FANtasy: A Hot Interracial BWWM Western Rockstar Erotic Story (Her Rocker Book 2) (2 page)

BOOK: FANtasy: A Hot Interracial BWWM Western Rockstar Erotic Story (Her Rocker Book 2)
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If looks could have killed Julia would be standing over his dead body right then.


It had been a really long time since a woman had dismissed him quite so thoroughly. He’d forgotten how horrible it felt inside.


He understood it though, so he tried not to take it too personally. She probably had a lot of people, losers, coming through who had been assigned community service for whatever minor infraction they’d committed. He wouldn’t have been the first to have tried to hit on her. He might not have even been the first to have invited her to a Public Outcry concert after seeing her little calendar.


He smirked. She probably thought he would lying about having connections.


If she only knew.


He’d been worried that someone would guess who he was when he’d walked in, but here he was working for a fan and she didn’t even know it was him.


He guessed nobody paid much attention to you when you were supposed to be a dirtbag criminal doing community service.


“You’ll be unloading trucks today,” she said, keeping her eyes well away from him, which was a shame. Her eyes were a beautiful golden honey color he’d never seen before. “If you’ll follow me I’ll show you our loading docks and where to put the stuff that comes over the truck until it can be received in.”


She turned to go and he couldn’t help but watch the shape of her ass under the black pants as she walked ahead of him.


He felt himself harden as the cheeks of her ass jiggled and he had to force himself to look away. But damn did the girl have a figure to die for. He’d love to see that ass bent over in front of him, slapping against his stomach as he…


“So try not to fall between here and the truck, it doesn’t look that far down but trust me, that concrete hurts.”


He schooled his face, hoping she didn’t see the sheer lust on his face as she spoke to him but he was in littlel danger of that considering that she barely even looked at him.





This week was shaping up to be a doozy. Julia wiped the sweat off her brow and hoisted a box of macaroni noodles on to a rolling cart.


She had three people out sick with a stomach bug that was going around and two of them were the guys who were in charge of stocking and sorting.


So, of course, that meant she had to fill in.


“Hey, not working in the office today?”


She looked up to see the DWI redneck walking towards her. God she was glad to see him, even if he was eyeing her like she was something sweet to eat.


“Aren’t you late?”  she asked him.


“Nope, I’m actually a little bit early.”


She believed him, he’d been working harder that week than most of the people who were there for community service ever did. She could almost see the change coming over him when he’d met some of their elderly clients who depended on their handouts to survive. She thought that was his favorite day, the one where he’d helped people put their supplies in boxes and carry them out to their car. If she wasn’t mistaken, she would almost swear that she’d seen him get a little teary eyed when he’d  helped a single mother with two twin toddlers and a baby pack up her baby formula and pureed sweet potato.


And to her surprise the guy was actually growing on her. Mullet and all. She had to admit he’d helped out in anyway that she asked him to without complaint and she could always count on him to do the job without complaint.  It was rare. Most of the people she got were so full of themselves they though they were too good to do the job. Not this guy, he did it and he did it with a smile on his face.


And she had to admit he was kind of cute even with the bad haircut and the ratty clothes.


“I guess you are on time” she picked her shirt away from her chest, it was clammy with sweat. “I can’t believe it’s this hot so early in the morning.”


“Tell me about it, my car doesn’t have any A/C and it was like driving here in an oven.”


She noticed that his shirt was damp with sweat and also clinging to his body. A very nice body at that. She cleared her throat.


“Well, you’re in luck. You get to work with me picking up heavy boxes in an unair-conditioned warehouse and then moving them into another unair-conditioned room.”


“Great, that was just what I was hoping we’d be doing today!” he said with false brightness.


Julia laughed and went back to work, assuming correctly that he’d join in. 


They’d only worked for an hour or so when out of the corner of her eye she saw him stand up and pull the shirt over his head. Without thought she turned and gave him her full attention, watching the muscles bunch on his slick tanned body as he worked.


She had to admit, he looked good without his clothes on.


Almost as if he could feel her looking at him his head turned towards her and his eyes met hers. She felt the blood rush to her face as their eyes met. And in that moment something nibbled at the back of her brain through her embarrassment.


“Has anyone ever told you that you look a lot like the lead singer from Public Outcry?”


His lips turned up in one corner and despite the shitty haircut and the facial hair, that even made the resemblance even more remarkable.


“Yeah, once or twice.”


She squinted her eyes a little, “And your name is Corey and his is Corbin.”


He turned and went back to his work, “Yup, it’s a weird coincidence ain’t it.”


“Very weird,” she said, shrugging it off as she went back to her work.




Corbin took a deep breath. It had been a while since he’d been this nervous.


He was going to ask Julia out. He’d seen the way she’d looked at him that afternoon in the warehouse and he could tell that despite everything, she wanted him just like he wanted her. Even if she didn’t know who he really was they could still have some fun together.


But asking out a girl without her knowing that he was rich, famous, and wanted by thousands of other girls was something he hadn’t had to do in a while. He’d forgotten how nerve  wracking it was. She’d have to like him for himself, not for any of the other things that came with going out with the lead singer of the most popular band in the country.


He walked towards her little corner that was also an office. She was doing the daily paperwork she had to complete before she left everyday.


He just stared at her for a moment, God she was beautiful. With her hair up in a bun behind her head he could clearly see the beads of sweat rolling down her neck and soaking into the thin white shirt at her collar.


That shirt did not need any more moisture on it. He could clearly see the color of her delicious coffee colored skin through the damp material. 



The moisture dried up in his mouth. She looked up from what she was doing, her eyes catching his and the lust clearly on display there.


She looked back down quickly saying, “Was there something I could help you with?”


It was now or never, “I just thought I’d come by and see if you wanted to grab something to eat, maybe see a movie.”


Dinner and a movie, god he was lame. Could he get any more clichéd? He could fly her wherever she wanted to go. They could dine in New York or Los Angeles tonight if she wanted to. He could have a picnic packed by a private chef and take they could eat it in a prive garden that overlooked Niagra Falls.


But no, he was going to have to take her to Applebee’s and then watch something with Adam Sandler in it on their first, and probably only date.


She didn’t look up at him, but he could see that she was weighing her options. He couldn’t blame her if she said no. He was a loser here on orders from a judge. A loser with a mullet for God’s sake.


“Sure, why not, but I’ll need to shower first,” her hand waved down the length of her dirt stained and sweat covered body, which looked perfect to Corbin, but he nodded anyway, more with shock than agreement.


“Great, what time should I pick you up?”


“Er,” she seemed to be reconsidering her decision to go with him.


“Or we could meet somewhere,” he inserted quickly, not wanting to lose his chance.


“Ok, how about we meet around Eight at Starbucks.”


Corbin didn’t even know this little BFE town even had a Starbucks, but he’d find it.


“Sure, that sounds great.” He looked down at his watch as he walked away. He only had a couple of hours to stop looking like a douchecanoue and plan the perfect date.


Julia ran her hands over her braids and made sure they were all in place. She hadn’t realized how long it had been since she’d been on a date. Her work kind of consumed her and she didn’t meat a whole lot of potential dates in her line of work.


Most of the people she met had more things to worry about than asking her out.


And she probably shouldn’t be going out with Corbin but she had to admit her body had reacted to  him even if he wasn’t someone she could consider as a serious boyfriend.


It wouldn’t hurt to have one night of fun, or even two. After his time was up at the food bank she wouldn’t have to see him ever again if she didn’t want to.


The center of her clenched again as she thought about him dripping with sweat and shirtless there on the loading docks.


Another thing that had been way too long ago was her feeling a man on top of her, between her legs. She shivered at the thought of Cory there, pumping into her.


She laughed at herself. He didn’t even know how lucky he was going to get tonight. It didn’t matter if he took her to McDonald’s and then to the dollar movies, he was getting some tonight. She needed this.


She looked down the length of herself in the mirror. Not bad, not bad at all. It had been a while since she’d worn the little strapless summer dress but it still fit, if a little tighter, accentuating all of her curves.


She saw the faint line of her panties on her side and an evil smile crossed her face befre she reached under her skirt and pulled them off.


Julia took a deep breath before pushing through the doors to the coffee house.


Which was good because what stood in front of her took her breath away.


It was Cory but he’d gotten his haircut, no more mullet, and he’d trimmed his beard. And he wasn’t wearing the old grimy flannels that he normally was.


Instead he was wearing a pair of black jeans that fit him like they were mad specifically for him and a tight black v-neck tee-shirt that showed the sexy cut of his muscles underneath the fabric.


“Hey, good timing, I just got here.”


“Hey, yeah, me too. I mean, yeah,” her mind was turning to mush, of coarse she’d just gotten there. He’d watched her walk through the stupid door.


“Did you want coffee or are you ready to go ahead and grab some dinner?” he asked as she continued to stare at him in amazement, unsure if he was really the same guy she’d been working with all week.


“Um, whatever, I’m with you.”


“Alright, let’s go eat. I’m starving.”


He walked around her and opened the door for her to walk back through before taking her hand and tucking it into the crook of his elbow, a move she’d only seen done on tv.


“I hope you don’t mind walking for a minute, we’re going to eat right around the corner.”


Julia tried to think of what restaurants were nearby but her mind was too busy focusing on the feel of his smooth skin under her hand.


“No I don’t mind,” she said looking up at him in a whole new light. It was amazing what a haircut and some different clothes could do for a man.


It didn’t take them long to get to their destination.


“Here?” she asked as he opened a gate between to ivey covered brick fence walks.


She’d been by this area several times but she’d always just assumed that there was someone’s private property behind the tall brick fence.


And maybe it was, but what she walked into looked like heaven.


Small lights twinkled across a little patio surrounded by a manicure lawn that looked like it had been stolen from a British manor.


“What is this place?” she asked, wonderingly as she looked around. “I’ve never even thought about what was back here.”


“It’s a little bed and breakfast.  A friend of a friend owns it.”


She couldn’t imagine someone like him having friends who owned a place like this, then she immediately felt guilty. She had a preconceived notion of who he was supposed to be that she’d formed when he first walked in when she really didn’t know anything about him.


It was going to stop now. She was going to try to enjoy her time with him without prejudices clouding her thoughts.


She hadn’t thought he could look drop dead gorgeous while fully clothed and he’d proven her wrong on that right off the bat.


He walked over to a small table and pulled out the chair for her. She smiled at him and started to take a seat but she brushed up against him and her breath caught in her throat.


Chills raced down her spine just at her proximity to him. She looked up at him and his piercing blue eyes caught hers and held her there, mesmerized.


Without conscious thought they seemed to be drawn to each other, his mouth came inexorably closer to hers and as the velvet hardness of his lips touched hers she felt a fire explode in the very center of her.


She melted into him, wrapping her arms around him as he deepened the kiss, his hands hot through the then fabric of her dress as they ran across her back.


It didn’t take any more than that and she was wet and ready for him. She briefly wondered if he would think badly of her if she through her legs around him right then and there and begged him to take her on the table, and then she realized she didn’t care. She wanted him and she wanted him now. The food would have to wait.


His hand travelled down to cup her ass and she didn’t need any more prodding than that.


She stepped back and leaned against the table, dragging him with her as she ran a knee up his leg, disregarded the fact that her dress was going to ride completely up her thighs.


He obviously took the invitation because he grabbed her thigh and pulled it up higher, leaning into her.


Her other leg came up and wrapped around him, holding him close. And that wasn’t even enough, she needed him closer still. She could feel the ridged length of him through his blue jeans, the rough material rubbing against her dripping lips.


She broke away from him, arching her back, her head falling back, as a moan escaped her.


She looked back up at him, a little embarrassed by her reaction to him, but the dark lust in his eyes spurred her own.


Experimentally she moved her hips, and her lips parted just enough so that her clit felt every hot and hard inch of him through the material.


Julia almost came right then, but she was distracted by the deep growl the built in the back of his throat, rumbling across her skin and through her belly.


He pushed the top of her dress down, exposing her breasts to the cooler night air and his greedy eyes.


His hand came up to caressed one of the engorged nubs as she watched, entranced by the contrast of his light skin against hers and by the feelings he was stoking inside of her.


The he leaned down, and at first she cried out because the contact between their centers was broken, but then he took her other breast in his mouth and sucked the nipple in between his lips and she closed her eyes, entranced by a whole new sensation.


She felt him run his tongue around the hard nipple as his hand started to trail down her body.


Her eyes opened as he let out a chuckle, snapping her out of concentrating on the insanity he was creating inside her body.


“No panties, huh?” he said, a devastating sideways grin on  his face.


She didn’t smile as she grabbed his hand and moved it from her hip down to the slick folds that were glistening in the twinkling light.


“None,” she said as the humor left his eyes, replaced by nothing but animal lust.


His fingers entered her, one at first, then two, then another. She was tight with disuse and it felt like she was going to burst, but it felt so good at the same time.


She whimpered in the back of her throat, begging him with her eyes to fuck her. The fingers were nice but she wanted his cock inside her.


She eyed bulge at his crotch and bit her lip. It didn’t seem quite fair, Her Dress was wrapped around her waist, leaving her exposed to him while he was still fully clothed.


He saw what she was staring at and said, “Not yet baby,” in a voice made gravely by need.


Then he dropped to his knees in front of her, placing a hand on each of her knees and spreading her wide.


She could feel his hot breath on her pussy as he ran is lips up her slit without quite touching.


She pressed her hips forward, unable to wait on him, and he took one of her lips in his mouth and pulled it with his teeth.


She almost came up off the table. It was half pleasure half pain and it was almost more than she could stand. She wanted to grab him by the hair and press him into her while she fucked his face. But she restrained herself and be contented with just holding onto the table for dear life.


His hand came up and parted her lips, finding the hard throbbing nub that was begging for attention. Holding it between his thumb and forefinger he began to rub up and down, and as she watched his tongue game and licked at the same time.


Her legs began to tremble and her eyes rolled back in her head.


This was too much, she was going to explode all over his face.


Her hips worked in time as he licked, the sensations blocking out any other coherent thoughts.


She felt her clit get harder and harder as the momentum built inside her until finally the world shattered around her and she felt wetness gushing between her thighs.


It seemed to go on forever but when she finally regained a bit of her senses she opened her eyes to see Cory pulling off his teeshirt exposing his beaituly body.


He was perfect in everyway but though she would have liked to have explored the flat planes of his chest in her languid afterglow, she didn’t think that was going to be an option, because before she could even tell him how hot he was he was unbuttoning his pants and his huge cock was springing out.


Her mouth went dry at the sight.


He grasped it firmly at the base and worked up up and down her slit, nudging parts of her that were still sensitive from the orgasm she’d just had.


Julia wrapped her legs around him and squeezed, she wanted him inside her now, she couldn’t handle any more sensation on her little sensitive nub.


He entered her hard and fast and her breath caught in the back of her throat. He filled her completely. And the he rode her hard.


His dick hitting places inside her she didn’t think anyone had ever found before.


She felt herself about to explode again when he stiffened inside her and pulled out, laying his slick dick against her belly as his hot seed spurted out, hitting her breasts and all down her torso.


Corey collapsed beside her breathing hard as she looked at his face, eyes closed and chest heaving.


She didn’t know what their future held but she did know that what had just happened would be repeated, often if she had her way.


Other books by Ja’lah Jones

Her Rocker Series

Stage Fright

Her Cowboy Series

Hot Texas Night

Ridden at the Ranch

Going Down South

Addicted Series

Getting the Job Done



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