Father With the Naughty Bride

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Authors: Valerie J Aurora

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Father With the Naughty Bride
Erotic Kin Master [1]
Valerie J Aurora

A single dad celebrates the engagement of his oldest son to his girlfriend of a couple years over dinner. However, there are some mixed feelings, because the dad and the fiancée have more of a history than just the two years she had dated his son. After the young couple go to a movie, Angela stops by the dad’s house to reconcile the history before planning a wedding. Eric, the son, finds out and wants to change the wedding plans. And his dad agrees, in a sense.

Naughty Bride








Valerie J Aurora

Copyright 2012


Copyright © 2012
Valerie J Aurora
- All rights reserved.


This Kindle book contains material protected under International and Federal Copyright laws and Treaties. Any unauthorized reprint or use
of this material is prohibited.

Father, with the bride

“Well, thank you very much, Mr. Jamison,” Angela said. “We’re really happy that you approve of our engagement.”

“Approve? I’m beyond approval,” I said, beaming at how lucky my twenty-two-year-old son was to put an engagement ring on Angela’s finger. “I’m humbled that you’ve agreed to join our family.”

Twenty-year-old Angela beamed shyly, and my son, Eric, grinned from ear to ear. Angela, for about the twentieth time, stared at her left ring finger and see how the diamond glistened in the dim light. She had worn the ring for a week now, yet it still seemed like so new to her.

“By the way, Angela, we’ve known each other for several years by now, so you really should call me John,” I said to my former babysitter. I first knew Angela when she was fourteen and did some babysitting for my two youngest kids when I was a newly divorced single dad.

,” Angela said sarcastically. “I really do appreciate all the support you’ve given Eric and I during our relationship, and I assure you I will do everything I can to make him happy, which I hope will make you happy.”

“Oh, Angela, it’s not about me, it’s about your betrothed here,” I said, nodding toward my son. “As long as he’s happy, I will be happy no matter what.”

Eric piped up for the first time in a few minutes. “And Dad, she makes me very happy. She’s beautiful, smart, sexy, and funny. She is the complete package. I’m so blessed to have known her, and I’m so humbled that she’s agreed to marry me.”

“So, you say this will be a long engagement?” I asked.

“Yes,” Angela said, looking lovingly at her fiancé. “I still have a couple years of college, and I really have insisted that we wait to be married until after I graduate. I know Eric wants to get married
summer, though.”

“I want to take her off the market as quickly as possible,” Eric said with a laugh. “I know a lot of guys have wanted to be with her, and I don’t want to take any chances on losing her.”

They both giggled, and Angela immediately turned and gave a sultry little glance my way. I smiled at the two of them and acted like I didn’t see it.

“You won’t lose me, honey,” she said, kissing Eric softly on the lips. He smiled at her and Angela rested her head on his shoulder.

After a few more minutes of small talk, I paid the bill, left a generous tip and followed Eric and Angela out of our booth. Eric, standing six-foot-two, put his arm around five-foot-four Angela’s shoulders and Angela walked out with her arm around Eric’s waist, wearing a skin-tight gold dress that stopped in the middle of her thigh and showed off a twenty-four-inch waist and thirty-two-inch hips framing a round, firm butt. I watched them leave and I smiled a bit to myself. My babysitter was all grown up! I felt more proud about that than about my son.

I went home in my car, and the happy couple went to a movie before Eric would drop Angela off at her apartment
While I drove home, I could not help but reminisce about Angela. She has been a part of my family for several years, even if she’s not officially a daughter-in –law. I remembered the times we’ve spent talking while I drove her to and from our house, she hearing my stories about life as a single dad, and I’m hearing her stories about my kids behaved and the work she has at school. In some ways she already was a daughter to me; but there were other ways in which she was different than a daughter – and more like a friend. She knew things about me that only my ex-wife knew, and I know things about her that my son doesn’t know.

I was so caught up in my daydreaming that I was surprised I made the fifteen-minute drive back to my house without incident. While I was happy for the kids, I was also feeling a bit melancholy – it was if a part of my life was ending, somehow. It seemed and felt selfish, but in one sense I wasn’t just losing my son, I was losing
kids. Kind of.

I stepped in my house, threw my keys on the table by the door and thumbed through the mail from the day that the kids brought in. I called out “hello” and heard from my sixteen-year-old daughter, Monica, who was in the kitchen.

“Hi Dad,” Monica said with a smile as she looked up from her math textbook. “How was the dinner?”

“It was good,” I said, kissing my daughter on the forehead. “You know Angela is a very sweet girl, and I think they’ll be very happy together. They seemed to be very much in love.”

“I’m happy for Eric,” she said. “He’s too much of a pinhead brother to deserve Angela, but I guess if he can talk her into marrying him, then I guess there’s hope for all of us, eh?” She smiled.

“Could you call him a ‘pinhead’ in a more sisterly loving way?” I teased. Monica just rolled her eyes. “Speaking of pinheads, where’s your little brother?”

“Mark’s at the neighbor’s house; he’s having a sleepover there, remember?” Monica said.

“Oh, right, thanks, I forgot,” I said. “Is there a number for me to call in case?” Monica nodded and pointed toward the refrigerator. I walked over and saw the cell phone number of our neighbor, Marcia, another single parent who has a son Mark’s age. I smiled; I remember a very nice date or two with her in recent weeks.
Maybe I should call her for old times’ sake
, I thought.

“Great, thanks,” I said. “I’m going upstairs to wind down, OK sweetheart?” I said to Monica. “Anything you need from me before I go up?”

“Nope,” Monica said. “I’ll be done here in a few minutes and I’ll get ready for bed.”

“OK, sweetie,” I said, kissing her on the forehead ag
ain as I walked to the fridge.
Remember to turn the kitchen light off … and feed the cat, please.”

“OK,” she said, exasperated. “But isn’t he fat enough already?”

“He’s fat and sassy because he’s happy to be around your loving, sweet attitude,” I said, teasingly.

“Yeah, yeah,” she said.

I reached in the fridge and grabbed a can of soda, cracked in open and took a small sip before walking upstairs. I got to the top of the stairs and walked into my bedroom. I don’t usually glance around to see if things were in place, but this time I was compelled. I look around and I saw my pillows were a little askew from when I made the bed earlier in the day, and there was some black lace panties hanging on the headboard. I hadn’t had a woman in my bed in several weeks. I walked over to the headboard and took the panties off and inspected them. Just then, I noticed a condom wrapper on the floor next to my bed.

My first thought was Monica – though I didn’t know she had a boyfriend, and I was pretty damn sure she shouldn’t bring a guy here to have sex in

“Mon-i-ca!” I called downstairs. “What happened up …?”

“Eric and Angela,” she called up. “I know because I heard them. Every move.”

I walked down the stairs a few feet. “They had sex in my bed
they met me for dinner?” I asked. Monica affirmed.

“It wasn’t just once, either,” she said. “It was twice. At least.”

I climbed back up the stairs with a begrudged heavy-footedness. But, I couldn’t help myself, so I smelled the panties
The smell of sex burned my nose hairs. I went back to the bedroom and decided I had to check the bed, so I pulled the bed sheets back and I saw a wet stain and Eric’s boxer shorts.
I thought. And that was all I could think.

I threw the boxer shorts out of the room and replaced the bed sheets, muttering to myself that I just changed the sheets, and now I have to change them again and wash two sets of sheets. I shook my head.
This is why you have an apartment, Eric,
I thought.
If you still lived here you would be sooo grounded.

I had been reading on my bed for a couple hours when my cell phone gave me an alert that I had received a text message. I looked at my phone and it read: “I’m home now.”

I quickly put some pants and a T-shirt on, put on my sneakers and jogged down the stairs. Monica was at the base of the stairs heading to bed. “She’s home?” she asked. I nodded and she said, “Take good care of her. See you in the morning.”

I grabbed my keys and was about to head out the door, when I saw Angela standing there at the threshold. I put on the brakes and looked at her with surprise.

“But you said you were …” I said.

“I am,” Angela said. “I do consider this home.” She then put her hands on either side of my face, pulled me to her and kissed me deeply and passionately. I wrapped an arm around her tiny waist and pulled her into me.

“I bet you think it’s weird that I would agree to marry Eric,” she said, “when you know how I feel about …”

“I don’t care,” I said. “As long as you’ll be around, I’m grateful. Did Eric drop you here?”

She shook her head. “No, I came here right after Eric left. I couldn’t stand to be without you. It’s been what, a month?”

“Twenty-seven days, not that anyone counts,” I said, moving her brown hair away from her face and hooking it around her ear. Her blue eyes pierced me, even in the moon-less night.

I picked her up, putting one arm under her knees and the other supporting her shoulders. She kissed me, her tongue parting my lips to do a dance with mine. “You do know you left some evidence behind?” I asked.

“Yes,” she said. “I left the panties for you.”

“I thought you and I were exclusive,” I said.

“Well, of course I have sex with Eric,” Angela said. “I really do like him, but you and I are exclusive in that I don’t insist on condoms with you; Eric always wears condoms with me, or we don’t have sex. And when we do, I always imagine it’s you inside me.”

I smile, open the front door and slowly, quietly, carried her into the house. I walked into the front room and laid her on the sofa
She immediately sat up and had me stand in front of her. She quickly unfastened my pants and started sliding them off my hips. They fell to the floor, along with my boxer shorts, exposing my forty-five-year-old manhood, seven inches long while not at full attention yet. Angela smiled. “Oh yes, I have missed you, baby,” she cooed, placing her right hand around me while cupping me with her left hand. She started a slow stroking rhythm along my shaft, lightly squeezing me at the base with each stroke.

“Mmmmmmm, you are truly skilled,” I said with a sigh, looking down at her before closing my eyes and tilting my head back.

“This is only for you, my love,” she said. “Because I know you return the favor.”

She slid her lips over my tip and I watched my purple head disappear inside her warm mouth. Her red-lipsticked mouth slid steadily and strongly back and forth over my length as I put one hand on the back of her head, taking a big handful of her hair as she methodically sucked me and played with my eggs. She felt so warm and wet in her mouth that my length twitched in her mouth, and each twitch brought a hum of approval from Angela as she manipulated me
She was getting very excited, so she stepped her pace on me while also occasionally pulling off me to lick the underside of my length, then flicking her tongue at that velvety-soft spot just under my tip, before returning to engulfing me in her anxious mouth. I tossed my head back again and sighed deeply.

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