Fatal Identity (7 page)

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Authors: Marie Force

BOOK: Fatal Identity
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been so relieved to hear him speak. She sat on the edge of the bed and ran her hand over his face. “Only you, babe.”

“Better be only me.” His eyes opened slowly, and his brows knitted as he took in the room. “What the hell?”

She glanced at Harry before she filled Nick in on where he was and why. “You wouldn't wake up. Scared the living hell out of me.”

“And me,” Harry said. “I was afraid she'd sue me for saying you'd be fine in a couple of days.”

“Andy has agreed to take my case pro bono,” Sam said, smiling at Nick.

“That traitor,” Harry said of his and Nick's mutual friend.

“Scotty,” Nick said in a low rumble.

“Is home with Tracy and doing better than you are.”

“That's a relief. When can I get out of here?”

“Probably tomorrow or the next day,” Harry said.

“Aw, come on,” Nick said, groaning. “I feel a lot better. Let me go home.”

“Dude, you were out cold an hour ago,” Harry said. “You're not going anywhere.”

Sam pointed a thumb at Harry. “What he said.”

As if it was too much effort to keep them open, Nick closed his eyes. “Thought you guys were my friends.”

Sam leaned forward to kiss him. “We're your best friends.”

“You might want to cut out the kissing unless you want what he's got,” Harry said.

“Too late to worry about that.”

Nick's arms came around her, keeping her right where she wanted to be—close to him.

“They're hopeless,” Harry said to Angela.

“They certainly are. We'll remind her of this when she's barfing her guts out in a couple of days.”

“Worth it,” Sam said.

Nick tightened his hold on her and for the first time since he wouldn't wake up earlier, she was able to take a deep breath. He was okay, and that was all that mattered.

* * *

, N
ordered Sam and Angela to go get something to eat. They'd talked to Scotty by FaceTime on Angela's phone so he could see that Nick was doing better and they could see that he was fine. Tracy had gotten him to eat some of the soup Celia sent over, and he'd even asked for ice cream.

Nick, on the other hand, wasn't interested in food of any kind yet. “You guys go grab something. I'm not going anywhere.”

“Are you sure?” Sam messed with his blankets until she was happy with the way they covered him. They'd fielded another call from his dad, as well as Graham and Laine O'Connor. Nick's adopted parents were also concerned about him.

He put his hand over hers. “I'm sure.”

“Come on,” Angela said, tugging Sam's arm. “I'm starving.”

She'd kept them entertained with the increasingly desperate texts she'd received from Spencer as the day progressed. The kids were making a man out of him, or so Angela said.

They went to the cafeteria where Sam forced herself to choke down a turkey club even though she didn't really want it. Angela said she'd be no good to anyone if she didn't take care of herself. In deference to the day from hell, Sam indulged in a rare diet cola. Desperate times called for desperate measures.

“Best thing I ever tasted,” she said of the icy-cold soda.

“So I was going to call you today about something else.”

“What's up?”

Angela dipped a French fry into ketchup and popped it into her mouth. “Mom's in town and she wants to see you.”

Sam shook her head from the word
on. “Not now.”

“I think you need to see her. She has some news you should hear from her.”

“What kind of news?”

Angela shook her head. “It's not mine to tell.”


“You know I would if I could.”

Sam blew out a deep breath. “This is just what I need right now with all the other crap I've got going on.”

“What was that thing with Freddie earlier?”

“Something for work that fell into my lap after I was suspended.”

“Is it something that's going to get you into deeper shit than you're already in?”

“Perhaps, but it could be such a huge big deal that no one will care about my role in it.”

“I know you've got a lot going on, but you need to see her. I wouldn't ask you to if it wasn't important.”

“Does Tracy know about this too?”


“Great, so everyone knows but me.”

“That's the way you wanted it when you cut Mom out of your life, Sam. We chose not to go that far. What do you want me to say?”

Her mother had left Skip for another man the day after Sam, their youngest child, graduated from high school. Sam had sided with her dad, and she'd do the same thing again if she had it to do over. Lately, however, especially after what'd happened with Stahl, she'd been thinking it might be time for a ceasefire with her mother. She'd yet to follow through on those thoughts, but Angela had presented her with a golden opportunity.

“How long is she in town?”

“The rest of the week.”

“Set something up for a couple of days from now. Let me get my guys out of the woods first.”

“I'll take care of it and let you know.”

During fifteen years on the job, Sam had had her share of scrapes and close calls, but nothing like what her ex-colleague had put her through in the basement of Marissa Springer's home. The incident had served as a wake-up call that life is short and grudges are pointless.

Though she'd probably never again be close to her mother, it was time to put down her sword and allow her mother back into her life. Having Scotty's adoption finalized was another good reason to bridge the chasm with her mother. He had asked a few times about her mom, and his curiosity had cemented her resolve to make a move—eventually. She hadn't expected to make that move today.

Nick was sleeping when they returned to his room, so Angela offered to stay with him while Sam took Angela's car home to check on Scotty.

“He fell asleep about twenty minutes ago,” Tracy whispered when Sam came in to find Scotty sleeping next to Tracy on the sofa. Tracy ran her fingers through Scotty's hair as he slept, and the sight of her sister tending to her son made Sam weepy again. Enough with the waterworks today!

Sam rested a hand on his forehead, which was cool. “Thank you so much for staying with him.”

“He's a pleasure to be with, and he was so glad when you guys called earlier and he could see for himself that Nick is fine. That helped to take some of the sting out of missing his friend's party.”

Sam bent over to kiss Scotty's cheek. “What a long, crazy day.”

“Nick's doing better?”

Sam sat in one of the upholstered chairs. “Yeah, he's pissed that Harry is making him stay the night. I hope they let him out tomorrow, or he'll be beside himself.”

“Now you know what we deal with anytime you're injured.”

Sam stuck her tongue out at her sister. “So, Ang told me something's up with Mom.”

“I wondered if she would mention that.”

“Is it bad?”

“It's not good news, but it could be worse. She really wants to see you, Sam.”

“I know. Ang is going to set it up.”


“Yeah, it's time.”

“I'm so glad to hear you say that.”

“Do you want to go home? I can take over from here.”

“I figured you'd want to be with Nick at the hospital. I had Mike bring me a bag so I could stay with Scotty.”

“I'm not sure where I belong right now. I've never felt so divided.”

“Welcome to motherhood,” Tracy said, smiling. “Scotty is fine with me, and you want to be with Nick, so go. We've got it covered here.”

“You must've had plans for this weekend.”

“Nothing that couldn't be shifted around.”

“Thank you. You and Angela are the best. Always there when I need you.”

“Right back at you. I'll never be able to pay you back for everything you did for Brooke last year.”

“I was just doing my job.”

“You did way more than your job, and we both know it.”

“All that matters is that she's doing great and finishing up her senior year and going to college.”

“UVA of all places,” Tracy said. “I'm so proud of her.”

“We all are. I'm going to grab a quick shower and change before I head back to the hospital. But first, let's get my big boy up to bed.”

They woke Scotty, who brightened at the sight of Sam. “How's Dad?”

“He's cranky about being in the hospital.”

“That's good. That means he's fine.”

“I'm going to tuck you in and head back to be with him. Tracy will spend the night, okay?”

“Sure, you should be with him.”

“I should be with both of you.”

“Until we clone you, that's not possible.”

“Dear God,” Tracy said, shuddering dramatically, “do
clone her. One of her is more than enough.”

“No kidding,” Scotty said.

“Hey, I'm in the room,” Sam said, while hiding her pleasure at her son's teasing. She much preferred that to the tears of the night before.

He was still weak and droopy, so they helped him into pajamas and got him tucked into bed.

“I'll see you in the morning, buddy.”

“Will Dad get to come home tomorrow?”

“I fear for Harry's safety if he doesn't spring him.”

“I hope he gets to come home.”

Sam leaned over to kiss his cheek. “Me too. Get some sleep and don't worry about anything. He's fine.”

His eyes closed. “It's hard.”

“What is?”

“When you care more about someone else than you do about yourself. It's hard when something happens to them.”

Sam had to swallow the huge lump in her throat before she could reply. “Yes, it is.” She kissed him again and left him to sleep. After a quick shower and a change into yoga pants and a sweatshirt, she was on her way back to GW to spend the night with Nick.

She sent Angela home to Spencer, who had gotten both kids into bed and raised the white flag on the day. He'd sent a hilarious selfie with a six-pack of beer sitting next to him on the sofa.

“He's getting so lucky tonight,” Angela said after sharing his comical texts with Sam.

“He got lucky the day you said yes to him.”

“Remember that night when I went to meet him? The night you met Nick for the first time?”

“I remember that night like it was yesterday.”

“Funny how that was such an important night for both of us. I think all the time about how Spence might've gotten away while I was busy mourning my relationship with Johnny the douche bag. And you having to put up with all that crap with Peter to get to what you have now with Nick...”

“I don't like to even think about him.”

“He's been quiet lately.”

“Ever since his ‘suicide' attempt you mean?” Sam made air quotes around the word

“He must've been so disappointed when you didn't come running.”

“Whatever. Those days are long over.”

“Better be,” Nick said.

“He is such an eavesdropper,” Angela said, laughing.

Sam gave her a hug and sent her on her way. “You really are a terrible eavesdropper,” Sam said to Nick when they were alone.

“Come here.”

“I'm here.”

“All the way.” Without opening his eyes, he held out his arms to her, and she crawled into bed with him.

“There. Much better.”

“You do seem much better.”

“I'm outta here in the morning. I don't care what Harry says.”

“You'll do what you're told, which is what you always say to me when I'm in this place.”

“Hate when my own words come back to haunt me. How's Scotty?”

“Feeling much better and worried about you. He said it's hard when you care about someone else more than you care about yourself.”

“Did he now.” Nick sighed. “Wow.”

“I knew that would get to you.”

“Right here.” He rubbed his chest. “Now, how about you fill me in on what happened yesterday? It was only yesterday, right?”

“Yeah, it was. Feels like a lifetime ago, though.” She told him about the results of the IAB hearing, Josh Hamilton and what he'd uncovered on the Internet.

“So he just happened to see an age-progression photo that was of
? What're the odds of that?”


“Imagine seeing one of those photos, and it's
. Jesus.”

“You haven't even heard the real kicker yet. Guess who his father is?”


“Troy Hamilton.”

“As in the
FBI director Troy Hamilton

“One and the same.”

“Holy shit. Sam, seriously... Are you kidding me right now?”

“Would I do that?”

“What's your plan?”

“To keep him alive while we wait for DNA proof that he's Taylor Rollings.”

“So you think he is?”

“I think he could be. The resemblance to the photo is uncanny. It's like someone drew a picture of
and posted it. His thirtieth birthday is next week, so the timing works. And according to Freddie, who I've got babysitting him, his father has been calling every fifteen minutes, which is more than he's called his son in the last five years.”

“So Hamilton knows about the photo—and he knows that

“Yeah, that's the theory. How well do you know Hamilton?”

“Not very well. From what I've seen at hearings on the Hill and in a few meetings at the White House, he's a cool customer with an ego the size of Texas.”

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