Falling Star (14 page)

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Authors: Olivia Brynn

BOOK: Falling Star
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With one stroke of his tongue against hers, Jade let go. Her sharp cry of pleasure entered his mouth, and he answered with his own. Imploding waves rolled through her abdomen, and sent clamping spasms in her channel. Each one clasping his cock in a milking motion, and he stirred in perfect harmony, riding out the waves like a surfer would search for the sweet spot. Before she could recover, Adam tensed; his rhythm turned faster and choppy until his cock swelled and spurted, prolonging each of her aftershocks.

He kissed her cheek, her eyelids, the corner of her mouth. "You're beautiful," he panted.

She'd never felt particularly beautiful until Adam. With every touch, kiss and look that spoke of his appreciation for her body. She no longer cared that she would feel inferior in a lineup of Adam's former lovers. She would enjoy every moment with him.

* * * *


She washed the dishes while he shaved, then he gave her a beginners lesson in boating. He talked her through raising the anchor, and then laughed at her reluctance to take the wheel. "There isn't anything to run into out here. I'll stay right here with you."

And he did. Plastered against her back, and distracting her with kisses on her nape and wandering hands along her stomach, his fingertips brushing the underside of her breasts behind her bikini top. They dropped anchor to eat a late lunch of simple sandwiches and chips.

"Until now, the only boats I have been on were fishing boats with noisy motors, or the ferries down in South America." She licked the salt from her lips. "This is much more fun."

"We can do it again. Any time you want."

"I wonder how Dean is doing at the shop. Saturdays are usually pretty busy." Jade knew she'd hear about it when she got home if it was hell on him. "Of course, Ella's there. She'll probably stay late if he—"

Adam stuck a potato chip in her mouth to shut her up. "I'm sure Dean has everything under control. I must not be keeping you occupied enough if you're worrying about work."

She finished her can of lemon-lime soda. "Maybe I could use some distraction." By swinging one leg over his, she was able to wedge herself between the booth and the tabletop to straddle his lap.

He was good at distraction. He kissed her until she forgot all about Earth Scents. "I thought we could go snorkeling later."

"Yeah, later." she agreed while nibbling on his ear. "Wait, isn't the water cold?"

He chuckled. "I've got dry suits. Are you chicken?"

"No." She reached down in between them and stroked his hardening flesh. "I'm just worried about shrinkage."

One minute they were seated in the tight dining area, and the next she was pinned beneath him on the deck. His snarling growl would have been more effective if it wasn't peeking through his grin.

"With you around, shrinkage won't be a problem, lady."

They christened the deck, never releasing the other's gaze.

* * * *


The water was cold. He wouldn't have even suggested it if it weren't for the neoprene suits that kept them all but cocooned from head to toe. Not only that, there really wasn't much to see, the water was murky; the depth of the ocean where they anchored turned the view of the bottom into that of a black hole. In the distance he pointed out a group of sea lions frolicking, which at least was something.

"They're all over Santa Barbara Island, which is further out that way." He pointed. "We'll have to save that trip for another weekend."

She didn't balk at another weekend with him, and he secretly cheered. He treaded water, watching her kick circles around him, the tip of the snorkel sticking out of the water. Even covered as she was, head to toe in black neoprene, her curves and delicate feminine movements were calling his base instincts to attention.

, he laughed.

He nibbled her luscious ass as he followed her back up the ladder. "I'd love to share a shower with you, but that thing is way too small." On deck he peeled off her suit, baring a sexy pair of breasts. He couldn't help but cover them with his palms. "Promise me you'll spend the night at my place soon. I have a great shower with plenty of room."



She laughed. "Yes, Adam. I promise."

He pressed his lips together. He might need to call her on that. He had one more night with her on his boat, and then he'd have to tell her the whole truth about his life. He tried to prepare himself for each possible reaction. Would she turn giddy and ask for his autograph? No, not her style. Would she quietly accept it, and move on like it was nothing? Not likely. If she accepted him, she would be accepting living in the spotlight with him. Without a doubt, her name and picture would be in the supermarket tabloids she so staunchly avoided. That's a lot for someone to deal with, especially someone who isn't used to the attention. She could always be angry, storm out of his life and have nothing to do with him.

Why did that scenario seem the most likely?

"Adam? You're frowning." Jade reached up and smoothed the wrinkle in his brow. "What's the matter?"

"Nothing." He pulled her cold wet body against his. "I just don't want this weekend to end." That was the truth.

Her nipples were hard from the cold, and he only tore himself away from her when she shivered. "Get in the shower. I'll put dinner in the oven." He spun her around and gave her ass a playful pat.

God damn it.
What was he going to do?

He didn't know which meal he threw in the oven. He grabbed a beer from the refrigerator and leaned against the hallway wall, listening to the sound of running water.

He was going to lose her. Sure as shit, she'd run. Did he blame her? Look at the extent he went through to pretend to be someone other than who he was, just for a chance at privacy. How could he ask her to willingly live the life of a celebrity?

They could do it. Together. If she was willing. Even if he had to buy out restaurants every once in a while to get out privately. Hell, it wasn't that hard. It would be worth it for sure.

Out here, in the middle of the ocean no one bothered them. She seemed to be enjoying herself, but of course he had her as a captive audience. It wasn't like she could storm out and just go home.

That's it!
He would tell her tonight. She'd be stuck listening to his pathetic explanations. He'd have time to make her see that they could work. After groveling sufficiently for keeping this little tidbit about himself a secret from her.

Now that he'd made up his mind, he was both relieved and terrified, but by the time she turned the shower over to him, he had a plan. He stood under the water until it turned cold going over every aspect. He could very easily screw up and ruin everything.

She had the table out on deck set with a chilled bottle of wine and platefuls of food. He couldn't help staring at her as they ate, feeling like he'd lose her in a matter of hours.

"I think I want to meet this chef friend of yours." She patted her bare stomach. She wore a green bikini top that matched her eyes, and a pair of frayed denim shorts. They were working on the second bottle of white wine that evening, but Adam swore he wasn't trying to ply her with alcohol in preparation for his bomb dropping.

But it couldn't hurt.

"Are you free on Friday?"

She smiled. God, he loved that smile. The way her eyes lit up her entire face. "I think so. I'll have to check my calendar."

He pulled his deck chair up against hers so they faced each other. He took her hand in his. "I need a commitment. Can I pick you up at seven? Friday night."

"All right. It's a date." She squeezed his hand.

"Promise me."

She narrowed her eyes on him. Yes, he was acting like an idiot. "You're acting strange. Too much wine?"

No, not enough, but he needed to keep his head on straight. "Am I acting drunk?"

"No just…distracted. Is it the song you're working on? Didn't you get further on it last night?"

"I finished. It practically wrote itself after you pointed me in the right direction. Would you like to hear it?"

She lit up like he had presented her with a diamond brooch. "I would love to."

Adam left to retrieve his guitar. Well, that set the ball rolling. Now, would he have the balls to follow through?

He returned to his seat beside her and tuned his guitar. "Before I start, I want you to kiss me."

"Mm, no problem." She leaned over his guitar and gave him her mouth. He tried to memorize her taste, the very unique way her tongue danced with his. This would be the last time she kissed him as Adam Herlihey. Hell, it might be the last time she kissed him at all. Adam pulled back, looked her deep in the eye, and took a deep breath.


Jade didn't know what to think of Adam's behavior. He'd been staring at her a lot today, and while that didn't really bother her, the thoughtful expression on his face gave her a strange sense of foreboding. Something was on his mind. She hoped it had to do with music and not something she'd said or done.

He tuned his guitar, and she thought he never looked sexier. He wore blue jeans, faded and worn, and she'd talked him into going without a shirt, which he did on the condition that she did as well.

"I hope you feel special; you're the first to hear this." He strummed.

She got more comfortable in her chair, inviting him to get on with it. "I do feel special."

"I've named it 'Always'. It's a type three and a half." He winked, and began to play. She recognized the tune from the night before. And then he sang.

The day we wed, I vowed my soul.

When you needed a man, I played the role.

I promised my love, my care to give,

And for your smile, my life I'd give.

I swore I'd protect you, through all of life's pain.

But I've failed in my duty, now I'm going insane.

Adam sang with feeling. His voice was amazing. He carried her into the story, and the music cradled her. The lyrics brought tears to her eyes for the man who'd lost his wife, an American soldier who'd fought for freedom. She blinked tears away, and left her eyes closed for the remainder of the song.

Adam was a brilliant song writer. Jade felt every emotion he sang, down to the pain of loss, and the joy of remembered love. This song was going to be big. She could already hear it on the radio. Sung by Kenny Chesney. No…better than that…Adam Nash.

Oh yes, Adam would—

Her eyes snapped open. Jade's world shrank around her, and she thought she might faint. Pictures she'd seen of Adam Nash flashed through her mind. On stage, on the cover of her compact discs. "Adam?"

He smiled sadly, sighed then nodded.

"Adam…Nash?" He nodded again, and all the blood in her body dropped to her toes.
Entertainment industry. Song writer…career…on stage…entertainment…country western…

He set his guitar aside and reached for her.

"No!" She scrambled from her chair, backed three steps away and looked at him where he sat. Suddenly he wasn't Adam Herlihey who shared the past passionate hours with her. It was Adam Nash. The man who sang to her when she got dressed in the morning. The voice who accompanied hers in the car.
Oh my God…
Adam Nash.
Adam Nash stood in front of her. She always wondered what she'd do if she met a celebrity, but she didn't ask for his autograph like she thought she would. She didn't tell him her favorite song off her favorite album. She didn't take his picture with her cell phone. Oh no…screw the autograph, she'd just
slept with him
. She tangled her fingers together, and stared.

She'd lost Adam Herlihey. Just like that. The tears that began with his song now flowed down her cheeks unchecked.
"Oh no. No, Adam…no."

He stood, and walked around the chairs toward her. "Jade—"

"No." She held up a hand and backed away. "Adam…"

He didn't stop, and soon she had backed against the chrome rail. One hand clenched and pressed against her racing heart, and the other flailing wildly for a stronghold behind her.

"Adam…Nash." She breathed.

"It's just a name. Jade I'm still the same Adam." He pulled her into his arms.

"Oh no, Adam. Oh God. I lost Adam." She was too shocked to push him away.

"No Jade. I'm here. It's me. Tell me you know that."

She couldn't. She didn't know it. She didn't know anything anymore. Except…this chest against her cheek. She knew that. His arms were familiar.
Adam. This was Adam
. His scent, his voice…she reached around him and held on tight. If she let go, the Adam she knew would disappear forever.


"It's me. I'm right here Jade."

Her mind slowed down enough to assimilate the information. Adam wasn't gone, he was right here, holding her tight. Rocking her against his familiar body. Finally her heart stopped its pounding, and she looked up, and met his eyes. Those blue eyes that had looked down into hers with passion and mirth now studied her with an uncomfortable anxiety. She reached up to soothe him.

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