Fiending for His Love (3 page)

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Authors: Angel Williams

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #United States, #African American, #Urban, #Genre Fiction

BOOK: Fiending for His Love
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“Now y’all bitches get in there and clean up this fucking mess,” Blaze demanded.

The girls all scrambled for cleaning supplies to clean up the bloody mess that Candy hot ass caused. “And where my fucking money at?” Blaze yelled. “Snow White, where the hell you at?”

Blaze walked through the house and burst into Snow white’s room.

She sitting at her vanity, brushing her long Indian hair that she had worked damn hard for. She’d heard all of the commotion going on in the next room, but she didn’t give a damn. She was way too classy for all the roughness. The others girl would be lucky if they were on fire and Snow White spat on them to save their lives. She was one of a kind; uniquely different from the rest. “Hey, Daddy.” She smiled at the sight of Blaze.

“Where’s my money?” he questioned, not in the mood to entertain Snow White’s attention seeking ass.

Snow White got up, swung her long 28inches of hair behind her back, and strutted over to the closet. She poked her ample butt out before squatting to retrieve the money. She looked back at Blaze who had his full attention focused on her bare ass. Snow White just knew that her daddy had his eyes on her prize, but in reality Blaze had his eye on his damn money. At that second he could care two fucks about Snow White’s neatly rounded rear end.

She went into her hiding spot and pulled out the money. Out of all the girls, Blaze felt she was responsible enough to keep a hold of his funds. All the other girls were always losing something and some of them he simply didn’t trust. Usually he liked for his money to be placed in his hands the second the money was made, but when he had to get out and recruit and chop it up with his boys along with other side business he couldn’t be there all the time to collect his funds.

Snow White switched back over to him, proudly placing the money in his hands.

Blaze sat down on the bed and quickly counting the money. “This is it?” He slapped the stack of money in his palms.

“Yes that’s everything, Daddy,” Snow White cheered, standing in front of him all bright eyed and bushy tailed.

Snow White kneeled down beside him, trying to unfasten his belt buckle while licking her lips. Uninterested, Blaze pushed her causing her to fall flat on her ass. “Bitch, break me off proper if you want some of this dick. I don’t see how my partner got two hoes in his stable and bring in three times the amount.”

Snow White got back up and tried again. She was determined to get a taste of Blaze. Fuck what he was saying, she worked too damn hard not to be getting broke off with some of Daddy’s dick. “I got a trick coming through with $350 in an hour,” Snow White teased.

“Yeah, then you get some of this once you bring that paper back,” Blaze said, gabbing his crotch. He got up off of the bed and walked out of the room leaving Snow White’s horny ass to please herself, which she hated.

Snow White figured she’d made this man’s money and should be able to get the ‘D’ whenever she wanted. She wasn’t just paying for his game, protection, and knowledge, or to be labeled as one of Blaze’s bitches. She wanted more, like love and affection as well. Since day one she had been fiending for him. He was her high. Every time he slid up inside of her it drove her insane.

Snow White was born and raised in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania as Jasmine Shields. She’d moved to Florida right out of high school, chasing behind a hustler that didn’t mean her any good. Her parents warned her that if she chased behind her no good boyfriend she would be cut off financially. But being deeply in love, Jasmine chose her boyfriend. At the time he was making enough money to keep her laced in some of the most lavish things so she felt like her days would never get cold. After he got busted and was picked up by the Feds, she was left hopeless in a matter of months. Lawyer fees and her materialistic habit had gotten the best of her. She promised her family that she would never need them for a thing or go back home. Sticking to her word, she decided that she had to make a way for herself somehow.

At some point she met an older man who paid her for sexual favors and she instantly got hooked on the quick and easy money. So, pushing all her pride to the side, she decided to do what she had to do to stay afloat. After that she started doing whatever sexually so she could survive. When she met Blaze, her worries were frozen. He’d blessed her with knowledge and showed her how to get some real money, proving to her that all along she was selling herself short. Ever since then she did everything for her daddy and stayed loyal to him.

She was dark as coal, but beautiful as ever, with her mesmerizing hazel eyes. Her dark skin was flawless and had a unique shine and glow to it. She had a petite build with killer curves. She got the nickname Snow White from another hoe that was on the blade. During her first night on the track being known as one of Blaze’s girls, she had been strutting her white fur, a pair of white booty shorts, and white knee high points and was taking every bitch’s money that was out on the stroll. She was money hungry and wanted to represent her daddy well.

“Aye Snow White black ass is putting a dent in my pockets,” one of the other hoes had boldly stated.

Jasmine smiled and proudly took the name that was thrown at her. That night she had completely forgotten about Jasmine and officially transformed into Snow White. She liked how it flowed and how it was so contradictory to what she actually looked like. The name fit her perfectly and on that day on she took it and ran with it like the wind. She’d held her high, glad to make her daddy proud that he had picked out a winner to be a main player on his team.

Blaze kicked his Prada loafers off, propping his feet up on the bed. He laid back against the pillows and began to relax a little. What happened earlier was still on his mind and he couldn’t shake the thought of his hoe being so disrespectful. “Aye Snow White! Get ya’ horny ass in here,” he yelled out. Maybe a little of Snow White’s seduction and lip sucking could put his mind at ease after all.

Snow White was lying on the bed with her legs wide open, pleasing herself. As soon as she heard Blaze calling her name, she quickly got up and ran to his rescue. “Yes, Daddy?” She burst through the door with her breasts bouncing and ass was jiggling everywhere.

A smile crept across Blaze face. “Come take care of Daddy.” That was all he had to say. Thirty seconds later Snow White’s thirsty ass was sucking the life out of Blaze’s thick chocolate pole. She definitely was aiming to please. Only the privileged girls of the house got to give Blaze sexual favors. He was very picky about the females that he allowed to explore his goods. All of the new chicks were always broken in by one of his boys, whom gladly paid him for the opportunity, and then were turned out by Blaze’s other girls.

Blaze motioned for Snow White to get on all fours. She quickly turned around and got down. He easily slid his dick in and out of her rectum then slid it into her awaiting canal.

“Ohhhh Daddy!” Snow White cooed as she grabbed a hold of her breasts and began pinching her nipples.

Blaze’s motto was that his body was a temple and he would sure as hell be careful who he entered. He refused to be like his daddy who had been a pimp but also a male whore that slept with all of his hoes. Unfortunately, one disloyal hoe ended up causing him his life. Blaze’s dad contracted HIV and died quickly as a result of the deadly disease shutting down his immune system in a matter of months.

If Blaze couldn’t resist a chick, he would first make her pay his ass by any means and then he’d break her off, making sure his manhood was fully protected. “Ahh, shit,” he grunted as he quickly took the condom off and squirted his babies all over Snow White’s ample ass which was pointed north.

“Yes Daddy that was the best. Ooh yeah.” Snow White’s lips quivered and her legs shivered. Ass shots with Blaze were pure pain and pleasure, but the pleasure always over rode the pain. As much pipe as Snow White was taking in the back door you would think that she would have been wide open by now. But, she always used her special concoction to keep up with her tightness; a blend of hot water and vinegar.

Snow White got up and began wiping herself off with a baby wipe from a pack that was sitting on the nightstand. “You staying here tonight, Daddy?” Snow White questioned with a smile, in hopes of getting some more of Blaze’s loving.

“I ain’t sleeping here with you hoes,” Blaze spoke, grabbing his towel off of the back door so that he could take a shower and bounce.

Snow White shrugged her shoulders. She wished that she didn’t have to stay shackled up with rest of the hoes either. Those bitches were too trifling for her taste.

As Blaze was heading for the bathroom, Candy was just heading out. She put her head down, not trying to make eye contact with Blaze.

He grabbed her by her chin, forcing her to look into his eyes. “Looka here, hoe! Next time ya’ ass up in here tricking and ain’t getting paid for it you gon’ end up missing. Fucking with you will have me slipping in my pimping, causing these others hoes to start dipping. You understand?” He tightly gripped Candy’s chin.

Candy shook her head agreeing as she stared into his cold eyes.” I don’t know what got into me. I’m so sorry. I’m about to go get your money now,” Candy assured him.

“Cool.” Blaze stepped back to get a good look at Candy. She was wearing her candy apple colored bob cut wig. Her eyes were adorned with her long eyelash extensions and her face was lightly covered in makeup. She had on a pair of jean booty shorts with a tube top. On her feet she wore a pair of red stiletto pumps. Blaze shook his head, approving her look. “Cool, now go get that money for Daddy and don’t be a penny short.”

Candy walked off with her heels making a loud, annoying clicking sound. Money was on her mind. She was going to hit the concrete and make something happen so that she could show Blaze that she was a true winner.

The hot water hit against Blaze’s body, which looked like it was made out of bricks. Blaze had the body of a GQ model. Every day he exercised, did 30 minutes of meditation, and ate right and mostly drunk water. He always made sure that he maintained an image of perfection. He took his time lathering his body with his Axe body soap. His mind roamed back to his Pops, thinking of how the man had once had a strong pimp game and a strong stable of loyal females who obeyed him. All of his father’s girls had been devoted to him; all except for the one disloyal hoe named Jean, who happened to also be his mother.



~Chapter 2~


After days of getting in and out of hoeing, Blaze’s mother decided to get reckless with her game. She would scam and con tricks for extra money that she pocketed. She soon started sleeping with tricks with no protection just for the little extra money that they offered. She wasn’t on drugs or anything disturbing. She was just a money hungry hoe.

As a result of her disloyalty, she was no longer Money Mack’s favorite girl. Little did he know she didn’t give a damn; She was tired of the pimping and hoeing game and felt like she should have been profiting from all of the funds she was making. After all, she was the one who spent countless nights allowing countless men to have a taste of her goodies. After all of the sexual favors she’d exchanged she felt like the only thing she had to show for it was a bad ass son, the label of being Money Mack’s number one girl, and a few busted lips and black eyes here and there that were caused by her forever yapping mouth.

“Money, come on. I’ve been doing this stuff for years now. Please let me out of this game so I can live a normal life and take care of my son.” Jean got on her knees begging Money Mack.

His eyes pierced through Jean’s and he shook his head in disapproval. He knew Jean’s money hungry ass wasn’t going nowhere near out of the game. He knew that she just wanted all of the money for herself. “Hoe, you don’t have no directions, no damn discipline, and no damn respect for the man who showed you the ropes,” he roared. Before he was able to control his temper he hauled off and slapped Jean across her face. Little did Jean know that she was his for the rest of her life.

Jean grabbed her face and then looked back at her seven-year-old son who was pretending to watch cartoons, but was really peeping his father’s game.

“Don’t you think about it, Jean, if you ever try to take my son away from me I will haunt you down and kill you. Hoe, you’re in this game until I state otherwise. Do or die!” Money threatened Jean.

Jean’s heart began to race. Although she had some devious ways and snuck around behind Money’s back, she feared him very much. She had seen many hoes come and go. Some went by running away or choosing up with another pimp. Some went by the hands of Money who could never control his bad temper. He was known for pimping hoes and busting heads; he wasn’t to be fucked with.

Three years later young Blaze was ten years old and every day he watched his mother lie to Money and steal from him. Blaze adored his father and it was evident that he loved his father and favored his father way more than the woman who spent 34 hours in labor birthing him. All of the pain his mother endured and the tears she shed while giving birth to him meant nothing to him. She’d only done one of the things that a woman was supposed to do: Reproduce.

Money was sitting at the kitchen table counting his cash. When he saw young Blaze enter the kitchen a smile crept across his face. “What’s up, little pimping? What you want to be when you grow up?” Money questioned his only son.

“A pimp. I’ma pimp these hoes and show them a better world,” Blaze blurted out with a wide smile on his face.

Money gave his son a pound. “That’s right. Like father like son,” he told him.

Blaze pulled out a chair and sat at the kitchen table with his father, watching him count his money. He admired every inch of his father, who was so strong willed and bossy. He idolized his father. The man was everything and beyond to him. He never saw one flaw in his father and never would.

Money looked up from the pile of money that rested on table. He noticed his son fidgeting with his fingers, as if something was bothering him. “What’s up, little pimping? Everything good?” he asked his son. With the love he had for his son, he would choose Blaze over money and hoes any day. Little did he show it, but his heart stated otherwise.

Blaze thought about the words he was about to speak before he actually said them. Should he keep his mother’s secret or spill the beans to his father? His options weighed heavy. His father was all he had when his mother was always so busy hugging the block or chasing after men and money.

“Jean been stealing your money,” Blaze decided to go against the grain of his mother. He was completely brainwashed by his father. He had no loyalty when it came to Jean. He looked at her as a lying backstabber, just as his father called her numerous of times.

Money raised his eyebrow. His son was never a liar and was trained to be loyal and tell the truth to him at all times. “And how do you know this?”

“I witness it myself, Pops. I would never lie to you.”

Money shook his head. He believed every word his son was telling him. “Watch my money,” Money told him before walking off.

He went upstairs and started tearing up Jean’s room. She was sneaky so he knew the money was well hidden or so she thought it was well hidden. It was no surprise to him that the money was nowhere to be found. He raced into Blaze’s room and flipped the mattress off of the bed. Underneath the box spring was a slit that was covered up with tape. Removing the tape, he dug into the box spring and pulled out wads of money. “Sneaky hoe!” he cursed. He fixed Blaze’s room back the way it was and took the time to clean Jean’s room back up as well. When he was finished it looked just as it did prior to him wrecking it.

Blaze never once saw his mother hide her money underneath his bed.

“I'm really going to start beating ass in about five seconds. My money better appear back where it was! That money belonged to Daddy!” Jean screamed as she searched the house high and low, knowing she never had any intentions of giving the money to the rightful owner.

“What money are you talking about? If you checking everything in to me, how could you be missing anything?” Money questioned Jean.

Jean stared him in the eyes and stupidity fell over her. She had no explanation for the money she had been stealing. The truth was the last thing that was going to slide out of her full lips.

Money grabbed Jean by her hair, pulling her into a nearby bedroom. “Bitch, you been stealing from me?” Money questioned.

He didn’t have to have an answer. Nothing could dignify the reason why she had been stealing from him. From the outside of the room, all you could hear was begging, pleading, and a lot of commotion.

Blaze put his ear to the other side of the door. Every time he saw the monster coming out of his father, it gave him butterflies and chills at the same time. Being brainwashed by his father, he thought it was totally okay to punish a woman who was disrespectful to a man, especially a pimp. What his mother was getting she had it coming and he thought she deserved every bit of it.

He began to smile. His mother’s whimpers, cries, and pleas tickled him to death. Before he got caught, he ran off to the living room to sit back in front of the television.

That night his mother was thrown out on the streets. Money punished her by making her sell her soul to the devil for four days straights with no breaks whatsoever. The cruel punishment that Jean received brought nothing but pure hatred between Money and her. If he were to die tomorrow, she wouldn’t give a damn. She would pay him a visit just to spit on his grave and never turn back. She touched the stove once and got burned yet it didn’t faze her a bit. Months later she was back at thieving yet again.


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