Faye's Spirit (23 page)

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Authors: Saskia Walker

Tags: #Romance

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Then L had captured his attention in a different way. Her words had conveyed each breathless self-discovery as she unfolded herself and her fantasies to him. Perhaps he was more of a voyeur than he’d realised, he thought, wryly mused. Mostly he felt that it was special. The way she’d expressed herself, it didn’t seem like she did that all the time. But maybe she did, and he was flattering himself.

Meeting might be a disaster, but what was life without a few risks?

He’d tried to put at her ease by inviting her to his office for their initial meet. A public place showed he had nothing to hide. He wanted her to be chilled with the set up, or she might not even turn up. The need to find out what she was really like had a hold of him these past few days, and he’d felt the urge to edge it forward. She’d bitten. Not immediately, but he’d have put money on the fact she would, eventually.

He smiled to himself and glanced over the paperwork on his desk. The smile quickly faded. The other main thing occupying his mind confronted him, the Carlisle account. He lifted his notes from the front of the file, then sighed and put them down again. He stood up, walking over to the window that looked out over London’s business district.


The January sky was ominous, laden with cloud. The city streetlights illuminated it oddly. He’d been here in his own offices a year, and he was doing well. But now he was in a corner. He’d made a stupid, uninformed agreement when he’d taken on this client. Carlisle was wealthy, and he’d offered him incentives to ‘tidy up’ his accounts. Adrian had done something similar for an associate, Carlisle had said. Well, yes, he’d worked figures favourably to avoid the taxman for another client, but this was altogether different, and it was way out of his league.

He’d foolishly agreed to the terms, without asking around about Carlisle’s business interests. Now he knew why the incentive had looked so juicy. It wasn’t just that Carlisle wanted a rush job. Something was badly wrong there, and he wished he’d never touched it.

He’d been over-ambitious, taken on a dodgy client without thinking it through, and now his conscience wouldn’t let him go ahead. Damn Catholic upbringing, it always seemed to force him to do the right thing. He didn’t like feeling trapped and he knew that he was going to have to do something about it. There was only one option, to turn the file over to the police. Even if it meant hellfire rained down on his head, which—judging from what he’d discovered in the paperwork—was quite possible.

He’d been brooding over it when Lily logged in that evening and she’d been a very welcome distraction. But now she was gone and Adrian had to face up to it. He had to go to the police, whether he liked it or not.

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About the Author

I’m British by birth, but because of my parents’ nomadic tendencies I grew up travelling the globe—an only child with a serious book habit. I dreamt of being a writer since the age of twelve and finally began writing seriously in the late 1990s. By that time I’d got myself a BA in Art History, a Masters in Literature and the Visual Arts, and I’d worked in all manner of diverse careers—but the stories in my head simply had to be written.

My first erotic short story was published by Virgin publishing’s Black Lace imprint in

‘97 and things really took off from there. Every spare moment was spent on the stories that bubbled away in my imagination. I’ve now had work published in over forty anthologies, including Best Women’s Erotica, The Mammoth Book of Best New Erotica and the Black Lace Wicked Words series. It was such a thrill for me to find that readers enjoyed my stories. I started working on longer projects around 2003, and since then I’ve had work published by US publishers Harlequin Spice, Red Sage, Penguin Heat, and the Juno Books fantasy line. I’m very happy to be part of the team at Total-E-Bound.

Nowadays I live in the north of England—close to the beautiful, windswept landscape of the Yorkshire moors—with my real life hero, Mark. Mark supports my work through all its ups and downs, and somehow manages to keep me sane and grounded when fiction threatens to take over.

Email: [email protected]

Saskia loves to hear from readers. You can find her contact information, website and author biography at

Also by Saskia Walker

Erogenous Zones: Monica’s Secret

Erogenous Zones: Holly’s Intuition



The Right Men for the Job

Running Wild

Mastering Meg

Brits in Time: Brazen Behaviours

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