Read Fatal Desire Online

Authors: Valerie Twombly

Tags: #Paranormal Erotic Romance, #Shapeshifter

Fatal Desire (15 page)

BOOK: Fatal Desire
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“Right through his heart. I watched the life drain from his eyes.” His sorrow-filled gaze met hers. “When I finally went home, I had to tell his mate he was dead. She was so grief stricken, she took her own life.” He quickly turned his back to her and stepped away. “We should get moving.”

“Yes, of course.” Resolve coursed through her. She would beg the gods herself to break the bond. This brave man who stood in front of her deserved much more than a broken demon as a mate. Her heart filled with sorrow. A part of her wanted him but knew she was being stupid and selfish.
Follow your heart.
She wished her mother would shut up. “We will be heading into the next realm, and I suspect we might be able to get some answers there.”

“Good, the sooner we can find the goddess, the sooner we can leave,” Caleb replied.

* * * *

His scar still burned where her fingers had caressed him. It had taken every ounce of dragon strength he had not to throw her down and bury his cock into her warm depths. Then she wanted to know what had happened. Was her resolve breaking? He still needed to find out her deepest desire and hoped by sharing his most painful moment it would move them in the right direction. He feared there wasn’t much time left to figure out his mate. Something tore at her heart—this much he could tell—and he planned to press the matter to see if she would share it with him. The more time they spent together, it became apparent she was complicated. Not only did he admire her beauty, but her strength and wit as well. She was a strong, proud demon, one he would be honored to call his mate.

They had been traveling in silence for several hours. The terrain turned from lush green to dead and burnt. It was like a desert, barren with nothing but sand for miles. Not even a breeze blew, making the two suns that blazed down on them even fiercer.

“Holy hell. I like hot, but this is ridiculous.” He wiped the sweat from his brow and glanced over at Lileta. Her skin was slick and her cheeks flushed. She looked good enough to eat.

“I’m afraid we’re going to have to burrow until night fall. We’re only halfway across this terrain and can’t continue in this heat.” She mopped her forehead.

He raised a brow. “Burrow?”

Her lips curled at the corners. “Watch this.” She held her palms out flat in front of her, closed her eyes and her lips moved in silence. The ground shook and sand flew until a small tunnel formed in front of them. She stepped back, hands planted on her hips, and surveyed her work.

“What the hell did you just do?”

“I made us a sand cave.” She grabbed his hand and pulled. “Come on, let’s get out of the suns.”

They stepped through the opening, his eyes quickly adjusting to the darkness. Already his skin liked the coolness. Lileta led him through a tight passage. After several steps, it snaked downward then to the left before widening several feet below. The small room was tall enough for him to stand and wide enough they could both stretch out. The temperature had dropped a good twenty degrees. Still warm, but much more bearable.

He brushed a hand across the walls, the texture smooth as glass. “I had no idea you had such power.” He let pride carry in his voice. This little minx was full of surprises, and he found himself wondering what other kinds of tricks she could perform. His dragon stirred along with his cock. Christ, both needed a leash.

“You’re in my element now.”

He adored the big smile on her face.

She threw her pack to the ground, pulled free a blanket and laid it out then sat and began pulling off her boots. “We should get some rest. Once the suns set, we’ll have to move quickly to get across the desert before they rise again. In this realm, night is only a few hours.”

He followed suit and took up position near the entrance just in case. She rolled her eyes at him.

“Nothing will bother us while the suns are in the sky. It’s after they set you need to worry.”

He didn’t like the sound of that. “And what exactly should I be worrying about?”

She gave a yawn, laid down and folded her arm under her head. “They know we’re here now, and the demons will come. Be prepared to fight.”


Chapter Fourteen




Caleb watched her chest rise and fall for several minutes before he finally let his lids slip shut and take him into sleep. He was enjoying the hell out of his current dream. Delicate fingers pulled on his T-shirt, freeing it from his jeans then gliding underneath it across his naked chest. Damn, it felt good.

Soft curves pressed against him then climbed onto his lap. His cock stiffened and strained against his jeans, begging to be set free. Hot moist lips brushed his, and he groaned. He reached for Lileta and cupped her face, if he couldn’t have her in real life then he would settle for having her in his dreams.

His tongue plundered into her mouth and slid across hers. Desire kicked up ten notches along with the need to possess her.

Honeysuckle mingled with lust assaulted his senses. His hands dropped to her shoulders then slid to her breasts. He squeezed, the soft mounds more than filled his large hands. She moaned into his mouth while rocking against his shaft.

His body was on fire, and his hands moved to grasp her ass.

“Caleb, I need you,” she whispered against his lips.

His body went rigid. Something was off, but he couldn’t place a finger on it. She pulled on his shirt, trying to rip it from his body.

“Need this off.” Her voice came in breathless pants against his lips.

Holy hell!
His lids flew open. This was no dream; Lileta rocked on his lap, and they’d been kissing. He pushed her away and shook her.

“Wake up.”

Her lashes fluttered. “Huh? What?” Sudden realization crossed her features. “Oh my god, what’s going on?”

“You were trying to fuck me in your sleep.”

She scurried off his lap and flew across the small room, her pupils dilated and breathing heavy. “Oh no, I was dreaming.” She scrubbed a hand down her face then looked at him, her jaw open wide. “I kissed you. Oh hell, why did you let me kiss you?” Her voice was full of panic.

He adjusted himself best he could. His erection was so hard he could have used it to drill for oil. “Fuck, woman, I thought I was dreaming as well,” he snapped, not meaning to.

Her lips pursed in determination. “I should have never agreed to this. It was a mistake.” Moisture glistened in her eyes. “My god, Caleb, you could die.”

He slid in next to her. “I’m not going to die.”
I hope.
He reached for her hand, but she withdrew.

“Don’t touch me.” The tears finally made their escape and stained her flushed cheeks. “I’m so sorry. I never meant to hurt you.”

This time, he managed to grab her hand and bring it to his chest. “Stop.” He brushed a drop with his finger, not giving a shit if he came in contact with her body fluids. Her distress fractured his heart, and the fact that she held concern for his safety meant he was breaking through the barrier. He refused to let this minor setback become a roadblock.

They belonged together.

“Angel, I know you hold no malice. I loved your kiss, and god, do I crave another. I crave all of you and will have you, one day.”

“But you might—”

He placed a finger against her swollen lips. “I’m not going to die. I feel fine—well, except for the raging hard-on I have, but even that I will survive.” He looked at the bulge in his pants. “See what you do to me, Angel? You set me on fire, and soon, I will part those lovely thighs of yours and bury myself so deep I won’t find my way out until next week. But not today.” He nodded toward the opening. “I think the suns have set; we should go.”

She nodded and moved to rise, he gave a silent prayer to the gods that he would indeed survive.

* * * *

Lileta took the lead and didn’t bother to wait and see if he followed.
I’ve killed him. How stupid I was to agree to help him.
prayed he was right and would survive. Perhaps a short kiss wasn’t enough to end the Draki’s life.

When she reached the outside, she was met with two full moons and cool air blew across her skin. It would be a good night to run. She looked up at the tall man who stood beside her. He was a mystery, one she wished she could unravel. Not only did her body crave his touch, but her heart started to have a mind of its own as well. She would never admit it to him, but she was on the verge of falling for him. Hard.

I need to complete this mission and then get as far away from him as I can.

“Are you ready?” she asked.

He glanced at her, his eyes flashing emerald green. “Tell me what to do.”

“We need to cross the rest of the desert and quickly. There is no flashing or shifting in this realm, so we run.” She pulled out her dagger. “And keep your weapon handy, the demons will come.”

She took off in a sprint before he could reply, but he was next to her in a snap. “The demons we’ll encounter here require you to stab them in the gut to slow them down, and then you can remove their head.”

“Sounds easy enough,” he replied.

“Yeah, except they have two stomachs and your aim has to be precise.” She noticed he ran with ease as if he were on a Sunday stroll with the exception his muscles flexing with power.
Stop looking at him!

“Great, can you be more specific? I think we’re about to have company.”

Several demons came into view on the horizon. “Aim two inches below the nodule you’ll see on their chest.”


The demons were upon them in seconds. From what Lileta could see, she guessed there were at least twenty.
Not a problem.

The first one who came at her flicked out a claw and raised its black scaly arm to strike, but before it could, everything stopped. She stood, feet planted in the sand and blade ready to slice into the demon.

“What the fuck is happening?” Caleb asked.

All around them, the demons stood motionless, frozen in the last stance they took. “Shit, there’s only one with enough power to do this.”

“I’m glad you still remember who I am.” A low voice growled from amongst the demons. He moved into view, his height towered over her. Black leather pants covered his lower part while the top half was left bare, exposing heavy corded muscles. Black hair was tied back, accenting a chiseled face and onyx eyes.

Lileta dropped to her knees. “My Lord, I come—”

He held up a large palm. “I know why you’re here.” His gaze traveled to Caleb. “But why is he in my realm?”

Caleb’s posture stiffened, and the grip on his dagger tightened.
Great, just what I need. A pissing match between Hades and Caleb.

Caleb would lose.

“My Lord, I brought him here to retrieve the goddess. He…he is also my mate.”

The dark god threw his head back and roared with laughter. “Unbelievable. So the gods above really do have a mean streak. I’m impressed.” He stepped closer to the Draki. “Drop to your knees. Do you not know who I am?” He growled.

Caleb clenched his jaw. “I know full fucking well who you are, Hades. I kneel to no one.”

Hades’s bottom lip turned up. “Oh you will fucking kneel and address me as your lord.”

Caleb’s face grimaced in pain as his knees buckled. He fought the hold Hades had over him, but Lileta could see he was quickly losing. “Caleb, please obey him,” she begged.

“I do it only for you, not him,” he said through pursed lips, and he dropped to the ground. He looked up at the demon god. “Fuck you. My Lord.”

Hades laughed. “You have spunk, dragon. I like that, and because Lileta seems to like you, I’ll let you live. For now.”

She let the air escape her lungs. “How can I serve you, My Lord?”

“I don’t wish to discuss this out here. You will be my guest.” He tossed a menacing stare at Caleb. “And I suppose I will allow the dragon if you promise to keep your pet on a leash.”

“I promise he’ll behave.” She narrowed her eyes at the Draki and pinned him with a stare that would burn a hole in his soul. So far, it looked as if he might survive her poisonous kiss. Now, she only needed to get him to behave, or Hades would be hanging a dragon-head over his mantle.

“Very well then.” The demon god clapped his hands together.

* * * *

Odage stared at the empty cage where Qadira had been held. He closed his lids, fatigue spread across his muscles. He hadn’t rested in weeks, and there was no light at the end of his tunnel. As a matter of fact, a vortex closed in around him. He wondered how his son was—both his children now lost to him. Actually, all of his children. There were also the humans who had yet to give birth. A directive from Lowan, which he still didn’t understand, but they were his children nonetheless. He hoped Caleb had found a way to save the humans and the babies. Before Lowan, he would never have done these vile deeds. He thought of his dead mate, and a tear slipped from the corner of his eye. She would be mortified at his actions, not caring that he had lost control. There was only one thing left to do while Lowan seemed to allow him a lapse back into reality.

Rescue Leria.

He summoned his ghoul wife Oroumea to meet him in the study. Giving one last look around, he flashed from the empty prisoner’s area to the room several feet above. The once bustling cavern was now a ghost town. Its silence eerie even to him. He moved to the bar and poured a whiskey, wishing the amber liquid would numb him, but there was nothing that could take away his pain.

“Darling.” His beautiful wife called out as she entered the room wearing a long black gown that clung to her shapely figure. “You seem so glum.” She pecked him on the cheek.

He studied her, she was not going to be happy with the news he was about to unveil. Perhaps he could placate her in some way.

“Love, I’ve made a decision. I’m going to rescue Leria.” He waited for her fury.

Her fists clenched, and her already red eyes turned darker. “What a stupid idea. You will never survive Lowan, and that is surmising you can get yourself into Hell.” Her chin raised. “Leave the brat to her fate.”

BOOK: Fatal Desire
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