Fifteen Going on Grown Up (31 page)

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Authors: Stephanie M. Turner

Tags: #teen fiction, #9781780888835, #Fifteen Going On Grown Up, #Stephanie M. Turner, #Matador, #young adult

BOOK: Fifteen Going on Grown Up
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“Wes have you…are you a virgin?”

Wes leaned back, surprise on his face.

“Um…well…actually, no”

He told her. She didn’t know what she had expected his reply to be but it still gave her a jolt and a sudden overwhelming feeling of jealousy invaded her whole being.


Wes looked at her, obviously seeing something on her face.


Was all she could say. Wes could see she was upset but as he was about to reply the door opened and Nathan bounced in covered in mud chanting ‘I scored a goal!’ over and over. Mum and dad followed, dad trying to stop Nathan spreading the mud everywhere.

“Oh hi you two. Have a good time?”

Mum asked as she put Nathan’s football bag into the utility room and not noticing the slight tension between them.

“Yes it was great.”

Hally replied turning and taking two more mugs from the cupboard and busying herself making coffee. Wes turned to dad who was trying to prise muddy clothes from Nathan who was still chanting and wriggling.

“Need a hand?”

He asked smiling. Dad gave a sigh.

“Phew, thanks but I think I’ve got it now.”

He lifted an over excited Nathan and tucked him under his arm.

“Right bath.”

He told him as he moved out of the kitchen. Words of protest from Nathan were lost on the way. Wes turned back to Hally and found her holding a mug to him a strange look on her face. Mum was now putting Nathan’s kit into the washing machine.

“There’s a coffee here for you mum.”

Hally called out. Mum called out thanks and then Hally nodded in the direction of the lounge and Wes followed her through. When they were again alone he said.

“Hally, are you alright?”

“Yes of course I am. It was just a bit of a surprise. I don’t know why though, you are nineteen now, I mean I expect you’ve had loads of girlfriends and done stuff.”

Wes moved over to her and put his hand on her arm.

“No, it’s not like that.”

“Wes it’s ok. Look I don’t think I want to talk about this now, not with my parents likely to come in.”

Wes nodded in agreement a firm look on his face.

“But I am going to tell you.”

They sat on the sofa and chatted about other things, but there was a sense of discomfort that Hally had never felt with him before. She believed it was her causing it and knew she was being unfair but couldn’t get rid of the feeling that he had let her down. Eventually Wes told her he had to go and would see her tomorrow at school as he had lessons after lunch. She went with him to the door and kissed him goodbye in the usual way. When she closed the door and turned mum was standing looking at her.

“Ok, what’s wrong?”

Hally was shocked. She thought she had fooled her mum.

“What do you mean?”

“You sounded falsely cheerful when I asked if you’d had a good time.”

Hally sighed deeply.

“We had a great time, everything was perfect. It was just when we got back, I asked Wes if he was a virgin, I know stupid question to a guy his age. Of course he’s not. It just sort of…well I felt…feel really jealous. Is that normal?”

Mum came over and hugged her tightly.

“My darling, of course it’s normal. You feel a great deal for this boy and for months now he has been your boyfriend, all yours like it has always been that way. Now you find he’s had a very intimate relationship with someone else in the past and it feels like he’s been unfaithful.”

Hally felt tears slowly trickle down her face.

“That’s exactly how I feel. Is it bad?”

She sobbed into her mum’s shoulder.

“No my angel, it’s not bad. Just so long as you understand that Wes hasn’t done anything wrong. It was his past, you are his here and now.”

Mum told her wisely. Hally looked up wiping the tears away.

“Will he like compare… if I decide you know to…?”

Hally asked her mum shyly. Mum pulled her back into a hug.

“Oh baby, no I don’t think he would even think about that. If or when it happens it will be between you two and that in itself will make it special.”

Corrinne and Clia came round early in the evening and settled themselves in Hally’s room to completely analyse the Valentine Day. Rhys and Gregg had left them with a huge box of chocolates from all three of them and the girls were nibbling as they chatted.

“So what about Rhys?”

Corrinne asked. Clia popped a whole chocolate in her mouth and deliberately made the other two wait whilst she chewed and swallowed.

“Well…a lot of snogging, a lot. He did give me a love bite though.”

She pulled her hair away from her neck and showed Hally and Corrinne a mark just below and slightly behind her ear.

“What about you Hally?”

Corrinne said. Hally bit into a chocolate and looked at her friends in such a way they knew she had something to tell.

“Come on give.”

Clia demanded. So Hally took a deep breath and poured out her experience.

“Wow! What was is like?”

Clia asked.

“I can’t describe it, it just felt, well like a bomb going off inside.”

Hally said blushing deeply.

“So not like when you… you know… touch yourself.”

Corrinne asked hesitantly.

“No not really, sort of but more…oh I really can’t explain.”

Hally said with a sigh, then with a cheeky smile.

“You will have to find out for yourselves.”

The girls fell about laughing and the chocolate box starting sliding to the edge of the bed almost as though in slow motion. Each of them attempted to catch it but failed and the whole box landed upside down on the floor. Clia kneeled down and lifted what was now the bottom of the box. It came away from the plastic tray that held the chocolates and the girls laughed even more when they saw all of the chocolates held in place by the tray but touching the floor. Corrinne quickly scooped up a magazine that was on Hally’s desk and opening it out, slid it under the tray. With one hand on top of the tray she carefully lifted the whole thing up. All was going brilliantly until she tried turning it over. Then the tray wobbled and the magazine gave way and the chocolates landed in a pile on Hally’s bed. The girls couldn’t contain themselves, they laughed and laughed, holding their stomachs and wiping tears from their eyes.

Eventually the laughter subsided and together they began to put the chocolates back into the tray trying to find the right slots for each chocolate. Some they managed easily, others were like a jigsaw puzzle, they had to find the slot that the chocolate fitted.

“Better not tell the boys about this.”

Clia stated. The other two nodded in agreement and settled themselves back on the bed to continue their conversation.

“So what else Hally?”

Clia asked. Hally looked up from perusing the chocolates, a startled expression on her face.

“What do you mean? I’ve told you what happened, all of it.”

“But there’s something else. You forget sweetie, we have known you for like ever, we know when something is not right.”

Clia told her gently. Hally put the chocolate down and gave a huge sigh.

“It’s stupid really…”

Corrinne and Clia waited patiently.

“I found out this morning when we got back here that Wes is not a virgin.”

Before either of her friends could comment Hally carried on.

“I told you it’s stupid. I mean why wouldn’t he be at his age. But I’ve never really thought about it before and when I did I got angry like he’d cheated on me. Then mum and dad came home and we couldn’t talk about it anymore and then he had to go. I haven’t texted him and he hasn’t texted me, so I’m sort of…well I don’t know what’s going on. It’s like our first row but without an argument, do you get what I mean? So, I’m being stupid right?”

Corrinne and Clia both put down their chocolates and moved to Hally’s side.

“I suppose it would be too much to think he hadn’t been with someone before. But no it doesn’t make you stupid Hals. I think because you are a virgin it just feels weird that he’s not. I mean I don’t really know and we haven’t talked about it, but I’m sort of thinking that if Gregg isn’t then I probably will feel the same, even though I haven’t been going out with him as long as you and Wes.”

Corrinne said trying to comfort her.

“That’s pretty much what mum said.”

Hally replied. Clia sat for a moment with a slight frown, then said.

“I’m not certain, but I think Rhys actually is a virgin. I mean he hasn’t said he is, it’s just I asked about old girlfriends and he hasn’t been out with anyone that lasted more than a couple of weeks. He’s really quite shy.”

Hally looked at her friend and saw in her eyes that she felt deeply about Rhys and was very happy for her, even though at the moment she worried her own relationship was teetering on the edge of destruction.

“You know, in all this time the only thing Wes has told me about old girlfriends is actually just about one. She broke his heart is all I know, and even his parents were affected when she broke up with him.”

Corrinne took Hally’s hand and patted it like an adult comforting a toddler.

“Well I bet that’s it then. This girl, I bet she was the one that he, you know did it with. But Hals, he loves you now. (Hally frowned in disbelief.) He does, the way he looks at you, protects you, worries about you. That is true love my girl, you better believe it.”

Still not entirely convinced and not sure if thinking that Wes’ old long time girlfriend had been the intimate one, Hally tried to put her confusion aside.

“So should I text him?”

Corrinne and Clia both spoke at the same time saying the same thing.

“Too right you should.”

This brought laughter and Hally felt a lightening in her stomach. Her friends were always there for her to prop her up no matter what. So she reached for her phone and quickly tapped in a message.

im sorry i over reacted its not your fault you did nothing wrong xxx

She pressed send and it seemed that only seconds went by when her phone beeped indicating a message. Quickly she opened it and read aloud.

babe it is my fault but you must know that you really are the only girl i want to be with in every way xxxxx

Hally’s smile spread across her face and she felt like she was floating on air. Suddenly everything was perfect. Corrinne and Clia smiled too happy that their best friend was again happy.

Chapter 15

Wes’ Secret

The girls found they couldn’t eat many of the chocolates because of all the chocolate treats the day before. Instead Hally went downstairs and prepared a plate of sandwiches which she put on a tray with some savoury snacks. Mum and dad were in the kitchen, Granddad too, with Nathan, supervising his tea and eating sandwiches themselves. Usually on Sunday, the family had a roast with Granddad and then tea in the evening, but today Nathan’s football match had disrupted their normal routine so instead, mum had served a cold buffet lunch.

“You look a lot more cheerful”

Mum said to her with a smile. She hated seeing her daughter miserable, it always made her feel low too.

“Yes I am.”

Was all Hally said back but with a broad smile that said so much more.


Granddad said with a smirk. Hally planted a kiss on top of his head as she headed back to her room.

After Corrinne and Clia left that evening Hally went into the lounge where her parents were cuddled up on the sofa. Granddad had also gone home. She tucked her feet underneath her in an armchair and hugged a cushion like it was a teddy bear.

“How is he?”

Hally asked her parents. They knew straightaway whom she was referring to.

“Oh, some days he’s like his old self but others I find him just sitting staring out of the window at the garden.”

Mum told her.

“They say time heals, but mum and dad were together for such a long time, I don’t think he will ever truly heal.”

She continued a slight catch to her voice. Dad pulled her to him more tightly and kissed her cheek.

“It will get better for him darling, especially with you there to help him. And of course we will do all we can too.”

Hally watched her parents, love radiating from them and a tiny fantasy flashed through her mind. Her and Wes sitting snuggled on their own sofa, a child tucked up safely in bed. She felt herself begin to blush at the thought and tried to cover it up by rubbing her eyes and putting on a fake yawn.

“You alright Tink?”

Dad asked.

“Yes thanks dad. Just a bit tired, yesterday was a long day. Actually I think I’ll go to bed now, I don’t want to be nodding off in class. The teachers won’t like that.”

She gave a little giggle and stood, stretching as she rose from the chair. She kissed both her parents goodnight and made her way upstairs.

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