Fighting for Desire (21 page)

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Authors: Sarah Bale

BOOK: Fighting for Desire
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Chapter Thirty-Three


Dev looked down at Shannon. The last two weeks had flown by
in a blur. Each day he would work out until he could barely lift his arms. And
each night Shannon would be waiting for him in their bed with
open, welcoming him home.

Home. That’s how this place was starting to feel. He wasn’t
sure when things had changed but he didn’t mind this new life they were
creating together. She frowned in her sleep and he wondered what she was
thinking about. She seemed worried about his fight but he assured her everything
would be fine.

She had never been good with violence but this felt
different. He couldn’t shake the feeling she was keeping something from him.

His cell phone buzzed and he reached over to read the text.

is set for tonight. Be at the arena at
five on the dot

Marco would, of course, be up at this ungodly hour. He
didn’t reply. If Marco was worried about anything, he would call. Dev wrapped
his arms around Shannon and pulled her close. He loved how she snuggled against
him even in her sleep.

A man could get used to this.

His phone buzzed again. He thought about picking it up but
Shannon opened her eyes at that moment.

“Morning,” she said with a smile.

He kissed her shoulder. “Morning, babe.”

She stretched, rubbing her body against him and he responded
right away. Fuck, would he ever get enough of her?

She laughed. “Even after last night?”

“Hell yeah. You turn me on, Shan, you know that.”

Her cheeks darkened in a blush and she rubbed against him
again. He felt the brush of the shackle on her ankle.

“Fuck. I forgot to unlock you last night,” he said, sitting

He pulled back the covers and sure enough the cuff was
around her left ankle. Part of the chain was in the bed too and the sight made
him hot with desire. But he should have unchained her before he fell asleep…

She wiggled her foot. “Hey now, don’t look like that. I
wanted to be chained up remember?” She ran her foot against his leg. “I like
being chained up.” Her foot moved higher. “And I didn’t use my safe word did

She kept reminding him of this. Each time their lovemaking
took a kinky turn he worried he was pushing her too far and she would say the
opposite. His throat felt tight with emotions and he shook his head. Damn, she
amazed him.

“Dev, don’t make me ask.”

He looked down at her. “Shan, I should have taken it off…”

She sat up and pushed his chest with the palms of her hands.
He fell back against the pillows and she climbed over him, straddling him. The
chain clinked as she moved and he swallowed thickly.

“Don’t make me beg,” she whispered as she leaned forward and
kissed his chest.

Her tongue teased his nipple and then she nipped him. A
groan left his mouth. She was a minx and he had a feeling he had unleashed a
sexual monster the first time he chained her up.

He must have voiced the thought because she gave a throaty
chuckle before saying, “Oh baby, you have no idea.”

She rubbed her pelvic bone against his and he grew harder.

“I want to ride you,” she said as she nipped his lower lip.
“Lift me up.”

He grabbed onto her hips and lifted her. She held his cock
in one hand and held herself open with the other. Slowly he lowered her and she
buried his cock deep inside her pussy. She took him fully in and they both
moaned in pleasure.

“You feel so good like this,” she said as her head tipped

They weren’t even moving but he could feel her body
quivering around him. His cock surged and she gasped. Her nipples budded and he
reached up to flick one. God he loved how she responded to him as easily as he
responded to her.

Slowly she began to move up and down on him with deep,
fulfilling thrusts. Each time she took him in she paused for a moment while
clenching her pussy muscles. His jaw ticked as he held onto her hips, enjoying
the sensations.

“You know some fighters believe fucking on the day of a
fight is bad luck.”

Shannon lifted and then came back down on him. He grunted as
she wiggled a little.

“And what’s your take on that theory?”

His grip tightened on her hips. “Those people have obviously
never had sex on the day of their fight.”

She laughed and began moving at a steadier pace. Her skin
darkened in a telltale sign. His stomach started to tighten and his balls felt
hot and heavy.

Her pussy began to spasm.

“Oh Dev!” she cried out. “I love you.” She leaned forward
and buried her face into his neck.

I love you

Those three words set him off and he roared her name as he
poured himself into her. She cried out again as her pussy milked every last
drop from his cock.

She began to sit up but he stopped her.

“Did you mean it?”

She averted her eyes. “Mean what?”

“Do you really love me?”

His breath hitched as he waited to hear her reply. He wanted
her answer to be yes, wanted her to love him.

Finally she nodded. “Dev, I never stopped loving you. Not
even when we weren’t together anymore. It’s always been you.”

Several emotions crossed her face, mirroring the feelings
her statement evoked in him. Hope, fear, nervousness and most of all love.

“I love you too.”

She shook her head. “No, Dev. I don’t want you to say the
words because I did. I want you to say you love me because you really do.” She
paused and took in a deep breath. “We still have so much to work out—things
need to be said. I don’t want you to say you love me until you have heard all
of those things.”

“Why do you want me to wait?”

“Because I would die if you took the words back. I love you.
That’s not going to change. But you may not love me once we talk and you hear
what I have to say. There are…things in my past you won’t like.”

Her forlorn face made his heart ache and he pulled her close
to his chest.

“Shan, we will work through anything you have to tell me. I

He meant his vow too. He wasn’t sure when he had decided but
he wanted things to last a lifetime with Shannon. He wanted forever with her.

She kissed his neck. “Don’t make promises you can’t keep,
Dev. I won’t be able to handle you breaking my heart.”

He rubbed his chin in her hair. “Ditto.”

“What are we going to do then?”

He tilted her head so she was looking into his eyes.

“We take things slow. We talk a lot. And we both learn to
forgive each other. Think you can do that?”

She smiled. “I forgave you a long time ago. But if you think
you can give our relationship an open mind and heart, then I’m in.”

“For more than a month?”

She nodded. His heart leaped and he pulled her in for a
kiss. Her lips parted and he let her lead the way, savoring the moment. She
lightly nipped his bottom lip before deepening the kiss with her tongue.

He groaned and pulled her closer. Their connected bodies
began to respond and he felt her smile against him.

“Do fighters have any rules about having sex two times on
the day of a fight?” She wiggled her eyebrows.

He laughed. “Nope.” He held onto her and flipped over so he straddled
her. “But I wouldn’t care if they did…I’ve never played by the rules.”

She giggled and he began to move. The chain around her ankle
wrapped around his leg and the cool metal scraped against his skin. Fuck,
everything with Shannon felt more erotic and exciting.

Shannon reached up and caressed his face. She whispered, “I
love you, Devlin James.”

He wanted with all his heart to say the words back but knew he
would only hurt her. Instead he showed her the only other way he could. With
his body.

He leaned down and caught a nipple in his mouth. He swore
her breasts were getting bigger, fuller and he loved knowing her body so well.
She cried out as he nipped the peaked tip. He thrust deep and long, filling her
to the brim with his dick. She moaned and wrapped her legs around his waist,
pulling him closer.

“I love how you respond to me,” he said as he thrust again.
“I love how you are always wet for me.”

He might not be able to say he loved her but he could tell
her other things he loved about her.

“I love your smile.” Another thrust. “I love how you look
doe-eyed when I walk into a room, even after all these years.”

Her eyes watered and she blinked her tears away. “I love you
so much.”

I do too
, he thought to himself,
so fucking much

Shannon held his gaze as his pace quickened. They both
needed the release that built between them. His thrusts became shallow and she
cried out his name.

“Shannon, come for me. I need you to come.”

His words set her body off and she writhed beneath him. Her
clenching pussy milked his cock and he came too. Hot spurts filled her to the
brim until his semen dripped down her thighs.

Slowly he pulled out. She sighed and smiled up at him.

“It only gets better.”

“What?” he asked with a quizzical smile.

“After today, things only get better between us. Even after
we talk we will be fine.”

She sounded as if she was trying to reassure herself.

“Only better,” he agreed. He glanced over at the clock and
groaned. “I need to get up and get ready. Are you coming over to the arena with
me or are you going to ride over with Mrs. Ingram later?”

Her forehead creased. “I’m waiting for a dress Katie is
supposed to be sending over so I’ll probably ride with Mrs. Ingram.”

“Okay. I’ll leave your VIP pass by the front door. Make sure
you grab it or they won’t let you come to my locker room.”

A blush crept up her cheeks. “Do you want me to say hi
before the fight or wait until after?”

He leaned down and kissed her. “Before of course. I’ll be
expecting a good luck kiss. Or two.”

She grinned. “Okay.” She swatted him playfully. “Better get
up, Mr. James. I don’t want to be the one responsible for sending Marco into a
panic if you’re late.”

She knew his friend too well.

He chuckled and stood. “Yes, ma’am.”

She blew a kiss at him as he walked into the bathroom. Damn,
he loved that woman. And after tonight they had nothing but time to enjoy each


Shannon bit her lip as the bathroom door closed. He loved
her. And she was about to play a role in betraying him. Angry tears filled her
eyes. She had only one option.
Stop Johnny Ice


Chapter Thirty-Four


Thousands of people crowded the outside of the arena as they
waited to enter. Shannon watched in awe as the limo drove around the building
to a private entrance. And they were there to see Dev. Her heart swelled with

The limo stopped and a uniformed man came from the arena to
open her door. She smiled up at him and took his offered hand. Camera flashes
blinded her.

“Ms. Bray, over here!”

She stopped on the red carpet and posed for a few photos. Being
photographed in a dress picked by Katie would help her friend gain more
business so Shannon didn’t mind.

The dark-pink satin material reached the floor, showing off
all her curves in the right places. As before, the dress came from the House of
Boosef line but this time she wore Dior heels. Even her jewelry and silver
clutch came from Dior.

The flashes began to hurt her head so she waved and walked
through the door.

A security man stopped her. “VIP badge?”

“Oh crap. Just a second.”

She opened her clutch and pulled out the badge.

“You’re good. Just make sure to wear the ID. I know it
doesn’t go with your lovely dress but wearing the badge will save you from
being stopped at every checkpoint.”

She smiled and put the lanyard around her neck. “Thank you,

She followed the signs down the hallway, which guided her
toward the locker rooms. She took a left and found another security guard
standing outside the door marked as Dev’s locker room.


She held up the lanyard from her neck so he could inspect her

“Very good. Mr. James has been expecting you.”

The security guard opened the door and she walked inside. Dev
stood in front of Marco, stretching. The guys didn’t notice her so she took a
moment to look around.

She didn’t know most of the people there but they clearly
worked for Dev. They must be part of his team. The miracle workers who did his
bidding while he trained. A man walked over to Marco and said something. Marco
pointed to one of the lockers and the man retrieved some tape.

Dev caught sight of her and walked over.

“Hey, babe,” he said as he leaned down and kissed her.

His lips caught hers in a full-on kiss. When they pulled
away some of the guys whistled.

Dev grinned. “This is Shannon. Shan, this is everyone.” He looked
around. “Where is Mrs. Ingram?”

After getting ready, Shannon had gone to find the
housekeeper, only to discover her in bed with a cool cloth over her eyes.

“She had a migraine and couldn’t make it. She sent her love

His beautiful face fell a little. “She has never missed one
of my fights. Not since she started working for me.” He straightened and said,
“At least you are here.”

Mrs. Ingram’s absence worried her but Shannon didn’t voice
her thoughts. The housekeeper had been acting odd ever since Dev left. Almost

Marco walked up and hugged her. “You’re looking good
tonight, Shannon.”

She smiled back. “Thanks. You look good too.”

He wore black slacks and a white, collared shirt that
accented his tan skin.

Dev gave a mock sigh of disappointment.

Shannon turned to him. “You look good too, you dork.”

Her compliment was an understatement. He looked breathtaking
even though he wore only his fighting shorts. Marco handed Dev a t-shirt and he
put it over his head. Sponsor names and logos covered the back and Shannon
noticed all the guys in the locker room wore the same shirt.

“All right. Everyone quiet down,” Marco called out.

The room silenced on cue and he went on.

“It’s a pleasure to be here with you all for what will most
likely be Dev’s last fight.”

This was news to her but she didn’t say anything. She
squeezed Dev’s hand and he squeezed back.

“Working with Dev when no one would touch him with a ten-foot
pole has been an honor and a joy.”

Several people chuckled at that.

“And I’m happy to say I will be joining Dev in his next
endeavor. With that being said, Dev…are you ready to kick Utah’s ass?”

“Hell yeah I am!”

Dev set his face in determination. For a moment she felt out
of place in a room filled with his friends but one look from him assured her
she had every right to be there.

“Okay. Let’s roll,” Marco said with a wave of his hands.

The room emptied until only Shannon and Dev remained. Dev
pulled her flush against his body and held onto her shoulders. She melted into
him, trying not to worry about how to protect him during his fight. She had no
idea what Johnny might try.

“I am so glad you’re here with me,” Dev said as he kissed
her lightly. “And I can’t wait until we can talk.”

Her throat tightened and she nodded in reply. If she said
anything now, she would blurt out everything she’d been keeping from him.

“Be safe, Dev,” she whispered against his lips.

“I will,” he promised.

Behind them at the door, Marco cleared his throat. “Dev,
it’s time. Shan, one of the ushers will show you to your seat.”

Shannon nodded and walked out of the locker room. An usher
waited to take her into the heart of the arena, to her seat. The man led her
down the hallway to the arena floor. He pushed his way through the crowd and
took her to her seat. She looked around the sold-out arena.

The energy in the room was high from the three prior bouts the
fans had watched. Everything led up to Dev’s fight though.

She took in a sharp breath. She sat so close to the caged
ring. Johnny’s words came back to haunt her.

“Don’t wear white. I would hate for your dress to get
stained with Dev’s blood…”

She shuddered at the thought of Johnny’s threat. Her seat
confirmed that something bad would happen to Dev here, tonight. A man stepped
into the middle of the ring and took a microphone from one of the ring girls.

“Ladies and gentlemen, it is time for our main event. Your
challenger hails from Salt Lake City, Utah. Give it up for…”

Shannon’s ears roared with blood as the announcer called out
Utah’s name. The crowd booed, obviously rooting for Dev. Utah sauntered to the
ring. An official checked the man outside of the cage for any weapons and then
Utah entered the cage, into the octagon ring.

She felt a moment’s relief knowing he didn’t have a weapon
on him. This man wouldn’t deliver whatever Johnny had planned but that meant the
threat came from another, as-yet-unidentified source.

“And your defending champion tonight hails from Tyler,
Texas. Please give it up for Devlin
the bad-boy

The crowd went wild. Everyone jumped to their feet and she
did too. A man wearing sunglasses and a hoodie walked to Utah’s corner. Oh
sweet Jesus…none of the officials seemed to notice the suspicious man trying to
get Utah’s attention.

He mouthed something to Utah, who grinned in return. The
hooded man pulled a wad of cash from his pocket and pushed it through a slot in
the cage. Her heart pounded. So Johnny would use Utah to hurt Dev and the
hooded man provided the weapon. She couldn’t believe no one else was seeing
this. The guy in the sweatshirt looked so damn sleazy he practically screamed,
“I’m here to hurt someone!”

She glanced around and saw Marco standing near Dev’s corner.
She got up and made her way past people, ignoring their glares as she shoved
them out of her way.

“Marco,” she said, trying to get his attention.

He turned. “Shannon, you need to sit down. I don’t want Dev
to be distracted.”

Her face flamed at the admonishment and she almost listened
to him. Dev’s music came on and Marco turned away from her. Her gaze darted
back to the shady man and she grabbed onto Marco.

“Listen to me. I think they are going to hurt Dev!”

“What?” he yelled over the music.

“Make sure they check Utah’s gloves,” she yelled back.

Marco stared at her and then nodded his understanding. She
made her way back to her seat, biting her lip. She prayed she was wrong—that
Dev wasn’t in any danger.

Marco went around to the other side of the ring to the ref
and leaned in, saying something in his ear. The hooded man watched and then
turned suddenly. Shannon stood, trying to see which way he went when he
disappeared into the crowd. The ref went over to Utah’s corner with two other
officials in tow.

Utah held up his hands as the ref pointed to his gloves. Two
more men joined the ref and Shannon could hear yelling. Utah shoved one of the
officials and then all hell broke loose. Fists flew from every direction and
Marco held Dev back.

She put her hand over her mouth as Dev twisted from Marco’s
grip. She didn’t want him to get hurt! She watched in horror as Dev reached
Utah and punched him square in the jaw. His head flopped to the side in an
unnatural way and then his body slumped as he passed out.

People pulled Dev away from Utah. Dev didn’t always know
when to stop when he was angry, something she discovered when he fought with
others in their youth. Marco ran up to Dev and pulled him by the arm, leading
him backstage.

Should she follow or should she go back to the house and
wait? No, she needed to see him with her own two eyes to make sure he was okay.
She began to make her way through the crowd. A large hand wrapped around her
wrist, yanking her to a stop.

Johnny glared down at her, his eyes filled with hatred.

“That was some fucking trick you pulled,” he said.

She tried to pull away but his held her tightly.

“Let me go, Johnny!”

He stared at her until she wanted to squirm and then he nodded.

“Fine. Go. Make sure your boy is okay.”

She turned to leave.

“But this isn’t over,” he called after her. “Not by a long

She tried to remain calm as she walked away. God…when would
she finally be free of Johnny Ice?

She reached the backstage curtain and flashed her VIP pass.
The two security guards nodded and stepped aside so she could pass between
them. There had only been one guard before, she thought absently. She made her
way down the corridor and heard yelling before she got to Dev’s locker room.

The door burst open as two men in suits left. They barely
glanced at her as they pulled out their cell phones and began barking out
orders. She knocked on the door and when no one answered, she walked inside.

Dev sat on one of the benches with his left arm extended.
Blood dripped onto the marble floor and she gasped.

“What happened?” she asked as she ran to his side.

He looked up at her and anger stared back, but not directed
at her for once.

“I punched the fucking wall. That’s what happened.”

“Oh, Dev,” she said with a sigh. “Were they able to catch
the second man, the one in the hoodie?”

Dev shook his head. “No. Those two jackasses who just left
are trying to figure out where he went. The surveillance footage lost the man
outside the auditorium.”

Marco came up carrying an ice pack and tossed it at Dev. He
turned to her. “How in the hell did you know something was up?”

Her face flamed. “I saw the hooded man push something
through the cage toward Utah. It just didn’t feel right so I found you.”

Dev smiled up at her. “I’m glad you did, babe. What I don’t
get is why he tried to sabotage me. Even if he lost, he was going to bank on
the fight.”

Her stomach dropped out of guilt but she didn’t say
anything. Someone knocked on the door and then a cop in his early forties
walked in. He stood as tall as Dev but without his muscular physique. In fact
this cop was slightly overweight and wore glasses.

Shannon took a step closer to Dev. Cops made her uneasy.

“Mr. James, I’m Detective Van Huss with the Loveland Police
Department. I’m here to ask you a few questions.”

Dev jumped to his feet. “Ask me questions? You should be
talking to the asshole who tried to use brass knuckles on me!”

Bile rose in Shannon’s throat. Utah had brass knuckles? They
could be deadly, if used correctly.

“Mr. James, please calm down. I need to get both sides of
the story so I can file my paperwork. Please don’t make my job any harder.” He
flipped through the small notebook in his hand. “The arena security has
confirmed there was a second man involved. Do you have any idea who they were
or why they would want to hurt you?”


The detective turned to her and Marco. “May I have your
names as well, for the report?”

“I’m Marco Rains and this is Shannon Bray.”

The detective raised his eyebrow. “Ms. Bray?”

He peered at her over his glasses and she felt like hiding.
Fuck! He knew something.

Dev spoke up. “Shannon is my girlfriend.”

Any other time she would have melted in happiness but she
couldn’t feel anything but fear with Detective Van Huss looking at her as if
he’d just discovered Jack the Ripper’s true identity.

“Ma’am, may I speak to you in the hallway please?” He
glanced at Dev and Marco. “In private.”

“Of-of course,” she stammered.

She bent down and kissed Dev on the cheek before following
Detective Van Huss into the hallway. With each step she took fear built in her
stomach. She didn’t trust this man at all!


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