Fifty Shades of Grey Tentacles (2 page)

Read Fifty Shades of Grey Tentacles Online

Authors: Anita Dobs

Tags: #tentacles, #tentacle sex, #erotica writing, #parody erotica, #fifty shades of grey, #fifty shades of grey parody, #tentacle monster

BOOK: Fifty Shades of Grey Tentacles
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“Mr. Grey, you are a dominant BDSM expert, I
can't be expected to tell you everything you should do, now can I?
Use your own imagination.”

Staring at Grey's anatomy made my mouth
water, I just wanted him to grab my head and force me to suck it,
but I knew as a lady, I was unable to ask for that; so I said a
little prayer to the sex fairy, hoping she'd make my wish come

“Open your mouth Miss. James.”

“I certainly will not!” I shouted at him,
truly indignant that he thought I'd be that easy, but hoping he'd
ask me again.

“Be a good girl and do as you're told, and
suck those hot-pink lips onto the tip of my dick.” He

I felt shocked and confused, how did this
happen? I was in his office alone, with his penis staring right at
me, and me, a virgin; I felt so helpless to refuse. I didn't want
him to be angry with me, and I still needed to ask him quite a few
questions; it seemed I had no choice, he was bending me to his
will. I panted, and stared up at those deep eyes of his, as he
edged his cock ever closer to my already open mouth.

“Miss James, do I have to tell you twice?” He
asked, being very serious and professional.

I realized Mr. Grey wasn't very good at math,
as that was the third time he'd told me, and not the second, but
who cared, I certainly didn't at that moment!

“OK Mr. Grey, but just this once, and only
for research purposes.” I told him firmly, knowing I couldn't very
well give up all the chips I had in play.

Bringing my hand onto his warm shaft, I felt
my own breath get deeper. I'd heard about blow jobs, I'd written
about blow jobs, and now, I was actually going to give a
billionaire my oral virginity, and I couldn't wait. I moved my
mouth slowly onto his fine cock, wanting to savor the moment and
also realizing I'd have to remember everything about it, just so I
could write about it later. I felt his warm tool on my lips as he
braced himself; sticking my tongue out slightly, I angled his cock
up and licked from the base all the way up and across the
pinky-purple tip.

“Is that OK Mr Grey?” I asked wanting to know
if I was doing it right.

“Yes Miss James, but let me show you what you
need to do more of.”

Grey grabbed the back of my hair and pulled
my head forward, delightfully ramming his cock into the back of my
throat, I gagged slightly as he moaned - I could tell I was
pleasing him - and then of my own accord, I started sucking his
cock backwards and forwards in my mouth, I was a natural at this, I
thought. I reached one of my hands around to his muscular buttock
cheeks so I could pull him into me more. Looking up at him, I could
see the look of desire in his eyes, my fresh-faced look engulfing
his dick, and I was powerless to refuse now, even if I wanted to,
which I didn't.

Grey grabbed my hair at the side and forced
my head to the left of his cock and I knew I was supposed to lick
all over it. I decided to start on his balls and he told me how
well-behaved I was, so I knew I must have had a knack for it. Grey
reached down and slipped his hand into my bra, and for the first
time, a man's hands were all over my soft tits, and the feeling
started to make me feel like a bad and dirty girl, like I wanted to
be a bad and dirty girl
for him
. I'd touched my own breasts
before, imagining what it would be like for a man to touch them,
but nothing had really prepared me for the absolute bliss of
feeling strong, warm and experienced hands on them, and the feeling
that it made in the rest of my body made me regret all the years
I'd refused to let any boyfriend go near them, especially Brad the
quarter-back, who had especially big hands.

I heard myself moan a pleasurable moan, as I
let my tongue rise from Grey's balls along the length of his veiny
muscle, and then started to lick around the top.

“Lick the rim of the head Miss. James.” He
said, looking down at me sitting in his office, all prim and
proper, although not so proper anymore.

I flicked my tongue around it as he had
instructed, and he pulled my breasts up and out of their

“Oh Miss. James! Those are quite possibly
some of the finest tits I've ever seen. Rub my cock on your

I had no choice but to comply, and raised my
body up slightly so I could get his wet dick onto them. Looking
down I saw my nipples were harder than they'd ever been, and knew
that they would really give him some strong feeling as I moved them
over his purple mushroom. With his cock in my hand, I began to move
it around my left breast, all over the nipples and around; my legs
closed shut, with my pussy in need of something I'd never had
before, then Grey took his cock back and said,

“Here, let me show you how it's done.”

He then began to move his cock all over my
nipple, backwards and forwards, faster and faster, and I had to
hold tight onto the chair. He let some of his saliva drip from his
mouth and it arrived on my tits with a slopping sounding, and he
continued to punish me with pleasure. Looking at his face and
feeling my panties getting so wet, I wondered if he was going to
come all over my face just like they did in the movies, but not the
Hollywood ones. I'd done some research years before on the history
of 'coming on her face' and found out it wasn't that popular before
the late nineteen eighties, it had only become more and more
fashionable with the advent of the free availability of hardcore
porn online. Still, the Marquis de Sade had also mentioned 'coming
on a girls face' in 1785, in his book
120 Day of Sodom
, so I
knew I was in good literary company if Grey did decide to do

Grey started to get really wild, jerking his
dick and rubbing it on my mounds at the same time, and I could tell
he was going to cum, it would be my first time to actually see a
man shoot his load, and hopefully, he'd do it all over my face and
tits, that would really make Sarah jealous when I told her I'd had
billionaire BDSM juice all over me. Grey started to lose control,
and I could see his legs starting to shake as he was looking down
at me pouting at him, his cock as hard as ever, rubbing across my
nipples, sending shivers all over my body; and then, suddenly, from
the inside of his suit jacket, something moving came out, which he
then quickly placed back inside and stopped everything else he was
doing to me.

“What was that?” I asked him, not really
being able to work out what I'd seen.

“What was what?”

“That grey thing moving, that came out of
your jacket.”

“I have no idea what you're talking about
Miss. James, you didn't see anything.”

“Yes I did.” I said, emphatically.

“No you didn't.”

“Yes I did.”

“No you didn't” He continued to try to
convince me.

“Yes I did!” I said again, forcefully.

“Yes you did.” He said.

“No I didn't.” I said, feeling a little
confused as to what had just happened, “ ...Huh, how strange, I
guess I didn't then.” I concluded, scratching my head.

“That's right.” He said, sitting back down
behind his office and repositioning the picture frame with three
starving African children he sponsored out of the goodness of his
own philanthropic heart no doubt, although there were some tax
breaks, as I understood it.

I felt bemused sitting there, but I
said I hadn't seen anything, it had come from my own
lips, so it must have been true. Holding the picture frame up Grey

“Here are three starving African children I
sponsor out of the goodness of my own heart.”

“If you sponsor them, then why do they still
look starving hungry?” I asked, tidying myself up a bit.

“Obviously this was a picture taken
I started sponsoring them.”

“So why don't you have a nice picture of the
way they look now, well-fed and all?”

“Because Miss. James, it wouldn't pull on the
heart strings of impressionable young girls I want to have sex with
as much, now would it?”

“Why are you telling me all this Mr. Grey?
Wouldn't it just benefit you more to let me feel you were such a
kind guy, so you could have your wicked way with me?”

“No Miss. James... with you, it's different.
You're not like the others, you're special. I feel I can
talk to you.”

I felt honored that Mr. Grey saw me as an
equal, and wouldn't treat me like the others. His frank honesty
showed me that he respected me; and if he was able and willing to
sponsor three children he didn't even know, he'd surely be more
than happy to keep our future babies well-fed, I thought; and
hopefully we wouldn't even need to have a picture of them starving,
as by that time I would have changed his BDSM playboy ways.

“Well Mr Grey, I'm a busy girl, so I have to
be going now.”

“But you haven't asked me all your

“Ya, I suppose I haven't, but I have a class

“Well Miss. James, I'd like you to come sit
in on an important meeting I'm having with the board of directors
and some executives tomorrow. Your input may be required.”

“But I... ”

“No more arguments Miss. James, I'll see you
tomorrow at 2pm, and don't be late again.”

I felt slightly annoyed that he didn't think
I'd have better things to do than attend his meeting to give his
board of directors my expertise on writing erotic stories, but I
knew the world of confectionery worked in mysterious ways. Making
sure my breasts were once again fully secured, I left his office,
with him rifling through some important looking documents,
concentrating intently on his work.

Going down in the elevator, my mind was
racing, had I really only sucked his cock for research purposes or
had he somehow managed to manipulate me into doing it? I felt quite
confused, it was obvious to me that I wouldn't be attracted to an
older successful man like him, but my own actions seemed to suggest
otherwise, or was it just my ambitiousness to get some good
research that had made me do it. Yes, that was it, I said to
myself, I hadn't wanted to let Sarah or myself down.

Exiting the building, and once again on the
streets of Gothom, I had to do a double-take when Morgan Freeman
was entering in the revolving door opposite me. Why would Morgan
Freeman be going into the Grey Candy Group's office headquarters, I
wondered; the guard had also seemed to know him. I shook my head,
trying to put it out of my mind, the day had already been eventful
enough without me over-thinking things, and I needed a place to
gather my thoughts and do some more thinking about Mr. Grey, to
hell with class, I said to myself.

Across the street I saw a coffee shop, every
writer's sanctuary; that would be a good place for me to gather my
thoughts and take notes while everything was still clear in my
head. Some of the most popular books in the world had been written
in coffee shops, like the passably good non-erotica series, 'Harry
Potter', and also the number one bestseller, 'The Bible', although
I much preferred the Bible, due to its obvious taboo-erotica
leanings in the Old Testament teaser section, people having sex
with their relatives and all. I took a seat by the window, facing
the entrance of the Grey Candy Groups headquarters, not so I could
see Mr. Grey exit when he finished work, but just because the light
reflecting onto my laptop screen would make it easier to see the
words. After several lattes - and having to endure the waiter
deliberately walking past me so he could ogle my breasts countless
times (eight times) - I noticed something strange. It was around
6pm, and I hadn't seen Grey exit, although I'd not been paying
much attention to be honest, when I happened to look up
at the full impressive rigid length of the Grey building, and I saw
what looked like the shadow of a man leap across to the opposite
building I was in, and he then went out of the range of my sight. I
did a double-take, and rubbed my eyes, bewildered by what I had
just seen. The man's silhouette seemed to have some appendages
attached to him also. I scratched my head, people didn't just leap
from building to building I told myself, it wasn't humanely
possible, it must have been a pigeon I'd seen. Yes, that must've
been it, I decided.

At about seven, I returned to my dorm, riding
the bus with the other non-billionaire types I was so used to
having to mingle with. The memory of being in Grey's office kept
flashing through my mind; I was now no longer an 'oral virgin' and
wondered who I should first tell about this important event.
Telling the school principle seemed like a bad idea, or telling the
college janitor, who I never spoke to anyway, seemed quite
pointless to me, but I had to tell someone or what had been the
point of it all? After eating some thick German sausage in my dorm,
I settled down to sleep, and wondered what the next day's meeting
with Grey would bring.




The next morning I happened to bump into
Sarah on the way to class,

“Oh hey Elle, how did the interview go?”
Sarah asked, brushing her blonde hair to the side as she checked
out one of the basketball team player's ass as he walked on by,
“Did he fill you in?”

... ” I began, “I think Mr. Grey
wishes to take me on as his new submissive Sarah!” I said

“Oh really? So are you going to take a
position under him?”

“I really don't think it's appropriate Sarah,
I'm not attracted to him at all, but I can't deny it would
definitely help my juices flow... creative juices I mean.”

“Did he try any moves on you then?”

“No, he knew right from the get-go that I
wasn't the kind of woman that would bend to his will like all the
others, just because he has some edgy billionaire BDSM thing going

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