Fight With Me (Fight and Fall) (10 page)

BOOK: Fight With Me (Fight and Fall)
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I look into two very blue eyes
and a devilish smirk.

“I love your tits,
Em. Firm and yet so soft,” Lucas whispers.

What is happening? Why is Aiden fucking me and Lucas touching me from behind? How is everybody okay with this? And why can’t I move at all?

“Look at me, Emma. It’s just you and me. Nobody else. Focus on me, baby,” Aiden pleads, pulling my face back to him.

He looks like he doesn’t want Lucas here but he’s not stopping it. Why?

I feel Lucas run his hands down my breasts, moving his hands to the sides of me. He brushes his hands against Aiden’s, which are still holding my waist. He moves to my ass, grazing my cheeks gently with his fingertips.

I shiver at his touch and Aiden’s slow
, driving thrusts.

“I’ve wanted this for so long,” Lucas whispers.

Before I can react to this comment, Lucas enters me from behind, filling me with his cock. Lucas moves his hands to my waist, gripping the flesh just above Aiden’s hands.

“You like that,
Em. Me filling you and Aiden fucking your pussy?” he whispers.

I moan, loving and hating it. What am I doing? I’ve done some pretty kinky shit in my day but this is a little much even for me. It feels so good, yet so wrong. I’m stuck in between them but my body
won’t let me move. It’s acting of its own accord.

They both start to speed up their pace, rocking me in between them. Their grunts and moans fill the air, a
n odd sound that I never thought I would hear.

eyes are still trained on Aiden, his stare his full of lust and sadness. It’s like he’s enjoying what’s happening but is also hurt by it.

I feel fingertips
pressing into my cheek, pulling my head backwards once again. I feel Lucas’s tongue move inside my mouth, as Aiden’s grip on me tightens painfully. I moan into Lucas’s mouth as he swirls his tongue with mine. I feel my head being turned again, forcing my gaze back into Aiden’s furious ones.

“No. Not again. You’re mine, Emma. You’ll always be mine and if you fight me, you won’t win,” he bites off.

Both of their thrusts increase, when I feel Lucas remove himself from me. I look behind me and he’s nowhere in sight. Aiden slips out of me, quickly flipping me on my stomach. My limbs are lifeless, my face pressed against the pillow.

Aiden enters me from behind, my pussy squeezing his length. He drives into me, his hands wrapping around my neck, gently holding my throat with his fingers. I hear him yell out his release,
finally removing himself from me.

His hands are still around my throat and just when I think he will remove his hold, his fingers clench around my neck. The pressure grows more firm, cutting off my

“Aiden, what…” I choke out.

“You like it rough, don’t’ you? I’ll make you scream, Emma. But first it’s time to fight.”

That voice. That horrible,
foreboding voice. Not Aiden’s or Lucas’s. There’s only one person that voice belongs too.

I can yell out for help, his hold fully blocks my air supply. My eyes start to feel heavy, my vision clouding. I struggle and squirm, trying to get away. I can’t. It’s like I’m being held down by a thousand heavy bricks.

“Fight. That’s it, fight
me,” he whispers.

I feel myself falling, unable to stop my
descent. There’s only one face burned into my head now. One of hatred, disgust, control. Only belonging to one man.


5: Dreams or Reality?


I bolt upright, my body dripping with sweat. Holy shit! That was a dream. Just a dream. It wasn’t real, so calm down, Emma.

I repeat this mantra, over and over, hoping that it will soothe my nerves.

              Weirdest, most disturbing dream ever! First I have an awkward threesome with Lucas and Aiden, then I get choked out (and not in the good way) by Marcus. Yeah, my subconscious is pretty fucked up. Don’t they say that dreams are derived from reality?

I wipe sweat away from my forehead, looking down at my fully-clothed and clammy body.

Okay, get your shit together and get ready. Try not to think about it again. You have a full day ahead of you. You’re going to spend quality time with Leslie and Lucas, go and visit the
Goonie house, and stock up on groceries.

I start walking out into the living room, when I notice Lucas in the hallway. His shirtless chest and checkered boxers catch my eye. His blonde hair is mussed as he rubs his eyes in exhaustion. His body is extremely lean, but with naturally defined muscles. Pretty much a lucky bastard in the genetics department.

Hmm…so my physical assessment of him when we
first met was accurate. His body is perfection. I smile in appreciation. He’s no Aiden, but then again, who is?

He looks over, catching my ogling. Shit! That dream really makes me feel nervous and
awkward around him now. All I can picture is him fucking me from behind.

I cringe. Ugh, s
o embarrassing. He notices my deer in the headlights expression and smiles.

Em? See something you like?” he asks smartly.

“I had a sex dream and you were in it!” I blurt out.

Oh, real nice, Emma. Verbal diarrhea much? Why did you go and say that to him?! Now he’ll ask a bunch of questions, which will be really uncomfortable.

His eyes light up in
unnecessary delight. Fucking Lucas!

“Oh, really? And how was I? I want every detail,” he

I sigh loudly. Well, I already put myself in hot water
and am currently burning from the heat. Might as well be honest about the dream and get this conversation over with.

“Well, um, it was a threesome actually. You, me, and um…Aiden,” I
manage to stutter.

He looks
vaguely amused, raising his eyebrows at me.

“Very interesting. And where was I exactly in this dream? What was I doing to you?” he asks smirking.

“You were, um behind me and Aiden was in front. Ugh, Lucas, I’m sorry I even said anything! It was just a dream,” I say mortified, closing my eyes.

“A dream or a fantasy of yours? I won’t lie and say that I wouldn’t mind a threesome with you. It could be fun,” he smirks. “Although, I could do without Aiden in the picture. Take him out of it and throw in another woman. I’d be all over that

Ugh, gross!
Yeah, never going to happen. Hell will freeze over first.

Ew, yeah, I’ll pass on that, Lucas,” I say equally disgusted and amused.

I wonder if I s
hould I mention the rest of the dream? The part where Marcus squeezes the life out of me. I’m not so sure.

“What’s that look? Did something else happen in the dream?” he
asks, probably concerned by my blatant unease.

I really need to get better at hiding my emotions and mask
ing my facial expressions around him.

“Marcus turned into
Aiden at the end of it and…choked me. Like, choked as in he was trying to kill me. I was so scared, Lucas,” I say, my voice shaking.

He comes over, wrapping me up in his arms. I breathe heavily into his chest, feeling his warm skin against my cheek.

“Em, it’s okay. It was just a super-hot dream that turned into a nightmare. We all have weird dreams that don’t mean anything. I know that Marcus has been bothering you lately but nothing will ever happen to you. You’re protected and safe,” he says trying to soothe me.

“I know. I just…it worried me. What if I run into him again, Lucas? I’m afraid of what he might do. I just don’t get why he hates me so m
uch,” I whisper.

“I know
it’s frustrating, Em. Let’s just have fun today and try take your mind off of it. Although, if you want to replay what I was doing you in your dream today, feel free to. I don’t mind.”

“Yeah, I bet you don’t,” I chuckle.

I pull away from him, feeling a little better about the situation.

“Okay, you can have the bathroom first to get ready. Just don’t hog it! I have to get sexy for the day and all of my stuff is in there,” he grins.

“Fine. I’ll make sure to be quick so you can do your make-up and tweeze your eyebrows or whatever it is that you do in there,” I retort as he laughs.

I make sure to take a quick shower, having to put on my old clothes
yet again.

Damn, I’ll definitely need to buy some new clothes today. Don’t want to start reeking like a teenage boy or something. I’m surprised Aiden didn’t bring me my clothes when we saw each other yesterday.

I frown, just thinking about him is depressing. Try to distract yourself, Emma. He’s gone but he’s coming back…eventually. Make yourself busy. The pain won’t be as hard to deal with if you don’t have the
to deal with it.

I put on my makeup and walk into the living room. I see Lucas
occupying the kitchen. He looks so cute sitting at the table, casually eating colorful cereal. He finally put on a shirt, thank God! Too much abdomen exposure can be a bad thing. For my sanity, that is.

He looks up from his bowl, smiling with the spoon
still in his mouth.

“What a
well-balanced breakfast! I don’t know how you eat that processed shit, Lucas. You must have an iron stomach,” I say, openly judging his bowl of sugar.

“Sure do. Hey,
I’ve eaten this my entire life and it hasn’t killed me yet. Although, I did have a lot of cavities as a kid,” he says remembering.

“Well, that explains it,” I chuckle.

I think about Lucas as a child. I feel like he was little heartbreaker then too.

I frown, wondering about his mom. He’s never talked
about her and I’m pretty sure she’s not in his life. Maybe she lives out of state or something. Leo’s never mentioned her either. I wonder…

“Can I ask a personal question?”

“Uh, yeah, I guess, Em,” he says shrugging.

“Where’s your mom?
I mean, you’ve never mentioned her.”

He looks uncomfortable and slightly forlorn
. Oh, no. Do I really want to hear this? Stupid, Emma!

“She died when I was in eighth grade. We were living in Portland and she…she got in a car accident on the way to pick me up from sch
ool. She died on impact and…I’m just glad she didn’t suffer,” he says softly.

I reach my hand
across the table, placing it on top of his.

Poor guy. He lost his mother just like Aiden did. It must be so difficult losing a pa
rent. I can’t even begin to imagine my mom not being around. It give gives me chills just thinking about it.

“I’m so sorry, Lucas,” I whisper.

              “I miss her all the time. She was an awesome mom and a pretty unforgettable woman,” he sighs. “My dad and I ended up moving here. He had another bar in Portland but it was just too much. The memories were too strong there with her gone.”

“I get that. That’s pretty much the same thing I did after Jeremiah passed,” I say.

Well, not the main reason but part of it.

“You remind me of her,” he says looking deeply at me.

My eyes widen at his confession. I do?

“She was unique, strong, and she spoke her mind. She would put me and my dad in his place. She pretty much held the family together. When she was in a room, every eye was on her. She was just
kind of woman. Just like you,” he says.

I gulp, flattered and confused by his opinion of me. I never knew that he viewed me in such high regard. I didn’t think he saw me as the woman who grabs attention. Well, technically I do, but only the bad kind. I’m the light that all the pesky mosquitos seem to flock to.

“And just so you know, you don’t look anything like her. It’s just the personality and the way you hold yourself that reminds me of her. I love my mom but I don’t have any deep seeded mommy issues,” he smirks.

“Whew! You had me worried there for a second,” I laugh.

“Okay, enough sad shit! I’m going to go get ready and then we’ll head out. I texted Leslie earlier and she said she’d meet us at the Goonie house.”

“Sounds good,” I say smiling.

He gets up out of his chair, giving me a side hug from where he’s standing. I return the affection, gently patting him on the back.

Finally! He’s finally understood the whole casual friend hug thing. I smile, loving that he took my words to heart. I think he’s really trying to make this friendship work. I just hope it stays that way.

We decide take his old
with us, that way we can get groceries later. We park it down the hill from where the house is located. He says we have to trek up the hill to see the house because we can’t actually go up to it. We have to look at it from the street.

“Ugh, that sucks!” I complain to him, breathing heavily as we walk up the hill.

“Hey, crabby. How would you like it if tourists came up to the doorstep of your house and took pictures?” he laughs.

Okay, good point. I would probably get a shotgun and threaten anybody who stepped foot on my property. I’d pull a classic Clint Eastwood with a one-liner like, “Get off my lawn!” or something. I chuckle at my own absurdity.

We get half way up the hill and I see Leslie standing there, waiting at the top for us. Her blonde hair is down, falling in waves. Hmm…I think she went all out and styled her hair today. I wonder if she did it to catch someone’s oblivious eye.

We reach the top of the hill, as I breathe out dramatically.

“Gotta lay off the smokes,” I croak out.

Lucas laughs and Leslie just stares at me, probably wishing I’d choke on the air. Okay, I need to win her over because the tension between her and Lucas is not what I want.

“Thanks for meeting us, Leslie. Lucas was saying how you and he had a bad argument at work. He’s felt really bad about it and hates that you guys are fighting. He hasn’t stopped talking about you actually,” I say.

“Em,” Lucas bites off.

“Oh, really?” Leslie asks unconvinced.

“You’re like his go-to woman at work. He wants to apologize but he’s shy,” I say, grasping at straws.

I see Lucas’s jaw drop by my words. I think he knows what I’m up to and can’t believe it.

“Lucas? Shy? I think I’d have to pay money to see a shy Lucas,” she finally laughs.

“Hey, you guys do know I’m standing right here? If you want to talk shit, at least wait until I’m out of earshot,” he pouts.

“Oh, calm down. We were just kidding, drama queen. Friends again?” Leslie asks him.

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