Falling Star (Combustible Book 2) (23 page)

Read Falling Star (Combustible Book 2) Online

Authors: Brandy L Rivers

Tags: #hero, #addiction, #stalker, #celebrity, #firemen, #romantic suspense

BOOK: Falling Star (Combustible Book 2)
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Gavin nodded but didn’t look too hopeful. “I’ll try. She has 400,000 likes and thousands of comments. Not to mention shares. She’s going to hold onto her fifteen minutes of social media fame.”

“Please try. Some asshole ran her off the road. She had a concussion. He kept her for two days. Do you really think she needs to be found again?”

“Might be too late. It’s all over the place,” Gavin pointed out. He pressed a few more buttons and brought up a search engine full of brand new headlines saying things like
Is Raven Star in Lakeridge, California, Raven Star Found in Small Town.

“This is fucking perfect,” Trent muttered.

Gavin shook his head. “I’ll call Rene, but I make no guarantees.” He walked outside.

Kyle patted his shoulder. “What are you going to do?”

“Shit, I don’t know. This is exactly what Ella was afraid of. She figured it was only a matter of time before someone found out.”

“I can’t imagine what she’s going through.”

“I hope she doesn’t decide to disappear again.”

“Mila can talk her down. She’s not going to run. Ella’s already invested in her shop, in you. Maybe she’ll contact the police now.”

“Is Isandro here? I thought maybe I could get his sister’s number for Ella. Figured maybe she’d be the best person for her to talk to.”

“Yeah, he’s in the weight room. I’ll find you when Gavin gets off the phone. We’ll keep an eye on her too.”

“I don’t know, man. Do you really want your wife and kids alone with her when this guy shows up?”

“No, but they’re both smart. They aren’t going to let anyone in. Especially if Ella is right about this guy’s identity.”

“Yeah, I hope so.” Trent made his way to the weight room. A couple of the guys gave him questioning looks. They all knew who he’d been spending all his time with. If they started asking shit, he was liable to lose it.

He pushed the door open and strode up to Isandro, who set down the barbells.

“Hey, can we talk?” Trent asked.

“Sure. What’s going on?”

“Outside, away from prying ears.”

“This have anything to do with that woman you’ve been seeing?”

“You already know?”

“Everyone knows what Rene posted. What does that have to do with me?”

Trent nodded toward the door and headed that direction. He glanced back once he stepped into the sunlight. Isandro wiped his face off with a towel and followed.

Once outside, Isandro asked, “Okay, so what’s going on?”

“I need to get your sister’s number. Ella’s been through some shit. She’s nervous around a lot of people and particularly about some guy who was stalking her before she moved out here.”

His brow wrinkled. “So what they’re saying is true?”

“Who’s saying what?” Trent ground out.

“Some of the guys think she’s really Raven Star. Something about an abduction, a fire, and then she disappeared.”

“This just keeps getting worse.”

“I’m just repeating what I heard. You know me, I’m not talking. Doesn’t matter if she is or not. Either way, give me your phone and I’ll add Marissa’s number. She’ll be happy to help. And if there’s anything I can do, let me know.”

“Thanks. I appreciate it.” He handed over the phone, choosing to trust Isandro. The guy was often quiet but always willing to help if a friend needed it. “And yeah, Ella is who they’re saying, but until Rene posted that picture, only my nephew suspected. But he’s seven, so who was going to believe that?”

Isandro shrugged. “In this little town, why would anyone think it was her?”

“Rene’s an idiot.”

“Give your girl a call. The sooner she talks to Marissa, the sooner they can figure out what to do about this guy.”


* * * *


On her morning jog through town, Ella noticed the extra attention and stares. She couldn’t figure out what the hell was going on. Her pulse raced when she jogged up her driveway and found Mila and a policewoman standing there at her front door.

Ella hurried to meet them, dread rolling through every nerve. Had someone learned her secret? “Morning. Is something wrong?”

Mila nodded. “Someone took a picture. Pretty sure it was innocent, but the woman is a moron.”

Ella’s mouth dropped open. It was so rare for Mila to say anything negative about anyone.

The woman next to her pushed her black hair behind her ear and offered her hand. “I’m Marissa Cortez. I believe Trent mentioned I could talk to you?”

“Yeah. Here, let’s go inside. Want some water or something?” she asked, digging her key out of her pocket and letting them inside. Several emotions warred within. What had Trent told Marissa? Once again, he’d talked to someone about her problem before checking with her. On the other hand, he saw the problem and was trying to help. She didn’t know what to think.

“No, thank you,” Marissa replied.

Mila squeezed Ella’s shoulder. “I’m fine, thanks though.”

Ella walked straight to the fridge and pulled out a bottle of water. After a long drink, she returned to the living room where the two women sat. “So, what happened? How worried should I be?”

Marissa pulled out her phone and turned it to show Ella the picture from the night before. She saw the similarity between a role she played and the picture and winced. Then she read the caption and started pacing.

“That’s not how I wanted my past to come out.”

Marissa frowned. “Slow down, Ella. Tell me what’s going on, from the beginning. Trent says you’re worried about a particular man finding you, as well as the media.”

Facing the policewoman, she nodded. “Yeah. That’s about it. More than a year ago, I decided to finish the movies I had contracts for, then walk away from acting. My brother thought I needed a break, but he’s my agent and doesn’t understand I was already having trouble dealing with the media every time I stepped outside. He tried to convince me to take a long vacation and reevaluate where I stood when I came back.” She shook her head with a sad laugh. “I was on my way to that vacation when everything went to shit.” Ella told Marissa everything that happened, and what she could remember of her stalker.

“Okay, and Mila says you may know who this guy was?”

“Yeah. It might sound crazy. He’s supposed to be dead. But there was this guy in high school. Logan Poole. He was…”

“Obsessed with you,” Mila filled in.

Ella winced “I don’t know, he showed up everywhere and followed me around. He finally got up the guts to ask me to prom, but I turned him down. Guy gave me the willies just by walking in a room. There was no way I would go on a date with him, much less be alone with him.”

“Then what?” Marissa asked.

“Well, the night of the dance, I went with the guy I’d been seeing on and off all senior year. Logan’s house burned down that night. Police said the fire started in his room.” Every time she told this part, a chill ran down her spine. “Everyone in the house died. His parents, his little brother, and him.” She rubbed her arm, looking Marissa in the eye. “I felt really guilty about turning him down after that. Somehow I wondered if he might have lived if he’d been at prom with me. He’s why I left for Hollywood the day after graduation.”

Marissa nodded. “Who said Logan died?”

“The newspaper. I didn’t know his family. He was already eighteen. I guess he could have left. But the guy who held me captive had the same steel gray eyes, and similar features. My captor wore a thick beard, but I recognized a resemblance. It’s been twelve years, though.”

Marissa wrote down a few things, then asked, “Anything else to go on?”

Ella shuddered. “Yeah, his hands had severe burn scars. I remember how wrong his touch felt. I hadn’t even thought about that factor until the other day. The guy who held me knew my name was Ella. Mila and my brother were the only ones who knew my real name. And with that post, the media may show up to investigate. Which means my stalker can follow them here, even if he isn’t Logan.”

“I take it they never found a body in the fire at the warehouse, and he managed to escape?” Marisa asked.

“I believe so. And the police never took it seriously, before or after the attack. Which made my decision to settle down in a quiet town easier. I want a normal life, out of the spotlight.” She rubbed at her head. “Doesn’t look like I’m going to get that.”

“Let me see what I can find. If he’s still alive, maybe I can find him. In the meantime, I’ll set up a patrol.”

Marissa’s solution didn’t make her feel any better, but she wasn’t going to argue. It was a start. “I’m going to be at the boutique a lot during the next few days, setting up. Chances are I’ll hide in there, curtains drawn and hope everyone leaves me alone.” Ella sighed and looked over at Mila. “I don’t want this to get crazy.”

Mila squeezed her hand. “Whatever happens, we’ll deal with it. Maybe we can convince the residents you aren’t her.”

“Yeah, I hope so,” Ella muttered. “At least for a little while.”

Marissa dipped her head. “Here’s my card. If you think of anything, call me. We’ll do our best to keep you safe.”

“Thank you.”

Marissa shook her hand before leaving.

Turning to Mila, Ella’s brow arched. “Aren’t you supposed to be at work?”

“I’m still on maternity leave. Dee wanted to hang out with Valor. So I’m here for moral support, and to help you with Mon Armoire.”

“Mila, you don’t have to do that. I wasn’t lying. I’m planning to spend my day at the shop getting stuff ready. If people start swarming, I’m going to push back the store opening.”

“Can’t say I blame you. Though I want to come with you and help. You can buy me lunch if you insist.”

“How about breakfast too?”

Mila smiled. “I ate, but I could manage some tea.”

Ella smiled, relieved she wouldn’t be alone. “Let me grab a quick shower, then we can go.”

“Sounds good.”

Ella hurried up the stairs and picked up her phone. There were four missed calls from Trent and a slew of texts. Instead of looking or reading, she held her breath as she dialed.

He answered immediately. “Hey, are you okay?”

“Yeah. About to hop in the shower.”

“Oh?” he asked, a bit breathless.

Smiling, she leaned against the wall. “Yeah. I went for a run. Then Mila and Marissa showed up. Thank you for calling her.”

He sighed. “I tried to call you first. I didn’t figure you’d want to wait with the amount of views Rene was getting off that damned post. I didn’t even consider you’d gone for a run. I was worried you were going to leave town.”

She smiled to herself. Thoughtful, sweet, and concerned about her. “I’m not letting some asshole drive me away from my new life. I just need to figure out how to stop him, and the media.”

“Sorry about that. I had no clue some idiot would post anything about you.”

“I knew it was a possibility, actually inevitable. Just a matter of time. Not your fault, and it sounds like nobody likes this woman much.”

“Ask Mila, she’ll explain why. But yeah. She’s not the sharpest tack in the box.”

Ella grinned. “To set your mind at ease, I’m not going anywhere, other than the shop. I’ll be in town all day. Mila’s coming with me. I guess she doesn’t want me alone so I won’t do anything dumb.”

“No one thinks you’re stupid. And with this guy out there, it’s best if you aren’t alone. If I wasn’t working. I’d be there with you right now.”

“I appreciate that. Now, I should go. Mila’s waiting for me downstairs.”

“I’ll see you when I’m off work?” Trent asked.

“You bet.”

“Bye, Ella.”

“Later, Trent.”

She hung up and flipped on her laptop before hopping in the shower for a quick rinse-off. When she came back to check the computer, she had a dozen emails from Ryan and another from Sam.

She wrote back to Ryan first.


Hey R,
Yeah, I know about the picture. Not sure how or why, but that’s not going away until a few people see me and assume I’m not Raven.
Thanks for the concern. I’m okay, and I’m not leaving right now. I have too much going on to. And yeah, I really like that guy.
We’ll talk soon.
Your friend


She sat back and reread Sam’s email.


Why are you all over social media? Thought you were keeping a low profile. I’m trying to lead your friend away so he can get himself busted, but that’s not going to be easy if he sees what’s blasting all over the place. The TV gossip shows are going to jump on that tonight.
Be careful. I’m doing what I can to keep him from you.
Your brother


She shifted in her seat and wrote back.


To the best big brother,
This isn’t your fault. It’s not mine either. I knew it was a possibility. It’s not your job to protect me. You be safe. I am surrounded by a community who wants to help.
Go back to your thing. I’ll see you soon. I need to be settled before I invite you out.
Love ya,
Your sister


She grabbed a sweater and hurried downstairs. Mila looked up from the mess in the living room. “Dare I ask what happened here?”

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