Fated Mates: Book 1 of the True Mates Series (19 page)

BOOK: Fated Mates: Book 1 of the True Mates Series
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Alynna tore open the snack. “I swear, I gotta stop exercising so much. It’s making me hungry all the damn time!”

“Well let’s continue then,” Cady turned back to her screen.

“Wait, can I ask one more thing?”


“A…personal thing?”

Cady raised an eyebrow at her and took a sip of her tea. “Yes…?”

“I’m just curious…you and Grant. You never…you know, Dr. Faulkner said that you could’ve been great Lupa material, if you were Lycan.”

This time, it was Cady who almost choked on her drink. “Good lord, no!” she took a napkin and wiped her chin. “That would be like….well he’s like a brother to me. We grew up together. That would be just…”

“Weird?” Alynna finished for her. “Gross?”

“Yes,” Cady wrinkled her nose delicately. “And definitely yes.”

Alynna wanted to ask if there was any other man or a certain handsome, tall, albeit humorless, blonde Lycan on her radar, but she wanted to get out of there sooner than later. Besides that sounded like a talk that would go better over a drink or five.

“So, let’s proceed. Any preference in terms of music?


“Alynna? May I come in?”

Alynna had been staring at herself in the mirror for the last twenty minutes. She couldn’t quite believe it was her in the reflection. Cady had a team of hair and makeup artists working on her, adding just the right amount of cosmetics to emphasize her features and sweep her dark hair up into an elegant updo. Then, once they were done, the Lycan seamstress from Bergdorf Goodman, Rachel, helped her into the dress she and Cady had chosen. Alynna felt the green gown she had tried on a few weeks ago was just too much. They looked at the other dresses, and when Rachel came into the dressing room with the last dress, Cady and Alynna knew they found the one.

It was an elegant, light champagne ball gown with a full tulle skirt that seemed to float on air. The top was off the shoulder, showing off her pale, delicate neck and shoulders. The bodice was tight, hugging her curves and made of a fine silky material that felt divine on her naked skin. It was simple and understated, but when she put it on the first time, both she and Cady knew it was the dress for her.

She looked like Cinderella going to the ball, but all she wanted to do was turn into a pumpkin.
Just one night
, she thought.
Get through this one night and get on with my life

“Yes, please come in,” she called out from her room in the suite she shared with Grant. She didn’t even have to guess who it was. Her keen senses recognized Grant’s scent. He entered her room, dressed in a gorgeous tuxedo that fit him perfectly. Freshly shaved and dressed to the nines, Grant Anderson looked very handsome and exuded power and confidence. Alynna swallowed a gulp, wishing she had some of the confidence.

“You look beautiful,” he complemented, pride shining through his eyes. “Stunning. Gorgeous. Ama—“

“Alright, alright,” she giggled, holding a hand up.

He came closer and drew her into a loose hug, not wanting to crush her gown or muss her hair. “Nervous?”

She nodded.

“Don’t be. You’ll be great. There’s nothing to it.”

Alynna pulled away from Grant. “I hate being the center of attention,” she scowled at her reflection in the mirror.

“It’ll be over soon. I promise you won’t have to be the centre of attention again. Except at your wedding.”

Alynna made a face and stuck her tongue out. “Eww, no. If, and that’s a big if, I do get married, I’m eloping.”

Grant laughed. “Well, I’m not a fan of these shindigs, so I’ll make you a deal -
drive you to the courthouse myself if it means not having to do this again.”

“In the Maserati?”

“In the Maserati.”

Alynna gave him a thumbs up and then smoothed her ball gown done. “I still have some time before meeting the Council, right?”

“Yes, an hour, but uhm,” Grant cleared his throat. “There’s someone…somebody I want you to meet. And I’d really appreciate it if you could let me introduce you to her.”

Alynna’s eyebrow shot up. “Who is it?”

“My mother.”

Alynna’s heart jumped in her throat and she paled. “Grant…I’m…”

“Please, Alynna?” Grant implored.

Seeing the look on Grant’s face, how could she not say yes? “Of course. Please tell her I would love to meet her. Where is she? Should I go down?”

He shook his head. “No, she’s here. Just outside. Let me call her in.”

“Oh no, no,” she smoothed her ball gown of imaginary wrinkles again. “I mean, I should go out and meet her, right?”

Grant nodded and put his hand on her lower back, guiding her out the room.

Alynna was wringing her hand, trying to figure out what she was going to say to her father’s wife. She held her breath as they walked out into the main room.

“Mother,” Grant called to the trio standing by the large French doors that led to the balcony.

The elegant, tall blonde woman who was softly speaking to Cady in French turned her head towards them. She was dressed in a long red gown that hugged her slim figure. Her beautiful face broke out into a smile when her eyes landed on Alynna.

“Mother, may I present Alynna Chase, my sister. Alynna, this is Callista Mayfair, my mother.”

“H-how do you do, ma’am?” Alynna greeted, bowing her head.

“Oh my dear! I’ve been waiting for so long to meet you, ever since Grant told me the news,” Callista exclaimed, her voice light and cheery. Her cornflower blue eyes sparkled as she leaned over and gave her a kiss on each cheek. Alynna breathed in the scent of jasmine flowers. “Please, call me Callista.” She looked at the handsome older Lycan beside her. “Jean-Luc, doesn’t she look like Michael? It’s incredible, absolutely incredible!”

Oui, ma-chere
,” the man nodded in agreement.

“Oh, sorry, this is Jean-Luc Allonse, my husband. He’s second cousin to the Alpha of Paris and we are officially part of his delegation tonight.”

The older man with snowy white hair in a white tuxedo bowed his head and then kissed her hand. To Alynna, he smelled of cedar wood. “Very lovely to meet you my dear,” he said in a thick French accent. He have her
a warm smile. “We’ve heard so much about you.”

“I, uh, thank you,” Alynna was slightly flustered at the attention and seemingly warm reception from Grant’s mother and stepfather. “I hope you had a pleasant flight?”

“It was alright. I do get tired from the time difference, but the jet makes traveling quite pleasant these days.” She looked at Alynna from head to toe appraisingly. “
! Cady, this is a wonderful dress.”

“Alynna and I picked it out together,” the red head smiled from behind the Callista, giving Alynna a small wink.

“Ah such good taste!” the older woman exclaimed. “But…” she motioned to the tall man in a dark suit standing by the door. Alynna didn’t recognize any of them, so they were probably part of Jean-Luc’s team. The Lycan handed Callista a small briefcase. Turning to Alynna, she opened the case.

Alynna’s eyes went wide as saucers. “Holy sh— I mean, oh wow!” Sitting inside the case, on top of rich black velvet was a beautiful emerald and diamond necklace. The large green stone in the middle was the size of her palm and flawless diamonds surrounded it. She gasped when Callista took it off and motioned for her to turn around. “Ma’am…I…no…”

“Callista, please,” she corrected.

“Ma’.. Callista….I couldn’t!” she shook her head.

“Nonsense, my dear.” She handed the case to Grant and took the necklace out. “You must wear this.”

“What if I lose your necklace? Or it gets stolen?” That necklace must have cost more than her apartment!

“Well, first of all, I know for a fact that you’ll have eyes on you all evening, so no one would dare and second, this is not my necklace anymore - it’s yours.”

Alynna looked taken aback. “E-excuse me?”

“What my mother means,” Grant interrupted before Alynna could protest. “Is that the necklace is part of the Anderson family collection. They belong to the family and all the women in the family get to wear anything from the vault.” He looked at the necklace. “This was grandma’s favorite piece, right mother? A gift from my grandfather?”

Callista nodded. “When you told me she had your father’s eyes, and which meant your grandmother’s too, I knew this would be perfect!” She turned to Alynna. “Would you please, my dear?”

Alynna turned around, letting the older woman drape the piece around her neck. “There you go,” she said, giving her shoulder an affectionate pat. “Wonderful, perfect!” she exclaimed as Alynna turned back around.

The necklace felt heavy around her neck and shoulders, but it wasn’t just the jewels. The weight of it all - family, brother, father, grandmother…for years she had been wondering about them, and now…She couldn’t quite grasp it all.

“Are you alright my dear?” Callista said, a concerned look on her face.

“Yes, Ma’am - I mean, Callista!” she stammered. She took a deep breath. “Thank you.”

Callista smiled at her. “That’s it, just take deep breaths.”

She nodded. “I really appreciate this…it’s very generous of you.”

“You’ll do great. Now,” she turned back to her husband. “I don’t want to break further protocol, as technically Gaultier as Alpha of the Paris clan has to meet you first.”

“Don’t worry, I’m sure my cousin will not begrudge you the company of your son,
ma chere
,” Jean-Luc said.

“In any case, I’ll let you relax, my dear. Have a glass of champagne before you meet the stuffed shirts of the Council!” With that, she gave Alynna a kiss on both cheeks.

“I’ll walk you out, mother,” Grant nodded to Alynna before guiding the couple out of the suite.

Alynna let out a breath. “Wow,” she said to Cady. “That was
what I expected.”

Cady laughed. “What did you expect?”

“I dunno…maybe a cold matriarch type? I didn’t think she’d be so…”

“Cheerful? Young?” Cady quipped.

“Warm and friendly,” Alynna touched the jewels at her neck. “I thought…I don’t know, she’d see me as some sort of outsider or interloper and she’d be indifferent towards me, at best.”

Cady walked towards her, smoothing down her own sapphire blue gown. “Callista Mayfair is certainly one of a kind.”

“I thought Grant’s parents’ marriage was arranged or something like that?” Alynna asked.

“Sort of. They were friends before they got married, Michael and Callista, or so my dad told me. She’s the daughter of another high-ranking family from Philadelphia. As a Lycan and one with positions like them, there really are very few options for mates, so everyone assumed they would be married and produce an heir. They weren’t very romantic or affectionate, at least not in public, but they held a deep respect for each other,” Cady explained.

“That seems…weird,” Alynna’s brows knitted in confusion.

“Yeah well, don’t ask me, I’m just the help,” Cady shrugged her shoulders.

“Cady!” Alynna admonished.

“I’m joking, Alynna, I’m joking!” Cady said defensively. “It’s complicated and I don’t really understand it myself. But, I supposed if the human race was dying out, I’d do my part in it too.”

“Cady,” Alynna dropped her voice. “You don’t mean…are Lycans dying out?”

She shrugged her shoulders. “I don’t have the exact numbers, but there have been rumors swirling around. Lycan births have dropped in the last two decade. Not enough that the High Council has taken action, but from what I’ve heard, they are certainly monitoring it. Anyway,” Cady straightened her shoulders. “Do you want a glass of champagne or something before you go meet the Council?”

“Ugh,” Alynna made a disgusted face, just thinking about the alcohol made he nauseous. “Hey, you think you can sneak me one of those petite fours from the kitchen?”


The presentation to the High Council seemed almost anticlimactic. Grant introduced her to the five members, all high-ranking Lycans who were never chosen as Alpha for their clans. They came from various corners of the world - Europe, Africa, the Middle East, Asia, and South America. The youngest member was Rodrigo Baeles from Brazil, a lively and affable man in his late 40s, who welcomed her warmly. The other members, Oded Khan from Iran, Jun Park from Korea, and Adama Amuyaga from Ghana also greeted her cordially. The oldest member, and unofficial leader, Lljuffa Suitdottir from Sweden, was cool towards her and said nothing, but gave her a nod. The older lady regarded her with a curious eye, but then all of them probably felt intrigued by and maybe slightly wary of the young outsider who had seemingly infiltrated their closed-knit society.

Despite the scrutiny, Alynna managed to remember their names, how to call each one, to kiss their rings to show her allegiance and recite the words, pledging her fealty to the clan, to follow her Alpha and the High Council and to never reveal her true nature to anyone.

Afterwards, they broke out the champagne, and Baeles spoke a few words to formally welcome her into the fold. Then, it was time for the receiving line.

The New York clan had rented out the Grand Ballroom at the Waldorf Astoria for this occasion. The ballroom was decorated in green and silver, Fenrir’s colors. The staff at the hotel were told very little of what was happening and strictly instructed not to stare or watch any of the guests. Everyone from waiters to the dishwashers were given background checks and all their phones were locked up while they were working the event. Though Lycans themselves were very discrete, the clan couldn’t take any chances of a coat check person overhearing the wrong things or a waiter taking pictures and posting them online.

“Ready to collapse yet?” Cady whispered from behind Alynna. She handed her a glass of water.

The younger woman took the water and sipped up as much as she could, letting the cool liquid quench her parched throat. “Oh my god, how many more?”

BOOK: Fated Mates: Book 1 of the True Mates Series
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