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Authors: Andrea Laurence

BOOK: Feeding the Fire
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Mr. Sawyer? Somehow that name didn’t suit Emmett at all. He was a surfer who’d lost his way and wandered inland. He didn’t belong in a town like Rosewood. She couldn’t fathom why he would come to a place like this if he hadn’t been born and raised here. But for some reason, he’d decided to buy Woody’s Bar, revive it, and make her life miserable.

“I tried, once. He told me that while he’d try to tone things down after ten, there were no sound ordinances in Rosewood until that time and technically, he could make all the noise he wanted until then. Although he tried to be diplomatic about it, he basically told me I shouldn’t have bought a house next to the bar. He was there first and if I didn’t like it, I could move.”

Miss Francine nodded in understanding and sympathy. “I always thought it was a shame when they built that bar so close to such a beautiful, historic home. Have you tried calling the police?”

“Not yet. I feel bad distracting them from doing real police work.”

“Like what?” Miss Francine pressed. “We live in Rosewood, dear. The last lick of crime we had around here was Pat Kincaid’s wife peeping in windows trying to catch him cheating on her. It’s been months since that happened. I’m sure they’d like something to do.”

Maddie frowned. Her brother Simon was a local officer. Perhaps she could get him to help. “Okay. I’ll try that next time.”

“You do that. You need your rest. When ten-oh-one rolls around, you have that number ready to dial. If they’re called out there often enough, they’ll eventually fine the bar. Hit Mr. Sawyer in the pocketbook, since he wouldn’t respond to your polite request.”

Maddie would love a good night’s sleep. Just a solid seven-hour stretch without being woken up would be heaven. “What if that doesn’t work with him? What if calling the cops just makes Emmett angry and he gets louder?”

Miss Francine smiled a smile that told of younger years of deception and craftiness. Maddie had no idea about the older woman’s past, but she got the feeling she and Miss Francine would’ve been partners in crime if they’d been born in the same era.

There was a wicked glint in her eye as she leaned into the case and spoke in the sweetest southern lilt. “Then, my dear Madelyn, that means war.”

Want more Rosewood romance?

Check out the first book in the Rosewood Series where pop-sensation Ivy Hudson wrote a hit song titled "Size Matters." Now she's back home and has to face her muse for that chart-topper, her ex and football hero Brady Chamberlain.

Facing the Music



About the Author

Andrea Laurence is an award-winning author of contemporary and paranormal romance for Pocket Star Books and Harlequin Books. She has been a lover of reading and writing stories since she learned to read at a young age. She always dreamed of seeing her work in print and is thrilled to share her special blend of sensuality and dry, sarcastic humor with the world. A dedicated West Coast girl transplanted into the Deep South, she’s working on her own “happily ever after” with her boyfriend and their collection of animals including a Siberian husky that sheds like nobody’s business.

Also by Andrea Laurence

Facing the Music

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This book is a work of fiction. Any references to historical events, real people, or real places are used fictitiously. Other names, characters, places, and events are products of the author’s imagination, and any resemblance to actual events or places or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

Copyright © 2015 by Andrea Laurence

All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce this book or portions thereof in any form whatsoever. For information, address Pocket Books Subsidiary Rights Department, 1230 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10020.

First Pocket Star Books ebook edition March 2015

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Interior design by Davina Mock-Maniscalco

Cover photo by Dkal Inc./Getty Images

ISBN 978-1-4767-7643-9

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