Fate's Intervention (49 page)

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Authors: Barbara Woster

BOOK: Fate's Intervention
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ve been in charge since Dad retired, and if someone told you otherwise, they

re lying! You should have signed control over to me!

First of all, Mother is not a liar,

Matthew said quietly.


m aware of your excessive spending of company funds, and am quite surprised to find that Daragh Steel is still a profitable
entity. Since the board, which also agrees with Mother

s assessment as to your value to the company, has indeed been in charge of the company since

s retirement, I saw no
why they shouldn

t have the opportunity to divide the wealth that the company offers

all of it.

Matthew paused to allow Mark to comment, but he merely sat staring at Matthew in stunned disbelief.

Now, we

ll proceed to the matter of how the funds from the sell will be divided.

He pulled several sheaths of paper from the right side of the bag and slid them across the desk.
before, Mark simply stared at them dumbly.
Matthew, however, continued on, deliberately pretending ignorance of his brother

s seething demeanor.


ve divided the document into three
the top of the
you will see the sum that the board paid for Daragh Steel, and it

s a
handsome offer, as you can see. Twenty million dollars. Six million payable up front, the remaining fourteen million to be paid in installments of one million a year for fourteen years.
you following me, thus far?

When Mark merely continued staring at him as if he

d sprouted horns, Matthew continued.

I will divide the initial six million
, as outlined in each of the three columns. Mother, column one, will receive three million for her share and an additional five-hundred
thousand a year for the remaining fourteen years. This should allow her to travel extensively, which she

d always shown an interest in doing, as well as to live in the style in which she

s grown accustomed.

I will receive two million from the initial payout and an additional four-hundred
thousand a year for the remaining fourteen years.

Mark glanced at the third column

is distribution

and snapped out of his daze

are out of your bleeding mind! You

re only giving me a million initially, and a mere hundred thousand a year thereafter? Who in hell do you think you are? I have a wife to support now, and a lifestyle to maintain. Damn you! My yearly expenses easily exceed that paltry sum,

Mark yelled, slamming his fist on the desktop again. He crumpled the paper and threw it at Matthew

s head.

Lower your voice, Mark, before you disturb Mother

s rest,

Matthew said quietly.

s to how I arrived at your portion. I simply estimated the amount that you
from the company to support your
lavish lifestyle over the last ten years, as well as an estimate of the monies that
paid out to pay off the parents for your indiscretions, and deducted it. The only suggestion I have for your concerns, is that you curb your wild spending habits and learn to live on a frugal budget.
all, there

s a good chance that you will need to support more than a wife before long and wild spending and raising children do not go hand in hand.

You son of a bitch!

Mark snarled and leapt across the desk, grasping Matthew by the shirt collar.

You won

t get away with this!

The sound of a rifle cock
sounded close to Mark

s ear. He tried to turn his head, but the pressure of the muzzle prevented all but the slightest movement. When Mark continued gripping Matthew

s collar in a
manner, the pressure increased, sending an all-too-clear message

release Matthew or have his brains splattered across the desktop.

You may want to return to your seat, Mark,

Matthew said softly and Mark reluctantly retreated.

you, Jeremy,

Matthew said, addressing his butler.

I do believe that my brother has the message, so you may leave now.

Very good, sir,

Jeremy said and laid the rifle beside the desk within Matthew

s reach, still cocked.


ll be just outside, sir. Just in case I

m needed.

you again, Jeremy,

Matthew said. He lifted the rifle and laid it across his lap. He didn

t doubt that, given the chance, his brother would make a leap at it and shoot his head off.

Matthew brought his attention to bear on his brother again,

was a
foolish attempt, Mark,

he said, straightening his shirt.

s it stands, you should realize that I

m being more than
able in this business, as I stayed on the low end for my estimations. If I

d have gone by the figures given me by the board,
I would have reduced your share considerably.


t give me
able! I should be the one with ownership of the company, not a small part of the sell off price,

Mark hissed.

If anyone should get nothing, it

s you, you poor excuse for a son! I

m the one that Dad had to turn to when you vanished. I

m the one who had to deal with the pressures of maintaining the family name while you spent your youth traipsing all over God

s creation doing God knows what!
You have no right to dictate my inheritance, you bastard. I

m the one who should be dolling out pennies to you! If you weren

t the oldest son, that

s exactly what I

d be doing!

Matthew nodded


re perfectly right, Mark. I wanted nothing to do with the company or

s life, and I abhor the fact that certain duties befall me as the eldest, whether I want them or not . . . ,

n give me what should rightfully belong to me!

Mark pleaded.


ll even sign a paper saying that I

ll control my spending

if that will appease the board.

deal has been concluded, as you are well aware, Mark,

Matthew sighed, rubbing his
temples with the pad of his fingers. He

d dealt with this unpleasant business and now he wanted
Mark to leave him alone,
but Mark wasn

t budging. He was still somehow under the delusion that there was a slim possibility of him walking out of this house as head of Daragh Steel.

But Daragh Steel is rightfully mine!

He tried again, obviously unaware of the strain his whining was putting on his brother

s patience, or he was deliberately provoking Matthew

s patience with his incessant whining. Matthew rubbed his temples more firmly.

What should rightfully belong to you is a jail cell, Mark,

Matthew stated, trying to keep his temper under control.

You have spent your entire youth wasting your inheritance, destroying women

s lives, but mostly you

ve gotten away with murder, time after time.

Mark blanched and Matthew smiled grimly.

Yes, I know all about how
bailed you out of more situations than I care to enumerate. So all I have to say to you
you should remain
fortunate that I don

t turn you in myself for attempted rape on my future wife, and attempted murder on at least two occasions upon my own person.

You . . . ,

Yes, I know, I

m a son-of-a-bitch,

Matthew finished.

But since our business is concluded, and nothing you can do or say is going to alter the conclusion of that business, I

d appreciate it if you would show yourself out.

When Mark remained seated, staring at him incredulously, Matthew let out a frustrated sigh.

Did you hear what I said, Mark?

Matthew said again, stacking the papers on his desk into a neat pile, and replacing them in his bag.

You may leave now. Daragh Steel is no longer either of our concerns. What

s done
is done. So take your leave, and I pray we never have to endure
each other

s company ever again.

You can

t really expect me to sit here and accept this,

Mark whispered hoarsely. He was having a hard time fathoming all that had happened over the last couple of days

first his forced marriage and now this near poverty-level inheritance being shoved down his throat.

Mother will never allow you to do this to me,

Mark stated confidently. He stood brusquely and moved toward the door.


s just see what she has to say about how you

re treating her youngest child.

Mother already knows, Mark,

Matthew said wearily.

I went over the details with her yesterday before going to the attorney

s office this morning.

I don

t believe you!

Mark hissed.

Mother would never knowingly allow you to treat me like this. Never!

In her defense, she wasn

t pleased, no,

Matthew allowed. The last thing he needed was to have Mark

s wrath turned on their mother

ut since everything has been finalized and there isn

t anything more to be said or done, simply accept what

s been settled and be happy for it.

You have no idea who you

re messing with, big brother.

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