Fighting Chance (16 page)

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Authors: Paulette Oakes

BOOK: Fighting Chance
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One week later…

Mahoney collapsed on the pillow and struggled for breath.
Mikael, also breathing heavily, followed close behind her.

“Wow,” she huffed, a trickle of sweat rolling down her
temple. “Just…wow.”

His laughter shook the bed and he rolled until his naked
body spooned hers. His beard tickled her face and she squealed with merriment
while his hands roamed over the well-loved curves of her body.

“We may have time for one more round, my little warrior,” he
said hopefully. His hand drifted lower to sink into the wet heat of her sex and
she arched into his hand with a moan.

Reluctantly, she pulled his hand back and tossed his arm
back behind her. “Enough of that, husband. We’re already running late and I
still don’t know what to wear,” she reminded him, her tone distracted.

Mikael had been released from the hospital four days past,
and they had spent most of it in the bed in his apartment in P’Hartha. Since
the king had already verbally given his approval of their union to Mahoney, it
was easy enough for them to register on the government database as lifemates.
Though she agreed to take his last name as her own, she still insisted on
keeping Mahoney as her title since it was not only part of her identity, but
also because it was now famous across the planet.

News of the Warfarer attack on
The Ax’Sandre
had made
headlines across the world. Video clips of the attack and interviews with the
crew had catapulted her into the spotlight. Journalists had tracked her down
both at the hospital and at Mikael’s home and begged for an interview with the
wildly popular “Lady Warrior” and T’Kalan females stopped her on the street to
ask for lessons on how to fight. She was overwhelmed with the attention, but
Mikael shielded her as best he could as he fielded questions and demanded
privacy for the newlyweds. Unfortunately, this news only inflamed the people
more. Their union was hailed as “a love story written in the stars” and there
was already talk about a live-action play being written based on their story.

If the attention she received from the citizens was
overwhelming, then the visits from T’Kalan officials were almost debilitating.
During their first day home, the officer of defense and strategy arrived on
their doorstep requesting an audience with Mahoney. The officer was a stern,
older woman with short dark hair shot through with silver. She grilled Mahoney
on her use of the training bots during combat and reviewed the protocol that
Felonia had helped her design. Mahoney was nervous in the unsmiling woman’s
presence, and expected a rebuke for instituting such an untried and maverick
approach during the heat of battle. She was shocked, however, when the woman
pulled out a touchscreen and began showing her mock-ups of newer, hi-tech bots
with built in weaponry and others with medical programming that could be used
during combat to give aid to injured warriors. At the conclusion of the
meeting, she formally requested Mahoney’s assistance with launching their
android army in the coming months.

News had reached them from King Korian, as well. He
announced a commemoration event to be held at the king’s compound to honor the
crew of
The Ax’Sandre
and pay their respects to those that had died so
bravely that day. It was to be a huge event with a ceremony and banquet, and it
would be broadcast to every citizen on the planet. She and Mikael were billed
as the guests of honor, so no matter how much she would have preferred to stay
home in bed with her husband, she knew it would be churlish of her to refuse.

“You do not need to find suitable clothing, wife. A package
has arrived for you from the king with clothing inside,” her husband called out
as he rolled out of bed.

Mahoney walked over to the box lying unopened on the table.
She had ignored it, assuming it was yet another marriage gift from one of
Mikael’s family or crew. She lifted the lid, and pulled out a one-piece
jumpsuit made of tough, cotton-like material that resembled Earth’s Air Force
flight suits. It was a deep, hunter green and had the flag of T’Kala stitched
into the back. Placed carefully on top of the bundle was a shiny T’Kalan sword
with a curved edge, smaller and lighter in scope than Mikael’s, and a belted
sheath to be buckled around her waist.

Her gaze shot to Mikael in wonder. “This is the dress
uniform of the T’Kalan warriors. Are you sure he meant for me to wear this?”

Her husband laughed. “I hardly think it would fit me, my
love. Korian has bestowed upon you a high honor, indeed.”

Her spine straightened with pride and she hurried to shower
and get changed. Her hair had been restored to its previous design with it cut
high in the back and longer in the front, so it took little time for her to get
prepared for the ceremony. Mikael looked ravishing in his dress fatigues, his
arms and shoulders filling out the material until it nearly hugged his muscles.
She laughingly combed his short hair and beard before placing a finishing kiss
on his lips.

On their way to the compound, they stopped at Ax’Sandre’s home
to pick up both her and Jessica. The actress was a bundle of nerves, both
excited and full of trepidation, since she would not be leaving with them at
the ceremony’s conclusion. She was dressed simply in a flattering day dress of
pure white with a royal blue medi-tech lab coat over top since she was to be
honored with the medical staff for her efforts in the aftermath of the battle.

The king’s compound was massive and larger than any of the
Hollywood homes that she had been to over her years in the movie business. The
house in the middle was the biggest, and could easily accommodate at least 100
guests. There were several other buildings and houses surrounding the
residence, as well as two swimming pools, a training arena, stables for hover
crafts and riding animals, and even an entertainment structure used to host
plays, dances, and parties.

Mahoney, Mikael, Jessica, and Ax’Sandre joined the rest of
the crew in a staging area outside the training arena which could easily fit
four football fields inside its interior. Row upon row of seating ringed the
perimeter and it was full to capacity with citizens and nobles who were
chatting animatedly about the event and creating a dull roar of sound that
washed over the crew, infecting them their excitement.

The crowd came to their feet and cheered when King Korian
strode into the arena and waved, his face wreathed in a smile. His dress
fatigues were identical to those of his warriors and he cut a fine figure with
his muscled form and with his sword belted to his trim waist. Mahoney heard
Jessica take a quick breath and murmur, “Oh, my!” Mahoney hid a smile behind
her hand, and knew she would not have to worry about leaving her friend behind
with the handsome king.

Once the crowd had quieted, Korian spoke. He began by
explaining why they had all gathered that day and proceeded to direct their
attention to a massive vid screen that rose from the ground. The crew watched
curiously as clips began to play from footage about the vessel. It began with
the tour that Mikael had taken the two human women on, showing flashes of their
meeting with Officer Felonia and the rest of the crew. When the footage cut to
the training room, the editing stopped and began to play the entire scene of
her warm up and consecutive sparring matches with Zandar, Rodane, and Finian.
The crowd was rapt with silence as her battle with Zandar commenced, but they
gasped when she brought the T’Kalan warrior to the ground and dislocated his
shoulder. Their cheers almost drowned out her challenge to the two males, and
they cried out in surprise at each slice from her blades.

Thankfully, the footage ended there and did not continue for
her match against Mikael. He bent down to whisper in her ear, “They left out
the best part.” She elbowed him in the ribs, her face flaming with color.

The video continued, showing clips of her training and
teaching the warriors her skills in the martial arts, Mahoney and Officer
Felonia working with Jarvis to create her protocol, and using the bots to spar
with the warriors. Suddenly, the loud noise of the warning sirens blared across
the arena as the footage of the attack began. For the first time, Mahoney got
to see the view of the loading dock as the Warfarer ship cut an opening in the
hull and began pouring into
The Ax’Sandre
. She saw the T’Kalan warriors
arrive moments later to clash with the enemy forces, desperately trying to
drive them back into the bay and away from the interior of the ship. Her eyes
filled with tears as she saw Lieutenant Gregori run through by a Warfarer blade
before Zandar stepped in to finish off the invader.

The view changed, now following Mahoney as she ran to the
training room and prepared for battle. The crowd was riveted during her
conversation with Jarvis and cheered when the training bots came to life and
performed a bow before arming themselves with weapons. The footage played
continuously from that point, but Mahoney couldn’t watch. It had been difficult
enough to live through first-hand, and she had no desire to see her friends
wounded and covered in blood for a second time.

The crew was emotional, many of them crying or grim-faced as
the vid screen showed Mikael thrusting Mahoney out of the way of the Warfarer’s
blade. The crowd erupted with screams and horrified yells when the commander
collapsed. Silence fell over the audience, tears streaming down their faces, as
they watched the worst moment of Mahoney’s life play out in front of them like
a movie. The footage again switched back to clips showing the medical crew
racing into the field to tend the wounded, flashing to each tech and officer as
they rushed to stem bleeding and move patients to the medical ward. Another
montage played showing Jessica, an untrained human female covered in blood,
pressing gauze onto cuts, affixing skin sealant over larger wounds, and
comforting those that were in pain.

The footage of the battle came to an end and the crowd went
silent with emotion. Then, the vid screen began to show pictures of each of the
warriors that had died in the battle. It paused over each one, displaying their
full name and rank, and the myriad medals of valor each had achieved in their
career. King Korian and a host of other warriors in the arena stood and saluted
each one while the family of the fallen cried and hugged each other. Mikael and
his warrior crew, along with Mahoney, joined them in paying their respect.

When the memoriam reel finished, Korian addressed the crowd
again, giving a rousing speech about the bravery and teamwork displayed by the
crew of the vessel. Then, with a fanfare of music, he announced, “I give you,
citizens of T’Kala, the brave men and women that comprise the crew of

The crowd roared and came to their feet as the crew filed
inside the arena to join King Korian on stage with Mikael, Mahoney, and
Lieutenant Andreus in the lead. They took their prearranged positions on stage,
filing into formation according to their stations. It took almost ten minutes
for Korian to regain control of the cheering crowd and to begin the medal ceremony.

Each of the support staff and crew received pins denoting
their service and King Korian affixed each one personally to their uniform. He
then moved on to the officers that had distinguished themselves with their
actions during the crisis such as Officer Felonia, chief medical officer
Ax’Sandre, and the chief engineering officer that had worked so tirelessly to
get them back home safely and quickly. Next, he honored the medical crew with
special medals that pinned to their lab coats. He lingered over Jessica, his
eyes burning into hers, before moving on.

Finally, he addressed his warriors. Each of the remaining 20
men, including Mikael, were given a brand new T’Kalan blade of the finest
craftsmanship as well as hanging medals of valor that glinted under the rays of
the twin suns.

Facing the crowd again, Korian announced, “It is my honor
and privilege to reward those who perform deeds of outstanding heroism, courage
in the face of overwhelming odds, and distinction in battle.” The crowd cheered
and he held his hands up for silence. “Zandar Nic’Omar, step forward!”

Zandar, shock written across his face, took two large
strides forward from the line of warriors. He saluted his king and waited at
attention. Korian faced him and proclaimed, “For your unwavering loyalty and
tireless defense of wounded comrades in battle, I award you the title of
Lieutenant aboard the royal airship
The Ax’Sandre.
” The crowd cheered in
approval and Zandar could not hide his abashed smile when Korian pinned the
star to his chest.

He stepped back into line while Korian continued.
“Lieutenant Andreus Bak’Nar, step forward!” When the warrior was at attention,
he continued, “For your bravery in the face of grave wounds, and insistence on
resuming your post within hours of the battle, I award you the title of
Commander of the royal airship
The Ax’Sandre.”
The crowd roared their
approval, and Andreus went rigid with emotion as the three-star medal was
pinned to his chest. His lifemate, the young doctor that had cared for Mikael
and the other warriors, jumped and shouted her glee.

Mahoney was confused. “What about you?” she hissed out the
corner of her mouth to Mikael.

He just offered her a knowing smile and trained his eyes
forward again as Korian called out, “Commander Mikael R’Varsel, step forward!”

The crowd went wild as her handsome husband strode forward
to come to attention before his king. A brilliant smile wreathed his face as he
announced, “For your decisive action in battle and the extreme sacrifice of
your life for your crew, I award you the title of Captain for the entire royal
airfleet.” The crowd went wild at this announcement and Mahoney’s heart swelled
with pride and love for her courageous husband as Korian affixed the four-star
medal to his chest.

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