angel a ride back.”

He looked at Kit and Jordan getting too fucking cozy, then at me. He nodded his head. “Sure, man. Take your time. See you at the car.”




Angel was too drunk, gripping to the trunk of a tree far enough from the lake that no one would know if she dropped dead from alcohol poisoning. Retching, she threw up a stream of vodka and beer, and fuck knows what else, but it was all liquid. I swept her loose strands of hair away from her face and splayed my fingers on the skin of her over-heated back to stop her from falling. It wasn’t that warm, but the vodka was like a furnace in her blood. I knew the feeling, I’d been close to her state many times when I was in my freshman year and when my dad fucked off. But Angel didn’t grab me as a huge drinker. She was too… innocent, and careful.

“Feel better?” I reached behind my back as she looked up, and pulled off my T-shirt. “Use this.”

She wiped her mouth with the top. “Thanks,” she said, her voice scratchy. “I shouldn’t drink.”

I fastened my hands to the skin of my hips, releasing a puff of air from my cheeks. I wasn’t fighting with her, but I had to say it. “How many times do I have to see those clowns put their hands on you?”


“Dan. Don’t let them touch you, because one sample, Angel, and they’ll want the whole fucking plate. Those guys aren’t Jordan, they’ll fucking eat you up and spit you out.”

Me included.
I still had to deliver.

“I wasn’t thinking like that. He was messing around, it was nothing.”

“You need someone to touch you?” I felt Angel’s heart accelerate when I clamped one hand on the tree bark, high above her head. “Or do you just prefer me jealous? ‘Cause I’m fucking jealous.”

“I’m not trying to make you jealous.”

“Then what the fuck are you doing?”

“Do you always have to curse?”

I hung my head, a bitter smile creeping onto my face. Angel flinched from my nearness and wild anger as I inched even closer. “I was
close to shoving Dan’s head so far up his fucking ass that he’d need a surgeon to get it back out, and you’re bothered about my cursing?”

“You swear too much,” she said, lamely. “It scares me.” It was true. I knew I could switch into a shit storm of aggression at the flip of a switch. “And you’ve got a nerve. I know what you and kit have been doing.”

I don’t know why that should bother me, but it did.

“Did you?”

I stayed silent.

She wacked her fists against my chest with her own wildness. “Did you!” she yelled.

I levelled her with a look that felt more like an apology than it should. “Angel—”

“Never mind. You already gave me my answer.”

The swell of tears strained against her lids. “I’m not mad,” she said, the tears escaping and dripping down her face. My gut twisted. “Because friends forgive, right? You got what you wanted out of me in the shower, pretended you cared.” She looked up through her tears, right into me. “You kissed me tonight. And then you had sex with kit.”

She carved out a second for thought, the dip of a frown weighing above her big brown eyes.  “But that’s okay, because we’re friends. You might not believe this, but I don’t expect anything from you, Julian. Not. A. Thing.”

I let her have her five minutes, ranting like a fucking maniac. She didn’t have a clue what she was talking about. She stuck her hand in the pocket of my sweats, digging around. I didn’t stop her, she could get this build-up off her chest before I landed her with a few home truths.

She snatched her hand from my sweats, not finding what she wanted. “I’m taking this,” she said. I moved out of the way so she could bend down and pick up my shirt, almost falling face-first into the mud. It would be bullshit if I said I didn’t gain a slight satisfaction from that.

She straightened, pulling herself together. She was a clumsy drunk. “Because I’m going to throw up again and I’d hate it to ruin your leather interior. I’ll be in your car when you’re ready to take me home.”

My hand shot out, circling her wrist. Her eyes darted to mine, fixed wide-open. “Shut the fuck up, would you? First, I don’t pretend. And I know you’re not that mad with me because of Kit. You couldn’t give a fuck what Kit and I do, so what happened?”

Her chin jutted the other way, her chest sucking in from her deep breath. Wearing only a pair of white panties and a cropped tank top, and the party-high long gone, a sensitized shiver racked her body. The animosity fizzled out and she rubbed her hands over her arms, finding a source of heat. “Jordan,” she said, “It’s over. Over. Over. Over.”


The edge she had softened, her shoulders rounding. “But he won’t let me go. And I can’t fucking say no.” She was crying, and I felt an aching heaviness above my eyes. I was getting a fucking headache from this guy. “He can’t be with me, but I’m okay for the occasional kiss or grope. I can’t get him off my mind, he’s worse than a spreading disease.”

“You got the disease part right.”

“I’m sick, Julian. And what’s the cure? Tell me, cuz I’m dying here.” She was getting hysterical, shouting, and she didn’t care who heard. “I’m fucking dying. My heart has fucking stopped!” She rived at her top, clutching at her chest. My own breathing got quicker. “I can’t breathe. I can never breathe. I feel like I’m dead. He took everything with him, and I’ve got nothing. Nothing!”

I’d planned on telling her about him and Kit, but I could see now that she’d put up with enough of his games, long before I was ever in the picture. Adding to her pain wasn’t the way to go with this. And she was in pain, real fucking pain. She covered her face in her hands, her breathing loud and jaggedly-uneven. She might be drunk and dramatic, but she was sincere in how much she was hurting.

But it wasn’t love, I refused to believe it. She just needed to be shown something different, something better. Something

I wrapped my hand around the back of her head, guiding her toward me with no resistance, and pressed her face against my chest to shut her up. Causing a scene wasn’t going to make this any better. “You’re not dead,” I said.  Her tears shone on my skin, her hand still covering her face. “It just feels like it. But you’re not, trust me.”

“He owns me. Every single part of me, and he took it all. How do I get through this?” She sobbed through her hands. “What am I supposed to do now? Tell me?”

“That’s easy,” I said, running my fingers over her arm. “Let me bring you back to life.”

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