Read Feel the Heat: A Contemporary Romance Anthology Online

Authors: Evelyn Adams,Christine Bell,Rhian Cahill,Mari Carr,Margo Bond Collins,Jennifer Dawson,Cathryn Fox,Allison Gatta,Molly McLain,Cari Quinn,Taryn Elliot,Katherine Reid,Gina Robinson,Willow Summers,Zoe York

Feel the Heat: A Contemporary Romance Anthology (80 page)

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“Or the life.” I surged forward and nipped his chin.

With a hard exhale, he rolled to the side and pulled me with him, dragging me over his body. I felt his hardness against my lower back as his hands rested on my stomach. The other person in the elevator, a very nervous fifty-year-old man, jammed his finger into the button a few more times.

and the man exited in a rush.

“What floor?” I asked as I looked at the console.
was lit. “Cripes. What kind of consulting do you do?”

“I’ve always wanted to have sex in an elevator,” Brad murmured. His hands ducked under my shirt and ran across my stomach. “But I’ve never met a woman who was confident enough to do it.”

“Confident? Nah. Just adventurous and overtly sexual.” I leaned my head back as my sex pounded.

“Are you describing yourself?”

“I’d definitely be up for it.” Was that husky voice mine?

Brad’s arms constricted, squeezing me. “I didn’t think it was possible for a woman to be as sexy as you are, Delilah. It’s… This is blowing my mind. I’m…” He sighed and curled around me, resting his face against my neck. “You’re a fantasy come true.”

Breathing heavily, I gripped his thighs and closed my eyes, but he didn’t lift his hands any higher. Instead, he waited for the elevator to ding again before stepping around me and grabbing my hand. He entwined our fingers and led me down the hall and to a nondescript door like all hotel doors.

“For the penthouse, they could’ve at least lined the trim in gold, am I right?” I said, the flutter in my stomach amplifying as he opened the door, revealing a small entryway with a partition blocking my line of sight to the room beyond. The outlet on the right was a small kitchen, and to the left was cavernous space.

The kitchen was the size of the one in my apartment back home; the living room looked substantially larger than mine.

His hotel room was bigger than my apartment.

I was a little blown away. It almost seemed like I should be preparing to ransack the place. Why else would a person such as me, who was always under the Grand Boot of Life, end up in a high-dollar place like this? To steal silver—it seemed like the most plausible explanation.

“Are you sharing this with your friends, or…” I let him pull me left, and then gulped when I was presented with a spacious living room housing two couches facing a TV mounted on the wall. The floor plan was open, so behind me there was a dining room table surrounded by six chairs. Through the sliding glass door, I could see the ocean. A door to the left was slightly ajar, but it didn’t take a genius to guess what waited beyond.

I had to ponder: What the fuck was I doing with this man? Or more importantly, what the fuck was he doing with me?

And then: Shut up, bitch. Take this shit and run with it! Just because you’ve never had a high-dollar place, doesn’t mean you’re not worth it.

I had great inner pep talks when I was tequila-free.

“My company paid for this,” he said, either reading my earlier thoughts or my expression.

“Your company likes you a helluva lot better than mine likes me, I’ll say that much.”

“Sometimes.” He dropped my hand and headed into the kitchen. “Do you want something to drink?”

“Will it come in a gold goblet? Because let’s be honest, nothing else will do.”


I wasn’t trying to be.

“Drink?” he asked again.

“What do you have?” I wandered toward the sliding glass door, pleasantly buzzed and enjoying the simmer of heat deep in my core. As I looked out through the glass at the breathtaking view, I said, “You are not allowed in my hotel room.”

“We can order anything we want, but on hand I have wine, beer, and…vodka, looks like.”

“Color of wine?”

“Really hate beer, huh?”

“Really hate having a beer when other people aren’t, huh?”

“A little,” he said with a laugh. “I feel low class.”

“You feel low class drinking a beer in the penthouse, do you? You should, Mr. Trashy,” I said.

“I can honestly say no one’s ever called me that. Decision, please.”

“Beer, if you want. I don’t care. Anything but that vodka.”

“You don’t care, but you don’t want vodka. Got it.”

I heard the pop of a cork and turned back with a smile. He matched it, but his smile was ten times more compelling than mine. I just stared in rapture for a moment. It was all I could do. The man was a god, plain and simple. He probably had women kissing his feet as he walked all over them.

He’d better think twice about doing that with me, of course. There was no telling what I would do in retaliation.

I grimaced at the memories of some of the things I
done in the past. I wasn’t lying when I’d told him they weren’t my finest moments.

“Here you are.” He handed me a glass of white wine and then slid his arm around my waist. “Have I told you how beautiful you are?”

Better and better. If this were a dream, I would stick a knife in the eye of anyone who woke me from it.

I snuggled into him and took a sip. Some sort of high-dollar stuff. Tasted great.

“So what is it you do?” I asked, angling my face up to him.

He took his eyes away from the scenery and regarded me. “I rescue pretty girls from crowded rooms.”

“You really aren’t going to tell me?”

He shrugged and looked back at the horizon. “I’d rather let you get to know me without the overhang of my job.”

Obviously he was successful, then. Although the hotel room and his friends had told me that much.

I rested my head in the hollow between his shoulder and neck. “Suit yourself.”

“Thanks. It’s just gotten harder to date these last few years.”

I took a sip of my wine, letting the relaxation settle over me. We watched nothingness for a time, quiet. Finally he said, “Do you want to sit outside for a while?”

“Not unless you have a fantasy regarding balconies.” I chuckled.


“We should eat.”

“Yes. We should.” I felt him move my hair away from my neck before sliding his lips across my suddenly fevered skin.

“We can always eat after,” I said as my pulse sped up. I closed my eyes, savoring his touch.

“Yes. We could. Or I can eat now, and we can share a meal later…”

I was about to question that when he turned me toward him and kissed me. The world dropped away and wine slopped out of my wobbling glass. His tongue ran across my lower lip. I opened my mouth for him and he filled it in a rush. More wine slopped onto the floor.

“I need to set down my glass,” I said into his kiss.

He grabbed it and set it down with his own. The next second I was swooped up again, into his arms. I kept the kiss, breathing heavily through my nose, anticipating his body. I wanted no more sidetracking or talking. Just him and me, skin on skin.


e dropped
me on the bed in a tussle of hair and limbs. Before I could right myself, I felt his palms moving up my legs and pushing the fabric of my skirt with them. I let out a sigh and arched, spreading my legs as his hands covered my inner thighs.

Fingers applied pressure at the edge of my panties and peeled them to the side. A hot, wet mouth sucked in my sex. My eyes rolled to the back of my head and I moaned.

His tongue circled my clit lazily before he sucked in pulses. I arched up to his mouth, the sensation so good no machine could duplicate it. A finger ran down my center before dipping inside me.

“Oh yes,” I said, clutching his hair in tight fists. I gyrated faster as he sucked and plunged, winding me up. Another finger joined the first, curved to hit the right spot. His sucking pulses sped up. My hips thrust to meet his fingers.

“Yes, Brad,” I said, rocking against his mouth. On fire. Tightly wound. “Faster.”

I yanked on his hair and pushed my head back in the bed, nearly there. Everything squeezing. My muscles flexed. On the edge—

“Oh!” I exploded. My body convulsed as pleasure pounded through me, followed by euphoria that stole my breath. I settled back down, languid.

“Wow,” I said. That’s about all there was to it. “

Fingers curled around the edges of my panties and then pulled, dragging the material down and off my legs. My skirt followed until I was bare from the waist down. He kissed my sex again before moving up to my navel. His hands slid across my skin as his mouth trailed upward, lifting my shirt. With a deft touch, he traced my bra straps until I arched to let him unhook the clasp. Searing heat trailed his touch until his palms covered my breasts.

A shock of pleasure coursed through me as his thumbs stroked my taut nipples. He straightened up and then pulled his shirt over his head, revealing that delicious body with the sculpted pecs leading down into the most divine abs I’d ever seen. The ridge of his obliques trailed into his pant line.

I was salivating. Literally.

Wasting no time, I pulled my own shirt over my head and flung my bra across the room. His smile gave me butterflies. There was a predatory quality to it, heightened by his silky movements as he pushed down his shorts and then his boxers. His erection sprang free, huge and glorious.

I’d never been so excited to take a ride on a man playground in all my life.

He crawled onto the bed, looking down on me with lust burning in his eyes. But something else, too. Something soft that made my heart thump even harder.

His body pushing mine into the mattress felt like heaven. I wrapped my arms around his shoulders and slid my knees up his sides before squeezing him tightly with my legs.

“You are absolutely gorgeous,” he said as he bent to kiss me. He lightly nibbled my lips.

I moaned and moved my hips in small circles, rubbing against that glorious cock. The kiss deepened and my desire spiked.

Suddenly it was too much. It hit me,
I needed him. Right then. Without delay. I needed him inside me like a starving person needed food.

“Fuck me,” I said, wild.

He pushed my hands above my head and rocked his hips forward. His cock slid against my wetness, sending bursts of pleasure through my core. I arched, trying to find purchase. Trying to get him inside me.

With a groan, he rolled to the side and off the bed before stalking across the room. His muscular ass just
would not quit

He’d better be getting a condom or else I’d attack.

Keeping the faith, I took matters into my own hands while he was getting that organized. One hand dipped to my sex and the other worked my nipple. A poor man’s substitute, without a doubt, but something to pass the time.

“Oh Delilah,” I heard.

Brad stopped by the edge of the bed, looking down on me. Without another word, he ripped the foil and rolled the protection into place. A zing of excitement ran through me as he practically dove on top of me.

“You are so sexy,” he said, settling between my legs. “The perfect package.”

His tip bumped my opening. I held my breath, on edge, weirdly anxious. With a sigh, he pushed forward and filled me to the brim.

“Oh heavens,” I said as my eyes fluttered shut. “Oh…goodness. Good gracious. Shit.” My nerve endings sang as I stretched around him. My fingers turned into claws as I held on for dear life against the waves of pleasure.

He pushed my hands above my head again and started moving, slowly. Too slowly. Torturous.

I tried to rock to get more friction as I moved my head from side to side against the deep, pleasurable assault on my senses. My body was trapped under his, though. Held prisoner within the exquisite sensation.

I rolled my hips, finding a little movement. It was nothing but a tease, almost like he was keeping me still on purpose.

A long, pained moan ripped from my throat. The buildup was unbearable. I needed more, more, more.

I pushed at his shoulder, taking charge. He resisted until I practically bucked him off. With a devilish grin he rolled onto his back. His hands skimmed up my legs as I crawled on top of him. Grabbing his cock by the base, I navigated over his tip and then sat down. Hard.

“Oh shi—” Brad squeezed his eyes shut. His fingers gripped my thighs.

I jerked my hips over him, feeling him slide in and then back out. I circled my hips and bucked my body before sitting again, hitting every good spot I could. And then I bent forward, low over him, rubbing my nipples against his hard chest.

“Yes,” he said. It was nothing more than an awe-filled sigh.

I curled my fingers around his wrists and held his hands above his head. He was a good sport and let me pretend I was strong enough to keep them there. Lips on lips, skin flush, I ground my hips into his, breathing heavily. His breath mingled with mine.

“Oh Brad,” I moaned, winding up now. Feeling so damn good it should be illegal. “

He tore his hands out from under mine and slapped them to my butt.

“OH! Brad, hmmm…” He lifted me up and then slammed me back down, driving pleasure into me. The giant bed was rocking hard now. Everything in me tightened. Coiled. On the edge. Waiting for—

Another hard slam.

I blasted apart as an orgasm rocked me. Pleasure sizzled through my body, penetrating my bones. I convulsed as wave after wave of bliss washed over me. And then I melted over his chest.

I was incapable of speech. I couldn’t even utter a “Wow.”

He didn’t speak either. Just wrapped his arms around me as his frantic breathing started to slow. His heart pounded in his chest, its frenzied pace matching mine.

I wondered if he was just as awe-struck as I was, or if he had the world’s best sex all the time.

Because holy shit, the man was a legend.

With a worryingly soft warmth unfurling deep within me, something I’d told myself to stay away from lest something go wrong and I turned insane like last time, I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep.

* * *

ood morning

I fluttered my eyes open in the dim light as the bed compressed beside me. Brad sat in boxers and nothing else, his gorgeous body on display.

I needed to remember to take a picture. That was screensaver-worthy, right there.

“Are you hungry?” he asked. He trailed his fingertips over my temple, clearing hair away from my face.

Pleasant tingles infused my soreness. The man was large and we hadn’t gone easy on each other. It was a great problem to have, but still, my lady stuff was aching.

“Probably.” I stretched and yawned. And then realized the room was dark because the heavy shades had been drawn to block out the light.

With a flash of alarm I sat up. Clutching the sheet to my chest to hide my nakedness, I looked out at the sunshiny glow in the main room. “What time is it?”

“Seven thirty. What did you have planned for today?”

I glanced at the ground for my clothes. “Lots of lectures and seminars. I think the first one is at nine, but I need to check.”

“I was going to order breakfast. We never got around to dinner—you must be starving.”

I shrugged, because I didn’t usually eat in the mornings. I’d long ago decided sleep was better than breakfast. “Can you hand me my shirt?”

“Here.” He crossed to a closet and extracted a white, fluffy robe.

I hesitated when he tried to hand it to me. “You’re probably busy. I can just head out.”

His brow furrowed. He shook his head. “I’d rather you stayed, if you’re willing.”

Frowning, because this wasn’t usually how one-night stands went, I cautiously took the robe.

“What’s the matter?” he asked, sitting down beside me again.

“Just that…you were already up and half dressed. That usually means
get out.
But now you’re hanging around… Mixed signals, man. I’m not sure where I stand.”

“Your honesty is refreshing.” He laughed. “I had a few emails to get to, and an early call.”

“How long have you been up?”

“Since six.” He left the room for a moment, giving me enough time to scramble out of bed and slip into the robe. When he came back, he handed me a black leather folder with the hotel name and insignia pressed into the front. “Pick out some breakfast and I’ll order in. Do you need to use the computer to check your schedule?”

“It’s in my phone,” I mumbled, taking the folder.

I was a little thrown off by his behavior. He was gorgeous, obviously wealthy, and definitely a lady magnet. The man probably had whomever he wanted,
he wanted. Which then made it strange that he was playing hotel-domestic with me. Hot, rich guys usually played the field, didn’t they?

But this wasn’t hit-it-and-quit-it behavior.

I smelled a trap.

“Pick. Hurry, I’m hungry.” He smiled at me as he stepped closer and reached into my robe. His hands slid down my stomach and then dipped low, gliding across my sudden wetness.

Ah. That made much more sense. He wanted a quickie before he got his day underway.

I was totally game.

“Cheese omelet, please,” I said, closing my eyes as his fingers rubbed.

“That’s it?” he whispered. A finger dipped inside me.

“No.” I sank down to my knees and yanked his boxers. They pooled at his feet as his large erection bobbed free.

“Oh God, wait,” he said. I sucked his cock into my mouth. “Wait— Oh, Delilah,
His breath hitched. “Sweet Jesus, you’re good at that. But wait, baby. Let’s order breakfast— Ohh…”

His muscles flexed and a groan preceded his thrust into my waiting mouth. I sucked it in and tried to gulp it down, the most unflattering thing in the sexual world, I was pretty sure. Eyes watering and mouth distended, I looked up at him porn-star style, knowing men got off on that. With the tongue gymnastics he’d performed last night, I needed to bring my A-game.

While massaging his balls, I let the suction
before teasing his tip with my tongue. He stared down at me, raw lust painting his handsome features. He thrust again, faster now, obviously unable to help the pulse of his body as he raced toward completion.

His hot need turned me on like no one else ever had. I abandoned his balls so I could work my clit, wanting to feel this with him. Wanting to be an active part of his orgasm instead of just a spectator.

“Yes, baby,” he said, his eyes following my dropping hand. “Fuck yourself.”

I ran my lips up his shaft and took him deep again, feeling my slick body wind up. I pumped my hand and mouth faster, matching the pace with my fingers. He thrust deep into my mouth, making me gag. I kept at it like a champ, though, backing off and sucking back in, my throat constricting around his cock as my body tried to keep me from choking on it.

“Almost there, baby,” he said, still staring down at me. The muscles along his torso bulged. His whole body went wire tight.

Mine was right behind him, at home base. Ready to release the kraken.

“I’m going to come,” he grunted, thankfully warning me.

Then I did something I’d never done before. I worked myself harder, and just as bliss pounded me with the sweet victory of an orgasm, I pulled away from his cock and let him come all over my face.

Yes, I let the man give me a Facial. What possessed me, I had no idea.

Eyes closed and mouth open, I moaned as I climaxed. He moaned with me as his hot seed splattered all over my face and in my hair.

In that moment, I changed my earlier thought.

was the most unflattering thing in the sexual world. At least that I had ever done. And Lord help me if it got any worse.

Breathing heavily, he said, “Oh God, baby…” And then he hurried away.

So there I was, kneeling in the middle of the floor with my eyes closed and spunk all over my face. Hopefully he was getting me a towel, because I didn’t want to open my eyes for fear that some of the junk would get in, which would mean I’d have to wander toward the bathroom with outstretched, waving hands while covered in his mess.

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