Feral Magnetism (6 page)

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Authors: Lacey Savage

BOOK: Feral Magnetism
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Chapter Six


In one short night, Eve had managed to take every rebellious feeling J.C. had ever harbored against finding a mate and turn it into a mass of lust and confusion. He still didn’t want a mate any more than he’d wanted one a week ago. That hadn’t changed. Unfortunately, neither had the pressure the elders were applying. He had just a little over three weeks to mate before the elders took “decisive action,” whatever that meant. J.C. had a feeling he didn’t want to find out.

What had changed, though, was him. He couldn’t stop thinking about her. Every flash of yellow-gold hair, tumbling down a woman’s back, every slip of red material that crossed his path, every pair of sapphire eyes boring into his made his cock jolt to throbbing awareness.

J.C. leaned his elbows on the metal railing overlooking the park. The cool evening air caressed his face with a feather-light touch. It was a busy night. Men walked in holding hands, whispering in each other’s ears, anticipating a night of delightful adult fun. He scanned the crowd, his eyes searching, seeking, desperately yearning for one glimpse of

“Don’t tell me you just want to talk again.” Brad’s teasing voice washed over him, reminding J.C. of why he was really here.

He turned and leaned back against the railing, eyeing his lover. They’d been doing this for years, yet until last week, J.C. had continued to look forward to their nights together as though it were the first time. There was something about Brad that drew J.C. to him, and it was more than his solid build, his thick cock, or his perfect, tight ass. The man carried himself with the kind of confident presence that only came from being truly self-assured. J.C. envied him that.

“No, definitely not. I’m here to fuck. Hard. Take my mind off things.”

Brad grinned. He’d been doing entirely too much of that lately. “Things? Or a certain blonde?”

J.C. grabbed Brad’s chin in his fingers, tilting his head until he could smell the strong scent of his lover’s aftershave. Old Spice. His favorite. “You’re the only blond I have a thing for, and you know it.”

“Then why --”

J.C. silenced him with a kiss. He’d meant it to be gentle, but it turned savage, raw, before he even knew what happened. His teeth scraped across Brad’s tongue when the man’s lips parted to allow him entry. He tasted blood.

Thank the Goddess there wasn’t a full moon tonight. He didn’t want a repeat of their last time together.

Brad broke away, an appreciative smirk spreading over his face, making his eyes crinkle. “Now that’s the man I remember.” He glanced over J.C.’s shoulder and his grin deepened further, bringing out his dimples. “If you’re not interested in any other blonde, then I suppose I shouldn’t tell you who just strolled through the front gate.”

J.C.’s heart pounded against his ribs. Blood roared in his head, thrummed in his veins. His cock twitched in protest at being confined.

And he hadn’t even turned around yet.

“This is stupid,” he said, though more for his own benefit than Brad’s. Taking a deep breath, he spun on his heel and let his gaze wander. It didn’t take long to spot her.

Men swarmed around Eve as though she drew them all like a magnet. J.C. rubbed his hand over his jaw. He hadn’t shaved, and the light bristles tickled his palm.

Maybe she did attract them with unnatural force. Maybe she had some sort of magical ability to draw the attention of every man in sight. Maybe that’s why he couldn’t stop thinking about her.

He craved an explanation, something simpler than feelings, emotions, or anything else that would only get him into trouble. He did
want a mate. And a human mate was worse than no mate.

Tonight, Eve wore another short dress, this one a soft powder blue. He didn’t have to see her eyes to know the color would set them off to their full advantage. Her legs peeked from under a ruffled hem and he couldn’t help but stare at the lean lines of her calves, her elegant ankles, her white strappy lace-up sandals.

A growl formed unbidden on his lips. She looked incredible. No, better than incredible. She looked delectable, good enough to eat. He wanted to run his tongue over every inch of her body. The dress pushed up her cleavage and her breasts bounced with every step she took. Last week, he hadn’t been able to pay much attention to her breasts. He vowed to change that tonight.

A tall black man whispered something in Eve’s ear as she walked past him. She tossed her head back and laughed, the silvery sound of her giggle reaching J.C.’s ears on a breeze. He clenched his jaw, fighting the jealousy that settled like lead deep in his gut.

This wasn’t happening. The feelings pounding at his heart were too much to control, and they were happening too fast.

They shouldn’t be happening at all

“I think she’s seen us,” Brad said.

She had. Glancing up to where they stood on the wrap-around wooden platform of the “Blow Me Away” roller coaster, she gave a small wave and headed in their direction.

J.C. gritted his teeth. Arousal poured through his veins, set his balls on fire. It drove hot tremors into his hard dick, making it rise and sway in the confines of his pants. If he felt this way now, what would fucking her do to him?

Panic washed over him. He didn’t want a mate, but Goddess, he wanted --
-- to fuck Eve.

“I’ll take the wager,” J.C. whispered to Brad as Eve climbed the steps toward them. “A threesome,” he added quickly. “If you win, I’m yours.”

Brad inhaled sharply. “What changed your mind?”

J.C. didn’t have time to answer before Eve reached them. It was better that way… he didn’t think he could have admitted it aloud anyway. Besides, Brad would think he’d lost his mind, but on the contrary, he was thinking clearer than he’d been all week.

A threesome was the answer to all his problems.

He’d get to fuck Eve without the danger of that impulsive action turning into more than it needed to be. After all, any woman willing to fuck two men at once wasn’t mate material.

J.C. repeated that thought in his mind like a mantra as Eve stood on her tiptoes and brushed a light kiss over his jaw. “Shall we go inside?” Her breathy whisper made his gut clench in anticipation.

“You don’t waste time.”

She laughed again, that same silvery sound. “What would be the point?”

“I wasn’t sure if you’d return, especially after the way you ran out of the park last time.”

Her brilliant blue eyes clouded over for only a moment, then she shrugged and the beaming smile returned. “I’ve been thinking about you all week.”

“What a coincidence,” Brad said. “So has --”

“No one,” J.C. interrupted before Brad could say something they’d both regret.

Eve raised a perfect eyebrow. Black liner circled her sapphire eyes, making them shimmer in the park’s hard neon light. “So has no one?”

J.C. grunted and stormed through the flimsy door into the shed. Inside, the dim overhead light flickered in the dusty interior of the small room. He heard the door close behind him and the bolt swing into place. He smiled at Brad’s thoughtfulness. Obviously, he didn’t want them to be interrupted again any more than J.C. did.

With one last look around the room to make sure he had everything he’d need close at hand, J.C. turned and took Eve in his arms. A becoming shade of red coated her cheekbones as she grinned up at him. Her eyes sparkled. “Now who’s not wasting any time?”

“As you said… what would be the point?”

She tilted her head, a smile lifting the corners of her mouth. Her nipples pressed into his chest through the thin barrier of her dress. He lowered his lips to the side of her slender throat and her breathing quickened as he nipped the silky flesh.

“Werewolves don’t bite, right?”

“Not the same way vampires do, if that’s what you mean.”

She released a sigh that could only have been relief.

J.C.’s pulse quickened. He ran his hands down her back and cupped her ass, pressing her against him, showing her how much he wanted her. “You still maintain you’re not afraid of me?”

She shook her head and murmured, “There’s nothing to be afraid of.”

But her voice had quivered for a moment, just enough to make J.C.’s balls tighten in their sac. Oh, yeah. He’d have her exactly where he wanted her tonight. She’d be at his mercy.

“Then why don’t you let me take control?”

Her giggle held more than a tinge of nervousness. “What do you mean?”

“You’d have to trust me. Should be easy for a woman who isn’t afraid of werewolves, don’t you think?”

She hesitated. He could almost hear her brain working on the puzzle he’d presented. Should she let him do with her as he wished? What if she’d misread him? What if he really was capable of hurting her?

J.C. didn’t push her. He waited until she made up her mind. Another sigh escaped her lips, this one softer, more resigned. “All right.”

J.C. flashed Brad a grin over Eve’s shoulder. The other man had blended into the shadows at the back of the room, waiting for an indication of Eve’s willingness to play with both of them tonight.

“Take off your dress,” J.C. commanded.

She stepped out of his arms, tossed her small purse in a corner of the room, and slid the thin straps of her dress down her shoulders. Her creamy breasts sprung free. Dark areolas and tempting pointy nipples took his breath away. He held his breath as her dress slipped lower, revealing her flat stomach, her curvy hips, and the smallest slip of a thong he’d ever seen. She pulled that down as well without needing to be told.

Her pussy looked magnificent in the dim glow. He hadn’t been able to see much beneath the ledge the previous week, but now he could tell she was a natural blonde. A thin strip of hair ran down the length of her cunt, but the rest of her was bare and, he knew from experience, smooth and soft and wet to touch, to taste. Her pink, enlarged labia begged for attention.

“Your turn,” she said, standing in the middle of the room, her gaze fixed on his.

“I’m giving the orders, remember?”

Her brows furrowed, but she didn’t contradict him. He saw her swallow hard. Was she nervous? Maybe even a little frightened?

“See that table?” He pointed to the wooden piece of furniture in the middle of the room. It was square, and had perhaps served as a dining table that sat four at one point. Deep grooves ran the length of the tabletop and thick legs supported its weight. There were no chairs.

Eve nodded.

“I want you to bend over it.”

Her kohl-rimmed eyes widened as she took in the length and height of the table, then her gaze moved to the shadows. To Brad. She jumped and tried to cover her breasts with her arms while her hands flew to her pussy. “I didn’t know you were still here.”

Brad’s wolfish grin gleamed white from the darkness, but he didn’t answer.

“I asked him to stay,” J.C. said.

He waited for her reaction. If she was going to run, this would be the time to do it. “Oh, you’re good.” She tilted her head and watched them both. “You’re very good.”

J.C. smiled in spite of himself. “Bend over the table, Eve.”

She licked her lips. The static electricity of excitement practically hummed in the dusty air of the small shed. After what felt to J.C. like an eternity, she inclined her head. “As you wish.”

She did as he’d ordered, but it was J.C. who hadn’t been prepared for what that meant. Her rounded, tight ass was perfect. Smooth, unblemished skin begged for his touch. The sight of her exposed pussy, swollen and wet, made drops of pre-cum leak from the tip of his cock.

He spread her legs apart so they were in line with the thick table legs, then reached to a nearby shelf and pulled down a thick strand of rope. When he kneeled to tie her to the wooden slabs, the scent of her arousal flooded his nose, made his mouth water. He clenched his jaw to keep from tasting what he smelled. Yanking on the rope, he made sure she wouldn’t be able to unravel the knots with a simple tug.

Eve whimpered in protest for only a moment before falling silent. He quirked an eyebrow as he worked at the rope. Perhaps she’d decided she couldn’t trust him after all.

Her tits pressed down against the tabletop. He saw the creamy mounds from the side only, but the tempting areolas were now hidden from his view. J.C. instantly regretted not having lavished attention on them as he’d planned. It was too easy to lose control around her, to forget himself. He had to make sure that didn’t happen again.

He walked around her and knelt on the other side of the table to secure her wrists. She wriggled slightly but the bonds were tight and he knew she couldn’t break free without his help. He drank in the sight of her lying spread-eagled on the table.

Brad stepped out of the shadows, one hand already working at the zipper of his jeans.

“He’s not just going to watch, is he?” Eve asked. A tremor laced her voice, but she hid it well. J.C. admired her for that.

He unbuttoned his shirt and shrugged out of it, his gaze never leaving the swollen folds of her pussy. “I think it’s safe to say Brad is going to be a willing and very eager participant in all of this.”

Eve made a sound, something between a curse and a whimper. What would it be like, J.C. wondered, to be tied down securely, waiting for two men to do Goddess only knew what with you? If she was afraid, she didn’t show it, but her evident arousal spoke volumes.

Sliding his pants and boxers down his legs freed his cock. J.C. crossed the distance to the table and pressed his hard shaft against the swell of her ass. “Just like you.”

“Bad boy,” she murmured. “Bad, bad boy. I’m going to get you back for this.”

“Maybe,” he agreed, caressing her ass with his palm. He raised his hand and let it fall. The smack echoed in the otherwise silent room and she gasped her surprise. “But not tonight.”


Clutching the table legs until her fingers hurt, Eve stared at Brad’s cock poised just in reach of her mouth. It was slightly longer than J.C.’s, but not as thick, and the wild thatch of hair between his legs was a dark blond in contrast to J.C.’s deep black.

She took a deep breath, resisting the urge to trail the tip of her tongue over the small slit at the top of Brad’s dick. He hadn’t touched her, and Eve thought it was because he waited for a sign of approval from J.C.

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