Read Farrah in Fairyland Online

Authors: B.R. Stranges

Tags: #humor, #fantasy, #teens, #fantasy action adventure fiction novel epic romance magic dragons elves unicorns war law legal reform, #teens 13 to 15, #fiction fantasy epic, #fairies hunter magic fantasy

Farrah in Fairyland (32 page)

BOOK: Farrah in Fairyland
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The pain that
streamed though Farrah’s nervous system was forgotten when her eyes
fell back on Bella. She was being violently pelted by the down
pouring acid, her fur melting before Farrah’s eyes. With the pink
flesh of her body exposed, Farrah took off her jacket and threw it
on her friend. That turned out to be a futile plan as the rain
instantly evaporated it.

Farrah reached for some Molar dust once again, this time she dashed
it onto Bella’s deteriorating body. “Fortissimo!” A roof of stone
materialized out of the ground and hovered over the Volare. Bella
was safe for the moment, but the disintegrated flesh that now
exposed most of Bella’s rib cage left no doubt that she was
severely hurt.

“Hang on,
Bella, I’ll get you outta here – I promise,” yelled Farrah, a
promise she was unsure that she would be able to keep if she didn’t
act fast.

All Farrah
knew at that moment was that she had to get her and her friend out
of there and fast. She tried hard not to focus on the pain of her
own burning flesh as she scanned the hole for another exit. It
didn’t take long for her to come to the conclusion that the only
way out was up, an impossible option with the down pouring acid and
Samantha waiting above.

Wiping away
her tears, Farrah reached into her pocket for the star, but it
remained cold. Instead, she opted to try the Suta spell. Fairies
have been known to use this spell to manoeuvre out of tight spaces.
In a single bound, a Tooth Fairy could leap out of the way of
danger, leaving the abductor dumbfounded.

Farrah reached
for the pouch of dust in her pocket, but it wasn’t there. She dug
her hand into the other pocket, but it was a futile action. Farrah
desperately patted down the rest of her body when she saw something
on the ground near the centre of the hole. Although it was
extremely hard to see with the down pouring rain, Farrah knew that
it was the pouch, and it was dissolving before her eyes. For a
second, she thought of lunging for it, but she knew that it was too
risky as she glanced at her severely burned arm once again.

squished her head with her hands as if to try to awaken her brain.
She had begun to lose all hope when unexpectedly the rain subsided.
Not wasting any time, Farrah dove for the pouch. Only a few
remnants of the Molar Dust remained. Farrah gathered the tattered
pouch and scooped it into her pocket. Wanting to check on Bella,
she stood up to run when the sunlight that shone down into the hole
darkened. Samantha stood at the top of the entrance. Farrah grabbed
for the dust when she realized that Samantha was holding Bruce up
into the air by his neck. Thinking twice, Farrah put the pouch back
into her pocket.

“That is the
first smart thing you have done all day,” Samantha mocked as she
stroked the hair of Bruce’s limp body.

“If you lay
one finger on him, I’ll…”

“You’ll what?”
Samantha interrupted, as she tightened her grip around Bruce’s neck
while taking some Octo Dust from her pocket with her other hand.
The Grogre looked on, pounding a wooden mallet into his opened palm
in a threatening manner.

Farrah locked
eyes with Samantha as if daring her to do something. At that
moment, a pure hatred filled her body, as she wanted nothing more
than to kill Samantha.

“I have to
hand it to you, Farrah, you are resilient. No matter how much you
fail, you always try again. Even when things are hopeless, like
they are now, you never give up. Oh you poor Ordinaria, if you
actually had some talent, maybe I would let you continue to live in
Fairyland. After all, I could always use a good servant.”

Farrah would normally react in a heat of anger in response to
Samantha’s words, at that moment her mind was preoccupied with the
thought of her ailing friends. For all she knew, Bruce was already
dead and Bella couldn’t be far behind.

Chapter 49
: Doomed?

searched deep down for a solution that would rip her out of the
hell that she found herself in, but nothing was there. For the
first time in her life, she felt helpless. With the despair
overwhelming and all her instincts telling her to give up, she saw
it. Bruce’s eye opened slightly, a welcoming beacon that ignited
Farrah’s determination once again. Farrah got up to her feet as she
continued to glare at Samantha.

“Oh, you’ve
regained your courage now?” Samantha mocked once again.

Farrah threw her tattered pouch of Molar Dust to the ground and
crushed it into the dirt.

That surprised
Samantha as she loosened her grip around Bruce’s neck. A little
reluctant to react, Samantha waited for Farrah’s next move. With
the Molar Dust gone, a much calmer Farrah finally spoke.

“Samantha, I
know that you don’t want to do this. You love Fairyland too much
and you know that your plan is sure to fail. I know that the
differences between the Ordinaria and the Superiora reaches much
further than our little squabble. But you must realize that now, it
has become even more important than ever that we put aside our
differences and work together to save our precious land. If we
truly want to do this, we all must work together, regardless of
whether you are a Fairy Godmother or a blue-collar baker with human

smirked, not listening to a single word that Farrah said. Her eyes
locked on her as she let Bruce fall to the ground next to her.

don’t need
Farrah. Your kind has been a plague to Fairyland for years. It’s
time to rid our land of the virus that is the

As Farrah
continued to stare at Samantha, the star of Fantaseea had begun to
glow warmly for the first time. She was reluctant to use the star.
Although she knew that the Star would outmatch the Octo Dust, she
feared more devastation. Farrah attempted to ignore it, hoping
instead for a diplomatic resolution when the burning in her pocket
grew so intense that she was forced to throw it to the ground.

Farrah looked
up just in time to see that Samantha had lunged into the hole after
the star. With almost no time to react, Farrah was able to kick the
star away from her grasp. Now, Farrah dove after the star.

She was a mere
inches from touching it when the Grogre swiped at Farrah from
above. Although she was able to duck its massive hand, Samantha
grabbed the back of Farrah’s head. With a clump of Farrah’s hair in
her hand, she whipped her back away from the star, landing hard
into the side of the hole. Samantha moved swiftly for the star, as
Farrah coughed up the blood that had filled her mouth.

quickly dropped to the ground, palming for the star. Farrah was
petrified upon seeing that Samantha was about to get her hands on
it. In a desperate move, Farrah closed her eyes. She pictured the
Star of Fantaseea safe in her own hand, but when she reopened her
eyes, Samantha had gotten back up to her feet. She had the star in
her hands and she was holding it up to her eyes to get a closer

surprised that the Star had not burned Samantha, Farrah was too
faint to react. Defeated, she fell back onto her hands.
How could I have
let this happen?
thought to herself as she looked back and forth between the star
and Bella who remained still on the ground.

walked slowly toward Farrah with the Star held out in front of her.
It looked darker than normal, which Farrah thought may have been a
result of the poorly lit hole. The usual smirk had returned to
Samantha’s face, but this time it was wider than Farrah had ever
seen it. It was clear that she was taking pleasure in Farrah’s

“Oh, Farrah,
you could never handle the power of this star. But don’t you worry,
it is now in the capable hands of a Superiora. The only question
now is what I should do first with my newfound power?”

Farrah could
barely look at Samantha. The sick feeling had retuned to her gut as
she thought about the devastation that would come to Fairyland at
the hands of Samantha. Samantha walked closer to Farrah and took a
seat opposite her on the ground, as if tempting her to snatch the
Star away from her grip.

“So you were
telling Giuseppi that all you have to do to get this thing to work
is to think about what you want to accomplish and it will be so.
Isn’t that Right Farrah?”

Farrah turned
her eyes down to the ground, not wanting to have any part of what
was going to happen next. Samantha on the other hand gripped the
star even tighter in her hand. She was thinking of what she wanted
to do when it came to her.

I want all
Ordinaria to disappear from Fairyland.

She said it
just loud enough for Farrah to hear. Horrified, Farrah had stared
at the star, waiting for it to glow. She was optimistic at first
when nothing happened, but the feeling didn’t last. The star began
to wobble in Samantha’s hand and then as expected, it started to
glow. It didn’t take long for the greenish haze of the star to
engulf the entire hole as it slowly lifted out of Samantha’s hand.
It rose slowly until it stopped in line with Bruce’s body and under
the drooping belly of the Grogre.

Both Fairies
strained their necks as they followed the star with their eyes. At
first, it began to twirl slowly. Picking up speed, it then twirled
into a blur. Both fairies locked eyes on the blurry light as it
transformed into a holographic image.

It was of a
young human boy asleep in his bed. Although Farrah did not
recognize the boy, Samantha had a strange suspicion that she knew
who the boy was.

Within the
image, the sleeping boy was disrupted by a Tooth Fairy who had
quietly stepped out of the closet. Farrah knew instantly that the
Fairy was Principessa Emeralda, for she had seen her picture in
numerous texts that she had read in the library. Emeralda slowly
approached the boy who suddenly woke up. The Tooth Fairy had
stepped on a doggy toy that had made a loud squeak.

The boy sat up
as he stared horrified at the image of the fairy before him. It
surprised Farrah, as most human children simply shrugged off the
encounter as their mother or father dressed in disguise. This boy
however, looked truly frightened. It wasn’t until a few minutes
later that the boy seemed to settle down, after the Fairy had
convinced him that she meant him no harm. The hologram flickered a
few times, but despite that, both Farrah and Samantha knew that the
Tooth Fairy was trying to convince the young boy of the existence
of Fairyland. Both fairies strained their neck in the direction of
the image as they tried to listen to Emeralda’s words.

You see,
my child, I stand before you to present you with the biggest
opportunity of your life. No longer will you have to live in the
squalor that is your home. You will have powers beyond your wildest
dreams. Earth pales a thousand fold in comparison to Fairyland

As if the boy
had been waiting his entire life for that moment, he confidently
took the Fairy’s hand and followed her into the closet. The door
was closed behind them and within seconds, a flash of light jetted
out of the crack between the door and the floor. Mossimo had left
earth forever.

The hologram
having disappeared and the star having fallen to the ground, Farrah
quickly retrieved the star putting it back into her pocket.
Samantha on the other hand sat down. She sat cross-legged on the
ground, staring blankly at the dirt floor. It was as if she was in
a state of shock. Although Farrah had deemed the hologram to be a
glimpse of a common occurrence back in the days when many humans
journeyed to Fairyland, what Samantha had seen was much closer to

After several
minutes, Samantha got up, but her eyes still faced downward. When
she finally spoke, Farrah jumped back out of fear of another
attack. This time however, Samantha spoke in a whisper, as if to be
grieving some sort of loss. It had taken her only a few minutes to
realize that her father was the boy she had seen in the hologram.
Although she hoped that, it was only a coincidence that the boy’s
name was also Mossimo, the purple mole above his left eye was a
dead giveaway that it was indeed her father.

“I’m sorry,
Farrah,” spoke Samantha hurriedly as she turned and ran.

Chapter 50
: Desperate Hope

shocked by what she had just learned, Farrah knew that she had to
work quickly if she wanted to save her friends. She grabbed hold of
a large tree root protruding out from the wall of the hole and she
hoisted herself up. Bruce was sitting up with his feet dangling
over the edge of the hole.

“Are you
alright, Bruce?”

“I th-think
so,” he replied as he stroked his bare arms looking for wounds.

“Other than a
few minor cuts and bruises, I think I’m okay,” shouted Bruce down
to Farrah who was moving slowly toward Bella. Terrified, Farrah
knelt down beside her friend.

Bella was
barely breathing and her eyes where half-shut. Farrah stroked the
side of her back, making sure to avoid the large gash that
stretched out over most of her body. The pool of blood that
encircled the Volare was spreading slowly. Farrah felt the star in
her pocket in desperate hope of discovering a way to help her
friend. As Farrah knelt beside her loyal friend however, she knew
that it was already too late. Farrah continued to stroke her back
as she whispered into her ear.

“My sweet,
Bella, I love you so much. You have been there for me since the
beginning. If it wasn’t for you, I would have never gained the
courage to be a Tooth Fairy. You made my life better in ways that
you will never know…I will never forget you.”

Upon hearing
Farrah’s last word, Bella’s breathing stopped. Farrah sobbed into
the bridge of her nose, the coldness of the lifeless Bella already
spreading to the other parts of her body. Farrah gave her one last
hug, turned, and then climbed out of the hole slowly.

BOOK: Farrah in Fairyland
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