Falling Together (All That Remains #2) (25 page)

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sorry. I’m not laughing at you. I just never imagined you could feel that way
about me. I’m…flattered,” I reply lamely.

happy I was jealous of her hanging all over you?” Her voice is incredulous.

snorts. “Are you kidding? Look at him. He’s delighted. You made his day.”

instigating, you shit stirrer.” Shaking my head at him, I try to conceal a
small grin. He’s loving this. His palms lift in surrender and he retreats to
the love seat, leaving Abby and me to work it out. “Look at me, ladybug.” The
look in her soft brown eyes melts my heart, and I suddenly feel like an

course I’m not happy you’re jealous. I hate to see you upset.” I scoop her into
my lap, folding my arms around her. “But why would you be jealous of Emma? I’ve
never wanted her. I thought you knew that.”

beautiful, blond and skinny with huge boobs. She’s everything I’m not. Of
course you’re attracted to her. I’m sure Airen is too, but she wants you.”

know what? You’re right. Emma is everything you’re not. Self-centered,
immature, shallow, and sneaky. Who doesn’t dream of loving a woman like that?
You think she’d still have me?”

stifles a chuckle, and Abby slaps me on the shoulder. “Shut up.”

I have what I want; my sweet little angel with the soft brown eyes.” I press
her little body against my chest, burying my nose in her coconut scented hair.
“Your beauty and Airen’s has blinded me to anyone else. You two are all I see.
So no, I’m not attracted to her.”

sorry,” she whispers, biting her lip. “I’m being stupid.”

apologize for how you feel. I want you to talk to me when you’re upset. We
agreed not to hide things from each other. Besides, Airen will Narc all over
you anyway.”

she scoffs, laying her head against my chest. “I want to be your only girl,”
she murmurs. Oh, this stubborn woman can shred me like no one else. She’s
always so strong and determined. It’s so rare for her to expose this vulnerable
side of herself. When I glance at Airen, he shrugs, giving me a smile that says
“what are we going to do with her?”

my only girl.” I’m overwhelmed by my feelings for her at this
moment. She tilts her head and kisses me, softly at first, until the charge
between us ignites. Devouring one another’s mouths, our hands explore
relentlessly, and we’re naked in a matter of seconds.

only girl,” I murmur, bringing my lips to her nipple. “The only sweet breasts I
taste. The only soft curves beneath my fingers.” A tender sound escapes her
lips at my words, my hands stroking down her hips to cup her ass. I glance at
Airen, gesturing for him to join us, but he shakes his head, tilting it toward
Abby in an unspoken message.
She needs you

gasps when I turn her to straddle my hips and sink deep into her. “Only girl
I’ll ever feel from the inside,” I murmur, making her moan with every slow
grinding stroke. “Only girl I’ll ever love,” I swear as she spasms around me
with a helpless sexy whimper.

cling to one another, her legs wrapped around my waist, her breasts glued to my
chest with our sweat. I squeeze her body tighter against mine, eliminating any
space between us. “Can’t you feel how much I love you, my girl?” I whisper,
high on the scent we created together.

she breathes, kissing my neck.

have no idea the affect you have on me, Abigail. I just want to tie you to this
bed and never let you out.”

do it.” Her hand closes around me, stroking lightly. Oh, she’s going to kill
me. My gaze falls on Airen, naked and sprawled on the love seat.

a man a hand. Our girl is insatiable.” A salacious smile blooms and his eyes
narrow. Abby’s melodic giggle fills the room when he clears the space between
the love seat and bed in record time.


* * * *


three of us are at the breakfast table when the back door opens quietly and
Lexi slips in, still wearing the clothes she wore to the party. A sheepish
smile appears when she notices us grinning at her.

all are up early.”

didn’t want to miss the morning after walk of shame,” Airen says with a grin.

up.” Abby smacks him before dumping her bowl into the sink and following Lexi
to her room.

have to go,” Airen announces. “I’m taking Carson out on the lake. Do you want
to come?”

thanks. It’s freezing out there. You two are insane.” The back door opens again
and Jayla walks into the kitchen.

Jay, Carson’s in his room,” Airen tells her.

I need to talk to Joseph,” she explains, biting the inside of her cheek.

okay?” She nods, and Airen leaves us alone. Jayla hasn’t spoken ten words to me
since we announced our relationship. It’s obvious she’s torn up about
something, but I don’t want to press her.

a cup of hot chocolate in front of her, I ask, “What’s up?”

fingers dance around the edge of her cup. “Last night, at the party I saw how
Airen looked at you, how he treated you, and…I was wrong,” she says with a
sigh. “I shouldn’t have blamed you. I just thought you wanted Abby, and didn’t
care if you had to hurt Airen to get her. I didn’t realize…he wants you too.
I’m sorry for the things I said.”

reach over and take her hand. “It’s okay. I know this hasn’t been easy for you.
I promise you, I love them, and if I think for one second I’m coming between
them, I’ll step aside.”

smiles, peeking up at me. “So you forgive me?”

pull her to her feet and hug her. “Of course I do, honey. You should talk to
Abby, though. She really misses you.”


Chapter Fifteen



pulls me aside as I leave Lexi’s room. “Do you have a minute?”

course.” I lead her into the living room. “What’s on your mind?”

party last night was all Airen’s doing, wasn’t it?”

I reply carefully, unsure where she’s going with this. She stares at me for a
moment before shaking her head.

you announced you were going to be with Joseph, I was so pissed. I thought you
were being selfish and unfaithful to Airen. But it wasn’t you, was it? You did
it for them.
wanted to be together.”

we all want to be together. No one sacrificed to give the others their way. I
love Airen and Joseph, and they love each other. I tried to let them both go,
let them have their own relationship, but they wouldn’t have it.”

they love you, too.”

happy together.”

can see that. I’m sorry, mom. I’m so sorry for what I said. I was really

wrap my arms around her. “It’s okay. I understand. Airen’s lucky to have you
for a daughter, and so am I.”

relieved smile curls her lips. “Maybe I can make Julie understand.”

come around in her own time, just like you did.”

can you be so sure?”

she’s a thoughtful, caring person.”

nods and peeks up at me. “Will you braid my hair? Julie may be kind, but she
can’t braid for shit.”

I laugh, fingering the tips of her soft locks.

you can tell me what’s up with Lexi and Eric.” She giggles, and we spend the
day catching up, enjoying a little girl talk.

spring months fly by in a blur of activity. In addition to our usual yearly
routine of clearing, plowing, and planting, we also have to prepare and remodel
another house. Airen, Joseph, Carson, and Eric have been hard at work
outfitting a small lake house for Eric and Lexi. Julie will keep Joseph and
Troy’s old house with Jayla and Emma.

have never been so happy to say goodbye to winter. Hell, I have never been so
happy, period. Airen has fully recovered, and our relationship with Joseph is
going beautifully. We have had a few months of peace and quiet…well, as quiet
as can be expected with a one year old in the house.

grows more like my beautiful husband every day. It’s not only those dark
features, but the way he studies people with the same serious look as his
father. My little brooder. He’s a joy, so spoiled by all the loving attention
heaped on him by our family. Joseph was as proud as Airen when Lane said his
first word, and took his first step.

a gorgeous morning, bright and sunny, and hot for the last of May. I wake on
the edge of the bed, though I fell asleep between my two sweet exasperating
men. I don’t recall switching positions—pun definitely intended—but I’m sure my
motive was the blond headed tornado who is now hogging all the blankets.

dozing peacefully at the moment, his cheek resting on Airen’s well defined
chest. Airen has filled out again, rebuilt all the muscle he lost when he was
sick plus some. He’s mouthwatering. All that tanned smooth skin stretched over
the rock hard abs that taper into a V, pointing at the treasure between his legs.
I swear it’s against the laws of nature for him to gain an ounce of fat. I’d
kill for his genes.

body is lean and no less drool worthy, but his lines are less defined, softer.
His stomach is firm and toned, his body lightly tanned, and he’s much hairier
than Airen although it’s such a light blond I hardly notice unless I’m touching
him, or running my nose through it. It’s sexy. They’re sexy. Below the waist,
they’re nearly equal, with Joseph’s extra length balanced by Airen’s thickness,
but they’re two such different men in bed. Dominant, cocky Airen, and easy,
gentle Joseph, both take me with such love and passion.

so sweet to see them like this. Cuddled together, their faces boyish and
vulnerable. I could watch them for hours, but I really should get moving. We’re
having a barbecue today and everyone is invited. After a quick shower, I bake a
pan of biscuits and use the remainder of our salted deer meat to make gravy.
They’re awake, lounging in bed when I return to tell them breakfast is ready.

throws his hands in the air with a smirk. “I wasn’t touching your Joseph.” Ugh.
After all this time, he still teases me. I’m never going to live down my
reaction after Joseph’s party. At least Emma has finally backed off. I don’t
know if one of them said something to her, or if she finally got the message,
but either way, it’s no longer an issue.

he was, ladybug. He was touching me very inappropriately.” Joseph smiles,
giving me a flash of two adorable dimples. God, these two men are irresistible.

into bed with them, I tug Joseph toward me, laughing. “Get off of him, he’s
mine.” Sometimes all you can do is play along. Besides, it is kind of funny.

pulls him back. “I saw him first.”

read letters to Penthouse that began this way,” Joseph quips.

I scoff. “Besides, I saw him naked first.” Remembering the shower I gave him
when we first found him puts a smile on my face.

should’ve seen her drooling. She took advantage of my poor, sick body.”

a bad influence. His arrogance is rubbing off on you.” My hand falls sharply
across his ass before I beat a quick retreat to the door.

like rubbing off on you,” I hear Airen growl, as I close the door behind me.

and Eric are the last to show up for our cookout. Lexi glances at me with a
wide grin. It’s obvious what held them up. Airen and Joseph drag two huge
wooden picnic tables into the yard and within minutes they’re piled with food
and drink. Everyone is in such a good mood, gossiping and celebrating the
return of the warm weather.

been a terrible winter. We were constantly buried in snow and ice, with cabin
fever driving us crazy. We almost lost Airen and Eric, Julie’s house burned
down nearly taking Lane and Joseph with it, and Troy left. There’s been tension
and animosity as Jayla and Julie struggle to accept our new relationship. It’s
been a constant battle, a blur of mind numbing fear, constant heartache, worry,
and loss.

need this. We need the good times to cast a glow over the shadows of the past
and remind us why we keep going. For days like today when the sun is warm and
the air is filled with the sounds of laughter and happiness.

giggles and claps his hands while Walker blows bubbles for him with a huge
bubble wand. A cheer goes up from our horseshoe pit, followed by light hearted
ribbing when Joseph beats Airen by a point. I can hear the steady thwack of a
baseball against leather as Carson, Eric, and Jayla play catch. It’s a symphony
of joy borne out of months of struggle. I have the love of the most wonderful
men in existence, an amazing family, and caring friends. So why do I feel like
I’m waiting for the other shoe to drop?

sun is beginning to set, and Lane is nodding on his feet. He missed his nap
today. Jayla volunteers to bathe him and put him to bed while the rest of us
gather around the picnic tables for a drink. A hush falls over the group when the
rumble of a motor echoes through the woods.

that sound?” Walker asks. A large vehicle moves slowly through the curves leading
up our road.

other shoe,” I murmur, just as the RV comes to a halt in the driveway. I hold
my breath until a large African American man steps out with a huge ear
splitting grin.

Carson cries, running to meet him, the rest of us close behind.

boy, what have they been feeding you? You’ve grown a foot! How is my favorite
black belt? Still practicing?”

course, and teaching Walker. You should see him do the first kata.”

look forward to it.” Gary gazes at him proudly. He was very impressed with
Carson, and helped him achieve his dream of getting a black belt in Shotokan
Karate when they visited nearly two years ago. “Hey, Abby. You look good, girl,”
he says, turning to smile at me. He beams before wrapping Julie in a huge bear
hug. “Dr. Julie, how has life been treating you? You ready to come back with
me?” he teases.

good, Gary. Where are the others?” Julie glances at the RV.

a long story, but they’re fine. I ran into a couple who have been searching for
a blond headed green eyed man named Joseph.” He barely gets the words out when
an older lady steps out of the camper with a grey haired man right behind her.

smile dissolves, all the color draining from his face as his gaze settles on
the middle aged couple standing in our driveway.

I take his hand and squeeze it gently. He shakes his head, trying to deny what
his eyes are showing him. Shit…he’s white as a ghost.

thank the Lord!” the lady exclaims, throwing her arms around him and sobbing.
Who the hell are these people? He stands stock still until she releases him,
staring while she dabs her eyes with a tissue.

man regards him with little emotion. “We’ve been searching for you for over two
years. When Gary told us he could take us to you, I thought it was another dead
end. But here you are.” He’s slightly taller than Joseph with light brown hair
and bright green eyes. Joseph’s eyes.

his arm around my shoulders, Joseph leans on me, shaking as he whispers, “Abby,
I’d like you to meet my parents.” I think I felt the wind from our collective
gasp. His parents. The people who disowned him at the age of fifteen for the
crime of being bisexual. After a few seconds of awkward silence, Joseph’s
ingrained manners kick in. “Mom, this is Abby, my girl,” he announces.

I’m so happy to meet you, sugar. I’m so glad Joseph’s had a woman to take care
of him.” Joseph introduces the rest of the family, pausing for a split second
when Airen reaches to shake his mother’s hand. “This is Airen, my…”

Airen interjects, “or partner in crime.” He flashes a charming smile at
Joseph’s mother, and she melts beneath it. I swear, no matter how old, eight to
eighty, we’re all susceptible to it.

to meet you,” she stutters, looking flushed.

glances at Airen, who shakes his head almost imperceptibly.

sorry, can you excuse us for just a minute?” I ask, pulling Joseph behind the
camper. “Are you okay?” I hug him tight, feeling the rapid beat of his heart
through his shirt.

the fuck are they doing here?” he gasps.

if you don’t want to talk to them, you don’t have to.”

rounds the corner, and Joseph raises his eyebrows. “Friend?”

haven’t seen you since you were a kid. I didn’t think this was the best time to
explain our relationship.”

disowned me because I’m bi,” he whispers.

puts his arm around Joseph’s shoulder. “I know, and I’ll kick their asses right
back into this camper if that’s what you want. What they did was unforgivable,
but they’ve been looking for you all this time. Maybe losing everything taught
them what really matters. I’d give anything to see my parents one more time.
Maybe you should give them a chance.”

father approaches us. “Look, I know this must be a shock. Connie and I can stay
in the camper tonight. Will you meet with us tomorrow?” He sounds so cold and
stiff, as if he doesn’t give two shits about Joseph’s response.

nods, tightening his hand around mine. He hasn’t spoken one word to his father.

I’ll talk to your mother and we’ll see you tomorrow,” he says gruffly and walks

need to get Walker inside,” Joseph murmurs. He didn’t introduce him, but if
they were paying any attention it should be obvious Walker is Joseph’s son.

go.” I slip my arm around his waist and grab Walker’s hand as we walk by. When
I look back, Joseph’s parents are entering the RV. They didn’t try too hard to
talk to him, or anyone else for that matter.

inside, Joseph makes a beeline for our bedroom. I quickly put Walker to bed and
peek in on Lane before I go to him. He’s in the shower, and he only nods at me
when I strip down and join him. The deadpan look on his face is frightening. I
expect this reaction from Airen, but Joseph always expresses his feelings. I’m
trying to think of the right words to say to comfort him when he turns abruptly,
and embraces me so tight it’s nearly painful.

got you,” I whisper.

with me,” he pleads. “I know it’s not my night.”

not going anywhere.”

nods, pulling away from me to step out of the shower. “I don’t want to think
about it. I just want to go to bed.”

sweetheart.” I brush an errant curl from his forehead, replacing it with a
kiss. Over two hours pass before Airen slips into the room. Joseph is wrapped
around me like a vine, dozing in and out of sleep while I remain wide awake, my
mind replaying the events of the day that had started out so promising.

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