Falling For You - January Cove Book 3 (12 page)

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Now, you just wait a minute, Leo. You would do well to remember that I am your mother. I am the parent here. You don't get to make decisions for yourself until you're eighteen years old and out of my house. So if I say we're going on a day trip with a friend of mine, that's exactly what we're doing.

He stared down at her as if he was shocked by her tone before she stepped out of the way and walked back into the kitchen without a word. She was hoping a little tough love might shock his system. A few moments later, she heard him shut his bedroom door quietly. She had no idea what that meant, but at least it didn't produce a huge argument. She could only hope that he would behave himself when Jackson showed up the next morning to take them on the boat. And she could only hope that she knew how to behave around Jackson Parker herself.



Chapter 9


Early morning at the beach had always been one of Jackson's favorite times of the day. But today he just found himself a bundle of nerves. As he rounded the corner in his car to pull up in front of Jolt, he could swear that his hands were sweating for the first time in his adult life. He did multi-million dollar real estate deals, yet a certain red head was making him sweat?


Why did Rebecca make him so incredibly nervous? Or maybe it was that he knew that her son was going to give him problems as soon as he walked in the door. Or maybe a miracle had happened and the boy would be excited to go. Yeah, right.


He parked his car in front of the coffee shop in one of the few spaces on the square of January Cove. Looking around his car one more time to make sure that it was tidy enough for guests, he locked the door with the remote and approached the glass door to the coffee shop. As he walked inside, his brother, Kyle, greeted him with a big grin from behind the counter.


Welcome to Jolt,

he said with a beaming smile. Jackson just shook his head and laughed at his brother.


I guess if that whole real estate investment business doesn't work out, you can always pour coffee for a living,

Jackson said.


You laugh, but I've poured several cups this morning without spilling a drop.


So, where's Rebecca?


She's upstairs finishing up her makeup, from what I understand. I haven't seen Leo this morning, but I assume he's going with you?


I hope so. I guess she talked to him about it last night, but I don't know what his reaction was.


Just then, Jackson could hear someone walking down the steps from their apartment. He saw her legs before he saw her. She was wearing a long beige colored flowing skirt and a pair of cowboy boots. And she looked good. Very good, in fact. He thought for a moment how the women back in the big-city didn't look like Rebecca Evans. They looked over-made, but she had a kind of rare, natural beauty that he'd never seen before.


Good morning,

she said, and he was pretty sure she was blushing already. Redheads tended to do that.


Good morning,

Jackson said hoping he wasn't blushing too.

Where's Leo?


Before she could answer, he heard footsteps coming down the stairs.

Relax. I'm coming. I've been informed that I can't make decisions until I'm eighteen.

Jackson wanted to laugh at that remark when he saw Rebecca trying to keep from smiling herself. Apparently she had laid down the law with her son before he had the chance to.


Well, good. I'm glad you're joining us, Leo. I brought the football


Look, dude, I'm not ten years old. I don't need you to throw the football with me or teach me how to fish or show me how to be a man. If you're thinking I'm some kind of charity case that you need to fix, don't bother.



Rebecca said pointing her finger at him.


No, it's okay Rebecca. I understand where he's coming from. I lost my dad young, and I would've reacted the same to any man who came around me then too. But, Leo, I was only bringing the football because your mom said you might want to try out for the team at the high school next year. I thought maybe we could throw it a bit and see if you have any skills.

Again, Rebecca tried not to giggle.


Who made you the football king?

Leo said crossing his arms and jutting his chin out like he was challenging Jackson.


No one, I guess. It's just I was an All-Star all four years in high school, and I know the coaches personally. In fact, I played with all of them in high school.

With that, Jackson waived at Rebecca and started toward the door.


Well maybe we can throw it around a little bit,

Leo said moving a little more quickly than Jackson would have imagined. Maybe he had a chance with this boy after all.




Rebecca had to admit that she was impressed with the way Jackson had nonchalantly handled her son. She had never seen Leo change his tune so quickly, but she was happy to see that Jackson wasn't scared to stand up to him. If she was honest with herself, it was kind of nice to have a strong man standing behind her for once, even if it was just for the day.


She had no illusions that this was anything but a nice guy trying to help a woman who was obviously in distress with her son. But she needed some time away from the coffee shop, and she needed some new people to support her in January Cove. Now that her secret was out, there was really no need to keep hiding out in her tiny apartment over Jolt.


After you,

Jackson said, opening the passenger door for her.


Thank you,

she said with a smile as she tucked her long skirt under her and slid into the seat. Leo opened the back door and flopped down in the seat just behind hers.


Once Jackson was behind the wheel, he shot her a glance and a smile. Her stomach knotted up in a way it hadn't since she'd met her husband all those years ago. Even when she was dating for that brief moment in time a few years back, she hadn't had those feelings. But there was something about this Jackson Parker guy.


So, have you been on the ferry yet?

he asked as he pulled onto the main road.


No. I didn't even know there was a ferry until you mentioned it,

she said with a laugh. She hadn't spent a lot of time sight seeing since moving to January Cove. Her focus had been only on her business and her son, both of which took up plenty of her time.


Well, you're going to love the island. It doesn't even officially have a name, but the boat captain knows me from high school so he takes the occasional side trip and drops me off there.


I guess it pays to have connections,

she said raising her eyebrows.

You take a lot of dates over there?

Oh, goodness, why would she ask a thing like that?


No. I live in Atlanta. Remember?

he said cocking his eyebrow up at her.


Oh. Right.


Seriously, though, I've only gone to the island with family and a couple of buddies from high school back in the old days. It's a special place to me.


Well, we can't wait to see it. Right, Leo?

she said turning slightly. Leo was slouched in his seat, looking out the window as the small town passed before his eyes. He didn't respond or look at her, but she didn't want to start an argument so she left it alone.


A few minutes later, they pulled into the parking lot where the ferry left. Jackson opened his door and immediately came around to open hers. Southern chivalry was something she was really starting to love. Leo opened his own door and stood beside the car, hands in his jean pockets.


Jackson Parker! Holy hell, man, how long's it been?

a man said walking toward Jackson from the dock.


Clay! Man, you got fat!

Jackson yelled back laughing at his obvious attempt at humor since the man was muscular and cut like a bodybuilder.


They did the requisite

man hug

and then pushed each other like two twelve year old boys.


Rebecca Evans, this is one of my oldest friends in the world, Clay Hampton,

Jackson said smiling as he put one arm around his friend.


Nice to meet you, Rebecca. I'm sorry you had to ride with this city boy,

he said laughing.


Whatever. And this is her son, Leo,

Jackson said as he cocked an eye at Clay. It was apparent to Rebecca that Jackson had said something to Clay about her son's attitude. She hated that Leo was getting such a bad reputation in their small town already.


Hey, Leo. Nice to meet you,

Clay said extending his hand. Leo didn't look up or take his hand. Instead, he mumbled a halfhearted


and then sighed as he walked toward the dock.


I'm sorry,

Rebecca said with a weary smile.

He's been having some issues lately...


Listen, you don't have to explain. Really. I totally understand. I remember how this guy acted after his father died,

he said pointing at Jackson. "He'll get through this. Just part of being a hormonal teenager.


Rebecca was thankful for such a kind person. Everyone seemed kind in January Cove. It was like an oasis in the middle of a world filled with anger and danger. She wondered what Clay's story was, because she could definitely tell that he had one, but she decided to leave that for another day.


Jackson retrieved some items from his trunk as Clay motioned for them to come to the ferry. They all passed Leo, but he eventually followed. The ferry wasn't huge, but it had an upper deck which was where Jackson led them. Clay took control of the vessel, and a few moments later they were pulling away from the dock.


Are we the only ones on here?

Rebecca asked incredulously as they pulled away.


Yep. He normally wouldn't be doing a run today, but it pays to know people,

Jackson said laughing.


Leo sat down on one of the bench seats and leaned over, watching the water as they started the journey to the island.


Wanna sit?

Jackson asked, yelling a little over the roaring of the engine as it started to cut through the water.



she said, almost a little nervous to be somewhat alone with him. He motioned for them to take a seat on another bench seat across the ferry from Leo.


He'll be fine, Rebecca,

he said as he waved her over. She smiled and sat down, still looking at her son.


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