Read Familiar Strangers Online

Authors: Allie Standifer

Familiar Strangers (13 page)

BOOK: Familiar Strangers
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Slowly Regin pushed herself off the bed, wincing as pain rushed back. In the shower, she’d examined the damage as best she could and knew the majority weren’t as bad as they could have been. But there were some deeper cuts she could feel on her arms and tops of her thighs. Nothing she could do about them but spread on ointment, cover them with bandages, and hope for the best.

She carefully picked up her duffel bag, unzipped the worn leather, and fished out her first aid kit. Inside Regin had stuffed all sorts of medical supplies for the most innocent scrapes to worst-case scenarios. “Good thing,” she told herself, “or I’d have ended up using whatever supplies Mr. Charm has in his bathroom. Somehow, I’m not up to exploring his ninety-one flavors of condoms.”

Regin set out all her supplies. Then coated on the cream and placed bandages over the cuts still bleeding, wondering how she was going to stretch her arm around enough to take care of the ones on her neck. No matter how hard she tried or maneuvered, she couldn’t reach the cuts and, judging by the wetness dripping down her once clean back, all the tugging and struggling had caused the wounds to open up again.

There was no other choice. She was going to have to ask for Galen’s help. Either that or risk bleeding to death during the night. Still she argued with herself for another five minutes before putting on a soft black cotton shirt and baggy black running shorts. She left her feet bare, knowing she would look more ridiculous coming down the stairs dressed with socks and tennis shoes.

Regin fervently prayed he wouldn’t notice or comment on her lack of undergarments. She tried putting on her sports bra and underwear, but immediately took them right back off. The material rubbed against her injured skin. It was too much pressure. Propriety simply wasn’t worth it right now. She seriously doubted Galen Matthews would find her wet hair slung back in a pony tail, shirt, and shorts so enticing he’d rip the clothing from her body to discover she wasn’t wearing anything beneath.

He didn’t strike her as the type of man who seduced women resembling teenagers. She already knew the hot mamma type he went for. “Not that it matters to me one way or another. Whatever Galen Matthews sleeps with is none of my business. I couldn’t care less.” The words came out hollow and forced.

She gathered her things and walked out of his room. Regin couldn’t help but notice the churning feeling in her stomach when she thought of Galen sharing this incredible room with another woman. If she hadn’t known herself so well, she would have called it jealousy.

Regin almost laughed at the absurd thought as she carefully walked down the stairs to the library where Galen waited.

He was a calm, controlled adult. He was sensitive enough to understand she didn’t want him pawing her. Not that he’d asked, but she was sure he was aware just the same.

Yes, she assured herself again. Galen was a mature respectful adult. There wasn’t any reason to be afraid of him. They would calmly discuss the weather and the damage in her bedroom. Then a polite goodnight and that would be that. They were both grown adults, not teenagers at the mercy of wayward hormones. He would be reasonable and considerate.

Regin was feeling so much better about her situation that she had a soft smile on her face as she rounded the corner into the library.

The smile lasted all of three seconds. The three seconds it took Galen’s laughter to reach her ears. Without another thought or word spoken, she spun on her heel leaving him rocking in the recliner holding onto his sides.

He reached her at the winding staircase. “Wait,” he huffed out, trying to recover his breath. “I wasn’t laughing at you,” he promised, trying to look as sincere as possible and failing miserably.

Regin didn’t bother to reply. She cursed silently in her head. The man obviously had been born with the intelligence of a mushroom and the manners of a pigeon.

She tried removing Galen’s fingers from her arm, but he shook his head not wanting to risk the chance of her running away again. “I’m sorry. I really am. But in my defense, I’ve never seen a beautiful woman covered from head to toe in Snoopy bandages.” And to Regin’s dismay, his laughter came bubbling up once again.

Chapter Twelve

“That’s what was so funny.” She couldn’t believe it. The man nearly wet himself laughing over a cartoon character? “You’ve never seen a Snoopy bandage before?” He really hadn’t called her beautiful, had he?

Galen’s gray eyes danced with repressed humor as he nodded his head and tugged her back to the library. “I’ve seen the little guy lots of places, but never been so jealous of him before. Is there any place he isn’t stuck to you?”

He was making her feel embarrassed. She could feel the heat sneaking up to her cheeks as she sank into the soft leather sofa. A crack of lighting split the sky and jolted her out of her embarrassment.

He was beside her instantly; his manner at once concerned and gentle. “Easy now, Che, it’s only a little lighting, nothing that can hurt you in here.”

She wasn’t going to be soothed so easily after his laughter. “Oh really?” One eyebrow rose in question. “Might want to tell that to the window that crashed into me.”

“Wasn’t the window that was the problem, it was the branch that broke the window,” he corrected her.

“Branch, smanch. It broke through wood and glass,” she told him, desperate to hide the tremor of her hands and the break in her voice.

Galen noticed it just the same and leaned one long tanned hand over her to clasp hers warmly. “You’re right,” he agreed. “It was a branch, it was big as hell, and I’d still be jumpy if I were you.”

She looked at him with distrust and suspicion. “You would?”

He shrugged a large shoulder. “Sure, why not? Not every day a limb comes at you from nowhere.”

“It didn’t come from nowhere, it came from the window you covered yesterday,” she argued. Her eyes lit up with the challenge of battle.

“Must not have secured the plywood as well as I thought,” he said as he absently rubbed his jaw.

“Does that happen often? You only thinking you did something well?” she taunted.

Galen inched closer so that his breath blew gently against her lips when he spoke. “I do everything well, Regin.”

Regin could feel a familiar heat brush across her body, tightening her muscles and making her nipples stiffen into sharp points of need. The man hadn’t even touched her and she was ready to rip off his clothes. She leaned away from him and the temptation of his body.

The light in his eyes showed he was enjoying the effect he was having on her. Galen forced his chest closer until his shirt brushed the aching points of her nipples. Regin swallowed a groan, determined not to show any reaction to his movements. To show weakness would only encourage him and the last thing she wanted was Galen encouraged. It was hard enough resisting him when he wasn’t trying to melt her bones, but God help her when he focused all his considerable attention on her.

Trying to regroup and regain space, she deliberately set out to insult him. “Do you make a habit of lying to yourself? Or do others do it for you?” Her voice was cold and taunting just as she intended. So why did her heart ache at the sudden and unexpected pain in his eyes.

She wanted to swallow them back, apologize and tell him she didn’t mean them.

The glimmer of pain she glimpsed was quickly masked and his habitual cool smile and unreadable eyes taunted her. “Was that a challenge? I’d be more than happy to demonstrate my...ah...abilities to your extreme satisfaction.”

Regin pushed against his chest, but Galen wouldn’t budge. “I don’t want a demonstration or any thing else from you.” She pushed harder, trying not to notice the heat flowing from his skin through the thin material of his shirt. Why had she touched him? It made her desperate to discover the skin under the material. Desperation gave her courage to meet his eyes. It was a mistake.

While Regin had been concentrating on him, Galen had been steadily advancing on her. His body had pushed flush against hers, his hands easily resting on either side of her head effectively pinning her between the sofa and his arms. He lowered his head brushing soft kisses along her hairline, her cheek, and jawbone.

Feeling the warm heat of his mouth brush against her skin jerked Regin into action. She went limp, allowing her body to slide easily under his so she was reclining on the couch and out of Galen’s arms. She started to roll to the floor, but he pounced and pinned her beneath the hard length of his body before she could blink.

Regin opened her mouth to protest, but her words were lost. He ruthlessly took advantage of her partially open lips. He tasted better than she remembered, like warm honey, hot sex, and all man.
Regin melted like butter in his hands. His skin was tight as his muscles strained over her body. She wanted to strip him naked and feast on every inch of his perfect body. She could feel his body tightening, demanding release, but Galen held back. Some part of his mind must have remained sane to remember her injury. His touch was demanding but gentle against her sore flesh.

He gentled his hold, but didn’t withdraw his arms or lips. He continued to kiss her, slow, wet, passion-filled kisses that somehow seduced her as she seduced him.

Galen’s rain scent wrapped her in a daze of desire, making her burn to feel him in her. Unconsciously her hips circled against his, causing a moan of desire from Galen’s throat. Regin’s own groan was swallowed as his mouth devoured hers. Touching, tasting, and exploring every secret recess of her mouth.

Regin felt Galen’s hand shake as he reached the waistband of her pants. The feel of naked skin must have shocked him because his hand froze on her stomach before he moved again. His hand pulled her arms tighter against his own when his fingers slipped over her wrist, and Regin couldn’t stop the cry of pain forced from her lips.

She could tell that in Galen’s dazed condition it took a few moments to realize it was her blood coating his hand.

Cursing out loud for his weakness, Regin watched Galen lurch to his feet, gulping air into his oxygen deprived lungs. He turned his back to her and Regin wanted to crawl under the throw and hide in embarrassment.

Galen raked one unsteady hand through his hair, attempting to control his body, while the other discretely adjusted the obvious tightness of his jeans. Turning to face her, she saw his face was once more a mask of indifference. “Regin, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to hurt you. Just give me a minute and I’ll see to your cuts.”

Regin looked at his back, at the broad shoulders gasping for air and the clenching and unclenching of his hands. She knew she should be angry. She had every right to be.

She’d come downstairs seeking his aide and, instead of cleaning her cuts, he kissed her until she’d forgotten she’d ever been cut. Worse she’d been kissing him back with as much passion, wanting to devour him until they were no longer two separate bodies but one.

She knew it wasn’t completely his fault. There was some chemistry between them that couldn’t be denied. Her body went up in flames whenever he was near and when he touched her she forgot to breathe.

It wasn’t like her. She never reacted this way to any man. It had to be the storm and their close proximity. There was no other explanation. They simply couldn’t stay here alone together without this happening again. Regin knew the next time they touched it wouldn’t end with mere kisses. She would have to possess his body.

To save them both embarrassment, she spoke without thinking. “No big deal, Galen. We’re both adults. Nothing like a hurricane and threat of death to put you in the mood, huh?” she quipped, not noticing the tensing of his shoulders as she continued. “It’s nature’s reaction I suppose. When lives are endangered, the natural reaction is to procreate and continue the species and all that. We’re adults. We are ruled by reason not lust. No big deal, it won’t happen again, right?” Was that her babbling? Geez, who was she trying to convince, him or herself?

Regin didn’t know how she made her voice sound so easy and carefree, but she was desperately grateful. The last thing she wanted was another scene like the one before. She was hanging on to her sanity by a thread, and she prayed he wouldn’t say anything to snap it.

“Sort of like Mother Nature’s survival instinct?” His back was still turned so she couldn’t see his face, but his voice sounded calm, even amused.

“Something like that,” she muttered her agreement. Even though it had been her idea, something inside Regin became angry when he agreed so easily.

Galen moved to sit beside her and clasped her slightly shaking hand in his own steady grasp. “The storm won’t last forever.” He gently chucked her chin with his fist. “And we sure as hell aren’t Adam and Eve, right? So, no big deal.”

He patted her hand again before getting to his feet. “Tell you what; I have a nice bottle of wine I’ve been saving for no special reason. Why don’t I break it open and salute Fate, Mother Nature, and the very lucky Snoopy.” He managed to wiggle his eyebrows in a lavish manner before continuing. “Then we’ll get your clothes off—to see to your cuts, of course.” He had the audacity to wink at her.

He didn’t wait for a reply, but walked out the door whistling the theme from Peanuts.

Regin was glad he hadn’t made her stand because her knees were shaking so badly they wouldn’t support her body. Her lips throbbed. Her breasts ached. The man turned her into a brainless, sex craved lunatic and he wasn’t even trying. This wasn’t what she had signed on for. Not the storms, crashing windows, life threatening limbs, or the sexy guide. “I want my nice, normal, boring life back. Where nothing ever happens unless I know it before hand,” she said to the empty room.

Her life was predictable, some might even say boring, but it was safe and safety was the most important thing. She wasn’t about to let go of it lightly.

Not to mention, the man laughed at her bandages in the same breath calling her beautiful. There really was something off about him. Galen’s behavior was rapidly changing the more time she spent around him. When they first met, Regin thought him broody and sullen. Now, after spending so much time alone, she started to see a new side of Galen Matthews. One that was too easy to trust and even easier to like.

The quiet of the room pressed down on her. Sounds of the storm were carried inside with the flashes of lighting. It was getting worse. Regin wondered how long the power would last and what they would do once it was gone. She certainly didn’t want to roam around this huge house in the dark. It sent shivers up her spine to think of all the things that might go bump in the night.

Of course she could always sleep with her host. It was a surefire way to keep herself safe from ghosts and creepy things, but who was going to keep her safe from Galen? “No one, that’s who,” Regin answered her own unspoken question. “Besides, the man knows nothing about my past or nightmares.”

If she slept anywhere near him, Regin knew Galen would hear. Then the questions would begin. She wasn’t ready for that. She wanted just a few more days of peace.

Maybe she could offer to sleep on the sun porch with Annie. It looked warm and cozy, and no one would get within fifteen feet of her with Annie around. The dog would alert her to trouble long before it came. Yes, the sun porch with its comfy furniture, bright walls, and festive paintings would be the perfect place to hide until the storm played itself out.

Regin turned to look out the window to see how strong the wind and rain had become in the last few hours. It was amazing to see the fury of Mother Nature. She hadn’t realized the storm had picked up intensity in the past few hours since the windows had all been blocked by wood.

She drew back the curtains and settled back into the butter soft couch, resting her head as she watched lightning slice the sky. “It is rather beautiful.” Regin spoke softly in the empty room as the wind danced through the trees and the rain sparkled within the lighting. It made her problems and confusion with Galen fade into the background.

Regin was almost asleep when a noise jolted her back. Instinct kept her body from moving; she used only her eyes to survey her surroundings and was stunned to realize the last crash of thunder had taken the power with it. She’d sat in the darkened room. Regin smiled a little at her own stupidity.

The noise came again. This time from the direction of the wide windows. With the lights out and the storm outside, she had little chance of discovering where the noise was coming from. Regin had to wait for another burst of lighting before she decided to move.

Then a burst of light broke though the darkness and lit the entire island. Regin concentrated on the window and tried to see beyond the reflection of the room in the pane created by the mirror hanging over the fireplace.

There...a flash of movement from beyond the room. Was something or someone caught out in the storm? More likely it was a poor animal stuck running from the thunder and rain.

“Yes, it must be an animal,” Regin tried to convince herself. “There’s nothing else it could be.”

Lighting flared again and Regin looked toward the windows. A scream of terror became trapped in her throat as a face looked back at her through the water running over the window. A man was on the other side of the thin pane of glass. The face partially hidden in the shadows and retreating from light.

It was a man’s face. He seemed familiar to her, holding something in his hand that swayed in the wind, something that looked like a ribbon being buffeted by the storm.

Regin’s mind froze. She couldn’t take any more. She leaped off the sofa and turned to run only to find herself held prisoner in a pair of iron strong arms.

BOOK: Familiar Strangers
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