Fever (55 page)

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Authors: Maya Banks

Tags: #Fiction / Romance

BOOK: Fever
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She smiled and snuggled further into his embrace, feeling the security and comfort of his strong

body. She was absolutely where she belonged.

chapter forty-three

“Jace, where on earth are you taking me?”

He chuckled and led Bethany by the arm as they walked farther into the unknown.

“You’ll find out soon enough. Is that blindfold on right? I don’t want to ruin the surprise.”

“Yes, it’s on,” she said in exasperation. “I can’t see a thing! I’m going to kill myself in these


“Not going to happen, baby. I’m not going to let you fall. Besides, you look killer in those heels.

Later, I’m going to fuck you in those shoes and nothing else.”

A hot flush traveled from head to toe. Her nipples hardened and her clit tingled in anticipation.

Jace had bought her the most awesome shoes ever. Full of sparkle with a heel so high she hadn’t been

sure she could walk in them. But she’d known instantly that these were shoes she’d get fucked in later,

which meant she was walking in them no matter what.

“Like that idea, do you?” Jace murmured.

“So not fair,” she complained. “You’re torturing me!”

He laughed again and then halted. She listened for any clue of where they were, but there was only

silence. He’d blindfolded her before they left the apartment and had led her down to the waiting car,

bundled her inside and made her wear it the entire way to wherever he was taking her.

The last few weeks had been so sigh-worthy. Ever since she’d been released from the hospital,

he’d treated her like the most precious thing in the world. He’d taken a solid week off from work,

leaving Gabe and Ash to clean up the Paris deal, which fortunately they’d salvaged thanks to an

investor Gabe had located. And he’d spent every minute of every single day pampering her endlessly.

Feeding her. Making love to her. Spoiling her absolutely rotten. She wasn’t complaining a bit. The

weeks had been a slice of heaven.

The only downer to the entire time had been Jack. But even that had its positives. True to his word,

Jace had secured a lawyer for Jack and he’d worked out a plea agreement with the D.A. Ninety-day

rehab program and then probation. Jace had secured a job for Jack when he got out and it would be up

to Jack to turn his life around.

Bethany had no idea if Jack would follow through, but he was the only one who could change his

life. No one else could do it for him.

“Ready to see your surprise?” Jace asked.


He reached up to remove her blindfold and the minute it was gone, she was greeted by the sight of

Mia, Chessy, Trish, Gina, Caroline, Brandon, Gabe and Ash all standing around a table that held a

ginormous four-tiered cake.

“Surprise!” they all shouted. “Happy Birthday, Bethany!”

Her mouth fell open and she stared at them in absolute shock. Then she turned to Jace as they all

started to sing an off-key rendition of “Happy Birthday.”

“How did you know?” she whispered. “I didn’t even remember it was my birthday.”

“I have my ways,” he said smugly. “Couldn’t let your birthday go uncelebrated, baby.”

Then he leaned down and pulled her into a scorching, toe-curling kiss. Complete with tongue and

hoots and hollers from the others.

When he finally released her, she was dazed and wore a stupid grin. She turned to the others with

that goofy smile, joy filling every part of her heart.

“You guys! I can’t believe this!” she exclaimed.

“Happy birthday, sweetheart,” Ash said, coming forward to hug her.

One by one, all the others came to wish her a happy birthday, hugging and kissing her until she was

aglow with happiness.

Jace caught her hand and tugged her toward the table.

“There’s another reason to celebrate at this party, but first you have to open your present from me

so we can get to that part,” Jace said with a huge grin.

There was a mischievous glint in his eyes and he looked excited and . . . happy. Then he handed her

a square wrapped present with a gorgeous ribbon and bow arrangement.

“Open it!” Chessy squealed. “Oh my God, I can’t wait to see what you got!”

The others chimed in with their encouragement, and Bethany tore into the pretty wrapping, more

excited than a kid at Christmas. When she opened the box and found a small jeweler’s box inside, her

heart started pounding. With shaking fingers, she opened the smaller box and then gasped when she

saw the glittering ring inside.

When she looked to the side for Jace, he had gone down to one knee, his hand already reaching for

hers. He took the box from her, plucking the ring from its clasp.

“I love you, Bethany. More than I could have ever imagined loving a woman. You’re my heart and

soul and I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Will you marry me?”

She stared openmouthed down at him, her heart about to beat right out of her chest. Tears filled her

eyes, happy tears this time when for so long they’d signaled sadness. She wanted this moment to last

forever. It would forever be burned into her memories.

“Oh, Jace,” she breathed. “I love you too. So much. And yes, I’ll marry you. Absolutely!”

The room erupted in cheers as he slid the ring on her finger. His hands shook. Her hand shook. It

was a wonder they were even able to get the ring on without dropping it. Then he stood and pulled

her to him, wrapping his arms around her. He lifted and whirled her around and around before finally

stopping and allowing her to slide down his body until their lips met in a heated rush.

“Love you so much,” he whispered. “I’ll always love you, Bethany.”

“I love you too,” she whispered back. Then she wrapped her arms tightly around his neck and

squeezed for all she was worth.

He laughed and spun her around again.

“Let’s cut the cake!” someone yelled.

There, surrounded by her friends and newfound family, Bethany celebrated her twenty-fourth

birthday. The very best birthday she’d ever had.

As soon as the cake was cut and devoured, the bar in the ballroom of the Bentley Hotel opened up

and a hired band began to play music.

Two hours into the festivities, Bethany was buzzing on amaretto sours and was smiling so much her

cheeks ached. She danced with everyone. Gabe, Ash, Mia, Chessy, Brandon, Gina, Trish and

Caroline. Even Kaden and Trevor arrived to wish her a happy birthday and to claim their dances as


But then Jace claimed his dance and swept her into his arms as the music slowed and became


They swayed in the middle, uncaring of the others around them as they stared into each others’


“Can I ask for one more birthday present?” she asked hesitantly.

Jace looked curiously at her. “Baby, you can ask for anything you want. If it’s within my power to

give it to you, consider it yours.”

She ducked her head shyly but he coaxed her chin back up with his fingers.

“Baby, what is it?” he asked softly.

She took a deep breath and put it out there. “I want to go to school. College. Get a degree. I’ve

always wanted to but could never dream of affording it. I want to make something of my life. I know

you’ll always have my back, always protect me and give me my heart’s desire. But I want to do more

than just stay at home and be Mrs. Jace Crestwell. I want to do something. I want to make a


Jace’s eyes warmed and he gave her a look so filled with love that she instantly melted.

“I think that’s absolutely a wonderful idea,” he whispered. “You can be anything you want to be,

baby. Just promise me that you’ll always be mine no matter what else you become.”

“Always,” she whispered.

Their mouths met and he kissed her so tenderly that those happy tears glittered on her eyelashes

once more.

Fairy tales
exist for girls like her. And she’d found her very own Prince Charming. She glanced

down at the sexy, sparkly stilettos as Jace whirled her around the dance floor. She even had the shoes

to prove it.

• • •

Click here for more books by this author

Titles by Maya Banks

The Sweet Series







The Kelly/KGI Series







Colters’ Legacy


The Breathless Trilogy







(with Shayla Black)


(with Karin Tabke and Sylvia Day)


(with Lauren Dane)



Document Outline

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