Falling Into You (7 page)

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Authors: Maureen Smith

BOOK: Falling Into You
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She nodded quickly, and his hand rose and
fell again, lightly at first, then with increasing pressure as she panted and
writhed against him, on the verge of climax.

she moaned. “I want you inside me, fucking me hard.”

The words were barely out of her mouth before
he was unzipping his jeans and sheathing himself with a condom he’d retrieved
from the back pocket.

She parted her legs, braced her hands on the
countertop and leaned over the sink as the slick head of his cock probed at her
swollen opening.

,” she half-commanded,

He thrust inside her, so high and deep she
felt him in her womb. She cried out and arched backward, her pussy muscles
clenching tightly around him. With one hand he massaged her breast while with
the other he continued slapping her butt to the beat of his hard, voracious

Rebecca watched their joined images in the
mirror, unbearably aroused by the sight of this virile, gorgeous man having his
way with her.

As he pumped harder and deeper, she felt the
tension rising within her, felt her body approaching release.

She reached behind her and squeezed Vince’s
naked ass, and he shuddered and began thrusting faster, his balls slamming
heavily against her bottom. A moment later, she felt the blinding pleasure of
an orgasm overtake her, wrenching loud, helpless cries from her throat.

As her body exploded, Vince slid halfway out
of her, then plunged deep and hard, one last tremendous thrust that locked
their bodies together. He shouted her name hoarsely as he came, an orgasm so
strong and violent it shook her own body.

They remained clamped together, his hands
gripping her waist and her palms flattened against the countertop, until the
tremors subsided and their breathing gradually returned to normal.

There was a wet suctioning sound as Vince
eased out of the slick clasp of her pussy. With an economy of motion, he turned
her around and lifted her onto the counter, then stepped between her legs. His
eyes smoldered with desire as he cradled her face between his hands, leaned
down and captured her lips in a deep, provocative kiss.

“Are you hungry yet?” he whispered against
her mouth.

Smiling coyly, Rebecca curved her arms around
his neck and licked the seam of his lips. “Yes, but not for food.”

That was all Vince needed to hear.

He lifted her into his arms and started
purposefully from the bathroom. Before they even made it past the doorway, her
legs were locked around his waist and he was thrusting deep inside her.


An hour later, the two lay spent in each
other’s arms with Vince’s shaft cozily sandwiched between their bellies as his
hand stroked the lush curve of Rebecca’s ass. He couldn’t remember the last
time, if ever, he’d felt so thoroughly satiated.

“We definitely couldn’t be roommates,” Rebecca
drowsily declared, her warm breath tickling his neck.

Vince chuckled. “Why not?”

“Well, for starters, we’d both starve to

“Food is overrated.”

She laughed. “Speak for yourself. I happen to
enjoy eating.”

“Hey, don’t blame me. I asked you an hour ago
if you were hungry.”

She sighed. “I know. What can I say? I found
a better way to satisfy my, uh, appetite.”

Vince smiled.

When Rebecca fell silent he waited, sensing
she wanted to say more. Moments later she did, her voice soft and subdued. “I
don’t sleep around, Vince. Especially not with men I’ve just met.”

“I know,” he murmured. “I knew that the
moment I laid eyes on you.”

She angled her head back to give him a
dubious look. “How could you have known that?”

He smiled into her eyes. “I have a sixth
sense about these things.”

“Must come from a lot of experience.”

“Maybe.” He studied her expression. “Would
that bother you?”

She hesitated, then shook her head and
snuggled closer to him. Her exotic scent, combined with the musk of their
lovemaking, filled his nostrils. His body stirred.

“Whatever happened to your friend?” she asked

“My friend?”

“The one you came here to visit.”

“Oh.” Vince wondered what she’d say if he
told her the truth, that
lived there. But he’d already told her that he didn’t, and he couldn’t risk
blowing his cover. It was bad enough that of all the places in Baltimore Rebecca
Edmonds could have chosen from, she’d moved into
apartment building.

Seeing that she was still awaiting his reply,
Vince said, “He wasn’t home.”

“He?” Rebecca echoed casually. “The friend
you were visiting was a male?”

“Yeah, an old buddy from college. We must
have gotten our times mixed up. I’ll call him again tomorrow and reschedule.”

If Rebecca doubted his story, she didn’t let
on. Idly stroking his bare chest, she sighed. “I’m not looking forward to
unpacking all this stuff.”

“Want some help?”

“From you?”

“Yeah. I’d be more than happy to help you out.”

Rebecca smiled. “Thanks, but I couldn’t ask
you to do that.”

“You didn’t ask. I offered.”

“Well, I can’t accept your offer.”

“Why not?”

“Because we just met. It’s too soon for me to
be putting you to work like that.” Rebecca paused. “I’ll wait
at least
a week.”

Vince laughed, kissing her temple.

He felt her smile against his chest. “By the
way, what did you order for dinner?”

“A little of a lot. I wanted to make sure I
got something you liked.”

She chuckled. “You mean your sixth sense
didn’t tell you what my favorite Chinese dish is?”

“If I could read your mind,” he drawled,
“where would be the fun in getting to know you?”

“So you plan on getting to know me, huh?”

“Absolutely. It’s all I’ve thought about
since we met.”

Rebecca slid one long, silky leg up and down
the length of his, making his groin tighten. “I honestly didn’t expect to see
you again after Thursday night,” she confessed.

“Are you kidding? I had every intention of
hanging out at the club until you agreed to go out with me.”

There was a hint of pleasure in the teasing
smile Rebecca gave Vince. “I’ve never really liked pushy men.”

“That’s because you’d never met me.”

She gave a husky little laugh that quickened his
pulse. “Make that pushy,
I’ve never really liked.”

“Hmm. Interesting that you should use the
.” As Vince spoke, his dick
thickened and hardened between their bellies.

“Oh my,” Rebecca breathed, gazing at him.

Vince reached down and cupped her feminine
mound, sinking his fingers into her wet, silky heat. She moaned softly and
closed her eyes.

“I know we’re supposed to be taking a dinner
break,” he said, rolling her onto her back and settling between her legs, “but
I can’t get enough of you, babe.”

Rebecca closed her thighs around his hips,
holding him tighter.

Removing his fingers from her pussy, Vince
slid them into his mouth and sucked off her nectar while she watched, her eyes
turning smoky with desire. He reached for his wallet on the nightstand and
quickly removed a condom, hoping he wouldn’t run out of his supply that night.

“Let me,” Rebecca murmured.

With a supreme effort, he held himself still
as her warm fingers slowly rolled the sheath down his engorged length.

The moment she finished, he cupped her ass,
and she raised her hips to meet him with a throaty command, “Make love to me,

She didn’t have to ask twice.

Vince plunged into her, then withdrew and
thrust again.

As they began rocking together, she
whispered, “You’re right. Food


When they finally emerged from the bedroom,
it was after midnight.

Rebecca was delighted to find that Vince had
set the dining room table earlier and lit scented candles, which were still
burning softly. While she warmed the food in the microwave, he dimmed the
lights and built a cozy fire.

With their candlelit table framed against the backdrop of the glittering
night skyline, they could have been dining at a romantic downtown restaurant
instead of Rebecca’s cluttered apartment.

As they began eating, she forgot about the
unpacked boxes that surrounded them, forgot about the fact that she was wearing
a silk robe instead of a slinky cocktail dress. All that mattered was the sexy
man seated across from her, gazing at her in a way that made her feel as if she
were the only woman alive.

“What’re you smiling about?” Vince asked

“I was just thinking what a small world it
is. What are the odds that I now live in the same apartment building as your
old college friend, and on the day I moved in, you’d be here paying him a

“It was meant to be,” Vince said huskily.

Rebecca had to agree, though she knew it was
dangerous to do so. It was one thing to have mind-blowing sex with a complete
stranger, but if she started attributing terms like
their chance encounter that afternoon, she’d find herself in deep trouble.

enjoy the experience
, she
told herself.
For once in your life,
don’t overanalyze it. Just enjoy the ride.

“Where did you live before you moved here?” Vince
asked conversationally.

“Annapolis. I wanted to be closer to the
university where I teach, but now it doesn’t matter because I took the year off
from teaching to concentrate on completing my doctorate.” She hesitated for a
moment, waiting for him to get the same guarded look on his face that other men
got when they learned about her academic accomplishments. But then she
remembered that Vince Gray was a successful investment broker. So he wouldn’t
be threatened by a highly educated woman.

Sure enough, he smiled easily at her, his
eyes alight with interest. “Women’s studies, right?”

“That’s right.” She smiled, pleased that he’d
remembered. “I’ve always been interested in women’s studies, in learning how
we’ve overcome social and political challenges throughout history. I guess you
could say a part of me has always been something of a feminist.” Her mouth
curved wryly as she looked at Vince. “Does that scare you a little?”

“Not at all.” His voice deepened. “There’s
nothing sexier than a strong, beautiful female who’s in touch with her

Rebecca grinned wickedly. “Well, as you
witnessed earlier in the bathroom, I’m very much ‘in touch’ with my womanhood.”

Vince made a sound that was half laugh, half
groan. “Damn, baby. That was one of the hottest things I’ve ever seen in my

Rebecca’s belly quivered. “And here I thought
maybe I should have been a little embarrassed,” she confessed.

“Hell, no. Believe me, I enjoyed every damn
minute of watching you.”

“And I enjoyed every minute of what came
next,” she purred.

Vince’s gaze darkened as he looked at her.
“Eat your food, woman, before I change my mind about this whole ‘dinner break’

Rebecca laughed, but obediently picked up her
fork again and cut into her sesame chicken. “Have you always wanted to be an
investment broker, Vince?”

“Not exactly.” He hesitated, then added, “I
majored in criminal justice in college.”


He nodded. “My father was a cop. While I
won’t say I always wanted to follow in his footsteps, I definitely entertained
the idea of going into law enforcement—whether as a police officer, or an
FBI or DEA agent. I even thought about going to law school and becoming a

Rebecca tilted her head thoughtfully to one
side and studied him. “Funny you should say that, because I can see you more in
one of those occupations than the one you’re currently in.”

“Why do you say that?”

“I don’t know. You just don’t seem like the
investment broker type.”

Vince gave her an amused look over the rim of
his glass. “How many have you known?”

“Not many,” she admitted sheepishly. “In
fact, I don’t think I know any at all. Point taken, I guess.”

Vince chuckled. “It’s all right. I get that
reaction all the time, especially from new clients.”

“Oh, no. That’s terrible.”

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