Falling Stars (7 page)

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Authors: Sadie Grubor

BOOK: Falling Stars
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opened their show with one of their more popular songs
So Alone
and then
went on through their set. When they reached the song
Christopher felt the need to look directly at me when he sang the line 'it's
overrated'. I knew what he was saying and he was once again being an asshole. I
flipped him off and watched him smirk in satisfaction. Once his attention was
back toward the crowd I left and went back stage to our dressing room.

tried so hard not to cry, but I couldn't fight the frustration any longer. I
needed a release from all this tension. Thankfully, I had calmed myself before
Kat, Serena, and Laney joined me in the dressing room.

following morning we were woke early and tossed into hair and makeup before
being ushered to a large conference room of the hotel. There were small
elevated stages with tables, chairs set up, and a crowd of reporters
congregated as close as possible. We all took a deep breath before walking out
to take our seats for the press meeting. The press didn't wait to start
throwing out their questions.

is it true you write all of
Hushed Mentality’s
songs?" "Kat,
how many body piercings do you have?" "Is it true about the animosity
The Forgotten
and 'Hush'?" "Serena, what is it like to
leave your son at home while you'll be traveling?"

felt almost never ending and Una jumped in a couple of times when the press got
a little too personal or she felt a need to intervene. We were all forcing
smiles until a familiar gossip blogger threw out the next question.

how do you feel about Christopher Mason's recent response to the question 'How
is it traveling with an all-woman band that shows as much promise as
?" His eyebrows raised and a sly smile played on his lips.

sorry, we aren't aware of any comment made." Una jumped in and tried to
redirect the press. Mr. Gossip rag wasn't having it.

well, allow me. His comment was, and I quote; "
You know girls, their
cycles all synchronize. We'll have to deal with the largest menstrual cycle
", and he continued,
"As for this promise they seem
to be getting credit for, well we'll have to wait and see if they can take us
out of the number one song position and keep it for as long as we have, won't
end quote."

entire room fell silent and now every reporter was on the edge of their seat
salivating for our reaction. Inside I was boiling mad and could already hear
Kat growling low.

sorry, but –"

what can we say, but we are honored." I smiled and winked at gossip

Mister gossip blogger choked out in confusion.

course we are," I shrugged and could even feel the eyes of the band on me,
"What other woman out there can say that the Christopher Mason is
monitoring her menstrual cycle for her?" The reporters burst into laughter
and mister gossip rag gave me a nod of approval.

and since he is paying such close attention, he can make sure we stay stocked
up on tampons." Kat quickly added earning another round of laughter.

a large smile, I continued. "As for getting to the number one spot and
keeping it, we are always up for a challenge and again honored that he feels we
are possible competition."

put her hand on my shoulder and squeeze before she began taking back control of
the press. This time she was able to get everyone back on track and eating from
the palm of her hand.

was so great," Serena hugged me once we were free of the pressroom.

have no idea what you are referring to," I laughed.

Mia, I couldn't be prouder." Kat caught up to both of us and wrapped her
left arm over my shoulders.

the tampon comment deserves some serious cred," Laney added.

fell into a fit of laughter.

think you're funny?"

fell into silence and turned. Chris was standing to the left of us. His eyes burned
with anger, all directed at me. It took a moment, but I finally found the
ability to pull my eyes away from his.

you have tampons to go buy? I'm feeling a little bloated." Kat snapped at

group walked away in hysterics. When Una regrouped with us, I gave Chris one
last look. He scowled. I gave him a fake smile and a small condescending wave.

face darkened.

effectively avoided Christopher as much as possible for the remaining time in
Seattle and he did the same. Sunday morning arrived and we headed to the bus,
which would take us to Whidbey Island. We were staying until Wednesday. Then we
would leave for Los Angeles. I had my coffee and my messenger bag as I headed
toward our bus.

do you wanna hang out on the guy's tour bus for the trip to Whidbey?"
Laney asked me smiling.

but no thanks. I think I will stay as far away from Christopher as possible.
Good luck with the asshole though." I chuckled and stepped on the bus.

but I think you would –" I didn't hear anything after that, because all
sound ceased to exist when I saw Christopher in the background and he had been
in hearing distance of my comment.


face clearly revealed the answer to the one question that instantly went
through my head. Yes, he heard you Mia. His angry eyes locked onto mine.

Laney said bringing me out of my trance.

I shook my head.

you sure you will be okay by yourself? We are going to go on their bus."
Laney stood with her head tilted.

I'll be fine." I forced a smile. "You know me I'll just sleep the
whole way."

you okay?" She eyed me closely.

I'm fine. Go have fun, later chick!" I waved her off and climbed onto the
bus. I made myself comfortable on a large couch that had a table in front of

must have dozed off during the trip because Serena was currently shaking me

I asked half asleep and half pissed for being woke up.

stop" was all she said before walking off the bus.

stretched and groaned before walking off the bus. Coming off the last step, I
stumbled and thought I was going to hit the ground, but I felt two arms hold me
up. I looked up.

Rob," I smiled at our sound system engineer.

problem." He smiled warmly and walked into the small gas station store.

in the small store I went for my standard purchases. I grabbed my large bag of
red fish and went for my large bottle of water.

do realize they stock the bus don't you?"

cringed and turned. It was Christopher. Ugh.

but this is sort of like a tradition for me. Besides I doubt they have these
stored on the bus." I lifted the bag of red fish.

He scowled at me. I grabbed my Smart Water and tried to walk around him hoping
that he was finished talking to me. No such luck.

that was some press meeting you had." He stated in a cocky and annoying

I think we handled it pretty well. Thanks for caring," Making my sarcasm
very clear.

made a final attempt to get the hell out of this little situation with him.

know I would love to hear exactly what makes me an asshole, in your opinion."

crinkled up my face, harshly huffed, and turned around.

I'm quite sure you know what makes you an asshole and you enjoy every minute of
it." I spit out exactly what was on my mind before I could filter my
thoughts. I turned back around and walked away, not missing how his sharp blue
eyes felt like daggers in my back.

on the bus, I sat and waited for the bus to start moving. I put my earbuds in
and started listening to some songs I'd been working on. Closing my eyes, I
sang out loud trying to work through some lyrics.

bus shift and I opened my eyes. Kat walked on with Serena close behind. They
found seats around me and I pulled out my earbuds.


just say Christopher isn't exactly in the best of moods, so we decided to
finish the trip over here." Kat rolled her eyes.

guy is a real piece of work," Serena said and pulled my notebook toward
her to read what I'd been writing down. "These are good Mia. What song are
you putting them with?" I handed her my earbuds. "That is going to be
killer." She smiled.

want to hear." Laney whined and took the earbuds and notebook from Serena.

bus shifted again. Jimmy and Elliott climbed onto the bus.

you mind?" They asked.

course not," Kat motioned for them to take a seat. The rest of the trip
was relaxing and the conversation was good. Everyone avoided the topic of
Christopher. I noticed Kat getting close to Jimmy and putting on the full flirt



saw her in his arms as he caught her from falling off the bus. My stomach
turned at her damsel in distress act. Learn to walk.

the aisles of the store, I noticed Mia. She was strolling from the candy
section and opening a cooler filled with water bottles.

do realize they stock the bus don't you?" I couldn't control the urge to
go to her. It pissed me off that I couldn't ignore her presence.

but this is sort of like a tradition for me. Besides I doubt they have these
stored on the bus." She lifted a bag of red fish.

didn't realize adults ate that crap.

I scowled in confusion. She attempted to walk away from me. Not so fast little

that was some press meeting you had." I baited her. I'd heard her response
to my comment. I was not impressed.

I think we handled it pretty well. Thanks for caring." Her voice was
dripping in sarcasm.

tried to escape me quickly, but I couldn't resist egging her on more.

know I would love to hear exactly what makes me an asshole, in your opinion."
I was waiting for her to stutter or quickly run from me, but she didn't.

turned around and just spat out her response.

I'm quite sure you know what makes you an asshole and you enjoy every minute of
it." I stood in anger and shock as I watched her go out of the store. I
finally moved myself and headed back to the busses.

a last moment detour, I headed toward the girls bus, but when I got to the open
door, I could hear her singing. There was no music just her voice. I walked
away and got onto my bus instead.
How the hell does she affect me? Why did I
allow it?

did you grab me that –" Jimmy began.

get your own shit! I'm not your errand boy." I spit out.

angry with Mia, the confirmation of her talent was making me angrier. I stormed
to the back of the bus and threw myself on my large bed. I laid there trying to
figure out how to change my plan around and make it work. I need her gone.

the time, we'd gotten to a ridiculously small town I'd figured out my plan. I
just had to set it in motion. It was going to take a little more effort than my
original plans, but it would definitely be effective as long as it all went
according to schedule.

realized everyone else was already off the busses by the time I came out of my
room. We were in front of a large white house and I heard yelling. As I got closer,
I saw a child.

I miss you!" It was a little brown haired boy with hazel eyes wrapped up
in Red's arms.

baby I missed you. I love you so much!" she exclaimed back while squeezing
his little body.

walked up next to Elliott. "She has a kid?"

he is going to be four, I think." Elliott replied.

Mia" the boy cried and reached out for her. She wrapped him around to her
back and he latched on.

on tight monkey boy," she said to him and offered a red fish over her

started into the large house where a black woman with long braids stood on the
porch. For a moment, I wondered who she was.

mommy home!" The little boy yelled excited to the woman.

see Ry." She smiled at him.

Linda," Mia kissed her cheek and then Red did the same thing. Blondie and
Tiny hugged her and made our introductions. We said hello and followed them
into the house.

inside I looked around. The rooms decorated simply with the biggest flashes of
color from toys. When everyone sat in the large living room, I sat between
Elliott and Jackson on the couch.

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