False Illusions (False #1) (19 page)

BOOK: False Illusions (False #1)
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The kiss deepens and the next thing I know her panties are back off and my briefs are around my ankles making me kick them off. Madison’s mouth doesn’t leave mine as she slides down on my dick. I love the way I fill her. Best feeling in the whole fucking world.

I groan as she slides up and down, riding me like I’m her favorite ride. I hear a knock on the door, but grip her hips ignoring it. I refuse to pull her off of me, I don’t want to lose this moment. Every movement sends chills up my body as I lift my shirt she’s wearing and attack her breasts with my mouth. Sucking on her nipple as my fingers play with the other one.

“Oh my god,” she moans.

“Not god, baby doll.” Smirking I pull my hand away from her nipple and start to move my thumb on her swollen numb. Her body jerks as I move my thumb faster.

“Don’t stop.” She grips my hair. This time pulling my head back.

I don’t stop. The faster she rides me the faster I feel my orgasm about to erupt. Her walls clench my dick and I know she’s coming. Hold down her hips I let her pussy milk my come out of me. Fuck.

I groan as she rolls off of me, already missing her warmth. Madison’s eyes flutter close. I think I hear the words ‘
I love you too
’ but I’m not sure, and when I look back down she’s asleep.

Pulling the cover over us I pull her close. Just holding her brings me peace. I watch her sleep for what feels like hours before I let my eyes close.



Little Do You Know- Alex & Sierra

It feels like hours have passed since the sun has come up, waking me. Last night replays in my head as I watch Yoel sleep soundly a few feet away from me.

He said he loves me. Not only did he say it, he told me in a Knock, Knock joke.

Why do I feel like shit right now then?

Maybe because I’m standing here fully dressed, purse in hand. Maybe because I’m about to walk out of here with nothing but a note I wrote on hotel stationary behind. I know if I wake him up he’ll ask me to use that one-way ticket I found in his duffle bag. I know if I wake him up I won’t be able to say no to him, and I have to say no.

I can’t leave my job that I really love. I can’t leave my dreams even if they involve this tatted up gorgeous boxer that’s laying here. Even though I forgive him I still need time. Forgiving is easier than forgetting, and right now forgetting what he did is the hardest part.

I close my eyes and take a breath. Opening my eyes back open he’s still laying there sleeping like it’s the best sleep he’s ever had. I know what I’m doing will ruin his day, but I just can’t face him and questions I know he will ask.

“Please wait for me,” I whisper before turning the doorknob and slipping out of the room.

I was doing the walk of shame all the way to the curb. The doorman offered to hail a cab, but I declined and decided to walk home instead. I really need my best friend right now. Pulling my phone out I call Chelsea, but it goes to voicemail.  Next option would be my mother, we have been talking a lot more lately.

My phone vibrates in my hand making me freeze. Relief fills me when I see that it’s Emma. Odd. It’s eight in the morning.

“Hey,” I answer.

“I could really use some coffee. Meet me at Starbucks in five?” She skips hello. She sounds off. Hmm.

“Yeah. I’m actually around the corner.” She tells me she’ll see me there and hangs up. This works because I really don’t want to go home. His flight leaves at noon and I rather not go home until then incase he bangs on my door and I cave.

When I walk into Starbucks a few minutes later I spot Emma at a back table with two coffees. Thank god she knows my order already. First thing I notice when I walk up is that she’s wearing my dress from last night, and last night’s makeup.

I raise an eyebrow as I sit down across from her. “Walk of shame?” I ask sipping my coffee. “Thanks for the coffee.”

“Your welcome.” She raises her eyebrow back at me. “As if you have any room to talk Ms. Im-Shagging-A-Boxer.”

I almost choke on my coffee. “You got me there. So who was he?” I’m pretty sure I know who’s about to say.


“I slept with Nick,” she blurts out.

Say what?!

“Wait, I’m sorry. It sounds like you said Nick and not Carter.”

Emma blushes. “I know, but it kind of just happened. Anyway where is your hottie?”

I ignore her question. “How does it just kind of happen?” I ask. “Did you just trip and fall on his dick?”

She gasps. “Well, no. He walked me home and I asked him if he wanted to come up for a drink and one thing led to another.” She rubs her head. “Gosh what was I thinking?”

I shrug. “Nick is cute and a sweetheart. Was it good?” She frowns. “Please tell me you remember it.”

“Of course I remember it. It was so good.” Emma stares off then looks back at me. “Your turn.”

For the next twenty minutes I tell Emma the history of Yoel and Madison, including Marcus. She never interrupts, and nods at the right times. When I explain it out loud it sounds pretty bad, but Emma never looks at me in disgust.

“He’s going to be so mad when he see’s that you’re gone.” She frowns after I finish.

Biting my lip I nod. “I know.”

He was going to be pissed to find me gone. Hurt maybe, but how do I explain to him that I happened to be going through his things when I found the plane ticket?

Maybe I should write Dear Abby. She always seems to know what to do. Really am I considering writing another journalist for advice?

“Are you going to talk to him before he leaves?” Emma breaks my thought.

I shake my head as I turn my cup around in a circle. “No. I can’t.”

She frowns for a moment then smiles. “Want to head to my place. We can order pizza and watch a marathon of Sex In The City?” She gives me a hopeful look.

Smiling I nod. “That’s actually a perfect idea. The first place he’ll go is to my apartment and I rather not be there.”

“I still think you should talk to him before he leaves.” She stands up pulling her messenger bag over her head.

I follow her to the door. “I’ll call him tonight after he lands. It will be fine.” I assure her.

It’s not fine. Not at all. I spent all day vegging out with Emma at her place eating greasy pizza and watching reruns. Not once did my phone ring. Not one text. Nothing. Nada.

Every text I sent went unanswered. My calls went straight to voicemail. Maybe his phone is still turned off from the flight. He won’t ignore me. We had amazing sex last night and he told me he loves me.

That was before you skipped out on him
. My mind reminds me.

My apartment is dark and cold when I get home. I seriously need a pet. After taking a shower and changing into a pair of comfy PJ’s I get comfortable in my bed. The picture of us staring at me makes me feel shitty.

I try to call Yoel again and sigh when it starts ringing, but he doesn’t pick up. I wait until the beep comes on after his voicemail, but chicken out and hang up.

Something told me deep down in my gut that I just royally messed up.



Battle Scars- Guy Sebastian ft. Lupe Fiasco

She left without waking me up to say goodbye. She left a fucking note. A. Fucking. Note. Is that what last night was worth? A fucking note that said I need more time? She needs more time? Now she’ll have all the time in the world because I’m done. Finished. I can’t keep putting myself out there for her to play me to the side. Did the words
I love you
mean nothing to her?

Pissed isn’t what I was feeling right now. I was hurt, but above that I was disappointed. I fired my uncle over her. I put everything on the line. Most importantly I put my time, money and heart on the line for her. And what do I get? A fucking note and her nowhere in sight.

I didn’t bother calling her when I found the note. I didn’t call her when I saw the missed text messages and calls. The whole plane ride back to Vegas I replayed the night over and over trying to see where I could have misinterpreted her actions. As far as I was aware she wanted me just like I wanted her. She fucked me just like I fucked her and now she needed more time?

Fuck that.

I meet up with Chris at the pick-up. His face falls when he sees I’m alone.

“I take it that it didn’t go well.” He slides in the driver seat after me.

“Clearly.”  I slide my shades over my eyes.

“Want to talk about it?”

I shake my head. “I never want to talk about it.”

He doesn’t say anything on the drive to the hotel. I didn’t know what else to do, I literally was at my wits end. I keep putting myself out there just for her to shut me down every fucking time. I know I fucked up, but she won’t let me forget it. Maybe everyone was right, I need to let her go. I’ll never be enough. I just wanted her to see that I could be good enough. I could still be that same guy that made her feel loved and wanted. I thought I did make her feel that way last night.

She didn’t want to see that and I was done trying.

I’m about to give her all the space in the galaxy.

My phone vibrates. It’s Madison. I hit ignore again. No matter how bad I want to pick up I can’t let of go how she left me.

As soon as I get back to my penthouse I call housekeeping to change the sheets as soon as possible. I want every sign of her gone. The picture I had a copy of framed is now turned on its face. I couldn’t look at it.

BOOK: False Illusions (False #1)
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