Feel the Heat: A Contemporary Romance Anthology (46 page)

Read Feel the Heat: A Contemporary Romance Anthology Online

Authors: Evelyn Adams,Christine Bell,Rhian Cahill,Mari Carr,Margo Bond Collins,Jennifer Dawson,Cathryn Fox,Allison Gatta,Molly McLain,Cari Quinn,Taryn Elliot,Katherine Reid,Gina Robinson,Willow Summers,Zoe York

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o did
you get an invite to the leadership conference?” Barbara plopped down next to her at the breakfast table the next morning and Felicia had to stifle a groan.

She’d barely slept the night before and Barbara’s chirping was the last thing she needed this morning.

With her forehead on her palm, she turned to face the other woman and shook her head. “No word yet.”

“Shame. There’s bets going around.”

“Is that so?” Felicia tried to summon the energy to care, but when nothing came she chomped on a piece of bacon instead.

“Yep. Cooper and Lawrence have been invited. Everyone knew they would. You know how they do. Staying late, coming in early.”

“Right.” Felicia nodded.

“You know, I heard—and you didn’t hear this from me—“ Barbara snagged the second piece of bacon from Felicia’s plate, then continued, “Cooper’s wife is leaving him. Says he never spends time with his family and only cares about making money.”

“That’s terrible.” Felicia frowned.

“Meh,” Barbara shrugged before taking a bite herself. “Happens all the time in this business. That or they get wandering eyes and start sniffing around my desk.”


“Yes.” She nodded. “Bunch of vultures. Their wives get sick of them being so money-hungry and then they think they can find some sympathy in the office.”

“That’s terrible. Don’t they appreciate their husbands and wives working hard to earn a good, stable income?”

Barbara guffawed. “A good, stable income is one thing. This job—“

The door opened behind them and Barbara made a motion like she was zipping her mouth closed before skirting from the table and making for her assigned seat. Still, as she went, Felicia’s gaze followed her and then dragged toward the place where Cooper and Lawrence sat together. In front of their plates were files, stacked and ready to go. Lines darkened their eyes and foreheads from years of late nights and stress-filled days.

she thought.
Are not what happy people look like.

She turned to Frank and found his gaze trained on her, but instead of focusing on the light behind his eyes she took a moment to notice the rounded curve of his stomach. The way his shoulders hunched. The lines etched deeply into even his own constantly serene face.

Then, like a bolt, it hit her.

She knew what she had to do.

Without a word to anyone, she pushed herself out of her seat and fled the conference room as quickly as her feet would carry her.

* * *

hen Trey’s
sister’s face blinked onto the screen, before she had the chance to say anything at all, he blurted out, “There’s a girl.”

it.” She clapped her hands together, grinning like she’d just won the lottery. “Who’s the lucky lady? A vacationer? Oh! Oh! A co-worker?”

Trey closed his eyes, trying to remember why he’d thought this was a good idea. “Let me clarify. There was a girl—er, a woman, really.”

“Ah, a woman, I see.” Candace nodded. “So what’s going on?”

“I made a stupid mistake.”

“Like hide-a-body level mistake? A buying-a-crib level mistake?” Candice asked and Trey rolled his eyes.

“No. I just…there was something about her when I first met her. Something that drew me to her, you know?”

“Mmmmm,” she hummed.

“But now I know what it was. I’m a sucker for these ambitious types and I should have known how it would turn out. These types of women are always going to choose their careers over love.”

“Right.” Candice frowned. “And that’s what she did? She said she couldn’t be with you because of her job?”

“Not entirely. She was here on business.”

“So she was going be leaving anyway?” Candice’s frown deepened.

“Well, yes, but she broke it off early for work.”

“I’m sorry…didn’t you say she was there on business?” Candice scratched her head.

“Yeah—“ The pager beside him started buzzing and he glanced down at it quickly before sighing. “Jesus, I’ve got to go.”

“All right, well, I’m sorry about your troubles, man. Maybe find a nice Hawaiian girl and—“


“All right, all right. Go save the world.”

They said their goodbyes and Trey headed out the door to answer his newest page.

“I swear, if this is another damn coal walk…” he grumbled as he waded through the sand and flung open the door to the medical station.

As usual, a nurse was sitting behind the desk, but instead of the usual bored and semi-homicidal expression they tended to wear, she beamed up at him.

“Doctor Patterson,” she greeted him. “Room four.”

“Nancy.” He held his hand out for the tablet containing the patient’s medical chart, but Nancy only shook her head.

“You didn’t take the patient’s vitals?”

“You’ll understand when you get in there.”

He blinked, then took a deep breath and shook his head. “You’re lucky I trust you, Nancy.”

“I’ll keep that in mind, doctor,” she called after him as he made his way down the hall to find the door marked with a large gilded “4.”

Knocking quickly, he opened the door and then his mouth fell open.

Sitting on the exam table—in nothing but a hospital gown—was none other than Felicia Webb.


“Come in. Quick.” She nodded toward the hallway and he slid into the room before clicking the door closed behind him.

“How did you—?”

She jumped off the examination table and held up a hand. “Look, I have a few things to explain.”

“But I—“

“Trey. Please.”

He fell silent, and when it was clear that he wouldn’t speak again, she started. “Look, I walked into that meeting this morning and realized that you and Frank were both right. I don’t have a passion for this job. And I don’t know exactly what my passions are. But I know what makes me happy, and that’s you.”


She eyed him and he fell silent again. “This might be a crazy leap of faith, but I’m thinking I haven’t taken enough of those in my life. So, here’s the thing. I quit my job. I terminated the lease on my apartment and I’m going to find a place here on the island. That is, if you want me to. I know this is sudden and fast and—“

“Yes.” The word spilled out before he had a chance to control himself. “I mean, no. Don’t find a place. Stay with me. You can work at the resort until you find something you enjoy. I…I can’t believe you’re doing this.”

Felicia laughed and spread her hands wide. “Me neither. I’m pretty sure everyone I know is going to think I’ve gone crazy but you know what? I haven’t been this happy in a really, really long time and I’m…” She met his gaze, then said, “I’m falling in love with you, Trey. I want to see where this goes.”

“I’m falling in love with you, too.” His head was spinning. He could hardly find the words, but when they finally came to him it felt like they all rushed out at once. “I’m sorry, though. I shouldn’t have been upset with you for wanting—“

“You wanted what was best for me. And you were right.” She grinned. “You know, before I got here I walked across the coals again. No burns this time.”


“No. I’ve even went a second time. I thought it’d be cute if you had to treat me again. But, I figured the get up might be enough.” She reached behind her and he could only imagine that she was toying with the string holding her gown together.

“More than enough. Now hop up on the table and let the doctor examine you.”

Giggling, she did as he instructed and he rushed toward her to wrap her in a full, deep embrace.

he End

Thank you so much for reading my story!

* * *

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Can’t Hold Back
By Molly McLain

hat little punk

Dan Hudson arched an eyebrow at his fiancée—correction, his
—sitting across from him in the open air restaurant just outside their Cabo villa. The new wedding band on her finger glinted beneath the late morning sunshine as she swiped frantically through her phone. “Sweetie, put your cell away,” he said, placing a firm hand on her arm.

“I’m going to kill him. How dare he wait to propose until after we’d gone? I mean, look at that ring!” Maddie shoved the phone and a picture of her best friend’s shiny rock in his face.

“I’ve seen it. Pictures don’t do it justice, believe me.” His little brother wouldn’t have it any other way. Not because Josh had extravagant taste, but because he was so damn whipped that low-key no longer did his affection justice.

“You knew about this?” Maddie frowned and when his only response was a series of innocent blinks, she calmly tucked the phone into her beach bag and turned her nose up in the confident way he loved so much. “I can’t believe you didn’t tell me.”

“Sweetie.” Reaching out again, he curled his fingers around hers and gave an earnest smile. While an engagement was always big news in River Bend, Nebraska, all he wanted to think about for the next six days was where, and how often, he could get his new bride naked. “We’re on our honeymoon. Can we focus a little more on us and a little less on what’s going on at home? Please?”

The typical pout on her vibrant red mouth softened only slightly as she picked up her mimosa. “Fine. For now. But this makes two secrets you’ve kept from me in as many months. Don’t think we’re done talking about this.”


“You knew Josh and Carissa were sneaking around seeing each other and you failed to share that little tidbit of information.”

“Would you want everyone in town knowing what
do behind closed doors?”

She stuck her tongue in her cheek, swirled her drink around in the glass, and lifted a creamy, porcelain shoulder. Paired with her dark hair, painted lips, and luscious curves, she was the spitting image of a sultry 1950’s pin-up. So friggin’ gorgeous. And completely his. “We’re adults with healthy sexual appetites. It’s nothing to be ashamed of.”

No, it wasn’t. Not one bit. Even though they’d been together for almost four years and had been having sex for just as long, he’d been anxious as hell for last night—when they were finally able, as husband and wife, to come together in every sense of the word.

Nothing had changed between them physically, but being married to his best friend brought a new level of intimacy to their relationship. He’d felt the full power of it last night—and this morning—in their lovemaking. He was pretty sure she had too.

“Damn right it’s not,” he growled. “But you can’t tell me you wouldn’t be bothered if people in town started talking about our private moments behind our backs.”

“You don’t think they were talking yesterday? Placing bets on whether or not we’d even make it out of the church before going at each other? Or speculating whether we’d sneak off for a quickie during the reception?”

“Those kinds of jokes come with getting married—it’s not gossip.”

Maddie arched a dark, thin eyebrow. “My husband being truthful with me isn’t gossip either.”

To that he gave a brusque laugh and sat back in his bamboo chair, legs spread wide. The last thing he wanted to do on their honeymoon was piss off his wife, but he’d been with Maddie long enough to know she wouldn’t let this go until he made right on what she thought he’d wronged.

Fortunately, he also knew her well enough to realize that whatever was really eating at her had nothing to do with his little brother putting a ring on her best friend’s finger.

Since this was only day one of their tropical getaway, he’d better get to figuring out just what was going on inside Maddie’s pretty little head or he might very well spend their remaining nights alone in the
on the patio
instead of making love to her in their wedding bed.

“So what’s this really about, babe?”

Gliding her thumb around the smooth rim of her champagne glass, Maddie broke away from her husband’s soft but scrutinizing stare. How to tell him—a man who, on all accounts, was everything she’d ever wanted in a partner—that she wanted even more...a single day into their marriage?

Of course, keeping her desires from him made her no better than his secrets made him. But being the strong, self-assured woman she was, she refused to show weakness. Even if it was in front of him...
for him

Sucking it up, she pulled her shoulders back and reclaimed his gaze. Good God, he was sexy, with his dark hair, dark eyes, and an air of confidence that rivaled her own. A shiver of lust zipped down her spine, igniting a familiar spark low in her belly. Oh, the things she wanted with this man...

“We’re thousands of miles from home, Dan. Away from River Bend and its gossip and rumors.” She spoke steadily, gathering more courage. Then she stood, made her way around the table, and lowered herself onto his lap. She barely suppressed a moan of satisfaction when his pupils dilated and went a little hazy. Especially when she felt the tell-tale heat of an erection lengthening against her hip. “People here can talk all they want and it won’t matter, will it?”

Dan’s hands settled on her waist, encouraging her to wrap her arms around his neck and slide her fingers into his hair. Her lips were a hairsbreadth from his mouth, his breath a hot temptation against her face, and she dared him—
dared him
—to take this further. Right here, right now, with at least a dozen of the resort’s other guests watching.

But he didn’t.
“Thought we had nothing to be ashamed of.” His voice was low and gritty and she could tell he was on edge too, but he was too proper, too concerned about respecting her, to let them tumble over that invisible line of social appropriateness.

“We don’t.” And because she’d never shied away from being the aggressor in their relationship—unlike him—she kissed him.

But just like his palms gliding tentatively up her back, his kiss was soft and tender and not at all what she wanted. She was done with sweet and romantic—she needed hot and hard and intense. Dirty, even. Indecent.

She wanted everyone around them to witness how much she needed him. To understand the things he made her feel and to know that she’d cross all boundaries to show him the same.

She trusted him more than anyone. Loved him more than she thought possible. And she craved him in a way she’d never craved any man before.

Would he understand the extent of her desire? Would he feed the hunger she could no longer hold back?

Eager to find out, she pressed her chest against his, let him feel how hot and aroused she was, and deepened the kiss, moaning when he bid her entrance to taste the sweet alcohol on his tongue. When his hand twisted roughly—
—in her hair, she damn near purred.

Yes! Let them see what you do to me!

ut just as
quickly as the kiss heated up, it ended.

“Maddie, sweetheart.” Dan broke their exchange with a breathless sigh. “What

If only she could explain without making him wonder what kind of woman he married.

No, she knew their relationship was solid. Dan had always been willing to indulge her other, less secret fantasies. Maybe he’d welcome this one as well.

But there was always the chance he wouldn’t. Maybe he didn’t have it in him, which would explain why he hadn’t acted on it thus far. And that scared the crap out of her. Worse, she feared the way he looked at her might change and, if that were the case, she’d be devastated.

Feeling like a fool, she removed herself from his arms and stood quickly, acutely aware of all the eyes that had turned their way.
Exactly what you wanted, isn’t it?

“I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have...” Before he could try and assuage something he didn’t yet understand, she turned and hurried away..

Behind the safety of the restroom door, she tipped her head back against the heavy wood and let out a shaky breath. She’d been Mrs. Daniel Hudson for less than twenty-four hours and already the fear of living up to her husband’s expectations—of disappointing him—threatened to consume her.

If she was honest, this wasn’t a new development. She’d felt the pressure, the unease...the
for months now. And, though she’d used it as an excuse, this disquiet had absolutely nothing to do with the things Dan refrained from telling her.

This was all about her. And the secrets

Bracing her hands against the cool, tiled counter, she stared at her reflection in the mirror. A new bride was supposed to glow. To radiate love and passion and a myriad of other blissed out emotions. Instead, there were shadows beneath her eyes and lines of tension drawing down her normally bright disposition.

She had to get a grip and she had to get it fast. This was her honeymoon, for God’s sake, and she was ruining it with this obsessive uncertainty.

The sweet scent of gardenias in a vase near the sink, just like the ones in their suite, tickled her nose. She closed her eyes and inhaled deeply, images from the night before flooding her mind from all directions. She swallowed hard against the not-so-sudden burn of desire rising in her belly and spreading to her breasts and her throat.

Maybe she had a sex addiction. She’d read about those in Cosmo a few months back and the shoe seemed to fit. But then why wouldn’t it? She and Dan were young and their sex life had always been amazing. It was only natural to want more, wasn’t it?

She wet a paper towel with cold water, pressed it against the back of her neck, and studied the woman staring back at her. She had an MBA and a successful career as an accountant; she was supposed to look uptight, prudish even. Not wanton. Not like a woman who wanted her man every which way possible and then upside down for good measure.

And then there was Dan. She’d known a few lawyers in her time that weren’t the straight arrows their overpriced suits made them out to be. But he wasn’t one of those guys. Sure, he’d indulged her experimental side a time or two, but those rare occasions had wound up being nothing more than one-offs.

She wished he would’ve enjoyed those intimacies as much as she had, because she was going crazy with a longing for a connection more intense than she’d ever experienced before. And she wanted it with her husband.

Her husband

She met her eyes in the reflection and smiled. Finally a little color filled her cheeks and she held a palm against the warmth before tucking the ends of her dark bob behind her ears.

She loved Dan more than life itself. But was his love for her deep enough to withstand her secret longings? Or would the truth make him regret the vows he’d promised her so freely just yesterday?

Regardless of the repercussions, she needed to tell him. Or maybe show him. If she didn’t, she’d go crazy with not knowing.

She and Dan were married now. If she couldn’t trust him with every last part of her, who could she trust?

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