
Read Fame Online

Authors: Helen Chapman

BOOK: Fame
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Rising Stars UK Ltd.
7 Hatchers Mews, Bermondsey Street, London SE1 3GS

Text and design © Rising Stars UK Ltd.
The right of Helen Chapman to be identified as the author of this work has been asserted by her in accordance with the Copyright, Design and Patents Act, 1988.

Published 2011

Cover design: Burville-Riley Partnership

Illustrations: Bill Greenhead for Illustration Ltd. / iStock

Text design and typesetting: Geoff Rayner

Publisher: Gill Budgell

Publishing manager: Sasha Morton

Editorial consultants: Lorraine Petersen and Dee Reid

Editorial: Jane Wood

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise without the prior permission of Rising Stars Ltd.

British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data. A CIP record for this book is available from the British Library.

ISBN: 978-1-84680-980-4

Printed in the UK by Bookmarque CPI



Special skill

Street dancing and rapping

Good at:


Not so good at:

Doing things the easy way

Other info:

The boys think he's cool. The girls think he's cute! He gets a grant to go to ASH – but just don't call him a charity kid. He knows how to look out for himself, so watch out!



Special skill

Martial arts; dancing in a martial arts style

Good at:

Making excuses; being second-best

Not so good at:

Being the very best at anything that they teach at ASH.

Other info:

More of a martial artist than a performing artist. He and his cousin Callum are really close – but maybe not for ever …

Zeke Porter was on his way to All Star High. He was really excited, but trying not to show it. When he was inside the building he looked for his friend, Aaron Farmer. Zeke didn't want to text Aaron. He wanted to see the look on Aaron's face when he told him the news. The news that could make them both television stars.

Zeke finally found Aaron drinking at the water fountain.

‘Look at this,' he said in an excited voice. He held out his phone. The text message on the screen read:

Aaron turned his phone on. He had the same text message.

‘Can you believe it?' asked Zeke. ‘We could be famous. TV dance shows are watched by millions of people.'

‘It's amazing,' said Aaron. ‘But how did they get our phone numbers?'

‘Who cares?' replied Zeke. ‘This
is our big chance to be famous!'

‘Do you think any of the other Gang-Star dancers got the text message?' asked Aaron.

‘I guess so,' said Zeke.

Both Aaron and Zeke were members of the Gang-Stars. The Gang-Stars always helped each other. They had first met at an under-12s Music Club. It was so great to meet up again at high school that they started a gang.

The school bell rang loudly. It was time for classes to start for the day.

‘We won't have much time to practise,' said Aaron.

‘Yes, we will,' said Zeke. ‘We can practise in morning break and at lunchtime. See you later!'

Zeke and Aaron met up again at first break.

‘Are we going to dance solo or as a pair?' asked Aaron.

‘I don't know,' said Zeke. ‘First we need a place to practise. Then we can try out different dance steps and see what looks good.'

Most of the classrooms were locked during break and the rooms that weren't locked didn't have any space to dance in.

‘Hey, look!' said Zeke. There was a notice stuck to the door of the gym.

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