Fighting With the Infuriating Prince (7 page)

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Authors: Elizabeth Lennox

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Contemporary, #General

BOOK: Fighting With the Infuriating Prince
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Excerpt from Dancing with the Dangerous Prince


Breathing evenly, heart pounding, feet moving, chilly, moist air whooshing past her face and arms to cool her off….this was the best time of the morning.  Ciara felt her feet thump along the soft dirt, her body relishing the exercise of a good, long run.  There was nothing better than a run through the woods to clear one’s mind, get ready for the upcoming day.  The pace wasn’t always steady, but this path she’d discovered never failed to make her body sing with the effort as she raced through the trees.

Whenever worries about the future started to enter her mind, of what might happen when she had to leave this job at the end of the week, she pushed herself harder.  This wasn’t a time to worry about anything.  This was her time to just be a part of nature, part of the world around her. 

She was rounding a corner and saw the movement off in the distance, which was odd since normally, she was the only one out here this early.  It was predawn and the horizon was filled with silver highlights as the sun started to break through the early morning haze. 

The man she saw was…shocking!  He was so impressive that she actually blinked, just to see if perhaps her mind was playing tricks on her.  He literally stopped her in her tracks

Woah, her mind thought as the man in the distance pulled himself up the cliff’s edge.  His arm muscles bulged with the effort, along with the ones in his back.  Ciara watched as….

Where had that stump come from?  Looking down, she quickly regained her footing then hurriedly glanced back up toward where she’d seen the man.  He was gone! 

Shoot, she thought.  Her eyes scanned the horizon but nothing else moved.  Where had he gone so quickly? 

Picking up her pace once more, she ran her usual route along the lake, but she had a hard time getting back into the rhythm.  And it was all because of that man!  He’d been absolutely divine!  Never had she seen such a perfectly formed male specimen. 

Perhaps she’d just imagined him.  This was a pretty remote part of the woods.  The summer camp where she worked was careful about the surrounding area, going on hikes only in groups because of potential wild animals.  The kids were normally pretty loud, scaring off any bears or other animals but one never knew and so the staff was always careful. 

But this man was out there in the distance alone. 

Shaking her head, thinking she had just imagined the man pulling himself up onto the cliff, she pushed herself harder, wanting to finish her run and shower before the summer camp kids woke up.  As a camp counselor, it took a lot of energy and focus to keep these kids moving in the right direction.  She taught them camping, swimming, archery, arts and crafts and all the other activities that the brochure promised to the parents. 


Zoran stood on the cliff, looking down at the lake.  The silence and stillness of the hazy morning soothed the bitter stress of the past year.  Tensions were rising between his country and its neighbors – countries that had been friendly for decades.  But out here with the trees and the mountains, the soothing lake and the rising sun, things were peaceful and calm.  The world was kind and gentle when he looked out upon the valley.  He had one week to himself each year and he needed to absorb as much of the calm as possible before heading back to his responsibilities. 

The sudden figure of a slender woman running along the edge of the lake caught his eye.  She was a good runner, strong and smooth, keeping a steady pace as she dashed in and out of his sight through the trees.  He stood on the edge of the cliff watching her, fascinated by the steady fall of her feet against the earth.  And her body.  Yes, it was her body that had captured his attention.  That long, dark pony tail smacking her back, her strong legs, the arms and…she turned a corner in the trail and his eyes feasted on pert breasts and a slender waist.  She was perfection, he thought.  From this distance, he couldn’t see her face, but he suspected that she would be lovely.  A moment later, she had disappeared from view, but not from his thoughts.

List of Elizabeth Lennox Books


The Texas Tycoon’s Temptation


The Royal Cordova Trilogy

Escaping a Royal Wedding

The Man’s Outrageous Demands

Mistress to the Prince


The Attracelli Family Series

Never Dare A Tycoon

Falling For The Boss

Risky Negotiations

Proposal To Love

Love's Not Terrifying

Romantic Acquisition


The Billionaire's Terms: Prison Or Passion

The Sheik's Love Child

The Sheik's Unfinished Business

The Greek Tycoon's Lover

The Sheik's Sensuous Trap

The Greek's Baby Bargain

The Italian's Bedroom Deal

The Billionaire's Gamble

The Tycoon's Seduction Plan

The Sheik's Rebellious Mistress

The Sheik's Missing Bride

Blackmailed By The Billionaire

The Billionaire's Runaway Bride

The Billionaire's Elusive Lover

The Intimate, Intricate Rescue


The Sisterhood Trilogy

The Sheik's Virgin Lover

The Billionaire's Impulsive Lover

The Russian's Tender Lover

The Billionaire's Gentle Rescue


The Tycoon's Toddler Surprise

The Tycoon's Tender Triumph


The Friends Forever Series

The Sheik's Mysterious Mistress

The Duke's Willful Wife

The Tycoon's Marriage Exchange

The Sheik's Secret Twins

The Russian's Furious Fiancée

The Tycoon's Misunderstood Bride


Love By Accident Series

The Sheik's Pregnant Lover

The Sheik's Furious Bride

The Duke's Runaway Princess


The Russian's Pregnant Mistress


The Lovers Exchange Series

The Earl's Outrageous Lover

The Tycoon's Resistant Lover


The Sheik's Reluctant Lover

The Spanish Tycoon's Temptress


The Berutelli Escape

Resisting The Tycoon's Seduction

The Billionaire’s Secretive Enchantress


The Billionaire’s Pregnant Lover

The Sheik’s Rediscovered Lover

The Tycoon’s Defiant Southern Belle


The Sheik’s Dangerous Lover (Novella)


The Thorpe Brothers

His Captive Lover

His Unexpected Lover

His Secretive Lover

His Challenging Lover


The Sheik’s Defiant Fiancée (Novella)

The Prince’s Resistant Lover (Novella)

The Tycoon’s Make-Believe Fiancée (Novella)


The Friendship Series

The Billionaire’s Masquerade

The Russian’s Dangerous Game

The Sheik’s Beautiful Intruder


The Love and Danger Series – Romantic Mysteries

Intimate Desires

Intimate Caresses

Intimate Secrets

Intimate Whispers


The Alfieri Saga

The Italian’s Passionate Return (Novella)

Her Gentle Capture

His Reluctant Lover

Her Unexpected Admirer

Her Tender Tyrant

Releasing the Billionaire’s Passion (Novella)

His Expectant Lover


The Sheik’s Intimate Proposition (Novella)


The Hart Sisters Trilogy

The Billionaire’s Secret Marriage

The Italian’s Twin Surprise

The Forbidden Russian Lover


The War, Love, and Harmony Series – April-August 2015

Fighting with the Infuriating Prince (Novella)

Dancing with the Dangerous Prince (Novella)

The Sheik’s Secret Bride

The Sheik’s Angry Bride

The Sheik’s Blackmailed Bride

The Sheik’s Convenient Bride




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