Fated Redemption [Kindred of Arkadia 8] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) (13 page)

BOOK: Fated Redemption [Kindred of Arkadia 8] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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the soul merge faded she flipped over on her back and pulled him forward with her legs. He guided his

cock back inside her pulsating pussy and thrust deep. She came up off the bed until he had no choice but to

support her weight with his hands, and she rode him furiously until at last she screamed again and sunk her

small canines in the muscles over his heart.

The rest of her soul merged with his, swirled and returned to their bodies. Breathing hard, Moe pulled

out of Abby. He collapsed to the mattress grabbing Rhys with one hand and Abby with the other. With him

in the middle Rhys was cuddled under one arm and Abby under the other. Rhys leaned forward and kissed

Abby, who smiled widely at him. He then kissed Moe.

He could taste Rhys’s come mixed with the remnants of Abby’s blood in the kiss. Rhys moaned and laid

his head on Moe’s chest.

“So, umm my name is Abby.” Abby laughed, then snorted, then snort-laughed. On the other side of him

Rhys laughed as hard as Moe had ever seen him. Moe found himself laughing right along with them.

“Nice to meet you, Abby, my name is Moe Jones. I run the bar here. Rhys and I discovered we were

mates nearly a month ago,” Moe finally said when the laughter died down.

“God, I can’t believe I fell into bed with you.” Abby laughed again. Rhys came up on one elbow.

“We were so hot you couldn’t help yourself. There’s no shame in that,” Rhys said with a straight face.

Abby eyed him over Moe’s stomach and giggled, which set Rhys off again. Moe smiled at the ceiling,

waiting for the giggles to subside.

“It’s the mating heat, every shifter knows how it can be.” Moe kissed the top of her head.

“Is this how you feel, not claiming me?” Rhys asked. Moe paused in petting Rhys’s hair and thought of

his answer carefully.

“Yes and no. Yes of course the heat is there. But no, since my desire to put what you need first overrides

the heat. I couldn’t claim you if it hurt you or set you back,” Moe said.

“Did claiming Abby help?” Moe thought about it and had to admit the fire had died down.

“I think it did.”

“Happy to help,” Abby quipped.

“Abby, love, I didn’t mean to make you feel like what we did…” Abby cut Moe off by running her

hands down his washboard abs.

“One, I’m not very high maintenance. I’m pretty laid back. So unless I am cussing at you or ignoring

you, I’m not angry. It really takes a lot to piss me off, and assuring our mate that he hasn’t hurt you by

putting off the claiming of him seems like the loving thing to do. I would be more pissed off if you were a

dick about it. Two, from the very little you were able to tell me before the clothes were ripped off, Rhys

was put through hell. I am all for whatever efforts helps him, so no worrying about claiming me either,

Rhys, I’m sure everything will be okay. Finally, I have one last request concerning our mating. As much as I

think this apartment is adorable, I don’t think it will be enough for the three of us. Can we get a real house?

I’m a field biologist so I’m going to need an office and maybe some space for a small field lab.” Abby took

a deep breath.

Moe blinked at her.

“I kinda agree with Abby. I wouldn’t mind a house. Not that I mind the bar, but you only have this one-

room studio. It wasn’t an issue with the two of us, but it’s going to get real cramped in here real quick with

three people.” Rhys kissed on the side of Moe’s neck. Abby seemed to take her cue from Rhys and started

nuzzling the other side of his neck.

Moe lay there and wondered how long he should let them try and convince him before he gave in.

When he thought he was at the point where he would be going to hell if he let them continue, he sighed

happily and pulled their bodies closer.

“I don’t care where we live as long as we’re together,” he said finally.

“Oh Moe, thank you! I know that I am new to this mating and to town, this means the world to me. I’ve

never had my own place before. I move around so much that if I wasn’t on assignment I lived out of my

car and stayed with Cassie or Meg or Gray’s place when he was overseas.”

Moe growled low and heard Rhys’s answering hiss.

“Who the hell is Gray?”

Abby looked at them and broke into a bright smile. “You’re both jealous! Oh my god I love it. No one

has ever been jealous of me before. I mean Camille yeah, she hot. But never me. I’m not pretty enough to

be jealous over. I am so going to fall in love with you guys.” Abby sighed and laid her head on Moe’s


Moe looked at Rhys, who was staring up at him. This was the second time their mate alluded to the fact

that she wasn’t pretty.

“I think you’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen. I’m glad this is a ménage mating and I have

Rhys to help keep other males away from you.” Moe growled. Abby looked at him shocked.

“You really think I’m beautiful?” she whispered, tears in her eyes.

“Yes. To the point I only want you hanging out with the lions, they are mostly gay,” Moe said, frowning.

Abby looked at Rhys who was nodding in agreement. She giggled and kissed his chest. Moe looked at Rhys

who was gazing down at Abby with a gentle expression. He bet he had the same dopey look on his face.

“As much as I hate to say this, we’re going to have to go back to the diner. I dropped my backpack

there and I’m starving,” Abby said, her head popping up. She stretched and bounced out of bed.

“Come on, slow pokes!” She danced her way to the bathroom, humming happily.

“Does she remind you of…”

“Don’t say it…”

“Rebecca?” Rhys asked. Moe closed his eyes but was smiling.

“She’s our AbbyGirl. Her own rambling lovable self,” Moe said.

“Do we have insurance?” Rhys asked. Moe groaned and his mate laughed at him. Moe reached for Rhys

to punish him but he was too quick.

“Come on, slow poke,” Rhys sang, imitating Abby.

Moe lay in his bed, unable to feel anything from the waist down.

Life was good.

Chapter 7

Abby followed Rhys and Moe into the diner and all conversation stopped. Abby felt her cheeks burning

but didn’t care. She had been well and truly claimed by her mountain of a mate and she was not ashamed.

“Back so soon?” Rebecca asked. Abby wanted to throttle the little menace.

“After the fifth orgasm I had to throw a flag, I mean look at these two. How is a girl supposed to keep

up?” Abby said loudly, gesturing to Moe and Rhys, both of whom blushed. Moe started shaking his head.

“Damn, girl,” Rebecca said, grinning, holding up her hand for a high five. Abby, laughing, walked

forward and slapped it before plopping down right beside her friend.

“Lucky bitch,” Rian said, grinning.

“Woof, woof,” Abby said, and winked.

“How much is that man packing? I mean seriously he could have put out an eye if his zipper had

popped.” Rebecca asked and Rian leaned forward to hear.


Kate and Sebastian leaned in as well.


Moe wrapped a hand around her mouth.

“No way AbbyGirl.” He moved his hand and kissed her silly. He and Rhys sat at Rebecca’s table next to

Abby. Feeling blissful in her happy place she didn’t realize she was sitting there staring into space until she

heard Rebecca’s giggles.

“Trust me, I know. Aleks almost put me in a coma the first time he kissed me.” Rebecca dipped a spoon

into a jar of baby food and began feeding Aidhan.

“That was the mating bond starting.” Aleks kissed the side of Rebecca’s neck, causing her to squeal.

Aidhan giggled at his momma.

“How come you weren’t at the wedding?” Kate asked from the table she had scooted next to Rebecca’s.

“You’ll have to ask mini menace here. She drops off the face of the earth for nearly a year then we get

her psycho Christmas card. We were heartbroken that we weren’t invited.” Abby picked up a menu.

“I didn’t know y’all were shifters! Some inside info would have gone a long way.”

“Yeah right, you would have been chasing us down with a hypodermic wanting to test our blood. I had

to bunk with your crazy ass. No way, no how was I going to be looking over my shoulder for four years.”

Abby shuddered.

“True. So I guess you really are moving to Arkadia, huh?”

“Looks that way. Moe and Rhys are amazing, they have agreed to buying a house and we’ve only just


“See, now that’s what I’m talking about, a nice simple mating, that’s how it’s supposed to be. No mate

walking away or crazy old men or viruses. Shifters have it so easy.” Rebecca shook her head.

“Not every shifter finds their mate, Rebecca,” Kate reminded her. Rebecca looked surprised.

“But everyone here has been, which is good, because I want everyone to be happy.” She made a face at


“That may be why everyone is finding a mate, and if that is true then we all owe you more than we

initially realized,” Gabriel said, walking into the diner with Ashby on his arm.

All Abby could do was stare. The tall, menacingly gorgeous man had to be the prince, but it was the

smaller one who held her attention. He was exquisite in his beauty, and the child he held was no less


“God I wish I could paint! I feel like he’s wasted on ordinary people and scientists.” Abby stared.

Ashby looked at her shock on his face.

“You must know, Rebecca. She said something similar when we met.” He walked over and took the

table to the right of them.

“We met in college and have been friends ever since,” Rebecca offered.

“He’s just so damn pretty. Hey, can I take your picture?” Abby asked, digging for her phone.

Ashby looked at her as if trying to determine if she was serious.

“I guess so.”

“Awesome!” Abby jumped up and took a couple pictures with her phone.

“Camille is going to be so jealous. Ha! That’s what you get for stealing my Halloween costume idea last

year, heifer!” Abby texted Ashby’s picture to their diva of a best friend.

“What did you guys go as last year?” Rebecca asked.

“Cult 80s movie characters. I wanted to be Sarah from
and she totally stole my idea. I had to

go as Lili from
.” Abby grinned as her phone vibrated.

Who is that and is he single?

Nope, he’s mated to Prince Gabriel, whom I am having lunch with right now.

“You are totally torturing her right now, aren’t you?” Rebecca peered down at her phone.

“Yup. You would consider this having lunch with Prince Gabriel right? Yeah I thought so too. Okay

Rhys, Moe, smile.” Abby held up her phone. Her men both gave her bone-melting, sexy-as-hell smiles. She


“God you two are so damn sexy!” Abby texted both pictures to Camille.

“Kate and I voted and Moe won most fuckable male in Arkadia,” Rebecca volunteered. Abby nodded.

“I can totally see that.” Her phone vibrated again.

Seriously, where are you?? Hot men are everywhere. Please tell me they are single and want a lioness.

Nope, I’m in Arkadia and those two visions of sex and sin are my mates, paws off, biatch!

Laughing, she put her phone down on the table.

“So what’s good here?”

“Connor’s chili, but he’s out with Madison today picking up Giddey. I’ve been dying to meet him, he

sounds over-the-top fabulous. But Ma made peppers and sausage sandwiches today. I hurt myself eating

two.” Rebecca wiped Aidhan’s chin.

“If you could eat two, then I’ll need three. But maybe I should have just one.” Abby’s mouth watered

she as mentally listed the reasons why she needed to lose weight, two reasons being the perfect male

specimens at the table with her.

“You’re not on another diet are you? I keep telling you that you’re gorgeous. I’d die to have your

boobs.” Rebecca sighed. Aleks rumbled that he liked her the way she was and nuzzled her neck. Rebecca

sighed happily.

“I don’t like the idea of you not eating. Ma, three sandwiches for Abby please.” Moe was scowling at

the idea of her skipping meals. Abby felt her heart swell. No previous boyfriend had ever encouraged her to

eat. If anything they monitored and criticized every bite.

“Save room for dessert,” Rhys whispered in her ear, causing shivers to race down her back. Ma smiled

warmly at them.

“Any friend of Rebecca’s is more than welcome here. Sorry I didn’t get a chance to introduce myself

before Moe came in earlier. I’ll get your sandwiches started. Boys?” Ma asked from behind the counter.

“Five sandwiches for me Ma,” Moe said.

“I’ll try one.” Rhys smiled at Abby.

“That’s Ma, Aleks’s mother. She runs the diner,” Rebecca explained.

“Thanks, Ma.” Abby waved at the older woman who smiled back.

She looked down when her phone vibrated again.

Be visiting soon! Don’t hog all the hot men. Xoxox C

“Camille said she’s visiting soon.” Abby put her phone on the table.

“Yay! I haven’t seen her since…” Rebecca’s voice trailed off and Abby leaned over to wrap an arm

around Rebecca.

“What is it, Becca?” Aleks asked, placing a concerned hand on her leg.

“She hasn’t seen any of us since her father died. It was the last time the five of us were together,” Abby

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