Falling Softly: Compass Girls, Book 4 (8 page)

Read Falling Softly: Compass Girls, Book 4 Online

Authors: Mari Carr & Jayne Rylon

Tags: #native American;baby;Wyoming;one night stand;age difference;older man younger woman;interracial;alpha male;tattoo

BOOK: Falling Softly: Compass Girls, Book 4
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“How can you?” he asked as he allowed himself to run his fingers through her hair. She was right—the gesture did make him feel better. Less lonely.

“By making love to you right here, right now?” Standing on her tiptoes, she kissed him softly. Making him sip from her lips for another taste of her sweetness.

“Not that.” He chuckled despite the situation, which should have made him want to cry instead. “I meant, how can you care? I’ve been such an asshole to you these past weeks.”

“I forgive you.” She kissed him again, then said, “I can see how hard this has been for you. I’m sure I would have acted like an idiot too if I were in your shoes.”

Viho flat out laughed this time. Then he groaned. “I’m so much older than you. I’m thirty-eight, Sterling. Doesn’t it bother you that I’m obviously a perv for going after someone not much more than half my age?”

“Nope. I don’t care one bit. Did you know my grandfather JD was almost twenty years older than Vivi? People around here still talk about how epic their relationship was.” She steeled her spine. He adored the determination in her eyes. Almost enough to raise more objections just so she could overcome them.

“Do you have a family anecdote for everything?” He nipped her lip.

“Probably. You could try me.” She shrugged. “Or you could let it go and fuck me instead. I’m definitely in favor of the latter.”

“Wait.” He put his hand on her throat when she would have dipped in for another kiss. Because soon he wasn’t going to be able to stop himself from accepting her offer. But he had to get one thing straight first.

“Viho—” She narrowed her eyes at him.

“Seriously, Sterling. You have to think this through. I’m not planning on hanging around. I just need to save up some more for my truck, and in the spring…I’m leaving.” He didn’t want to hurt her any more than he already had. So he was honest. “It’s better if we don’t get attached.”

“I’m afraid it’s too late for that.” She bowled him over with the raw emotion in her eyes. “I’ve wanted you from the first instant I saw you. And now that I know what you’re really made of, I admire you, Viho. I respect you. I want you. For however long I can have you.”

“Are you certain?” He could only give her one more chance.

She didn’t take it.

“Yes.” Sterling Compton dropped to her knees in front of him. His head fell back as she finished undoing his jeans, then shoved them down. Grateful for the brown paper taped to the windows of the unopened storefront, he let her have her way.

Soon, she had his cock out and ready, her delicate fingers pumping slow but steady until he was fully erect. The instant her lips fastened around the head of his dick, he reflexively thrust his hips, filling her mouth with his arousal.

She didn’t seem to mind, hungrily sucking on him as her fingers wandered lower, to tease his balls.

Viho was glad now not to have a shirt. It saved him some time. He kicked off his boots and jeans, then sank to the floor on top of Sterling. When they were both horizontal, he flipped around, never allowing his cock to leave her moist, warm, sucking—oh, God—mouth.

Once he situated himself, he immediately went to work peeling her jeans and pretty panties down her legs so that he could return the favor. Thankfully, she didn’t try to stop him.

He hummed when he scented her arousal, spicy and delicious. Nothing could have prepared him for how good she tasted when he buried his mouth in her damp folds and licked.

Sterling shuddered beneath him and sucked harder. Deeper.

He took that as a good sign.

So he nuzzled her as he curled one finger, inserting it the barest bit inside her as he continued to breathe softly over her blushing flesh. Viho lapped at her, enjoying her squeals and sighs. He explored, discovering the spots she liked being touched best. What kind of pressure made her moan? He practiced the fluttering of his tongue that she preferred.

He could have eaten her for hours.

Except it wasn’t long before she began to tremble in his arms. Her sucking grew careless and she caught his cock with the sharp edge of one of her teeth. He didn’t mind, because he knew she was lost in the moment and the pleasure he was giving her.

His finger swept in and out of her at an even pace now, while he sucked on her clit with three short bursts of pressure before repeating the pattern.

“Mmmph!” She tried to warn him, but he didn’t require notice.

Then she shoved at his hips, as if asking him to stop. No way would he fall short of granting her the ultimate pleasure. Hell no. She would come on his face. Then he’d make her do it again while he fucked her. There was no reason she couldn’t have both.

Her pussy clamped around his finger, squeezing in rhythmic pulses that matched her moans. He grinned as she unraveled, her orgasm spectacular and prolonged. And when she calmed, he withdrew his cock from her still suckling mouth, sighing at the loss of pressure, though he knew it was only temporary.

Then he spun to face her, eye to eye. He kissed her glistening lips in thanks, then beamed down at her.

“Go ahead and be proud of yourself.” She shot him a lazy smile. “You’re pretty damn good at that.”

“Thanks. And I think you’ll be glad to know I did manage to bum a ride to the clinic. We’re good to go on the Vasalgel.” He raised his brows at her and she smiled, wiping the corner of her mouth on her knuckles. He’d never seen something so sexy in his whole life.

happy to hear that.” She grinned, then rolled him to his back, not bothering to take more time to recover from her epic release.

Viho surrendered, letting her have control since he’d jerked her around for weeks. She deserved to take the reins. And he’d willingly follow.

When her fingers encircled his shaft, he shuddered then waited, mostly patient, for her to introduce the bulging head of his cock to her pussy. He licked his lips, savoring the taste of her honey even as she slathered his erection in it, making him slide deep inside her on the very first stroke.

“Damn,” he groaned and pounded the floor with his fist. He thrust upward, reaching deeper inside her, but she lifted off.

“Oh, come on, Viho.” She
at him, schoolmarm style, making him harder than even before. “Not so fast. You made me wait more than a month for this. Let’s make it last.”

Except someone should tell her that rolling her hips like that was not the way to boost a man’s endurance. It wouldn’t be him. He simply enjoyed it, his hands landing on her waist to help support her while she rode him with fluid glides.

“Easy to say that when you’ve just had what looked to be a fan-
-tastic orgasm,” he huffed.

“It was. Thank you,” she added primly, making him laugh.

Sex, amusement and comfort. What more could he want from a partner?

“You’re welcome.” Viho moaned when she dropped all the way down on his shaft, connecting them fully. She ground against his body, rubbing her clit on him as she did something wicked with the muscles inside her pussy, which massaged him exactly right.


“Since you asked so nicely.” She chuckled at the mock-outrage on his face, then gave him what he’d asked for. Riding him, she filled herself with his erection and ushered him deep inside her at the same time. Her palms splayed on his chest, making him feel less self-conscious about his size. Useful. Good for supporting her. Protecting her.

The thought alone had him hovering on the edge of orgasm.

Sterling froze.

“What?” He couldn’t be more eloquent at the moment.

“Did you think I was kidding about making you wait?” She traced his lips with the tip of one finger, humming when he parted to suck her inside and nibble on the digit.


“You’re cute when you’re horny.” She grinned. “I’m not letting you come yet. Maybe not for a while.”

“Sterling!” He could have rolled over and hammered into her, coming in a moment. But where was the fun in that? Maybe she was on to something.

So he played her game.

Besides, he liked that despite his advantages—in size, strength and age—she wasn’t afraid to put him in his place.

Viho reached up and palmed her taut breasts. He savored the weight of them in his hands, the rasp of her nipples jabbing in the center. When he brushed his thumbs over the peaks, she arched, planting her hands on his thighs to give him better access. She gasped, her breasts more sensitive than any woman’s he’d ever had the honor of touching.

She also rocked over him involuntarily, granting him a moment of relief that soon became tension. He could come so easily in her. She fit him perfectly.

He trailed his fingers down her softly rounded stomach to her pussy, then gave her clit similar treatment. While he teased her, she began to fuck him harder and deeper again, rewarding his attention.

Her thighs began to tremble around him and he knew she wouldn’t be able to deny him for much longer. Except just then, she stopped again.

“Ugh.” He let his head fall backward onto the plank flooring.

“Viho, tell me you want this. That you want me.” For a change, her plea seemed timid and when he peeked into her eyes, they were glassy.

Ah, shit. He had hurt her with his callous treatment. He knew he had.

“I do. Can you feel me, Sterling? I’ve never been this hard for a woman in all my life. Let me fuck you.” It wasn’t really a request as he held her hips still and began to drive upward into her from below. “Let me show you how much I need this.”

She stared into his eyes as he let go, allowing himself to take everything she offered and give all of himself in return. He made sure to swivel his hips, keeping up the pressure on her clit as she’d shown him she preferred when she’d done the work, rubbing herself on him. He plowed into her, slapping them together as she tightened impossibly around him.

And when she screamed his name, he didn’t have to be told she was coming.

She drew the seed straight from his balls and filled herself as she sucked pump after pump from him with the matched spasms of her pussy. He emptied into her with a roar.

Never before had he felt so accepted.

So at home.


Viho closed his eyes to block out the thought as he cradled Sterling on his chest so she didn’t have to lie on the cold, hard floor. He held her as she began to shake and sobs bubbled from her chest.

“I’m sorry. So sorry I hurt you.” He thought of the weeks he’d mandated their separation. Of how he’d lied by omission. Foolish to deny them both this connection.

you. For Jake.” She sniffled. “Your mom. It’s not fair.”

And suddenly Viho wished he could join her.

Instead, he let Sterling bawl for all the nights he’d spent alone.

A single tear tracked down his cheek as he traced circles on her back, impressed with her sensitivity and empathy. Since when had anyone cared about his suffering?

Sterling Compton was special, and she deserved the best from him.

From life.

Which probably meant going on without him.

Chapter Seven

Sterling couldn’t believe it was so late. She stared at the kitchen clock as she ate some toast, still in her bathrobe and fuzzy slippers.

True, she and Viho had worked their asses off the day before, reorganizing the shop, then piled on to their exhaustion with some more enjoyable physical exertion, but still, she’d never slept past noon in her life. Not even as a teenager.

Certainly never until three o’clock in the afternoon.

She wondered if something was wrong with her. Maybe her mom had been right. She’d felt like she had the flu on and off for almost ten days. She figured that must be why she hadn’t gotten her period yet either. A trip to the doctor might not be a terrible idea.

She sniffled, hoping it passed soon so she could get back to normal.

Hopefully she didn’t make Viho sick either. She’d felt fine yesterday. Amazing, actually.

And that was when Hope wandered in. Her cousin worked some odd hours depending on what shift she had at the pharmacy. Today she probably had a graveyard scheduled.

“What’s going on?” Hope rested her hip on the kitchen counter. Although she lived with Wyatt and Clay now, she still kept a few things in her old bedroom since the Compass Girl cabin had a hell of a lot more square footage than the place she shared with her men. Probably came by to collect some stuff or check on Sterling when she hadn’t shown up at the main house all day. At least it wasn’t her dad or mom who had dropped in.

This would be a lot harder to explain if they had.

“I slept with Viho again yesterday.” Sterling figured there was no sense in lying.

“And it wasn’t as good as the first time?” Hope frowned. “I really thought the two of you would make an awesome couple.”

“No, no. That’s not it. It was great. I want more from him, but he’s not into it. Not planning to stick around after he finishes Vivi’s garden.” She shrugged. “That’s part of why he was staying away from me. He didn’t want either of us to get attached when it can’t end well.”

“I guess that plan backfired, now didn’t it?”

“Yup.” Sterling sniffled again. “And I swear to God I don’t know what’s wrong with me. I feel crappy. Everything is making me cry. Hell, I broke down after we came yesterday. I’m not that kind of girl—the weepy-after-sex kind. You know I’m not. The only person less likely to turn on the waterworks after a damn fine orgasm than me is Jade.”

“Yeah, but she’s different around Liam. Maybe you’re not the same with Viho.” Hope sat beside her.

“I guess.” Sterling’s shoulders slumped.

“Or… You told me you were late on your period last week. Have you still not gotten it?”

“Stop right there, Hope. You’ve got freaking babies on the brain lately. Don’t aim that nonsense this way.” Sterling put her arms up in a big X, as if warding off an evil creature.

“You’re right. I’m pretty much obsessed. I’ve been reading everything I can. You know we’re not waiting until the wedding to try. So don’t you think I know the signs?” Hope didn’t hesitate. With surprising strength, she grabbed Sterling and yanked her to her feet. “I have a whole case of tests stashed in the bathroom. What would it hurt—?”

“No.” Sterling tried to dig in her heels, but she was too tired to win.

“Viho was at the end of his Vasalgel, right?” Why did her lunatic cousin seem excited when this was horrifying enough to make Sterling want to stick her head under the pillows and conk out again? For a week this time.

“Stop. Hope, seriously. This isn’t funny.”

“No, it’s not. If you’re pregnant you need to—”

“Gah! Don’t say that like it could be real.” Sterling stuffed her fingers in her ears.

be.” They marched down the hall, then Hope tossed a cardboard box at Sterling. “Pee on it. Pronto.”

She slammed the bathroom door.

Sterling looked at the box. She even read the directions on the insta-test.

“You’re not getting out of there until you do it.” Hope sing-songed, surely barricading the bathroom door. Sterling could usually take her, but not feeling like this, she couldn’t.

“Fuck you. Fine.” It was easier than fighting over something so stupid anyway.

She did the deed, cleaned up, set the test on the sink, then flung open the door.

Hope perched on the other side, nibbling her lip, as if there was anything to worry about.

“Would you quit that? I am
pregnant.” Sterling picked up the test and shoved it in her cousin’s face. “Read it yourself.”

“Sterling…” Hope sounded like she might pass out. Or cry herself. Or shriek.

“What?” she shouted.

“You’re having a baby.”

“That’s not funny.” Sterling rolled her eyes. “Don’t fuck around about something like that.”

“You know I wouldn’t.” Hope reached out, honesty in her eyes. “I’ve prayed for that result so many times lately. You’re lucky, Sterling. You’re going to be a mom.”

Her dizziness amplified as she snatched the test back and looked at it. Then did a double take. And next thing she knew, she was crashing to the floor.

Funny, she’d never known what it felt like to faint before.

A day of firsts.

Sterling came to with Hope crouched next to her, shaking her awake while on the phone. She’d called the other two Compass Girls. Probably to get medical advice from Sienna before ordering them to meet up at the main house as soon as possible.

“What are you doing?” Sterling felt queasy.

“We’re going to talk to Vivi.” Hope swallowed hard. “She’ll know what to do, the right things to say, and she won’t remember we told her so she can’t slip up and tell our parents before you’re ready.”

“I can’t believe this just happened.” Sterling climbed to her feet in a daze. She clung to Hope as they piled into the car and made the quick trip over to the main house.

By the time they arrived, Jade and Sienna waited on the front porch. Sterling hustled inside quickly, afraid of seeing Viho, if he worked outside. How would she tell him? Should she? He’d made it clear that he planned to leave.

Oh God.

She whimpered.

“Shh.” Hope held her hand as they snuck inside. “It’s going to be okay.”

“You can’t know that.” Sterling barely made it inside before she collapsed into a dining room chair and began sobbing.

“Oh, my!” Vivi raced, as quickly as she could, around the table and hugged Sterling. “What’s wrong, dear?”

Sterling wasn’t sure her grandmother knew which of the Compass Girls she was, or maybe she might even have thought she was one of the Mothers instead, but her comfort was universal. And greatly appreciated.

For long minutes, she tried to spit out the problem, but each time she opened her mouth more blubbering spilled out. Surrounded by her cousins and grandmother, she knew she was safe to express her shock and grief. This wasn’t what she had planned for herself.

Kids had never been on her radar.

But that didn’t mean she hadn’t wanted any. Just that she hadn’t thought about it. Didn’t figure she was ready.

When she’d managed to suppress the flood, limiting the proof of her breakdown to intermittent hiccups, Sterling said, “I’m pregnant.”

“What?” Jade stood up so fast, her chair tipped over and crashed to the floor.

“I know.” Her shoulders slumped. “I can’t believe I let this happen.”

Her cousin tried to backpedal. “No, no. It’s just a shock, that’s all.”

“Congratulations.” Vivi beamed as she clasped her hands in front of her. “This is such a great day, Sterling. For you and…”

She grew quiet.

“I don’t remember who your husband is.” For the first time, Vivi seemed defeated. “I’m sorry.”

Sterling couldn’t take any more heartache. She dropped her head on her crossed arms on the table and mumbled, “I’m not married.”

“Oh, well, then I don’t feel so bad.” Vivi giggled. “Is that why you’re upset over such fantastic news?”

“It’s not how I imagined my life.” Sterling winged her watery gaze to Sienna and Jade, who seemed to be recovering.

“Do you think this is how I pictured mine?” Vivi shrugged. “Sometimes we have to cope with what we’re dealt. Gracefully. And trust me, you’ve been given a gift.”

Sterling couldn’t imagine it in those terms just yet. Because surely, this would mean the end of her budding relationship with Viho. Either he was going to be furious, since he planned to head out, or he’d cling, because of his own upbringing. Not because of her.

“Maybe we have.” She looked to Hope. “Why can’t I be a surrogate for you, Wy and Clay? You want a baby. Right?”

Hope’s mouth opened then closed so many times she looked like a fish out of water.

“I—” More cut off sentences and random sounds followed as her cousin sputtered.

“This baby of yours will be loved by our family one way or another. It will live a life full of joy and some sadness. That’s the way it is and always will be.” Vivi put her hand on Sterling’s stomach. “There’s no need to make big decisions today. There’s plenty of time for that. You know, I remember when I found out about each of you kids. And your brothers. Hope especially, since your mom told JD the good news hours before he died. It was the last secret he shared with me.”

In the quiet that followed, Sterling distantly heard a creak, but she dismissed it as Vivi settled into the seat near her. Old houses made lots of those noises.

“That’s the thing. This
to stay secret.” Sterling’s mind raced. She imagined the coming months. “Viho can’t know. You guys don’t understand how fucked up this is.”

“So tell us.” Sienna held her hand. “We’re here for you. We’ll do whatever it takes to help out.”

“Viho didn’t mean to come here. You know, he broke down. He’s not staying. He was very clear about that. I can’t force him to change his plans by tying him to me like this.” She swiped endless tears from her cheeks as she realized how much he would hate her if he knew.

And how much more he would hate her if he didn’t.

“It’s not right to keep this miracle from the baby’s father.” Vivi was stern. “It’s his obligation, and his
, to be a part of this baby’s life.”

“Oh God, if you only knew.” Sterling rocked herself, unraveling again. “He would never forgive me. He’s torn up inside because his own dad isn’t in the picture. Never has been.”

Even in her misery and despair, she vowed to keep the pertinent details secret. “He told me about it last night. That his mom fell in love with a rancher. But for some reason, she didn’t tell the guy that she’d gotten pregnant. She felt an obligation to her family. They sound a little out there, obsessed with outdated customs. And I think they pressured her about her lineage. I guess forty years ago things could have been different too. She was young and had been raised to think like them, you know? So she caved and went back to the reservation. The problem was, some of the people there didn’t approve of her non-traditional relationship. She was ostracized. Viho too. They were kind of outcasts. At least when he was growing up. So when his mom passed away, he walked. Didn’t want any part of that nonsense. And who could blame him? He didn’t have what we have, you know? A big family. All this love. I could never betray him like that…to not tell him about his own child…”

“What is his mother’s name?” Oak chair legs scrapped the floor as Sterling and her cousins spun to face Jake, who’d asked the question in an eerie and ominous rasp. His ashen face glowed in the late afternoon sunlight as the fresh flowers he’d obviously brought in for Vivi fell from his limp fingers.

Sterling thought she might black out again.

“Tell me!” he roared as he crossed the floor with three strides. He shook Sterling, hard. “What is Viho’s mother’s name? Is it Haiwee? Where is she? Tell me, Sterling. Tell me now!”

“What the fuck is going on here?” Sam bellowed right back. He and Cindi, like always, weren’t far behind Jake. Sterling’s father took one look at the fear in her eyes and mistook it. She could never really be afraid of Jake. No, she was terrified of hurting him. “Why do you have your hands on my daughter? What is this about?”

“Oh fucknuggets,” Hope, who rarely swore, cursed beneath her breath.

Sterling almost broke out in hysterics.

“Is it true, Sterling?” Jake trembled where his hands fisted in her shirt. “Am
the sucker you were just talking about, who never got to know his family? Is Viho my son?”

Cindi gasped. She raced to Jake and hugged him from behind.

One by one, Sam pried Jake’s fingers from Sterling.

“Yes.” The man in question stood in the door. Tall and handsome, he stared at her as if she were scum. “Sterling hasn’t lied. I believe you are my father.”

Sterling wobbled as she got to her feet and crossed the room. She reached out to Viho, but he shoved her away. She tripped, skidding across the polished wood floor, hugging her stomach.

“Stop this!” Hope draped over her, shielding her. She glared at Viho. “You may hate her right now, but don’t fuck up too badly or you’ll never know your own child. Don’t hurt the mother of your baby.”

“Excuse me?” Sam whipped around from where he’d braced Jake, either to keep him from rampaging or crushing Viho in a hug; Sterling had no idea at this point.

“Sterling?” Cindi’s eyes were wide and her mouth hung open at the chaos around them all.

Sterling crawled out of the midst of the insanity, then clung to the doorframe as she found her feet. A room full of Comptons had never managed to be so quiet. Until now.

Good thing too because she could hardly manage a sarcastic whisper. “Yes, I’m knocked up. Hooray.”

When it seemed like everyone in the room would rush her, except Viho, who might as well have been turned to stone for all he moved, Vivi headed them off. She stepped in between Sterling and the rest of the commotion. “You will leave her alone. Let her think. Everyone calm down. This is not how I raised my family to behave. Sit your asses down. All of you.”

Even Sterling took a step forward, but Vivi shook her head. “I think you should go outside and get some air. The barn has a good track record for helping people think things through.”

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