Faustine (17 page)

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Authors: Imogen Rose

BOOK: Faustine
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“Oh, that makes sense then. I’m sure Alexandra would have told me, otherwise. In fact, I am surprised she didn’t anyway. I have never met Alexandra’s ex, but she doesn’t speak highly of him on the rare occasions that he’s been mentioned. It was nice to meet Taylor, after all these years. I’ve not run into her before. I guess she lives with her dad?”

“Yes. Did Fitch say anything? Sort of weird that he stopped by.”

“No, he just asked if you were okay and left the flowers. Why is that weird?”

I shrugged. “I don’t know him at all, just met him at school.”

“Perhaps Taylor asked him to stop by and check on you. I’m going to call Alexandra to find out how Taylor is. Ryker and Neave arrived while I was preparing your steak; they’re waiting outside. Shall I send them in?”

“Mom, I’m okay now. I’m going to go out with them for a while. Okay?”

“I’d rather you didn’t....”

“I’ll be fine. Don’t worry. I have a few things I need to do.”

“I guess I’ll ask Neave and Ryker to wait while you get dressed then,” she said, and left.

I showed Neave and Ryker the note when we were sitting in the backseat of a yellow city cab driving down Fifth Avenue. 

“Ryker, aren’t you going to get into a lot of trouble if Spencer finds out you’re hanging out with me?”

“I’m hoping he’s got better things to do than worry about me. I’ll take the chance,” he said, squeezing my hand. “Besides you need me, by the looks of this note.”

We were on our way to the Poconos again. Luke and Kismet had been taken over to Pauline’s place for safety. I couldn’t wait to meet Kismet, and to see Suman again. She’d flown in from London and was hanging out at the Poconos with Kismet.

 “Do you know if anyone’s been hurt or is missing?” Neave asked, pointing to the note.

I shook my head. “I’m hoping Luke might know. I should give Katerina a call just to check on her,” I said, and got my cell phone. I was going to do exactly what I did the last time and hang up on her once I established she was okay.



“Ah, Faustine! Nice of you to call again.”

I was taken aback.

“Surprised that I knew it was you?”

“Well, yeah,” I conceded.

“Did you get my note?”






could hear her cackling as I tried to absorb what she’d just said.

“Cat got your tongue?” she sneered.

“What note?” There was a possibility that she might have sent me a

“You know exactly what note I’m talking about, silly little girl!”

I was hurt. This was supposedly my big sister. “Did you kill Peter?” I asked, not understanding how anyone could kill their own sibling. What kind of creature was she?

“Yes, he was a pain! It was time for him to go. In fact, it’s time for you to go as well. You’ve no right to the crown! London is mine.”

Wrong. “How did you get into my room? Have you hurt anyone else?”

“Not yet, but I will if you don’t get your demon behind over to my place at once. I’ve got Kismet and Luke. Hah, did you really think I wouldn’t find them?”

“I’ll be right over.”

“Come alone.”

Both Neave and Ryker were glaring at me as I turned off my cell phone and closed my eyes to allow my photographic memory to visualize the address from the note Ryker had given me earlier. I opened my eyes and redirected the cab driver to Katerina’s building. “I guess you heard?” I asked them.

“Yeah. Alone. Not. I’m coming with you. Who
she, anyway?” Ryker asked.

“One of my big sisters. The black sheep, I’m guessing,” I said wearily.

“No kidding,” Neave agreed. “Much as I’d love to get involved in yet another demon crisis, I think you’d be better off if I gather the forces and meet you later. I’ll get Mom, Edith and anyone else I can find. I’ll also need to contact Gran to find out if she’s okay,” she said. Neave retrieved her phone from her purse and punched in her grandmother’s number.

No answer, but then, that was common in Pauline’s case. As we passed my building, I asked the cab driver to stop so we could drop Neave off, and then we continued to Katerina’s.

“Ryker. She did say
. Trust me, I can take care of myself. You showing up will just anger her.”

“I’ll hang around outside her apartment, just let me know if you need me, okay?” he asked.

 As soon as the cab pulled up to Katerina’s building, Ryker and I paid and got out to rush inside. She lived on the tenth floor. We were too anxious to wait for the elevator, so we ran up the stairs. I was worn out by the time we reached her door. I waited for Ryker to make himself scarce, then knocked on the door.

An old lady answered my knock. She looked to be in her seventies or eighties. She was dressed in a gray, A-line tweed skirt, cut to just below her knees, a black blouse, white pearls, and sensible, flat Mary-Janes over beige, opaque tights. She wore black, diamond-studded, horn-rimmed glasses with dark lenses, so I couldn’t see her eyes. Her grey hair was secured in a neat bun at the base of her neck. She must have had a bazillion little wrinkles on her face and hands. I have a photographic memory and was sure that this was the right address. I had expected Katerina to answer the door. Perhaps this was her grandmother?

“Hi! I’m here to see Katerina,” I said cheerily.

She cackled. “Come in, you silly girl,” she snarled, and pulled me by my elbow into the living area. Sheesh, she was strong for someone who looked so frail. She pushed me into a chair.

Could she be Katerina? My dad didn’t look a day over forty; how could this be his daughter?

“Rude, aren’t you?” she growled.

Oops, I had forgotten to shield my thoughts. I remedied that instantly.

“You will grow old, too, one day. Most half demons do. I am 159 years old.”

Wow. A 159 year-old grump. Charming. Well, her age didn’t matter. All she was at this particular moment was a murderer and kidnapper. I could totally understand why Kismet’s apparently addictive charm hadn’t saved her from being kidnapped; no amount of charm would work on this crabby old thing. So, I could totally forget trying to charm my way out of here. “Where are Luke and Kismet?”

“Somewhere you can’t get hold of them,” she said with venom. “And I have Pauline, Tessa and Suman as well.”

“Don’t be too sure of that,” I egged her on. She was starting to really annoy me now. “I got to them before, and I can rescue them again.”

“No, you can’t,” she said vehemently. “I took care of it. They are both securely shielded, like our stupid father.”

“You’ve got Dad?” I asked, surprised. “How did you ever manage to restrain him?” Then, it dawned on me. “You’re half witch, aren’t you?”

“Yes, and that makes me much more powerful than you, silly half human.”

“What do you want from me? Are you going to try to kill me?” I asked, hoping that wasn’t her plan. I didn’t really fancy shredding the old prune to bits. Blech.

“That would be fun, and that’s the plan, eventually. I need you to do something for me first, though,” she smirked.

 “Don’t tell me. You need the number to a really good cosmetic surgeon?” I asked sarcastically.

I was on my back in an instant, as the force of her hand whacking my cheek really hard threw me onto the floor. I held my hand to my stinging face as I glared at her, then got back up. My fingers were beginning to merge.

“You insolent little brat,” she seethed. “Sit down and shut up, or you will need serious reconstructive surgery yourself.”

I could feel a pressure on my shoulders and a light breath against my ear. I was glad that Ryker was with me and felt better knowing that he could just
me should any further violence occur. I sat down and glared at Katerina.

“As you know, our father stupidly named you as his heir, even though I am his oldest child. I’ll need you to abdicate in favor of me at the coronation. We’ll travel together, as sisters,” she sneered. “I’ve written your speech for you. You will learn it and gracefully hand me your position. Understood? After all, there is no way an inexperienced girl like you can be the sovereign of London. If you think about this, it all makes perfectly good sense. Had our father not been so besotted by Lady Annabel, he’d have seen it as well and surely named me as his successor. To think that he chose
! He will pay!”

“If I agree, will you let Luke and Kismet go?” I asked. Not that I really had any intention of letting her have her way.

“I will. Once I have been crowned.”

“What about in the meantime? Are they
? Have they got everything they need, like food and drink?” I asked, acutely aware of what she’d done to Peter.

“They are all over at Pauline’s house. I just put a shield around it. They have everything they need inside.”

“What about Dad? Will you release him?”

She cackled. “Of course not! What do you think he’ll do to me if I release him?”

I shrugged. Probably the same as I was planning, once Kismet and Luke were safe.

She continued. “He’ll stay where he is until the end of my days. Then, he’ll be free again. He’s my father, after all. But, I won’t hesitate to kill him if he tries anything silly.”

“So now what?” I asked. She had me, for the time being anyway. I needed to figure out what to do next. I could try and kill her right here and now, but then I might never see Luke or my father again.

“So now, you and I will go to your place. You will introduce me to your mom, without revealing my plan. Then, we’ll get Manuel to outfit us. I’ve asked him to call Lady Annabel to arrange a showing at your apartment.”

“Manuel? How do you know my mom’s personal shopper? And how do you know where I live?”

She smirked. “I know
. Now let’s go.”

Oh joy! The cab ride to my apartment with the old witch in the back with me was a barrel of laughs-not. I couldn’t believe that I was going to have to play dress-up with her. Priceless.

Not as priceless as Mom’s face when I introduced my big sister to her. Snort.

“Pleased to meet you, Lady Annabel,” Katerina smiled.

Mom quickly regained her composure and shook Katerina’s hand. “Forgive my unspeakable rudeness, Katerina. I’m just so surprised. Sebastian never mentioned you. Nor his other children,” she hurriedly added. “Are you close?”

“Daddy and I are indeed very close,” Katerina beamed.

Yeah, right!

“And your mother?” Mom carefully inquired.

“She passed many years ago. She was a witch, quite famous in her days–Elbian.”

“Please stay for dinner, Katerina. It’s really lovely to meet you,” Mom enthused, finally finding her social skills again. “In fact, Manuel called just a little while ago. He’s here with some designs for us. We need new gowns for Faustine’s coronation. It’ll be fun to have an extra set of eyes, if you’re up for a fashion show?”

“I’m up for more than that. I would love Manuel to outfit me as well. The coronation promises to be a grand spectacle.”

“Of course. You’re coming to the coronation. Well, we must travel together. Allow me to make the arrangements,” Mom volunteered. Then, she looked at me with her brows furrowed.

“What’s up, Mom?”

“Well, I was just wondering if your other siblings were going to be at the coronation as well. Have they been invited? It seems only right that they should be, don’t you think?”

“I think so,” Katerina agreed.

She would. She’d want the whole world to witness me abdicating the throne to her.

“There are six of you, I understand?” Mom said.

“Yes,” Katerina confirmed.

Seven, if you hadn’t killed one! I thought to myself.

“Is that including Peter? I heard about his murder, terrible tragedy. Did you know him?” Mom asked Katerina, looking at her kindly.

“No, not including Peter. Yes. We were very close.”


“I’m so sorry for your loss,” Mom said, hugging her.

Sheesh. I needed to get Mom on her own so I could tell her all about this demon witch.

“Are you close to the others, too?” Mom inquired.

“No, I’ve never met them. I hope they do come to the coronation. It would be great to meet the whole family.”


“What about Sebastian? I mean, your dad. When was the last time you saw him?” Mom continued, as we walked into the parlor where Manuel was now getting his trunk unpacked.

“I haven’t seen him in a long time; I guess he’s now presumed absent, hence the coronation for Faustine?”

“Yes. Temporarily, I’m sure. Sebastian is bound to return soon. He’s indestructible, or so he told me. At worst, someone has him confined somewhere. It’s just a matter of time before he frees himself; I’m sure of it. In the meantime, Faustine will step in and lead, as I know she can.”

“You think she can cope with all the different paranormal factions in London?”

“I have full confidence that Sebastian made the right decision,” Mom said thoughtfully. “Right, let’s have some fun ladies! What do you have for us, Manuel?”

If Tim Gunn had a doppelganger, it would be Manuel. Manuel had built a makeshift runway in the parlor and was busy getting his models into various long dresses. “Ladies, please have a seat and enjoy the show. When the designers were told about the upcoming coronation, they went mad with enthusiasm and have come up with these designs in record time. Each one is unique and stunning. I have selected thirty to show you. Ready?”

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