Feral Bachelorism (3 page)

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Authors: Lacey Savage

BOOK: Feral Bachelorism
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Pausing only as long as it took to grab a tube of strawberry-flavored lubricant from the drawer of one of the night stands, he moved to stand behind the bed. While he slicked the lube over his dick, he allowed his gaze to linger over Sean’s long legs, the sleek muscles of his ass, his lean back. He yearned to see the rest of him, but the beige shirt still covered Sean’s torso.

“On your knees,” Brad said. “I want to stroke your cock while I fuck you.”

Sean climbed to his knees, balancing his upper body weight on his elbows, his head bent low into a pillow. To muffle his cries? Brad didn’t know, but he intended to make sure Sean screamed his name, loudly, when he came.

Brad climbed on the bed behind him and gripped his hips. The man’s muscles rippled and flexed beneath the pressure. He was lean and toned, his smooth skin sleek and inviting to touch.

Clenching his teeth to keep from going too fast, Brad parted Sean’s ass and slicked the area around the man’s anus with the lube greasing his hands. He slid a finger inside the tight hole, then another.

Sean squirmed against his hand. “Oh.” The word was barely more than a sigh.

Brad withdrew his fingers and positioned the tip of his cock against the inviting entrance. “Tell me you want me.”

For a moment, he thought Sean would refuse, just as he’d done earlier.

“I want you,” Sean said. His voice was surprisingly steady, but Brad heard the strain behind the words.

“Good.” He nudged his shaft gradually inside the tight hole, feeling the muscles stretch to welcome him.

Sean sucked in a breath and released it on a hiss. “Ah! God!”

“Am I hurting you?”

Sean trembled. “No.” He thrust his hips back, impaling himself on Brad’s dick further. His cry tore through the room. “Yes.” He panted, his muscles quivering. “But don’t stop. Please.”

Brad groaned. Sean’s tight ass molded to his shaft, clamping around it, pulsing, squeezing and igniting a fire within he hadn’t felt in much too long.

J.C. had never allowed Brad to fuck his ass. He had to be the one in command, the one taking charge. Well, no longer. For the first time in too long, Brad’s cock slid balls-deep inside a tight channel that gripped him firmly, enveloping him like a glove.

He leaned forward and slid his hand around Sean’s waist, gripping his cock. The man cried out as he began stroking his dick with firm, practiced movements. Brad had taken his own cock in hand this way while he was being fucked enough times to know how much pressure to apply, how quickly to jerk the soft skin against the hard shaft.

“That’s it,” he encouraged as Sean bucked against him, his hips making slow, sensual circles. “Fuck me back. Fuck me and make us both come.”

Brad’s legs quivered. Muscles he hadn’t even known he had burned with tension as he struggled to keep the pace slow. He’d promised Sean he would, but God, it felt so good he wasn’t sure he could have kept any promise with the hot velvet heat wrapped so tightly around his straining, needy cock.

He pumped Sean’s rod harder, felt it stiffen even further beneath his hand. He knew Sean was close; as close as he was. Another thrust, then another, painfully slow, infinitely torturous and --

“Oh, God… Oh, God… Oh, Brad!”

Sean’s voice echoed through the room as Brad’s orgasm exploded in a flash of heat that singed his nerve endings, culminating in a blazing, pulsing, pumping action in his groin. A shudder wracked his body and he jerked his hips forward, his seed flooding Sean’s ass.

Sean’s cum drenched his hand. It squirted on to the bed sheets as the man’s cock pulsed and throbbed against Brad’s palm. The creamy mess ran through his fingers, hot and wet and sticky.

A roar ripped free from Brad’s throat. He collapsed, bringing Sean down on the bed with him.

For a long moment they lay there, neither one speaking, their ragged breathing and the occasional snap of a log in the hearth the only sounds in the large room.

Brad’s throat felt clogged. Emotions nudged at him, edging perilously close to dangerous territory.

He’d always fallen too hard, too fast. He needed to guard his heart, and a lifetime of lessons in that department hadn’t helped him learn that he had to keep a healthy emotional distance from people he only casually fucked.

First Ali… then J.C. And now…


Summoning all the willpower he possessed, Brad rolled on to his side. The bed dipped beneath his weight. Sean stirred. When he turned, Brad saw his fears mirrored in Sean’s eyes. The look the man gave him was filled with the same emotion swirling through his own gut.

He had to stop this -- whatever
was -- before it went any further between them.

He only wished Sean hadn’t felt so incredible in his arms.

“Well, I had fun,” Brad said, wincing at how stupid that sounded.

Sean’s blue eyes darkened slightly. Brad guessed he knew a goodbye when he heard one.

“So, thanks for coming. I’m glad you did,” he said, meaning it. “But --”

“Yeah, I should get going,” Sean said, interrupting Brad’s pathetic attempting at ending things swiftly.

Grateful for Sean’s ability to assess the situation and spare them both any added embarrassment, Brad didn’t stop him when he rose from the bed and grabbed for his jeans.

“I’ll call you,” Brad promised, though the words sounded hollow even to him. Sean lifted a broad shoulder, then reached for the doorknob and walked out without as much as a backward glance.

Brad groaned and collapsed against his pillow. He scrubbed his hand over his face and squeezed his eyes shut, realizing that his lame attempt at parting on a positive note would have sounded a lot more believable if he’d bothered to ask for Sean’s number.




Chapter Two


Sean knew what would happen as soon as he heard the wooden door creak. Still, he pushed it open and crossed the threshold, unable to do anything else.

Since he’d met Brad three nights ago, he’d had the same dream, sometimes repeated in quick succession, like a never-ending loop from which he couldn’t wake.

Time after time, no matter how hard he tried to take control of his fantasy, nothing ever changed. He went through the motions like a puppet on a string, powerless to do anything but watch as events unfolded around him, as Brad did things to his body he’d never thought he’d allow.

It started out slow, like it always did. Brad’s arms around his waist made his muscles clench in anticipation. A fierce, elemental shudder ran through him as panic welled in his throat and desire pounded viciously in his groin.

this. He’d wanted it for months, maybe longer. In the past, his dreams had been explicit and arousing, but the men inhabiting his secret fantasies had been faceless; nameless people he could easily discount by the light of day.

You didn’t have any trouble at the gate, did you

Brad’s husky voice caressed Sean’s senses, stirring a deliciously euphoric hunger in his mind. The man didn’t speak -- not exactly. The words were simply there, communicated through a connection formed the moment Sean stepped through the door. With that one simple act of stepping over the threshold, he’d abandoned all hope of being able to walk away before fate ran its course.

Sean’s cock stirred, aching against the constraints of his briefs as Brad relentlessly teased and caressed, fondling him through his clothes even before he undressed him. Sean watched, desperate for relief, as Brad kneeled before him and gripped his hips. His dick pulsed with voracious need. He arched his hips, pushing his shaft against Brad’s mouth.

He wanted to feel the soft, wet warmth envelop him. He’d had women perform this task in the past, of course, but he wondered how different it would be with a man. Would another guy know just how much pressure to apply to the sensitive head? How hard to grasp the shaft as he slid his mouth up and down the hard, throbbing rod? How gently to cup his balls as his seed gathered there, preparing to squirt down his lover’s throat?

He didn’t know, but God, how he wanted to find out.

“Don’t make me beg for it. I can’t,” he heard himself say. The words were his, and his voice trembled with discomfort, yet his mind and body told a different story.

He ached to say the words Brad wanted to hear. His subconscious answered silently, begging and pleading for the man’s hot mouth, for the soft caress of his tongue, for his lips to wrap around his cock head and kiss, lick and nibble every inch of his shaft.

But something deep inside wouldn’t let him. The dream hadn’t changed at all, despite Sean’s need to surrender to everything Brad had to offer, regardless of his grudging acceptance of his body’s anguished desire.

Here, in his fantasy, it should have been safe to shed his inhibitions and whisper the words he couldn’t otherwise utter aloud.

Perhaps this was his punishment for not allowing himself to simply give and receive pleasure no matter its source. Whatever the reason for his suffering, his inhibitions held him firmly locked in their relentless grip.

He watched Brad’s smug grin as the man rose to his feet, shaking his head in silent admonishment. Sean’s cock remained dry, except for the bead of pre-cum that dripped from the tip of his cock.

And then Brad’s tongue was pushing its way into his mouth, his hard-as-steel cock pulsing and shoving against Sean’s lower belly. Brad was at least three inches taller, giving him the advantage in everything, including the kiss. Primal, eager desire took over and Sean felt himself respond, opening, seeking, sweeping his tongue over Brad’s in a desperate attempt to experience as much as possible before Brad inevitably sent him away.

When Brad broke the kiss, Sean heard himself whimper. He hated it, the needy moan escaping his lips, the way he’d have done anything for another touch of Brad’s lips, another taste of his masculine, savage flavor.

Brad pushed him toward the bed, and once again Sean was powerless to disobey. Was this feeling of utter helplessness part of the dream, or had it been that way Friday night as well? He couldn’t remember. Perhaps he didn’t want to.

On your knees. I want to stroke your cock while I fuck you

God, how he wanted that too. He climbed on the bed and held his breath, waiting while Brad slicked his cock. The lube smelled like strawberries, imbuing the air with a delicious aroma that melded with the scent of sweat and masculine arousal to drain the last drop of resistance from Sean’s body.

Hands parted his ass cheeks, slicked the tender entrance of his anus with swift, sensual, expert strokes. Brad must have done this a dozen times. A hundred, a thousand, even. The thought made Sean gulp. Why would a guy like Brad Hennessy want a nobody like him? Brad was handsome, confident, and successful. And if the rumors were true, he was also rich. Very, very rich. A man like him could have anyone he wanted, male or female. Why bother with someone like Sean, a guy who couldn’t even own up to his own desires?

The thoughts dissipated as he felt the warm, insistent weight of Brad’s cock pressing against his ass.

This was it. The moment he’d been dreading.

The moment he’d been yearning for.

He gripped the bed sheets in his fists, his leg muscles quivering as he fought to keep himself from thrusting backward and impaling his body on Brad’s hard cock.

When it came, the breach was much less painful than he’d expected. True to his word, Brad went slow, teasing and caressing, ensuring his partner’s tight anal passage had enough time to adjust to the intrusion before pushing deeper. Sean’s breath hitched in his throat. He focused on the dark pillowcase, watching it change color as firelight flickered back and forth over the crumpled fabric. Anything to take his mind off the fact that the way Brad filled him felt more incredible than anything he’d ever experienced.

The man’s shaft fit him perfectly. It stretched his inner muscles, sating his curiosity and eager desire. He heard himself cry out as Brad’s hand wrapped around his cock, stroking even as he thrust inside his ass, the rhythm of the two sensations conspiring to make him lose his mind.

Stay with me. Stay forever

Sean woke with a start, his body arcing in one smooth movement, his hand clamped tightly around his cock. Hot cum spurted from his shaft and curved through the air, landing on his stomach. His breath came in harsh, ragged gasps while his mind hovered on the edge of denial. Images of Brad pushed through to the surface, along with traces of those last whispered words.

Sean clenched his jaw, squelching the memories and frantic fantasies down into oblivion. Aside from that final plea, the dream had been the same. His fevered mind was playing tricks on him; that was all. Brad didn’t want him. Not for a night, and certainly not for eternity. He’d made that much perfectly clear three nights ago, and now that Sean was awake, he could control his thoughts rather than let his subconscious control him.

Gritting his teeth, Sean withdrew his sticky hand from around his dick. His cock still pulsed with wet heat, the last remnants of his orgasm oozing from his slit to drip onto his hip and slide down to the sheets.

“Fuck,” he gasped as he turned onto his side, not caring that he lay in a wet spot of his own making.

The electronic readout on the bedside clock taunted him with its bright green glow. “Oh, fuck!”

Sean jumped out of bed, pausing only long enough to cast another disbelieving glance at the clock. He should have been at the office an hour ago. The meeting he’d thought of as his salvation from a lifetime of brewing and serving coffee had begun without him.

Sean jumped under a freezing jet of water and winced at the quick clenching of his muscles. He needed the cold shower as much to wake up as to cool his raging libido. After three minutes, Sean had to admit the ice-cold spray couldn’t wash away the reminder of his body’s response to a man who obviously wanted nothing to do with him after a brief romp.

In fact, it was only making him angry. Damn the stupid dreams that urged him to seek out the Hard Delights Amusement Park. Damn his friends for taking him there.

And damn, damn, damn Brad Hennessy for shaking up his life with nothing more than a crumpled piece of paper and a grin.

* * *

Fifteen minutes later, Sean pushed through the main entrance into the lobby of Aaron Sheen Enterprises.

The secretary, a short, stout woman in her mid-forties who ran the office as though it was her kingdom, gave Sean a practiced smile. “Mr. Sheen wants to see you in his office immediately.”

“The meeting…”

“Is over,” the woman confirmed. “But he still wants to see you.”

Sean nodded, gritting his teeth resolutely. He knocked on the mahogany door and waited until he heard Aaron’s gruff voice beckon him inside.

Sean walked in, closing the door behind him. He stood just inside the room, waiting for the tirade he knew would come. Aaron Sheen wasn’t known for his patience. He’d made a fortune in the gambling industry, and his reputation for being ruthless with everyone from his enemies to his business partners made his employees avoid dealing with him unless absolutely necessary.

In Sean’s case, it was absolutely necessary.

He let his gaze wander over a ring of chairs evenly spaced around the center of the room. They were empty, but Sean knew that an hour ago they’d been filled by his co-workers. The meeting had been held for one reason: to determine the best location in or around Vernon, Connecticut to build Aaron’s new casino.

Aaron didn’t believe in conference tables, so he never used them. The only flat surface in the entire room was a small desk with a glass top that sat in front of the rear window. A stack of folders stood neatly off to one side. Behind the desk, four paintings hung on the back wall. They all depicted various views of Aaron’s favorite casinos.

And between the paintings, seated behind the small desk, was Aaron Sheen himself.

“Where’s your proposal?” Aaron said, leaning back in his chair. He wasn’t a large man, but his reputation and the sheer authority in his voice made him seem twice as imposing.

Sean bunched his fists at his sides. He straightened his shoulders, knowing there was only one answer that would be acceptable to Aaron. “I don’t have it.”

“Why not?”

Because I was busy fucking a man who seems to have stolen my wits along with my anal cherry

He would have smiled at the absurdity of that thought, but one look at Aaron’s stern face wiped away any trace of amusement.

“I didn’t find a suitable location,” Sean said, knowing as soon as he did so that he’d sealed his fate.

He’d heard his co-workers grumble that Aaron could smell a lie a mile away. Sean never quite believed the rumors… until today.

“Really?” Aaron said. “Because before you left here on Friday, you said you had the perfect place in mind. I believe you were going to… what did you call it? Ah, yes, you were going to ‘scope it out’ that night.” His eyes narrowed and he leaned forward, steepling his fingers beneath his chin. “Well? Did you?”

Oh, Sean had scoped out something all right, but it was altogether the inappropriate thing. He shook his head. “No.”

Aaron nodded once, briskly, then clapped his hands together. “You’re fired.”

Though he’d expected the worst, the statement still came as a blow. Sean took a step backward, a myriad of responses settling on his tongue. He bit them all back and then, for the second time in three days, he walked out of a room without casting as much as another glance over his shoulder.

He dashed past the secretary, narrowing his field of vision so that he blocked out everything around him but the quickest path to the exit.

After leaving Brad’s cabin Friday night, he’d stumbled through the forest blindly. He remembered watching the moon as it ducked behind a cloud, turning its back on him like everyone else. Darkness had closed in around him, making it difficult to see beyond the next tree in the lengthening shadows.

And yet he’d pushed through and made it out the other side only slightly worse for wear. Just as he’d do now.

Sean shoved the office door open with his foot and stormed out, taking a small amount of comfort in knowing that this was one unanticipated encounter he wouldn’t be dreaming about.

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