Falling Star (Combustible Book 2) (16 page)

Read Falling Star (Combustible Book 2) Online

Authors: Brandy L Rivers

Tags: #hero, #addiction, #stalker, #celebrity, #firemen, #romantic suspense

BOOK: Falling Star (Combustible Book 2)
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“I never said that’s what I wanted.” Her hand wrapped around his cock, sending an electrical shock through his system. She started to go to her knees, but he scooped her up and carried her up to his room. “We did the living room, with all the curtains open. I want you in the bedroom.”

A shy giggle escaped. “You make me forget
but you.”

“Yeah, I know the feeling.” He set her down and closed the door. Before he could reach for her, she pulled her top off, displaying the most gorgeous set of breasts he’d ever seen. He took two steps and curled his hands over her ass as he hauled her up to tease one pink tip with his tongue.

Ella wrapped her legs around him, making his length even harder. Raw need pounded through him greater than anything he’d ever felt. Slow could wait, especially when her nails dug into his scalp, holding his lips to her sensitive flesh.

“Trent,” she called as he laid her back on the mattress, “I need… oh… wait.”

He licked the tight peak and grinned. “Hmm?”

She rolled him over and pulled his pants down, freeing his cock. Then her mouth wrapped around his crown and his head fell back with a groan.

“Ella, you go there and you have to wait…”

She sucked harder, mischief in her eyes as she scraped her nails over his balls.

Sparks of pleasure danced through his body as he pressed his head back into the mattress, trying to catch his breath. Ella licked the slit at the top and hummed. Intense pleasure kept him from thinking straight. She pulled him deep into her hot, wet mouth. His fingers threaded into her hair as he fought the urge to guide her faster.

“Please, baby, come here,” he groaned, barely holding onto control as she pushed him closer to the edge.

Releasing him, she pressed a kiss on his blunt tip before climbing off the bed to rid herself of her jeans.

“So fucking gorgeous.” He lifted his hips, pushing his pants the rest of the way off, then whipping his shirt over his head, before pulling her into his lap.

Ella wiggled over him, her heat coating his length as she chewed her lip, clearly considering something. “You’re clean?”

He nodded.

“And I’m the only one you intend to do this with anytime soon.”

He wanted to promise
ever again
, but her hesitation made him pause. “No one else, for as long as you’ll have me.”

She gulped. “I’m clean. You don’t have to unless you want to wear a condom.”

His breath caught in his chest. He caressed her thighs. “You sure? I’ve never gone bare.”

“Neither have I.”

His eyes locked on hers. “You trust me that much?”

She answered by reaching for his length and sliding down over him. He eased into her seductive rhythm. Ella rose and fell over him, losing herself in the pleasure. She caressed her own body and ran fingers through her caramel hair, enjoying the tingling sensation of each touch… watching his excitement build in the process. Her arms lowered and she gripped Trent’s knees as she rocked back, taking her pace quicker.

He followed the same path with his hands, stopping to worship her breasts. Her hands wrapped around his wrists as she rose up again, her eyes still locked on his as her pace quickened, bringing them both closer to peak.

Nothing compared to the way her body enveloped him, pulling Trent into her soul as she stared down at him. He loved the way her bottom lip caught between her teeth.

“So close,” she whimpered.

He trailed fingers down to the apex of her thighs and thumbed her clit. She came around him, bringing him over the edge. She kept rocking until he thought he might spontaneously combust.

A sigh escaped her lips as she collapsed on top of him. Winding his arms around her, he held on, hoping this was only the beginning.


Chapter 19



Trapped, his breath in her ear. Ella’s eyes flew open in the dark. Her stalker pinned her down, his hands on her body. Panic flooded her entire being. He pulled her closer and a scream tore loose as she pushed and shoved at the man who held her captive.

He moved away so fast, she scrambled off the bed and backed herself into the corner, trying to think.

“Ella, it’s a nightmare,” someone said calmly.

“No. No… don’t.”

The light flipped on and she shielded her eyes.

“Hey, Ella, say something. Please.”

That voice, she knew the voice. Trent. Not her stalker. Tears burned her eyes as she curled into a ball.

“Ella, tell me what to do.” The agony in his voice was enough to tear her open.

“Sorry,” she whispered, sounding out of breath.

Tears flowed when his hand curled over her shoulder. “Please look at me. Tell me you recognize me.”

She sat up and looked at him through the tears, but her gaze stopped at the bleeding scratch across his chest. “Trent, I… oh god.” She scooted past him, around the bed and out of his reach while snatching up her clothes.

Stupid. I can’t do this. I’m not ready.

Trent turned her back around to face him. “Hey, it’s okay. It’s nothing. Didn’t even feel it. I’m more concerned about what just happened.”

Words tumbled from her mouth. “I can’t. This isn’t going to work. I need space.”

“Oh, no you don’t. You need to talk to someone. If not me, Mila, a therapist. Someone.”

She shook her head and reached out to run her fingers over the marks she’d left on him. “I’m so sorry, Trent,” she whispered. Turning, she reached for the door, but he leaned against it before she could get to the handle, and gently pulled the clothes from her hands.

“I get it. You were reliving what happened, or something similar. You woke up in a strange place, in a new situation, and you freaked out. Perfectly natural response to a nightmare.”

“Not ripping you open.” She screwed her eyes shut and tried to step back, but he wrapped his hands around her arms and pulled her against his body. “Trent…”

He kissed the top of her head and held her close in his arms. “Just breathe, Ella.”

Tears leaked from her eyes as she pressed her forehead against his neck. “And if I do it again?”

He shrugged. “Then I wind up with a few more scratches, and if anyone asks, I’ll say you’re a tigress in bed.”

A sad smile pulled at her lips. “Seriously, Trent. I could really hurt you.”

“You didn’t and won’t. And you can’t tell me you’d rather wake up all alone, without me to pull you back to reality. Let me help.”

She touched the scratches and pressed a kiss to his flesh. “I don’t want to hurt you.”

“It’ll hurt a hell of a lot more if you walk out the door. I want to be here for you.”

“I’m a mess, Trent. I should go home.”

“Let me hold you tonight, please. I’ll feel a lot better if I know you’re safe in my arms, not alone and afraid in your bed.”

“You aren’t worried I’ll do worse next time?”

“Not in the slightest.” He took her hand, pulling her toward the bed, and they climbed under the covers.

She curled up beside him and he wrapped his arms around her. Unable to stop them, tears rolled down her cheeks.

“Shh, I’m not letting you go, Ella,” Trent promised, rubbing her back in soothing strokes. “I’m here for you.”

The sense of safety she only felt in his presence enveloped her. She started to relax. Eventually, his heartbeat settled her into sleep.


* * * *


Trent lay in bed, holding onto Ella until her breathing evened out and finally slowed. The terror on her face scared the hell out of him. She had been ready to run, and he wasn’t totally sure it was to her house across the street.

He knew he had wanted to know her from the moment he laid eyes on her. But now, after making love to her, he wasn’t letting go. Not without a really damned good reason. The asshole who broke her confidence, and made her fear the dark, wasn’t going to stop Trent from showing Ella she could overcome anything. Now he needed to figure out how.

The stinging in his chest didn’t compare to the pressure on his heart. He’d do anything to keep from seeing her lose it again.

Once she was deep asleep, he scooted out from under her and went to the bathroom. He pushed the door to the jamb before turning on the light, in case she attempted to leave.

Four bloody welts, several crimson trails down his chest. No wonder she was worried. He cleaned the scratches with soap and water, then used alcohol.

His thoughts wandered to what she’d endured. Waking up tied to a bed in clothes that weren’t here own. That situation would have terrified anyone. Bastard had undressed her, touched her. Probably held her while she was mostly unconscious and bound. Sick fucking prick.

Gritting his teeth, he poured alcohol down the cuts and caught the rest with the towel. “Shit,” he whispered, trying to ignore the sting.

A few scratches weren’t a concern as long as he could help Ella find her strength again. The answer was right there, just under the surface, waiting to break free.

The alcohol burned like a bitch. He gripped the counter and breathed through the pain, then wiped his chest off and washed it one more time before going back to bed.

When he found her hugging his pillow, some of his tension rolled away.

He lay down beside her and shifted the pillow under his head, and lifted her so her head was on his chest, and her arm around his waist. Maybe if she were on top of him, she wouldn’t panic.

Earlier when he’d awakened, she’d been pushing and scratching, then screaming. He’d held onto her, half on top of her. Thinking about her ordeal… that reaction made sense.

Fucking moron, Trent.

He smoothed his hand over her hair in long strokes. He finally relaxed when she curled closer, pressing a kiss to his chest.


Chapter 20



Ella’s phone alarm pulled her from sleep. This time, she felt safe until she saw the ugly reminder of how she’d freaked out the night before. Across his right pectoral were four angry red welts, already scabbing over.

Her nightmares were getting worse. She knew the reason for them but didn’t want to admit the problem ran so deep. The dreams started earlier in her sleep pattern… and more frequently. Most of the time she managed to calm herself down, but twice she’d panicked with Trent right there.

Maybe it
time to talk to someone about her situation before she did something she truly regretted. She hated thinking of herself as weak, as a victim. Her stalker had held her for only a couple of days, but he broke something inside her.

Ella took another look at Trent before trying to climb from the bed, every intention of taking a quick shower.

Trent banded his arm around her waist, pulling her back down beside him. “Hmm, where do you think you’re going, Ella?”

“Quick shower before a run. I’ll take a long one afterward. Don’t worry, I was going to wake you up to go with me.”

“Can I join you in the shower now?”

She laughed. “Not until after our run.”

“Why not?” His fingertips trailed down her pelvis and between her thighs, grazing her sensitive clit.

Her breath caught as desire washed through her. “Because we’re running first, and if you get me soaking wet, we aren’t going anywhere.”

“I like you soaking wet, and you aren’t far from there now.” He pulled his fingers from her and put them in his mouth.

She climbed from the bed and shoved one leg into her jeans. “Running first. I’ll take a cold shower at my house. Meet you outside in fifteen.”

“I’ve got a problem, Ella.” He pulled her hand until she knelt on the bed trying like hell not to look where his gaze dropped. She couldn’t help it. He was rock hard and ready.

“Can’t run like this, and my hand’s not going to get the job done,” he purred.

“You going to be able to run after a repeat of last night?”

A devilish smirk formed on his lips. “I’ll be quick.”

She sighed, trying to think of a good excuse, but she needed him just as bad.

He pulled her fingers to his mouth. “Promise to make you come before I’m done. I sure as hell won’t leave you disappointed.”

“Fast, then separate showers, and running.”

“And after a long shower with you, I’ll take you to breakfast.”

“Or maybe just stop for breakfast before coming back here for that shower,” she replied her brow arching.

He rolled her onto her back and shifted between her thighs while removing the jeans she’d attempted to shield herself with. A breath later, he filled her.

“Trent,” she gasped.

“Did I hurt you?”

“No, just didn’t expect you so fast.”

He grinned. “Needed to feel you around me.” He glided nearly out before sliding back in. She’d never been so damned ready before. “I’m never getting enough of you,” he promised.

She didn’t have words to answer, so she brought his mouth to hers and licked across his lips before caressing his tongue with hers.

He dropped to his elbows, his body moving against hers as her legs slid up his sides to let him fill her further. She was right there with him, letting him wash away every ounce of doubt and fear as he pushed her past the point of no return.

His mouth broke away with a cry of her name on his lips. She came with him and held on.

“I’m glad you stayed,” he whispered in her ear.

“Me too,” she admitted. “Sorry about the scratches.”

He rose and shrugged one shoulder. “I already told you, if anyone asks, I’m telling them you’re a tigress in bed. It’s not a lie.” He kissed her quickly and climbed from the bed. “Better hurry. You’ve got fifteen minutes.”

Ella dropped her head back with a sigh. “Right. Got to get your ass in shape for a marathon.” She rolled from the bed.

His hands wrapped around her waist. “Take a quick shower with me. I promise to keep my hands to myself. Then you can change at home.”

It was the practical option.


* * * *


“I really do need to go,” Ella told Trent around noon.

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