Falling Into Temptation (2 page)

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Authors: A. Zavarelli

Tags: #Romance, #New Adult & College, #Romantic Suspense, #Mystery & Suspense, #Suspense

BOOK: Falling Into Temptation
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Years of being fed to the vultures made me this way. And I can’t help it if I enjoy the monster I’ve become. In fact, I don’t just enjoy it. I revel in it. I want to be the monster that terrifies them. The sex is better when they hate me because there’s no hiding that in the moment. And once I’ve established that parameter- made them bare their souls to me under the weight of my cock inside them- then I can be done with their bullshit.

Because I tolerate bullshit from no one these days. And that’s why I was so surprised this morning by little miss attitude. She knew who I was and genuinely didn’t seem to give a fuck. She spoke to me with disdain. It usually took at least a brutal hour of fucking before it ever got to that stage. And I have to admit, she has my attention.

Although I despise my weakness for what I’m about to do, I can’t stop myself. I reach for the desk phone and hit the intercom. “Margie can you put me through to Allan Ricketts, I need a background check.”

“Sure thing, Mr. Maddox.”

A moment later the phone rings through.

“Allan Rickets speaking, what can I do for you?”

The voice on the other end of the line sounds especially annoying right now. I hate using this detective, but he’s the best, so I keep my personal opinions out of it.

“Allan, it’s Gabriel Maddox. I need you to run a background check for me, but this one might take a little more work than usual.”

I often use Allan’s services to dig up dirt on someone when I need it, namely women who are trying to blackmail me in some way. I don’t like doing it, but it’s the dirty business of the world I live in. And Allan being the sleazy man that he is, does not disappoint.

“Okay,” Allan replies curiously. “Lay it on me. What do we have?”

“I ran into a woman on the street this morning. I don’t know her name. But she works for the On The Run Courier Company. Her physical description reads as short, approximately 5’3”, brown hair, Caucasian. She was wearing ripped jean shorts and a red jacket. I need you to track down all of her info for me, anything you can get, and send it to me ASAP.”

Allan mumbles to himself as he takes down the notes, repeating everything at a snail’s fucking pace. “Okay, I think I got it.”

“One more thing,” I remember suddenly. “She seemed to be running from something, or someone maybe. She came from the Deli on the corner heading West and ran into me in front of Maddox Corp. Can you try pulling some of the security footage around that area? I’d like to know if we can find out what she was running from.”

“Sure thing,” Allan replies cheerfully. Too cheerfully. He knows he can expect a big commission on this one, and I’m sure that’s why his day just got a whole lot brighter.




Chapter Three




Four days have passed since I met Gabriel Maddox, and I still can’t believe it. Of all the men I could have crashed into in this city, it had to be him. The twenty-seven-year old heir to the Maddox Hotel Chain. For some reason, his face is always plastered in magazines and people consider him a big celebrity. I suspect it has more to do with his good looks than anything else. I don’t actually read the articles about him because they’ve never particularly interested me. People like the Maddox family might as well live on another planet because we’ve got nothing in common.

Work has been slow this week with only a few deliveries from the courier company, and nothing from the temp pool I’m signed up with. I try to keep myself busy by taking photos around the city, but I can’t seem to focus on anything. Since Gabriel touched my hand, I’ve pathetically found myself day dreaming about him. They are harmless fantasies, of course, but I can’t understand why I’m having them. I find the man completely appalling. He is arrogant and rude and exactly the kind of guy reckless me would go for. And I’m trying to keep her under wraps. Shows how pathetic I am, a little male attention and I want to throw myself at the guy.
So much for not reverting back to my old ways.

I would be lying if I said I didn’t think he was attractive. The man is sexy as hell, but the fact that he knows it definitely detracts from that. He looks at everyone as if they are a bug to be squashed beneath his polished shoe. Then again, it could have just been my angle from the ground.

He looked intimidating all the way up there although I suppose that’s what he was going for. He stood before me like the perfect male specimen. Tall and virile with a lean muscular build, filling out his impeccably tailored suit with ease. His dark brown hair had been gelled into a style that leaned just on the edge of wild. But when he started running his hand through it, things really started to get crazy. It only made me think of what his hair would look like after sex, which wasn’t a good thought to have in that moment of weakness.

But what really got me were those eyes of his. I’m such a sucker for a bad boy with nice eyes. And he had them in spades. They seemed to change before me from icy blue to stormy gray. And I couldn’t help but think that his photographs in the magazines hadn’t done him justice. Or maybe I just never really paid that much attention before. I guess I can see why all the women go gaga for him.

Still, all the good looks in the world can’t make up for his shitty attitude. I giggle as I recall the way I talked to him that day. I don’t know what came over me. Maybe it was the adrenaline, or maybe he just really pissed me off, but either way I think he was as surprised by my outburst as I was. He just stood there, towering over me like he was King of New York. Looking at me like he wanted to rip my clothes off right there in the street. Or maybe that was just my imagination because the thought is ridiculous.

I am so not his type. From the little I’ve seen in the pictures, I’ve gathered as much. But still, I can’t dismiss the fact that he had that look in his eyes. It’s something I learned a long time ago, how to tell when a man wanted you. It might not sound like rocket science, but there are a lot less obvious clues than people might realize. And when you base your entire self-worth off a man’s affections, those things become important. Of course, that was reckless me.

I’m proud to say I’ve come a long way from my self-destructive ways.  It helps that my best friend Alanna is always here to guide me too. She doesn’t tolerate any of my bullshit and has no problem telling me when I’m doing something stupid. With her help, I’ve gone two years without dating anyone.

I used it as time to try to sort my own problems out, and figure out what it is I really like. And I’ve grown much stronger for it. I’m done being the desperate girl I was before. But now, my self-imposed man detox is getting a little old. Especially as I watch Alanna go on yet another date while I sit home with a tub of Ben and Jerrys. 

I wish I could be more carefree and unemotional with men like Alanna is. She knows how to have fun without getting attached. She’s like one of those gypsy free spirited types who can go on a couple of dates with a guy, have a good time and leave without regret or feelings getting in her way. Of course, that’s the way she has to live because of our lifestyle, but Alanna doesn’t seem to mind.

I’m the total opposite. I’m usually shy and awkward around men and have a tendency to be too passive. Alanna says I’m a classic people pleaser. Unless I’m provoked, and then I’m a force to be reckoned with. My father always used to tell me I inherited a fiery Italian temper from my mother, and I suppose it’s true.

For as long as I can remember, my relationships have been emotional train wrecks. I had a somewhat unsettling fascination for bad boys. I suppose it has something to do with my past, but I don’t really want to analyze why. I always let myself get emotionally invested too fast, even when I know it’s a recipe for disaster. Alanna often jokes that I’m a masochist, but I wonder to an extent if that might be true.

I set my ice cream container on the coffee table and ease back onto the couch, wanting to rest my eyes for just a few moments. I’m surprised how tired I am.

The last thing I remember is drifting off into a blissful dream of Gabriel touching my hand softly like he did the other day.

And then I’m awoken by soft laughter above me. I half open my eyes to see Alanna hovering over me, grinning like the Cheshire cat. Her long brown hair is casually braided over her shoulder, her green eyes bright with amusement.

She looks happier than I’ve seen her in a long time, and I wonder if it’s New York, or something else. She may look like your average twenty-six-year old, but she is far from it. Behind the relaxed and happy face she shows the world, Alanna’s scars run deep. Though she’s come a long way, it’s always refreshing to see her looking so… alive. A vast difference from the first time I ever met her.

“What’s so funny?” I cover my eyes to block out the light.

She just giggles and shakes her head. “I think the better question is what exactly were you dreaming about?”

I sit up on the couch to make room for Alanna, my face flushing with embarrassment. “Oh God, what was I saying?”

“Well, I only caught the last few bits and pieces, but something along the lines of how beautiful you think he is. So tell me…” She flutters her eyelashes dramatically. “Is this another dream about Gabriel, the sex God extraordinaire?”

“Oh, geez.” I curl my knees into my chest. “I was dreaming about him again. What the hell is wrong with me? It’s been way too long.”

Alanna smiles playfully. “I find it rather amusing actually, and so much better than watching you have your usual nightmares. This is nice for a change. I think it’s a sign… there’s only one way for you to get it out of your system.”

“And what exactly is that?”

“You should go straight to that big fancy building of his, storm into his office, and fuck him relentlessly right on his desk.”

“Jesus, Alanna, you can be so crude sometimes.” I laugh. “What happened to you looking out for me huh?”

“I am looking out for you.” She winks. “You’ve come a long way. And I think this is a good time to ease yourself back into it. Just remember to keep it casual.”

“I’m not even his type,” I protest. “And I don’t want to think about it anymore. I just need to get out of this apartment because I’m going crazy with boredom. I was hoping tomorrow night my super popular BFF might be able to actually book me into her schedule for some girl time.” 

“Of course my darling, anything for you.” Alanna grins. “So what part of town shall we tear up tomorrow?”

“I’ll leave that up to you, you always know where all the hot guys hang out.” I stand up and stretch my tired muscles. “But for now I’m dragging my ass back to bed, so I can get to the courier office first thing tomorrow.”

“Always so motivated.” Alanna chuckles. “Go to bed and get some rest because you’re going to need it for tomorrow night.”

I plod down the hall to my room, collapsing onto the single mattress on the floor and curling into the blankets around me.




The next morning I’m woken by the annoying sound of my cell phone. I reach to the nightstand beside me, knocking some of the contents to the floor as I fumble for it in the dark. I check the screen and frown when I realize it’s only six-thirty.

“Hello?” I whisper groggily.

“Victoria!” Marvin’s voice booms through the speaker. “Where the hell have you been? I tried calling you five times last night, you never got back to me.”

I roll my eyes at my overly dramatic boss from the courier service. “Jesus, Marvin do you even know what time it is? You never call me this early. I fell asleep early last night and I must not have heard you call.”

“Well, I don’t care what you were doing last night, all I care about is that you’re here at 7:30 sharp. I have an important delivery I need you to make this morning.”

“Alright fine, 7:30 got it. See you then.”

I shut the phone and crawl out of bed. It’s unusual for Marvin to call so early, and even stranger that he demand I make a delivery. We have about ten couriers fighting for work, so I don’t really get it. I wonder what could possibly be so important.

I make my way to the bathroom and go through the motions of having a shower and brushing my teeth while still half asleep. I apply a few dabs of mascara and my usual Red lipstick- the small amount of makeup I do wear on a daily basis. By the time I’ve dried my long hair and run my fingers through it to tame my wild curls, I realize I have five minutes before I have to leave.

I dart back to my room, throwing on a pair of skillfully shredded leggings, my Cherry Red Doc Marten boots, and matching red leather jacket. This is one of my usual work outfits because my boss doesn’t care what I wear, so long as I get the parcel there on time. I developed my own sort of style when I finally got away from Eleanore, and its one thing I refuse to bend on.

Even though I used to worry that my clothing would make me stand out, I came to realize that people actually look at me less. Nobody wants to make eye contact with the weird grunge style girl, and that suits me just fine.

My clothing is a mix of comfortable yet practical at the same time. I like to have lightweight clothing while I do deliveries since I’m usually running all over the city. I grab my keys, my iPod, and my messenger bag and rush out the door.

When I arrive at the courier office exactly one minute ahead of schedule, my boss still manages to shoot me an exasperated look. He reaches under the desk and pulls out a parcel before handing it over to me. “Here’s the address, now you need to get going right away to make sure you get there on time.”

I take a look at the address and a sudden spark of familiarity shoots through me. When I glance at the name on the top, I shove the parcel back towards my boss like its poison. “Nuh- uh, I’m not doing it, you’ll need to find someone else.” I cross my arms stubbornly and wait for the blowback.

Marvin’s face twists pleadingly. “You have to do it, Victoria, there is no one else. This client paid a large sum of money for this service, and you get seventy percent of the cut. He was very specific about that. And besides he asked for you personally. It has to be you or else the deal is off.”

“Oh, you have got to be kidding me!”

Why the hell would he ask for me?
The part of me that wants to be flattered is largely overshadowed by my annoyance. I planned on keeping him a part of my fantasy world, not the real one.

“I’m not a prostitute Marvin, he can’t order me specifically. This is a courier service, how could you even agree to that?”

Marvin shakes his head seriously at my insinuation. “Look, Victoria, it’s not all that unusual with high profile clients to ask for someone specific. They only trust certain people to get the job done and I guess you were it. Trust me I tried to get him to let me send someone else because you haven’t even been here long enough to do a job like this one. With this kind of commission, it’s ludicrous really, but he insisted. And I had no choice but to accept. If you don’t do this job it could ruin my business reputation. You have no idea how powerful that family’s word is.”

I roll my eyes and snatch back the parcel. “Fine Marvin, I’ll do it. Only because I need this job and I don’t want this prick ruining your business over me. But you owe me big time!” I turn on my heel and stomp out the door. As it closes I hear Marvin yell a thank you behind me in his New Jersey accent.

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