Famous (Famous #1)

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Authors: Kahlen Aymes

BOOK: Famous (Famous #1)
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This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or to actual events or locales is entirely coincidental.


FAMOUS: The Famous Novels, Book One

Copyright © 2015 Kahlen Aymes
. All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce this book, or portions thereof, in any form. No part of this text may be reproduced, transmitted, downloaded, decompiled, reverse engineered, or stored in or introduced into any information storage and retrieval system, in any form or by any means, whether electronic or mechanical without the express written permission of the author. The scanning, uploading, and distribution of this book via the Internet or via any other means without the permission of the publisher is illegal and punishable by law. Please purchase only authorized electronic editions and do not participate in or encourage electronic piracy of copyrighted materials.


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Version 2015.03.15






Bob & Jaymie


…You’ll see why.





Lights, Camera, Love

Chapter 1:
It’s a Wrap

Chapter 2:
If You’re Not the One

Chapter 3:

Chapter 4:
Circle of Us

Chapter 5:

Chapter 6:
Damage Control

Chapter 7:
Never Stop

Chapter 8:
As If In Dreams

Chapter 9:

Chapter 10:
The Madness Begins

Chapter 11:
No Screaming Please

Chapter 12:
Friends & Frenemies

Chapter 13:
Daydreams & Desire

Chapter 14:
Picture Perfect

Chapter 15:
Too Close for Comfort

Chapter 16:
Only You

Chapter 17:
Goodbye Again

Chapter 18:
Stolen Moments

Chapter 19:

Chapter 20:
Surprise, Surprise

Chapter 21:
Dreams Fulfilled

Chapter 22:
Of What Dreams Are Made

Chapter 23:
Morning Glory

Chapter 24:
Sunrise On The Beach


Books by Kahlen Aymes

Stalk Kahlen





Famous Novel – One





Lights, Camera, Love


Last night was amazing.

Cade and I had holed up in my hotel room to work on one of our love scenes. Could anything be more beautiful, exciting, arousing… or so
? I mean; it was fucking excruciating. This was one time that being an actor really paid off. We were completely in sync with each other; we practiced the scene ten times when we didn’t need to practice at all. I could feel my skin flush with heat and excitement. We both knew what we were doing; which was finding
excuse to touch each other, to just be in the same room together. He made me tremble even without touching me, and I completely melted when he did.

I’d never wanted anyone so much in my life. Never wanted to hear a voice, feel a touch or see a face so much before.
I’d seen some of his other work, did the research necessary to get familiar with his acting chops before we met, and I was worried. He was a huge star and I was basically nobody. Even knowing how amazing he was going in, I wasn’t prepared for how seriously screwed I’d be when we finally met. Sure, he was drop dead beautiful; more in person than on screen, but it was the chemistry between us that was turning my world upside down.

The first time our lips met was life changing and the pull between us became this exquisite agony I craved, even though it hurt. I never wanted to stop kissing him, and I sensed the tension building within Cade as well. The pain of the scene was a shallow echo of the real ache growing between us. We were living this, even if we didn’t intend to. I certainly didn’t mean to care about him, but I couldn’t help myself. He was so real and down-to-earth, and not how I’d expected a major movie star to act. I tried to convince myself over and over that this was just the movie, nothing real, and we were just really getting into our roles. But, sucked in by those blue eyes, sexy mouth, and strong jaw… I was lost, and, more than that, Cade
got me
. He understood me like my boyfriend never had. I never dreamed a connection this intense was even possible.

David was sweet and giving, but didn’t excite me with the same degree of desperation. I wanted Cade… I dreamed about him. I was falling in love, even though I tried my hardest to tell myself these feelings were manifesting from the characters, and were convoluting reality. Yet, the yearning and wanting to give in with wild abandon went way beyond the characters we were playing. I knew it, and so did he. That was the scariest part.

I mean; I loved David—I still loved him. He was a great person and we were comfortable together, but Cade… he was like a dream come true, like a flash fire that left me burnt to a crisp. A living, breathing fantasy.

Conflict ate away at my insides. I had so much guilt over my feelings for Cade—guilt because I wanted him and I felt unfaithful to David, and guilt because I’d probably hurt them both or at least one of them. I couldn’t find a way around it, or a way to change how I felt. I was miserable, but it didn’t matter. I didn’t really want it to go away. How could I? It was intoxicating, suffocating, completely consuming.

Cade was already suffering, though it was amazing that he’d even notice me. We were both struggling. It was so tangible I wondered if the whole world could see it. It was in the way he looked at me, the way the electricity shot through me each time I was near him, and when he touched me: well I was done. When we kissed, it was amazing; like nothing I’d ever experienced. I never wanted it to end. The way he smelled and tasted. It was addicting and unexpected.

Uhnnnng, God!
My thoughts troubling, I ran a hand through my long hair in agitation.

Earlier in the day, during the shoot, each time we kissed it got hotter and hotter, beyond what the script called for, and the director kept correcting us. Cade was the one who knew what he was doing on set. I’d barely worked in the industry thus far, and his fame was already ridiculous. I tried to follow his lead, and he seemed immersed in the scene.

It was more than difficult not to shove my tongue down his throat, but this script called for those damn tortured, held back kisses. It was painful to the extreme. Well, check, check, check; we had the same thing working in real life. I could tell by his breathing, Cade was having difficulty holding back, too.

Finally, it was too much and we both lost our fragile grip on the restraint. My tongue came out to lick his lip, and he began to push me backward on the bed, his open mouth sucking so slightly on mine, and pulling my lower lip into his mouth. I was dying for more and my hand fisted in the front of his blue button down. This was the closest we’d come to French kissing and I wanted to go there badly.

Now, we were in my room on the pretense of running lines for tomorrow’s scenes, though it was a joke. He was sheepish when he called and suggested we get together, but I didn’t have the strength to say no, and it wasn’t long before we were making out in full force, but this time, tongues were involved. It felt so good to give in, to feel his hard body pressed, full-on, into mine. Somehow Cade found the strength to stop, taking my shoulders with both hands and pushing away to put space between our bodies, then pressing his forehead to mine, his breath leaving his body in a whoosh. “Brook… I need to leave. I have to go,
.” Both of our chests were heaving with excitement.

“Ugh… No. No, Cade, don’t go,” I protested, my hands moved up his chest to clutch at the nape of his neck. God, I never wanted him to leave. Whether it was wrong or right, I needed him.

“I absolutely
to. I’m… you have to know how I feel about you, Brook. I’m in hell. The situation is killing me and yet, I can’t stay away from you. This isn’t about the film. It never was.” There it was; the truth that had hovered between us for weeks. And now we’d crossed the threshold, I wanted to cross the finish line.

Hearing his struggle, the pain in his voice squeezed my heart in a way that I’d never imagined it could. I reached up to touch his face and the soft, dark golden stubble scratched against the tender skin of my wrist. He turned and pressed his face into my hand and kissed the palm. “I’m working hard to be your friend and I’m not doing a very good job of it.”

“Does this happen to you a lot? Uh, I mean—” I stammered, “—things getting out of hand with costars?”

His eyes whipped to mine and held. He shook his head. “Sex, sometimes. I’m not going to lie to you, Brook. But, I care about you.”

I opened my mouth to speak, but the look in his eyes stole my words away. He disentangled himself from my arms and moved off of the bed to sit on the edge.

“What are you doing for your birthday? I’d love to take you out.” He ran a hand through his glorious mane of dark blonde hair and I wished it were my hands touching it. I was always aching to feel it, tug on it and thread my fingers through the silken strands. When I didn’t answer, he continued, though it seemed a struggle. “You know, with the whole cast to help celebrate. Anywhere you want to go. My treat.”

My heart fell. David was planning on coming to location for my birthday and I found myself resenting him and searching for any excuse to keep him away. That was completely unfair, but I was feeling protective of the little world where Cade was the center, and protective of the limited time we had left. Suddenly, I couldn’t breathe.

The fact was; I never wanted this shoot to end and the clock in my head was counting down with sickening speed. Sure, it was my first movie and I was excited for the actual filming, but my sadness that it would end was all centered on him.

The wrap was getting closer, looming like terminal cancer. Six weeks left, tops, and then he’d be gone and I wouldn’t see him until it was time to begin promoting the movie. Months. The thought made me feel weak; sick that I couldn’t control my feelings, and already miserable at the thought of him being so far away from me. I felt completely out of control of everything and I fucking hated it. I dropped my hand to his shoulder as he faced away from me and slowly ran it down his back because I couldn’t help myself. He shivered a little and I longed to continue touching him. I lowered my head and swallowed.

“Uh… um,” I glanced up and saw the understanding dawn on his beautiful profile, the pain flashing clearly before he tried to vanish it from my view. He stiffened and moved away from me, leaving me feeling cold and empty.

“Oh, right. How bloody silly of me. I should have known David would come for your birthday. It’s completely ridiculous of me to think that you would want—” He was suddenly pensive and withdrawn from me. I found myself wanting to reach out to him, pull him to me, and rewind the clock to ten minutes before when we were kissing on the bed.

I nodded and bit my lip, my throat aching.
How in the hell am I going to get through this?

“I’m… I still want to be with you. With all of you if… that would be okay.”

His chin jutted out and I could see him swallow. It would be hard for both of us, but I couldn’t bear to tell him no. His brow dropped and he nodded ever so slightly before bending to scoop up his script where it had fallen carelessly on the floor. “Yes, sure.”


“You don’t have to say anything. This is my own fault.”

My eyes widened as he walked to the door of my hotel room and I followed. “It’s no one’s fault. You didn’t—” I stopped, searching for words. “I mean we didn’t
this.” I reached out to touch him as he waited by the door for me to finish what I was saying. My hand hovered over his back and then fell in silence to my side.

Cade put his hand to his head and clutched at his hair on the right side of his head. “Goddamn it!” he groaned. “I should have been more careful. When I found you disarming at the audition, I should have been more on guard. I know this is just a job and that you’ve got a life and…
… to go back to. You have a
life. Not just movie after movie like me. You’re very lucky, Brook. Sometimes I hate this goddamned business.”

I felt tears well in my eyes, afraid to blink or they would roll down my cheeks. I wanted to scream that I didn’t want to go back to real life! I wanted to be like we were; constantly together and to stay that way forever. I wanted this to never end and I wanted every second of the time we had left. Panic started to well up within me, unfamiliar and frightening. I’d never been so confused.

“Cade…. Cade, don’t leave—”

“I don’t want to, but I have to. I’m doing this for you. Goodnight, Brook,” he said softly and turned to brush his thumb across my chin. “See you tomorrow on set. Um… I might lose it slightly, so please forgive me. I’ll apologize in advance, since I know I won’t be able to bloody help myself.”

“Cade… We can still hang out. Cade!” I pleaded. With that he was gone and I was left gasping, staring, as the door slowly closed after him. I realized my body was shaking, and I couldn’t breathe because, what had become a part of me, was walking down the hall and away from me.


I was torn. I never wanted the day to end and yet, I couldn’t wait to retreat to the safety and sanctity of my own room. Being so close to her, feeling her breath on my face as we hesitated, our face only inches apart, then our lips meeting and finally pressing her into the bed, my hands exploring her body… I’d dreamt about it endless times and it was driving me bloody mad that it couldn’t be real. I’d never wanted anyone as much as I wanted Brook. But, what did I fucking expect? I was in love with someone that was already spoken for. I was a ridiculous fool, but it wasn’t like I even had a choice in the matter. And it was crazy. I’d never gotten close to an actress I’d worked with before. Not like this. I wasn’t even sure why or how it happened. I was taken by complete and utter surprise, left stupefied and unable to do a damn thing about it.

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