Favorite Socks (11 page)

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Authors: Ann Budd

BOOK: Favorite Socks
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Turn Heel

Cont with yarn doubled, work short-rows as foll:

Row 1:
(RS) Sl 1 kwise, k16, ssk, p1, turn work.

Row 2:
Sl 1 kwise, p6, p2tog, p1, turn.

Row 3:
Sl 1 kwise, k7, ssk, p1, turn.

Row 4:
Sl 1 kwise, p8, p2tog, p1, turn. Cont in this manner, working 1 more st before dec until every st has been worked, ending with a WS row—17 sts rem.

Heel Flap


Shape Gussets

Establish instep gussets, lace instep panel, and padded sole as foll:

Rnd 1:
Cont with yarn doubled, sl 1 kwise, k16, pick up and knit 1 st in each of the next 5 selvedge sts of heel flap, drop 1 strand to the inside of the sock, cont with a single strand of yarn and pick up and knit 14 more sts along side heel flap to beg of instep sts, pm, work 29 instep sts according to Rnd 1 of Instep chart, pm, pick up and knit 14 sts along side of heel flap, pm, pick up and knit 5 more sts along heel flap, ending at beg of heel sts—84 sts total. Rearrange sts so first
22 and last 5 sts of rnd are on the first needle for sole (27 sole sts total), 14 sts each on 2 needles for gussets, and 29 sts on single needle for instep. Working yarn is between the 5th and 6th sts on the sole needle.

Rnd 2:
With single strand of working yarn, *sl 1 pwise with yarn in back (wyb), k1; rep from * to last 2 sts of sole needle, sl 1 pwise wyb, p1, drop current working yarn, turn work. With WS facing, pick up yarn dropped on previous rnd and cont as foll: *Sl 1 pwise with yarn in front (wyf), p1; rep from * to last st of sole needle, drop working strand to outside of work (this strand will be 1 of 2 strands used for the sole in the next row), sl 1 pwise, turn. With RS facing, skip to the end of the sole needle without working the sole sts again, pick up the single strand of yarn dropped there, and cont across the gusset and instep sts as foll: Knit to 3 sts before beg of instep, k2tog, k1; on instep needle work 29 instep sts according to next row of Instep chart; k1, ssk, knit to end—2 sts dec’d; both strands of yarn are at beg of sole needle.

Rnd 3:
There will be 1 strand coming from in front of the first sole needle, and 1 strand coming from between the first and second sts on the sole needle. Holding both strands together, p1 tightly, cont with double strand, knit to last st of sole needle, p1, drop 1 strand to inside of work, cont with single strand, knit sts of first gusset, work 29 instep sts according to next row of Instep chart, knit sts of second gusset.

Rnd 4:
With single strand, p1, *sl 1 pwise wyb, k1; rep from * to last 2 sts of sole needle, sl 1 pwise wyb, p1, drop current working yarn, turn. With WS facing, pick up strand dropped on previous rnd and cont as foll: *Sl 1 pwise wyf, p1; rep from * to last st of sole needle, drop working strand to outside of work, sl 1 pwise, turn. With RS facing, skip to the end of the sole needle without working the sole sts again, pick up the single strand of yarn dropped there and knit sts of first gusset, work 29 instep sts according to next row of Instep chart, knit sts of second gusset; both strands of yarn are at beg of sole needle.

Rnd 5:
Rep Rnd 3.

Cont instep sts in patt from chart, rep the shaping of Rnds 2–5 eleven more times, redistributing sts as necessary when number of sts becomes too few to grip needles securely, and ending with Rnd 1 of chart—60 sts rem; 27 sole sts, 29 instep sts, 2 knit sts for each gusset; 49 chart rnds completed to end with Rnd 1 of Instep chart. When working Rnd 2 on subsequent reps you will beg with the working yarn at the start of 27 sole sts, instead of between Sts 5 and 6. On these later reps of Rnd 2, beg the rnd as foll: With single strand, p1, *sl 1 pwise wyb, k1; rep from * to last 2 sts of sole needle, sl 1 pwise wyb, p1, drop current working yarn, turn work. Cont Rnd 2 from this point as originally given on
page 61
. Cont instep sts in patt from chart, work Rnd 2 once more, working gusset decs as k2tog over 2 sts of first gusset, and ssk over 2 sts of second gusset—58 sts rem; 27 sole sts, 29 instep sts, 1 knit st for each gusset.


Redistribute sts again, if desired, and rep Rnds 3 and 4 until Instep chart has been worked 5 times total, ending with Rnd 12 of chart and Rnd 4 of padded sole patt—foot measures about 8" (20.5 cm) from back of heel. For a longer foot, rep Rnds 3 and 4 of padded sole, working instep sts in St st, until foot measures 2" (5 cm) shorter than desired total length, ending with Rnd 4.


Cont working padding on sole sts only, work the first and last sole sts and sts for the top of toe with a single strand of yarn as foll:

Rnd 1:
With MC, k1 with single strand, cont with double strand, knit to last sole st, drop 1 strand to inside of work, cont with single strand, knit last sole st, knit to end.

Rnd 2:
With single strand of CC, k1, *sl 1 pwise wyb, k1; rep from * to last 2 sole sts, sl 1 pwise wyb, k1, drop CC working yarn, turn. With WS facing, join a new strand of CC and cont as foll: *Sl 1 pwise wyf, p1; rep from * to last st of sole needle, drop working strand to outside of work, sl 1 pwise, turn. With RS facing, skip to the end of the sole needle without working the sole sts again, pick
up the single strand of CC dropped there, and knit to end; both strands of yarn are at end of rnd.

Rnd 3:
With CC, rep Rnd 1.

Rnd 4:
With single strand of CC, k1, *sl 1 pwise wyb, k1; rep from * to last 2 sole sts, sl 1 pwise wyb, k1, drop CC working yarn, turn. With WS facing, pick up strand of CC dropped on previous row and cont as foll: *Sl 1 pwise wyf, p1; rep from * to last sole st, drop working strand to outside of work, sl 1 pwise, turn. With RS facing, skip to the end of the sole needle without working the sole sts again, pick up the single strand of CC dropped there, and knit to end; both strands of yarn are at end of rnd. Cut CC and cont with MC to end.

Rnd 5:
Rep Rnd 1.

Rnd 6:
With MC, rep Rnd 2, dec 4 sts as foll: On sole sts work k1, ssk, work in patt to last 3 sole sts, k2tog, k1; on top of toe sts work k1, ssk, knit to last 3 top of toe sts, k2tog, k1—4 sts dec’d.

Rnds 7–22:
Rep Rnds 3 and 4 with MC, dec 4 sts as in Rnd 6 on Rnds 10, 13, 16, 18, 20, 21, and 22—26 sts rem.


Cut yarn, leaving a 20" (51 cm) tail. Divide sts evenly on two needles. With yarn threaded on a tapestry needle, use the Kitchener st (see Glossary,
page 123
) to graft sts tog. Weave in loose ends. Block lightly.

Mock Wave Cable Socks

Ann Budd

Ann Budd designed these classic socks to have the look of cables without the bulk. The cable-like waves are created with an easy-to-memorize pattern of knit and purl stitches that “travel” with increases and decreases paired on the same row. The slightly rugged look is appropriate for a man or woman.


About 6 (8)" (15 [20.5] cm) foot circumference and 7½ (9½)" (19 [24] cm) foot length. To fit a child (adult).
To make the socks larger or smaller, use needles one or two sizes larger or smaller and lengthen or shorten the foot as necessary.


Fingering-weight yarn (CYCA #1 Super Fine).
Shown here:
Zitron Trekking Tweed XXL (75% wool, 25% nylon; 462 yd [422 m]/100 g): #250 Blue tweed, 1 ball.


Upper leg—size 3 (3.25 mm): set of 4 double-pointed (dpn). Lower leg and foot—size 2 (2.75 mm): set of 4 dpn. Adjust needle sizes if necessary to obtain the correct gauge.


Marker (m); tapestry needle.


18 stitches and 24 rounds = 2" (5 cm) in stockinette stitch worked in the round on smaller needles for lower leg and foot.


With size 3 (3.25 mm) needles and using the old Norwegian method (see Glossary,
page 121
), CO 60 (80) sts. Arrange sts as evenly as possible on 3 dpn, place marker (pm), and join for working in the rnd, being careful not to twist sts. Knit 1 rnd. Rep Rnds 1–16 of Mock Wave Cable chart until piece measures 2¾ (4)" (7 [10] cm) from CO. Change to size 2 (2.75 mm) needles and cont in patt from chart until piece measures about 5½ (7½)" (14 [19] cm) from CO, ending with Rnd 8 or 16 of chart.

Heel Flap

K10 (20), turn work so WS is facing, sl 1 pwise with yarn in front (wyf), p29 (39)—30 (40) heel sts approximately centered over patt on back of leg; rem 30 (40) sts will be worked later for instep. Work 30 (40) heel sts back and forth in rows as foll:

Row 1:
(RS) *Sl 1 kwise with yarn in back (wyb), k1; rep from * to end of row.

Row 2:
(WS) Sl 1 pwise with wyf, purl to end. Rep Rows 1 and 2 until a total of 30 (40) rows have been worked—15 (20) chain sts along each selvedge edge.

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