Fat hen farm 01- Killer tracks (9 page)

BOOK: Fat hen farm 01- Killer tracks
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“Frank thinks Candy is involved, too, but I real y don’t think she’s smart enough. And what is there for her to gain? Plus my brothers always thought that women were only good for one thing and that wasn’t to be their equal!”

“Wel , if she’s involved, we’l find out. David wil want to protect his own skin and wil probably finger anyone else he can.”

“I better get this file back to Roger’s office. What time should I meet David?” Kitty asked, getting back to her own plans for the day.

“Let’s make him sweat. Tel him late afternoon,” Tina suggested.

“I’l cal him when I get back from returning these files. Wil you stil be here?” Tina looked up. “I’l stil be here. How about you Frank?”

“I’m going to fol ow Kitty. Make sure no one is tailing her.”

“I’l clean up and take Max for a walk.” Tina carried the coffee mugs to the sink, wiped the counter and cal ed Max. “Hey, you funny dog, want to take a walk?”

Max looked at Tina and wiggled al over. He was good company, she thought. It would be a little eerie out there at the end of the long driveway al by herself. She bundled up, opened the door and Max was out like a flash.

Tina walked through the new snow around the barn and headed toward the river. It was already bright with the reflection on the snow. She could see Max running ahead, sniffing whatever it was that his dog nose was picking up. The cold fresh air was helping Tina clear her head. She couldn’t wait for this murder-theft drama to be over. She had never been close to her brothers but it was hard to know one was murdered and the other was probably the murderer. How did they end up in a world of crime? She was so thankful to have Kitty in her life. Her brother was incredibly stupid to have thrown that love away. Kitty was loyal and caring and she had been in love with Roger. She was probably better off now.

“Hey, Max. Come on. Let’s head back to the house!” Tina cal ed.

Walking back around the side of the barn, she caught her breath and stopped short.

“What are you doing here?”

David stopped pounding on the front door to the house and glared at Tina. Max stood next to Tina, tense and growling.

“Where’s that no good friend of yours? She promised to let me into the office today.”

“She’s not here. She said she’d cal you when she got back to set up a time. Real y David, what is going on with you? You’re acting like a crazy person.”

“You listen to me, Tina. I need to get into that office or . . . wel , never mind about that. Tel Kitty to meet me at noon. I’l be there waiting.” She watched him drive away. Sadness fil ed her heart. She hadn’t grieved for Roger yet; there hadn’t been time. She couldn’t hide the sadness anymore as she stood there alone, watching her remaining brother leave, sensing he was also doomed. Max leaned into her, looked up and wagged his tail.


Kitty drove to Roger’s office building. It made her feel safe to know Frank was behind her. He stayed back a ways but she knew he was there. She admitted to herself that she was scared to go into the office with David. She wouldn’t tel anyone that, though. If he was desperate, he could be unpredictable.

Parking on the street, she checked her mirror to wait for Frank to pul up before she got out. This would be quick; stick the file back in the drawer and leave. It shouldn’t take more than a couple of minutes. Quickly glancing at Frank, Kitty nodded her head, crossed the street and hurried inside.

She passed a businessman as she walked down the hal way to Roger’s office.

Unlocking the door as quietly as possible made her feel like she was trespassing. Sliding through the door into the office, she almost screamed.

The office had been ransacked. Al the files were thrown around, papers scattered everywhere. She froze, not sure what to do. She felt the door push against her back. She sensed someone behind her. She heard the door click shut. Al her nerves were screaming for her to run but she was trapped with this unknown person.

A quiet but threatening voice said, “Okay Ms. Wilson, keep quiet and you won’t be hurt. Don’t turn around, just hand me those files.” Kitty handed the files behind her back and tried to see who it was from the corner of her eye. Al she could see was someone tal , dressed in dark clothes before she was shoved to the floor. The door clicked shut. She didn’t dare open the door to see who it was.

She fumbled to get her phone out and cal ed Frank. “A man just fol owed me into the office and took the files. I didn’t see him but he should be coming out of the building. Fol ow him. I’m okay.”

“I see him. I’m getting photos. He’s getting into a black car. That must be who has been fol owing you al week. I have his plate number and I’l have Herb send an officer to arrest him. I’m coming in. Wait in the office.” Nearly before Kitty had hung up, Frank opened the office door to find Kitty stil on the floor, staring at the mess.

“Jeez. What happened here? He must have been looking for the files before you came in. Are you okay, Kitty?”

“Yeah, just a little shaken up from when he pushed me down. He didn’t hurt me. Who is that guy?”

“I don’t know who he is but I’m guessing he might be the ring leader. That’s why David was so nervous to get those files. He probably had to get them to this guy. David is in a risky situation. It’s al spinning out of control. You’d better get back home. I need to cal Herb and make sure they picked up that guy. Cal me if there’s anything you need help with. I’l send you the photo I took of him. Take a look and see if it’s anyone you recognize. Are you sure you’re okay Kitty? You look white as a ghost.”

“I’m okay but I feel like I’m in the middle of something I don’t know anything about. Murdered husband, stolen cars, where wil this end? It’s a scary, out of control sensation.”

“I think we’re getting closer. Go home and I’l cal you when I have any information.” Frank walked Kitty to her car and watched her drive off. He was worried about her.

Kitty headed back home. Was this guy the killer? She had been so worried about being alone with David, she hadn’t even considered being in danger from someone else.


By the time Kitty got to her house, her color was back to normal and she felt angry instead of scared.

“Tina, you won’t believe what happened. Roger’s office was ransacked and someone fol owed me in and took the files. Frank got a photo of him. He’s sending it to me.” Kitty’s phone dinged with a new message. “Here it is. Let’s take a look. I’ve never seen this guy before. How about you?”

Tina studied the photo. “I‘ve seen this face but I’m not sure where. Oh yeah, the day I went to David’s house to ask him about the insurance stuff, after Roger was kil ed, he was leaving. I asked David who it was and he said, none of your business. So what did Frank say?”

“He thinks he’s the ring leader; that David had to get the files to this guy.”

“Where is Frank now?”

“He had to check with Herb to make sure they picked up that guy.”

It was Tina’s turn to update Kitty on her morning. “After I took Max for a walk, David was here pounding on your front door. He said to tel you that he would be at Roger’s office at noon and you’d better be there. What now?” Kitty had forgotten about meeting David. “Let’s have Herb make a copy of the file from the copy he has and I’l throw it in the office. I wonder what David’s reaction wil be when he sees someone else was after the files. We’d better hurry if—”

“No, let’s just leave it the way it is. We don’t have time to get another copy. David can search what’s there and he can sweat about what to do when he can’t find the files he needs. He’l probably put two and two together as soon as he sees the mess. Maybe he’l be nervous enough to turn himself in.”

“Or take his money and run.”

“We’d better get going. Don’t want to keep him waiting,” Tina said and laughed.

Sure enough, when Kitty and Tina got to Roger’s office building, David’s car was idling on the street. Kitty thought she should let Frank know what they were doing but decided not to. She didn’t want to distract him if he was in the middle of something important.

David got out of his car. “Let’s go. I’m in a rush.”

Tina looked at Kitty. “Okay. Kitty where’s the key?”

“I’ve got it.” They walked in without any more talking.

Kitty unlocked the door and David pushed her out of the way to get in. “What happened here? Is this some kind of joke? What did the two of you do?” He snarled at them as he pul ed them into the office and closed the door.

Tina stared at David. “We didn’t do this. Looks like someone beat you to your precious files.” David was furious. “You have no idea what you’re getting into Tina. This isn’t some kind of game. We’l al go back to Kitty’s house and see if she has them hidden there.”

David pushed them back to his car and made them get in, leaving Kitty’s truck on the street.

“You need to listen to me. I need those files or I’m a dead man. And you wil be targets too. I’l make sure of that,” David fumed as he drove.

“What kind of mess are you involved in, David? Is this about some stolen cars?” Tina asked.

“Stolen cars? Is that what you think? It’s much bigger than that.”

“What are you talking about? Does it have to do with that guy I saw leaving your house?”

“Yeah. And he doesn’t like to be seen. I hope you have the files.”

“So who kil ed Roger?” Tina thought this was her best chance to get David talking and maybe confessing.

“I thought Kitty did, but now I’m not sure. That would have made things easier for me. I didn’t shoot him. That ungrateful, no-good, lazy bum.

Okay. In the house. Give me your phones. Let’s go have a look. And don’t try anything cute. We’l start upstairs.”

“David, you’re wasting your time. We don’t know what you’re talking about. There are no files here.” Kitty was trying to stal for time. This was more serious than they had imagined.

“What’s this suitcase Kitty? Planning a trip or hiding something in here?” David opened the suitcase, dumping everything on the floor. “This is Roger’s stuff. Tickets? He was going on a trip?” David slid out the two tickets and saw Roger’s and Candy’s names. “That double crossing—”

David never finished. Sam hit him over the head with his cane, knocking David out.

Sam threw his cel phone to Kitty. “Here Miss Kitty, cal your detective friend. Tel him to get here quick before this creep comes to.” Kitty cal ed Frank immediately. He didn’t answer, so she did the best she could. “Frank, it’s Kitty. We’ve got a problem at my house. Get here as fast as you can.”

“Sam? How did you know we needed help?”

“Max must have pushed the back door open. He came to my house and started barking ‘til I opened the door. He wouldn’t come in, just stood there ‘til I fol owed him. I told you he’s special. Max and I wil keep an eye on him until the police get here.” Kitty and Tina went downstairs to wait for Frank and the police.

“Tina, we stil don’t know who kil ed Roger if you believe what David said.”

“I do believe him.” Tina said. “That’s what scares me now. Maybe it’s the guy that was in David’s office.

Sirens broke the silence. Kitty and Tina sighed with relief.

Frank charged into the house. “Kitty are you alright? I got your message. What’s going on?”

“We’re okay. You better go upstairs and help Sam.”

“I barely left you out of my sight. How did al this happen?”

“You were taking care of the other guy. We had to mop up the scum—with Sam and Max’s help.” Kitty tried to make a joke to take some of the stress away.

“Thanks for that explanation Kitty. It’s al very clear now,” Frank said, dripping with sarcasm as he headed upstairs.

Frank put cuffs on David, took him downstairs and handed him over to the policeman waiting to take him to the station.

“Sam, it’s a good thing you got here when you did.”

“Don’t thank me, thank Max. He’s the one who got my attention. I’m heading back home now. Miss Kitty, don’t get into any more trouble.” Without anything more, he headed back to his house.

“Okay. Who’s going to fil me in on the details?” Frank looked from Kitty to Tina with his eyebrow raised.

Kitty started. “It al happened so fast. David told Tina I had to meet him at Roger’s office at noon. We thought he would panic when he saw the mess and confess to everything. Wel , that didn’t happen. He thought we stole the files and hid them here at the house. He brought us back here to search for them but al he found was the suitcase with Roger’s clothes and the tickets for his trip with Candy. That’s when Sam came in and hit David over the head. We cal ed you and came downstairs to wait. What now?”

“We have to wait until we can question David. If he’s smart, he’l give us evidence against the ring leader Herb got earlier. I’d better get back to the station. Are you two al set? I want to go back to the station and listen in on any questioning.”

“I hope so. I’ve had enough excitement for today. But who kil ed Roger?” Kitty asked Frank.

“I’m not sure, but I think it’s the guy from Roger’s office this morning. We think both Roger and David owed him a lot of money and that kil ing Roger would scare David and put pressure on him to pay up. We don’t have the evidence yet to charge him with the murder.”

“How would he have gotten my gun?” Kitty noticed there were too many unanswered questions to feel like the case was complete.

“We don’t know yet.”

“Do you want to come back later for something to eat?”

“That would be great. I don’t know what time I can get away, though. I hope I’l have more information for you then.”

“Anytime is fine. We’l be here.” Kitty turned to Tina. “What a crazy few days. I thought I would have peace and quiet when I moved to the farm.

Do you want to help me finish unpacking?”

“Sure but let’s take Max for a walk first. I could use some fresh air. Then get something to eat.”

“Good idea. Come on Max. Let’s see what’s outside.”

Kitty and Tina walked toward the river making a big loop back to the barn while Max explored. “You know, Kitty, it doesn’t get much more beautiful than this. Your grannie was smart to sel the development rights so this would stay unspoiled. What’s your next project going to be?”

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