Feisty (11 page)

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Authors: Mackenzie McKade

BOOK: Feisty
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“Thank you.” Sky bit the corner of her bottom lip. “Have you heard from Devon?”

Ignoring her, Sahara grasped Sky’s hands in hers. “This is your wedding day. Can you believe it?”

Sky’s eyes grew misty. “No. In all honesty, I’d run for so many years, I never dreamed I’d settle down, much less find someone as wonderful as Leo.”

At the mention of her brother, Sahara felt the sudden need to see him. Besides, she could hear a mob congregating behind the door of the dressing room of the church. Sky’s and Sahara’s mothers and the rest of the bridesmaids would join them soon. Which meant she would have to deal with the disapproving expressions of those she had believed to be her friends before they heard about the resort. As the door opened, she hurried past everyone. Once in the hall she took a moment to gather herself. She slipped her hand into her purse, extracted her cell phone and dialed Leo.

“Sis? You okay?” Concern rang in his voice.

She held on to her tears, barely. “I want to see you.”

“Meet you out back?”


She made her way through the halls of the church and slipped out the backdoor. Her heels clicked against the stone pathway leading to the cliffs. A gentle breeze caught the hem of her strapless chiffon dress and the full skirt fluttered around her knees. The roar of the ocean called as she neared the edge and looked out over the restless sea crashing into rocks below to send jets of water spraying into the air.

When strong arms slipped around her waist, she prayed they belonged to Devon, but knew immediately when her brother spoke. “Thank you for being here.”

She turned in his arms and looked into his golden eyes. “I wouldn’t miss it for the world.”

“But you would rather be somewhere else?”

Dipping her brows, she pretended not to understand. “Not on your life.” She forced another smile, and then quickly laid her cheek against his chest before her smile faltered. “Tell me you’ll be happy.”

“I’ve never been happier. Sky… She’s—” He released a breath that sounded almost like a sigh. “Well. I love her.”

Sahara stepped out of his arms and once again gazed into his eyes. “That’s all I needed to hear. What do you say we get back inside and get you married?”

“Sounds good to me.” As they began to walk, he paused. “You need to stop this thing with the resort. The people of Whispering Cove will fight its existence. They’re an affirmable force when they need to be.”

“I don’t know how to stop it.” Sahara wished she did, but her firm had seen dollar signs, like she had.

As they entered the church, Leo narrowed his eyes on her. “Find a way, Sahara. Make this right.”

She almost laughed. Her dreams of a partnership were within her grasp, but what would the cost be? Devon? Maybe her brother? Her tattered thoughts were interrupted when Vic rushed down the hallway to meet them.

“Everyone is gathering in the bridal suite to have a toast before the wedding begins.” She reached up and pushed back a strand of hair that dared to fall out of place from the coiffure she’d placed earlier upon Sahara’s head. Then she turned her attention to Leo. “The minister is looking for you.”

As Leo went left, they went right. Joyous sounds came from behind the door as she and Vic approached. When they opened the bridal suite door and stepped inside, bubbling flutes of champagne were being passed around by a black-tuxed waiter. Sahara reached for two drinks, handing Vic one. When the room grew quiet, Tabby raised her glass, clearly missing the bubbly champagne. In its stead she had what looked like apple cider.

“I’m Tabby McGrath, Sky’s Maid of Honor.” A fact that had garnered a lot of disagreement with Sky’s parents. Neither did they appreciate where and who was on the guest list. But Leo had stood behind Sky and they had won in the end.

“I met Sky as she was attempting to flee after cold-cocking her soon-to-be-husband outside of the Seafarer.” Everyone laughed, even Sahara’s mother. But not Sky’s mother, whose face suddenly looked as if you could freeze water on it. Tabby must not have been paying attention to Mrs. Wellington’s reaction, because she continued.

“I hope you still have those handcuffs, because girl, you’re going to need them tonight.” Again everyone laughed. “No really. You bring not only your beauty and kindness to our small, coastal town, but you’re an extremely talented artist. We welcome you to our town, but more importantly into our hearts. May you find happiness in Leo’s arms.” She tipped the glass to her lips and everyone followed.

After taking a drink, Sahara stood back and watched. They were a tight-knit group. Vic roamed the room making sure everyone’s hair was perfection. Katy had prepared light appetizers, which looked like an artful masterpiece spread across a table with live flowers and baby’s breath. At the insistence of Sky’s mother a makeup artist had been flown in from New York. She had done many of the women’s makeup and was finishing up the final touches to Sky’s lips.

Funny. At one time Sahara had thought she fit in with this group. Now she wasn’t sure. It wasn’t that anyone had said anything to her, but she felt the awkwardness when her eyes met theirs. She was never more relieved when Mr. Wellington stepped into the room and announced it was time to start.

When it was Sahara’s time to stroll down the aisle, she kept her gaze on Leo. From the corner of her eye she could see Kent Jones. She hadn’t seen Leo’s best friend, who arrived late last night, in years. To his left stood Reece, and lastly, Devon. She didn’t look at him, but she could feel his hot stare. It burned through her like a flash fire, making her pulse speed, and she swayed, correcting her step. Given half a chance she would have turned and run. Instead she reached for the confident woman she was and made it to her assigned spot at the altar without hesitating. When their eyes met she couldn’t read his expression. He didn’t divert his gaze and at that moment when her body began to warm she wished he had.


Standing across from Sahara was harder than Devon expected. Earlier Leo had explained she hadn’t been thinking when she proposed the resort would change all of their lives. Yet Tabby had shared that Vic had told her that Sahara stood to make partnership out of the deal. Where Vic heard that piece of pertinent information was anyone’s guess.

Damn the Clarions

Captain Clarion’s great-great grandchildren had never appreciated the history behind their land. His grandchildren weren’t raised here. Their roots had been scattered across the country. Devon’s last thought was interrupted with ahhs of appreciation breaking his connection with Sahara as she turned away from him. When he followed her line of sight he saw Sky and her father had taken their place and had begun to walk down the aisle.

A vision of loveliness was too mild to describe Leo’s bride. The only woman in the room who outshined her was Sahara. He stole another glimpse of her, remembering how she looked only moments ago coming down the aisle toward him, and his heart thudded in his chest. When he swayed, Devon realized he’d locked his knees. He took a second to readjust his stance, and by that time Sky floated past him.

As she approached Leo, Devon gazed at his friend, recognizing the look in Leo’s eyes. It had been the same one he had seen in Reece’s eyes when he married Tabby. When he glanced at Reece the damn man wore a silly grin. Neither he nor Tabby were watching the bride and groom. Instead they seemed to be sharing unspoken words or possibly memories between them. Reece winked. Tabby’s face flushed with the prettiest blush. She inhaled and cradled her protruding belly before she turned to watch the proceedings.

As the minister began the ceremony, Devon fought to keep his eyes off of Sahara. Instead, he focused on the couple standing at the altar as they exchanged vows.

Misty-eyed, Sky turned to face Leo. “Before God, family and friends, I promise to love you, to be your best friend, to respect and support you, to be patient with you, to work together with you to achieve our goals, to accept you unconditionally, and to share my life with you throughout the years.”

“Leonardo David Caan, I promise to love and care for you. I will try in every way to be worthy of your love. I will always be honest with you, considerate, patient and forgiving. But most of all, I promise to be a true and loyal friend to you. I love you.”

As Devon listened to his friends pledge their hearts, he was smacked in the face with an epiphany. Staying single hadn’t offered him more options, opportunities and freedom. Thoughts of Tabby and Reece’s relationship rose. His friends hadn’t thought twice of giving up their independence. Tabby and Reece were building a life together. Soon there would be an addition to their family. Devon was happy for them, but where did that leave him? While they created this perfect little family, what would he be doing? Trolling bars. Picking up one-night stands. Eating and waking up alone.

He glanced in Sahara’s direction. Her eyes were glassy with emotion. How could he have been so blind? She didn’t care for him. It must be a day for epiphanies, because another one struck him hard. She’d used him for a good time and sex. The same thing he had done in the past with many women.

Damned if the tables hadn’t been turned and he didn’t care for the way it churned in his gut.

When the minister announced, “You may kiss your bride,” Sahara inhaled a sharp breath. Devon could see her struggling to keep tears at bay. Only when Leo and Sky parted, turned and headed down the aisle hand-in-hand, did he see a tear escape.

All too soon the moment Devon had been dreading had arrived.

Tabby and Kent met at the altar and linked arms before they began to follow the bride and groom. Lila and Reece took their place for the trip down the aisle. As Devon and Sahara came together, his throat grew dry. He couldn’t move, much less reach out and take her arm.

Sahara eyes widened, before they narrowed into deadly points. “We’re not going to ruin this moment for my brother,” she growled beneath her breath. After she forced her arm through the crook of his, she diverted her glare, but her frown remained.

If Devon hadn’t been so nervous, it would have been comical when she started to walk, pulling him with her. Luckily his feet started to work and the awkward moment was brief. But when they came to the end of the aisle, she released him as if his arm had suddenly burst into flames. With a jerk of her shoulder, she spun around and took off in the opposite direction like a bat out of hell.

Devon would have liked to say the evening got better, but it wasn’t to be. Leaning against a lamppost, he nursed a beer and fought the desire to rip Sahara out of Gary’s hands as they waltzed across the makeshift dance floor that, ironically, Devon had built. The cocky little assistant was exactly where Devon had planned to be this evening—in Sahara’s arms.

Since the ceremony and dinner, she hadn’t even looked his way. But he’d seen every move she’d made, from the way the moonlight bathed her face in shadows to the way she apparently couldn’t care less they were no longer a couple. He took a sip and inhaled, swearing he could smell her sweet scent.

“You be a stubborn lad,” Harold grumbled as he and his cronies joined Devon. When he didn’t answer the old man, Harold continued. “That city slicker is trolling in your waters.”

This time when Devon didn’t answer Errol struck him on the shinbone with his cane. “Boy, are you going to let him move in on your girl?”

Leg stinging, he turned toward his assailant. “She isn’t my girl.”

“Hogwash,” Byron blurted. He pointed a gnarled finger at Devon. “We’ve seen you two together over the last couple of weeks. It may sound corny, but she completes you.”

Yeah. It did sound corny, but Devon had to agree. His chest suddenly grew tight. Fact was, it tore him up to see her with another man. To know he would never hold her again. That someone so perfect wasn’t for him.

When she laughed at something Gary said, Devon pushed away from the lamppost. “The three of you need glasses.” He downed his beer, before he tossed the bottle into a nearby trashcan. “Can’t you see she’s having the time of her life?”

Without him.

As he walked away, no matter where he looked he saw happy couples. It was as if fate wanted to rub his nose in the fact he was alone on this beautiful night. Beneath a starry sky, Tabby and Reece sat at a table, their heads together as they conversed, while Hauk wrapped Vic in his arms. She leaned back into his embrace and smiled softly up at him. Jon stole a kiss from Lila as they stood beneath the dim brilliance of a coach light. Adam grabbed Josie’s arm and pulled her to him. She laughed and pecked him playfully on the cheek. It seemed all of Whispering Cove was paired up. Even Leo’s friend, Kent, had found a dance partner in Lauren.

Devon wove his fingers through his long hair, brushing it back when Mrs. and Mrs. McDougal strolled up to him.

“Damn shame,” the elderly man muttered. “I liked her.”

“You like anything with two legs,” huffed the short, round woman beside him. “I knew she was trouble. Am I right, Devon? Tell me, I’m right?”

Confused, he looked down at the gray-haired woman staring up at him. “Who?”

Mrs. McDougal nodded her head toward the dance floor. “Leo’s sister. She’s brought nothing but trouble to this town.”

The hair on the back of Devon’s neck instantly bristled. “She’s done nothing to this town.” Mrs. McDougal flinched and immediately he felt ashamed of his outburst.

“B-but the resort—”

Mr. McDougal squared his frail shoulders as he interrupted his wife. “Don’t tell me you’re in favor of turning our town into a tourist trap.”

“She saw the beauty and ambience of our town.” Or that’s what Leo had tried to tell him. “Maybe she didn’t realize how the folks of Whispering Cove were against progress.” Good Lord. Was he defending her? “I mean.
. I’m not in favor.”

“What are we going to do?” the old man demanded.

“We’ll fight them,” Devon said.

Mr. McDougal slapped him on the back and gave him a toothy grin. “That’s what I wanted to hear. C’mon, Mary, let’s tell everyone.”

Tell everyone?

“Mr. McDougal—” But it was too late. How two elderly people could move so fast was beyond him, but they were already speaking with the Waterses and Ruysdales.

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