Fighting For Her Dragon (7 page)

BOOK: Fighting For Her Dragon
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“If we do succeed in bringing him back, you and he will sooner or later be officially mated. It’s already started. I see the signs. With him back on the earthly plane there will be nothing to stop it. But I am so damned afraid he will destroy you like he destroys everything he touches.

“The worst part of all of this mess is that I should want to have my brother back. I should want to have him mated and happy. I should want to believe that he can change. But the truth is I don’t. I don’t believe he can be anything but the selfish, evil prick he’s been since the night he disappeared.

“I’m sorry for what he endured. I’m sorry we couldn’t find him, but none of that justifies what he did. He should have to pay for every person he injured and for every life he took. He should…”

“Aaron, Emma, please come into the main cavern.” Siobhan’s tone left no room for argument, and before Emma could tell Aaron their conversation was not over, the asshole disappeared. She promised herself to find him later and finish what they’d started.

I really hate how fast they can move.

Malachi began to speak as soon as she crossed the threshold. “As Zachary explained, I’ve made it my life’s work to study the Special Ones and their impact on our race. Early in Andrew’s life I was blessed enough to have been present when the Ancient, Shavon, spoke to him. At the time I had no idea how important that visit was, not only to Andrew, but to Emma and our kin.”

The Elder was now looking at her as he spoke. “I must ask you this question in front of the leadership of our clan and that of the Blue Dragons. Do you, Emma Sinclair, mate of Andrew O’Brien, want to save your mate?”

Emma was confused; she immediately began to nod her head before the words were completely formed in her mind. She opened her mouth to speak and slammed her lips together. A knowing smile brightened Malachi’s face. She gasped and then rushed to get the words out. “I have to want to save him of my own free will, right? That’s what the Ancient said! Yes! Yes! Yes! I want to save him! I want to save my friends. I want to save my family! I want to save the dragons! Just tell me what to do.”

“We have our work cut out for us, but I believe you’re just the girl that can do it, Emma.” Malachi’s confidence made her stand taller and filled her with hope. It must’ve worked for everyone else too, because for the first time that day, everyone had a smile on their face.

Emma followed the Elders, Siobhan, and Kyra out of the clinic. They were headed to the Cave of the Ancients. Malachi and Zachary had decided it was the only place strong enough to prepare the ceremony to bring Andrew back. As they were exiting the cavern, she heard Carrick instruct Aaron and Aidan to bring their brother’s body along as well. A quick look over her shoulder and Emma had to smile. They wanted to be upset, she could see how hard they were trying, but not even two of the toughest Guardsmen she’d ever know could hide the hope they felt that maybe…just maybe, their brother would do what was right.

Don’t worry boys, he will. I just know he will.



Emma collapsed across her bed still clothed, too tired to even remove her tennis shoes. The last three days had been some of the hardest of her life. Every waking minute had been spent pouring over musty old textbooks searching for the Ancient Dragon Rite for Soul Reclamation and checking to make sure there were no changes in Andrew’s body.

Zachary and Malachi had explained over and over that the ritual they were looking for contained some of the oldest and most potent dragon magic ever recorded. Siobhan had added that it could only be used when the soul of a dragon shifter had been taken before its time and that only when the body remained.

Sometime the day before, one of the young healers, Shannon, had come running into Malachi’s chamber lugging a huge tome, saying he’d found the ritual. After several hours, the Elders determined it was indeed what they needed and had set to work to modify the ancient spell. Kyra and Siobhan worked tirelessly alongside the Elders. Even Kyra’s Aunt Della and two of their coven elders had come to help and lend their power.

After the third time Emma had nodded off when she was supposed to be reading, Siobhan had ordered her to go home and get some rest. The young jeweler’s argument had been half-hearted. No matter how much she wanted to help, Emma was exhausted and seeing double. Reluctantly, she’d said her good nights and had even let one of the young Guardsmen-in-training escort her home.

Sleep came quickly and, for the first night since Andrew’s arrival at the lair, there were no dreams, at least not that she remembered. So when the sun shining through the gap in her curtains touched her face, Emma was ready for whatever the day held. If all went as planned, she would have Andrew back, and Malachi would be able to tell them who the others named in the Prophecy were. 

Nervous and excited, she all but ran to the Cave of the Ancients. Sure everyone would be starving, she’d stopped at the bakery and the deli and was weighed down with enough food to feed an army. Apparently, someone else had the same idea. The small table they had been working on was covered with baked goods, coffee, and tea, while the counter farther behind that had bags of unpacked food.

Kyndel, Rayne’s mate, came around the corner with their son, Jay, on her hip, chatting to her best friend, the very pregnant Grace. “Great minds think alike, huh?” Grace chuckled, pointing at the bags Emma was carrying as she took a seat in the first available chair. “You don’t happen to have some turkey and Swiss cheese in one of those bags do you? I’m not sure if it’s me or the babies, but we really want a sandwich.”

“I sure do. I bought some of everything the butcher had and grabbed all the bread that was ready too. I figured y’all would be hungry.”

“Do I smell food?” Royce asked, sniffing the air as he entered the room. “I’m starving.”

“Me too,” Lance echoed, right on the huge Guardsman’s heels.

“How are you two starving already? You were just in here less than twenty minutes ago eating everything is sight.” Kyndel laughed, setting Jay on the floor and helping Emma unpack her bags.

“Research makes me hungry,” they answered in unison and then burst out laughing.

Emma couldn’t help but smile. This was how she remembered her friends…happy, laughing, giving each other a hard time. The last week had been hard on everyone and was about to get a lot more difficult, so it was nice to know that at least for a little while, they could have fun.

For the next few minutes people filed in, looking for food, until the room was wall to wall bodies and Emma was feeling a little claustrophobic. Deciding it was probably the last time she’d be able to visit with Andrew before all hell broke loose, she quietly made her way down the corridor and into the room where his body lay.

Making her way to his side, she zeroed in on his chest, watching it carefully, praying against all odds that she would see movement. That by some miracle of the heavens, Andrew would be alive. She knew it was silly. Knew that the only way that was going to happen was through the spell they would be working as soon as the New Moon was high in the sky.

Running her fingers through his dark hair, Emma marveled at the softness and grinned as a few stray curls tickled the palm of her hand. She straightened the sheet that covered his body and then just stood looking at his handsome face. The O’Brien family resemblance was unmistakable. All three men had the same strong jawbone, same high cheekbones, and same full lips. She wondered if Andrew would have some of the same facial expressions. Would he furrow his brow and turn down one side of his mouth like Aaron? Would he raise one eyebrow and try to get her tell a secret she’d sworn not to, like Aidan? Would he get a twinkle in his eye when he was about to say something funny?

Lost in thought, Emma jumped when Aidan appeared at her side. She started to ask what he was doing there but the look on his face stilled her words. It was as if he couldn’t decide whether to be happy or sad. His eyes were just slightly squinted, extenuating the laugh lines. The corners of his mouth were just barely turned up, like he wanted to smile but just couldn’t let himself. His head was tilted to the side as if he was contemplating something life altering, which considering what they were all about to do, made perfect sense.

His voice was so soft and low when he spoke that she almost didn’t hear him. “Did I ever tell you that we called him Drew when we were growing up?” He nodded his head and grinned, not waiting for her reply before continuing.

“His favorite game when we were kids was pirates. He loved pretending that we were sailing across the sea on a massive ship like the ones we’d watch come in and out of the port. Aar was always the Captain because he was the oldest. I always ended up being the Sailing Master, the Captain’s second and the one in charge of navigation. Drew was the Master Gunner and no matter what, always had us manning the cannons or grabbing our swords and storming the deck of pirates’ ship to save the damsel in distress. No matter what, we all three always lived to fight another day.”

He paused for so long that she looked up to find him shaking his head. He grabbed her hand and held tight when he finally began speaking again. “As we got older, pretend turned to reality as dad started our training. Drew was so pissed when Aar and I got real steel blades on our fourteenth birthdays and he still had to use the wooden practice ones. I felt bad, so when I was sure no one else was around, I would let him use mine. That’s probably how he got to be such a fantastic swordsman. 

“The day we left for training was the day before Drew’s fourteenth birthday. I convinced Mom and Dad to celebrate early. That night we had a huge party, partly for his birthday and partly for our departure. No matter how long I live, I’ll never forget the look on his face when he opened his present and found his very own steel blade.”

Emma could see that Aidan was lost in his memory and simply held his hand while he reminisced. His voice cracked and he had start over twice before getting the words out but what he said made her heart hurt for all the brothers. “He walked with Aar and me to end of the forest where we met Royce, our guide to our new home, this lair…this clan. It was so hard to say goodbye to my little brother, but Drew was tough as nails. He hugged us both, patted us on the back, and told us he would take care of our home while we were gone. It was the hardest goodbye of our lives. He tried to break our private connection, but I had always been better at the mental aspect of our natures than either of my brothers, so I stayed connected. I felt what it cost him to stay strong and knew the minute he’d thought he was far enough away to break down. I never told him I knew he cried that day. Maybe I should’ve, maybe things would’ve been different.

“Years later, when Drew came here for training, it was as if the Three Amigos had been reunited. We trained hard, played hard, and fought harder, but one thing remained true; we all three always lived to fight another day. At least that was the case before I let him get captured.”

Emma searched for the words that would make Aidan feel better, but only came up with empty platitudes that she knew he’d heard a thousand times. The Guardsman turned and speared her with a steely gaze full of so many emotions, she immediately felt overwhelmed. “Everything, and I mean everything, is about to change. I should tell you that I’m sorry the Universe and Fate have put you in this position, but I’d be lying. Drew’s gonna need somebody on his side. Somebody with a good heart and a good head on her shoulders that will stand up to him and for him.

“I wish it could be me, but I just can’t get over the things he’s done. I’ll always love him, but he’s put us through hell. Don’t be mistaken; I’m not angry anymore. I’m just not ready to hand him a sword and show him my back. Plus, I have Grace and the twins to think of. I can’t take a chance he’d hurt them to get back at me.

“Aaron’s still angry and probably always will be. The others are mad, but mostly out of respect for us. Which I know sounds stupid but hey, we’re testosterone laden meatheads ninety percent of the time, so what do you really expect?” He chuckled, sounding more like himself.

Emma wanted to tell him that Andrew was different now. That she could feel it in her heart and soul. That he truly wanted to make amends for what he’d done. But she somehow knew Aidan wasn’t ready to hear that just yet. Knew he would think it was simply the ramblings of his brother’s mate and that she didn’t know Andrew well enough to make that call.

Before she could dwell any longer, Kyra called to them. “Come on y’all. We need to get this show on the road.”

“Thanks for listening, Em. Remember, if you ever need anything, I’m here.” He pulled her into a quick hug before leaving the room.

In the passageway, they met up with Lance, who was looking less than thrilled with his new position. “I’m in charge of directing people to the large grotto at the farthest corner of the cave. Seems I’d make a good butler.” He rolled his eyes and Emma couldn’t hold back her laughter.

“That you would. Are you up for hire after this engagement?” she asked, putting on her best British accent.

“You better watch it, kiddo,” he growled while winking and trying to hide his smile.

She chuckled as they walked in the direction they’d been instructed, and soon caught up with Grace. Aidan scooped her up in his arms and kissed her soundly on the lips, effectively cutting off her surprised shriek. Their kiss was short and made Emma smile, but it was Grace’s comment that made her laugh out loud.

“You better be careful, dragon daddy. You’re gonna make me go into labor.”

“Good, I’m ready to see my sons.”

“You ready to change all those diapers?” Grace chuckled

“Okay, okay, you win. I’ll be careful, but I’m still gonna carry you. Those poor little feet of yours look like they could use a break.”

“Thank you, dear heart. You’re the best.” Grace kissed Aaron on the cheek.

“All right, love birds, get it moving. Kyra’s about to have a heart attack. She said we have to be ready by the time the New Moon has risen.” Royce chuckled, slapping Aidan on the back as they passed the gentle giant.

“Just wait till Kyra’s pregnant. Paybacks are a bitch,” Aidan teased.

“Yeah, but twins don’t run in my family,” Royce answered.

“But triplets do in ours,” Kyra’s Aunt Della added to the conversation, winking at Emma conspiratorially as they entered the massive cavern where the ritual was to take place.

Laughter echoed off every surface while all Royce could do was stand dumbfounded, looking at his mate for some type of denial. Her little grin and shrug said it all. Someday in the future there were most certainly going to be some powerful dragon, witch, or mixed children running around the lair.

Serves the grumpy old dragon right. Three at a time, Grandpa.

Looking around the grotto, Emma was amazed at the incredible transformation that had taken place in just the short time she’d been with Andrew and Aidan. Everywhere she looked, every available surface held a grouping of three candles. Kyra had explained earlier in the day that the yellow one was for concentration, the large white one in the center was for balance and represented the Heavens and the Goddess of all, and the peach one was for restoration and rejuvenation.

Each grouping of luminaries was surrounded at the base by flowers, herbs, and most importantly, chips of the White Ash tree, the most magically powerful of all trees and the root of power for white witches the world over. A circle of salt and white ash dust encircled the pond of water and most of the area of the floor, only leaving room for the participants of the ritual to form a circle around the outside.

Earlier in the day, Kyra, Aunt Della, and Siobhan had decided upon the best order for the attendees to stand. They said it would increase the power of the Sacred Circle and give them the boost they needed to complete the rite. Quietly and quickly, everyone took their positions while Kyra, Siobhan, and Aunt Della stood at the head of the Circle in silent prayer.

The moment the last person stepped into place, Kyra lifted her head and looked around the Circle, making eye contact with each person. She began speaking the spell while Aunt Della stood on her left with a golden candle for increased communication, and Siobhan stood on her right with a purple candle for ancient wisdom.

Dear Heavens, Goddess of All, and Ancients of Dragon Kin,

We pray for your guidance and blessings on this ritual as we seek to return the spirit of our Special One to his physical body. He was taken from us long before his time and has paid his dues to King Minos, ruler of the Fades and the City of Woe. We ask not only for those that called him family, but for the whole of dragon kin.

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