Fate's Wish

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Authors: Milly Taiden

Tags: #Paranormal Romance, #Erotic Romance

BOOK: Fate's Wish
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~ Look for these titles from Milly Taiden ~


Copyright Warning


~ Dedication ~


Chapter One


Chapter Two


Chapter Three


Chapter Four


Chapter Five


Chapter Six


Chapter Seven


Chapter Eight


Chapter Nine




~ About the Author ~


~ Coming Soon ~


~ Also by Milly Taiden ~


~ More Erotic Romance from Etopia Press ~



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Sharp Change


“Mate Event” Halloween Heat III

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Caged Heat




Fate’s Wish

Milly Taiden



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This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places, and incidents are fictitious or have been used fictitiously, and are not to be construed as real in any way. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, actual events, locales, or organizations is entirely coincidental.


Published By

Etopia Press

1643 Warwick Ave., #124

Warwick, RI 02889


Fate’s Wish


Copyright © 2012 by Milly Taiden

ISBN: 978-1-939194-20-6

Edited by Melinda Fulton

Cover by Mina Carter

All Rights Are Reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.


First Etopia Press electronic publication: November 2012


~ Dedication ~



To my awesome girls: Amalfis, Leda, Sharon and Glyn. You gals are great! And to Jewel, Yoli, and Heidi H. As always, thank you.

Melinda…you rock!


Chapter One



“Look at me, Shar.” He gripped her face with his large hands, tilting it back.

She lifted her lids to bring his black eyes into focus. Their eyes met, held; heat flooded her system.

“Zahir—” Her voice came out a breathy moan. The full impact of his body touching her sent her arousal into overdrive.

“You’re mine. You’ll always be mine.”

He crushed her lips with his. She urged him on with moans and whimpers. With her legs curled around his waist, she rubbed her clit on his steely cock. Another moan worked through her. Her nails dug into his muscled shoulders, and she tried to pull him closer to her.

“Fuck me, Zahir.” Her urgent plea filled the quiet of the bedroom.

Focused solely on her, it was as if his eyes gazed deep into her soul. He pulled his hips back and the head of his cock stretched her pussy entrance. His dick stroked every nerve ending in her body while he slowly drove into her.

His thick shaft stretched her sleek walls until she was panting in half pain, half pleasure. His eyes never wavered from hers until he was finally seated deep inside her. Every time they made love, it was like that. Her body needed to relearn to adjust to his size all over again.

“Relax, sweetheart.”

She wiggled her hips and moaned at the amazing feel of him inside her.

“Oh, goddess. For sanity’s sake, fuck me already.” Ecstasy gripped her body in its clutches while she tried to breathe. “Zahir, move!”

He powered in and out of her body in rapid, harsh thrusts. Energy swirled around them. Lights of gold and white stars burst when he lost more of his control. She moaned at the heat spreading through her.

Her moans and pants increased. He groaned and thrust wildly into her body. All she knew was him. She gazed into the full black of his eyes. White energy merged with his golden dark power, surrounding them and blending both into one.

Her climax hit her in a rush. Pleasure rolled through her in waves, and she was left breathless. His body tensed and released into her in heated jerks.

“I love you.”

Only silence greeted her words.



Sharmila jerked awake bathed in sweat. Her nipples and pussy throbbed, aching for release. She breathed deeply. The dream had been more of a memory really, one she’d love to forget but that her body wouldn’t let her. Each time one thing came through crystal clear: he’d never told her he loved her.


* * *



“When was the last time you had sex, darling?”

“Mom! That is so not the question I want to hear from
lips.” Sharmila groaned. She grabbed a pillow and threw it over her flaming face. That was not what she had planned to discuss on her weekly call with her mother. Although she had no problems talking adult stuff with her mom, her lack of sex was not what she wanted to talk about.

“Sweetheart, let’s face facts here. You need to cleanse your system.” Anahid sounded like a gynecologist, not her mother. “So, when was the last time you had sex?”


“Answer the question.” Her stern voice urged.

“Fine, you want to know? Five years ago.”

Anything would’ve been more welcome instead of the shocked silence she got. “Oh, my poor baby. That’s just awful. You mean you haven’t— Since—?” Her voice sounded surprised.

“No, I haven’t.” Shar was mortified to admit to her mother she hadn’t had sex in five years. She, of all people, knew how meaningful that was.

“Well, why the hell not? You’re a beautiful young woman. You’re not even thirty years old, and you’re not having sex. No wonder you can’t function.”

“We’re not discussing me not functioning. We’re discussing my not being able to practice magic. You should just admit it, I suck.” She sighed and rubbed a hand on her forehead.

Shar had lost the drive to find the fulfillment sex used to bring before she’d met Zahir. She no longer looked for quick bouts of sex to relieve her stress.

“You most certainly do not! You just need to have sex.”

Oh, heaven help her. “Mom! Please, I will do whatever you want, but can we not talk about my sex life?”

“Well, why not, sweetie? I mean, it sounds like you need all the help you can get. Either the man has to be pushed out of your system or you have to go for someone new, but you need to get some action soon.”

Shar went back to the original topic. “I’ve done everything you’ve suggested. I’m not sure what else to do short of stripping on a mountain to chant to the nature goddess. It’s too damn cold for that shit. My magic is gone. It’s been waning, and now I can’t even get the most basic spells to work. I can’t even get a chair to lift.”

“Don’t you see? You need to clear your mind for the magic to flow. Sweetie, you really do need to get some sweaty horizontal action. You never had this problem when you were with
. Your magic was at its peak back then. We need to fix this. Now.” Her mother’s firm tone worried her.

“Short of a miracle, I’m not sure how that’s going to happen. I’ve not been interested in anyone else since.
for no good reason and took my sex drive with him. What was I supposed to do? Go after him? Beg? I don’t think so.” Remembering hurt. In denial, she had blocked that time of her life. “Mom, I have to go. Just face it. I have. I’ve lost the touch.”

“This is unacceptable. There is no way in hell I will just face it. Sharmila Alene, you were born under the blessings of nature, given the gift of magic like your mother, and are protected under the stars. You are blessed, like all the women in our family. You do not just give up.”

“OK, I’ll try the mountain thing next. Just give me until it’s a little warmer. I don’t want to freeze my ass off.” A painful throb hammered the back of her skull. In a moment, she was going to have to shut off the lights and meditate to rid herself of the pain.

The silence from her mother’s side unnerved her. The magic that flowed through her veins should’ve grown by now, not diminished. She was losing an integral part of herself and didn’t know why. None of the things she’d tried had worked. It was almost as though her magic was slowly leaking away—as if it were depleting.

“We’ll fix this, Shar. Don’t worry. I’ll talk to you later, darling.”

Shar hung up the phone. What the heck was her mother planning to do? She would never let the problem go until Shar’s magic was fully restored. Too exhausted to think about it, she shut her eyes to relieve the pain in her head.


Chapter Two



Anahid opened her front door using the power of her mind. She smiled when she saw the man at her doorway.

“Luthian. Come in, please.”

The broad-shouldered warlock entered and lifted her hand to his lips. A shiver of awareness ran up her spine at the slight touch. Whenever Luthian came around her, she turned into a blushing teenager. It disgusted her to no end. At forty-five years old, she didn’t want or need that kind of reaction to the younger man.

A glint entered his eyes when he smiled. “You called on me.”

Of all the people she could’ve asked for help, she chose him. “I need information on someone. A demon.” Her long white dress wrapped around her legs with every step. She walked back to her table and to her large looking glass. She said a few words, and the image of Zahir filled her glass. “What can you tell me about him?”

Luthian took a step closer. She lifted a brow at his movement, knowing he saw clearly from where he had been standing.

“Zahir Darkrath. Very powerful. Above all others we’ve come to know, he’s extremely dangerous. How do you know him?”

She stepped away and headed toward a sofa. “He’s my son-in-law.”


She smiled at his surprise. Not many knew she had a daughter, much less one old enough to be married. When she and Sharmila went out, many thought they were sisters. It always made her laugh when she told others her age. They refused to believe her.

“Yes, my daughter married him in one of those spur-of-the-moment things. Within a few days, he left her without a reason. Ever since then, she’s had difficulty with her magic.”

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