Filthy Wicked Games (5 page)

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Authors: Lili Valente

BOOK: Filthy Wicked Games
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He lowered his face to her neck, inhaling the sweat and flowers smell of her, a combination that made his cock throb with its own desperate heartbeat as he pressed a kiss to where her pulse raced beneath her skin. “Assuming things go that far, yes. But I won’t lose control again.”

Her lids slitted open, her eyes glittering in the sun filtering through the trees. “Why does that sound like a threat?”

“Get in the water,” he said, his voice husky.

And I’ll show you
, he added silently.

Chapter Eight

reat minds think alike
. So do devious ones.

Harley knew exactly what Clay was doing—the same thing she’d been trying to do when she’d knelt at his feet and freed his stupid beautiful cock from his shorts—but that didn’t keep her traitorous libido from responding. She eased into the cool water beneath the falls with her skin burning and her body aching for more of what he’d started. More of his hands and his mouth and that clever mind that was every bit as sexy as the rest of him.

But if he thought she could be manipulated by a taste of the way things used to be, he was about to learn just how wrong he was.

He could smolder and seduce and boss her around her all he wanted, but she was never going to tell him where Jasper was. She was going to get close to him, get off, and then use his own tactics against him.

He was weakening. There had been nostalgia in his voice when he’d quoted the joke she’d made the first time she’d gone down on him—in the shower, licking him up and down before dragging her teeth lightly along his shaft. And he’d smiled at her, more than once. Maybe they were false, but even forced smiles had power. She had forced a smile for Jasper’s sake more times than she could count and discovered in the process that if she kept a grin plastered on her face for long enough she would eventually start to feel happier. Or at least more relaxed than she’d been before.

She didn’t need Clay to love her again or even like her; she just needed him to relax his guard long enough for her to take advantage.

Harley picked her way over the smooth stones beneath the water, scanning the pool for signs of danger. But there were no snakes, no large animals lurking in the ferns along the shore, nothing but the frayed ribbon of the falls whispering down, sending ripples out across the pool. Unexpectedly, the water was cool enough to be chilly—unlike the ocean this time of year—but she barely noticed the cold. Her senses were focused on the sound of Clay easing into the water behind her and the way her nerves sizzled in response.

She glanced over her shoulder, the sight of him taking her breath away.

He was even more stunning than he’d been when they were younger. He’d thickened through the shoulders and the cuts defining each dip and curve of his muscular frame had deepened. If she’d been the sort to wax poetic, she could have written a verse or two about the sharp V running up either side of his hips, the veins on his powerful forearms, the sprinkling of golden hair at the base of his abdomen, and the rakish lilt of his cock.

It still curved lightly to the left as if trying to help him hitch a ride to somewhere better than here.

“There’s nowhere better than here,” she murmured as he closed the distance between them, a predatory look in his deep blue eyes that made her shiver.

“It doesn’t matter if there is or there isn’t,” he said, remembering his response to their private joke. “Here is where we are. And I’m going to make the most of it.”

He stopped in front of her, close enough for her to feel the heat rolling off of him in waves and to realize how desperately she wanted his hands on her, his mouth on her.

“What do you want, Harley?” he asked, his voice husky. “How do you want me to touch you?”

“I don’t,” she lied, even as his pine and soap smell sent fresh heat rushing between her legs.

“So you don’t want this?” He brought his hands to her breasts, cupping her in his warm palms before capturing her nipples between his fingers and rolling her taut flesh. “You don’t want me to touch you here?”

She bit her lip and fought to hold still. She didn’t want to give him the satisfaction of even that small response, but she couldn’t help herself. She needed the pain of her teeth digging in deep to keep her back from arching, her thighs from squirming, and her hands from reaching for him.

“Or maybe you would prefer my mouth?” He knelt in the water. Before she could move away, his tongue was flicking across her nipple, sending a wave of heat surging through her core.

Her breath rushed out, but she sucked it back in, holding it trapped in her lungs, hoping it would help her stay strong as he licked and sucked. Licked and sucked…licked and…

“Fuck me,” she said with a groan, her resistance crumbling as she drove her fingers into his hair.

He sucked her nipple deep in response, trapping it against the top of his mouth and doing that thing he did. That wicked thing that had once made her come simply from having her nipples ravaged by his mouth. Soon, her breath came in pants and her knees had turned to jelly and still he suckled her harder, trapping her other nipple between his fingers and pinching her in time to the suction of his mouth.

Her womb tightened and her hips began to rock, instinctively seeking friction though there was nothing but water between her legs.

But she wouldn’t need much more. She was so close, so fucking close, so—

She cried out, a sharp sound of shock and dismay that tumbled from her lips as Clay abruptly pulled away from her nipples.

A second later, he took her by the arms, spinning her around. “Time to get wet.”

She barely had time to pull in a breath before he had pushed her forward, sending her tumbling into a deeper portion of the pool. As her head slipped beneath the surface, she opened her mouth and screamed, giving her rage and frustration to the water, even as she tried to get her body back under control.

She had to regain control, had to firm up her defenses and get ready for a fight.

If she knew Clay—and she did, that fucking bastard—this was only the beginning of her suffering.

Chapter Nine

arley emerged
from the water sputtering, murder clearly written on her features as she found her footing and waded back into the shallow water.

“Or were you already wet?” Clay asked, unable to fight the smile creeping across his face.

“You’re an asshole,” she said, swiping roughly at her damp cheeks.

“No, I’m not.” She looked fucking stunning with water streaming down her bare curves, a fact that only made him ache to get his mouth back on her that much faster. “I just need you to tell me what you want. Better yet, I want you to beg for it.”

She muttered something beneath her breath that sounded like, “Why am I not surprised,” but Clay didn’t ask her to clarify.

Instead, he crooked his finger. “Come here. We’ll try again and see if you’ve learned your lesson.”

“And what if I say no?” she said, intensifying her glare. “Better yet, what if I tell you to go to hell and stick your dick in the first lake of fire you find?”

His lips curved again. “Then you won’t get to come, will you? Because the only way you’re getting off is on my fingers or my cock or my mouth.”

Her eyes flashed, giving her away.

He shifted closer, his bare feet sure on the stones. “Would you like that? My mouth between your legs? Do you want me to fuck you with my tongue until you come so hard I have to hold you up to keep you from sliding under the water?”

She exhaled, slow and ragged. “And if I say yes?”

“That would be a start,” he said, reaching up to curl his fingers around the back of her neck. “But I believe I mentioned begging. What is it going to take for you to learn to beg?”

He held her gaze as he took his cock in hand and tilted his leaking tip down to brush against her clit. The sound she made—a cross between a yelp and a moan—was enough to make his cock twitch against her again. Her head fell back, resting against his hand, her breath already coming faster.

“Maybe something like that?” he asked, severing the contact between them.

“Yes,” she said softly. “Do that again.”

“Do what again?” he asked, wanting to hear it from her lips.

“Rub your cock against me,” she said, her eyes hooded. “Tease me. Make me beg you for more.”

“Spread your legs,” he ordered, still gazing straight into her eyes as he rubbed the head of his dick in slow, firm circles on her clit. If he looked down, he knew the sight of their bodies so close to joining would be hot as hell, but he had to maintain control.

Besides, her eyes were putting on their own show, anger and hunger shifting back and forth like a kaleidoscope spinning in the sun.

“Are you getting wet for me again?” he asked, pushing on before she could respond. “I think I should find out.” He dipped lower, sliding his shaft between her lips, fighting a groan as her slick heat coated his skin.

“You want to be inside me so bad,” she said, flexing her thighs, increasing the pressure squeezing in around his erection. “You want to bend me over that rock and fuck me hard from behind. You want my hair in your fist and your cock so deep you—”

Her words ended in a bleat of rage as he pushed her back into the deep end of the pool.

What she’d been describing was one of the many fantasies pulsing through his head, but this wasn’t about fulfilling his fantasies or letting her take the upper hand. This was about driving her to the edge and making her twist there, about bringing her low and breaking her with her own desire.

This time, she came to the surface swinging. She lunged for him, but he captured her wrists, transferring them both to one hand that he lifted over her head. He held her there, thrashing and cursing his name, as he brought his free hand to her breast, pinching her left nipple hard enough to make her cry out.

It was a sound of pain and pleasure, but it wasn’t yet a sound of surrender.

“Fuck you,” she hissed, chest rising and falling faster as he plucked and rolled her other nipple. “I hate you so fucking much.”

“But you want me even more,” he said, his balls beginning to feel bruised with the need for release. “You want me to fuck you against the rocks by the waterfall. You want to feel me moving inside of you, making you take every inch of my cock, making you come so hard you feel like the pleasure is going to rip you apart.”

“I’m not, I don’t—” She cut off with a whimper, her wrists stopping their squirming to get free. “Please stop. Please stop this.”

“Stop touching you?” He trailed his knuckles down her quivering stomach and slipped his fingers back between her legs, teasing through her slick lips. “Stop doing this?” He slid two fingers inside her well of heat, moving in and out as his thumb pulsed on her clit.

“Y-yes,” she panted, her eyes squeezing closed. “No!”

“Which is it, yes or no?” He added a third finger and watched her lips part on a sexy little sigh, the kind that had always driven him wild. “Better speak up fast, Harley. I’m not feeling patient today.”

“Don’t stop,” she said, rocking into his hand. “Please don’t stop. Please let me come. I want to come.”

“You want to come on my hand?” He released control of her wrists, wrapping his arm around her waist and pulling her close enough that he could whisper in her ear as he continued to work his fingers between her legs. “Or do you want my cock, Harley? Do you want me to fuck you again, to be buried so deep you can’t feel anything but how much I want you?”

“Yes,” she said, adding quickly, “Please. Yes, please. Please fuck me. I want you inside of me.”

She reached down, gripping his cock and stroking him up and down, sending heat surging across his skin and desire pulsing through his veins. But instead of hitching her up around his hips and impaling her on his throbbing shaft, he pulled her hand away and brought his hands to her shoulders, putting her at arm’s length.

“Then you need to beg,” he said, his voice hard. “You need to beg me until I believe that there is nothing you want more than my dick.”

Hatred flickered across her features, but the hunger was still there, burning bright, making Clay smile as he brought one hand to his cock and began to stroke himself up and down. “Or maybe you’d rather I take care of this myself? Spare you the trouble?”

Eyes narrowed, she slipped her fingers between her legs, but he had her wrist in his hand a second later. “Bad girl. You know the rules. It’s me or nothing, sweetheart.” He released her wrist and slipped his fingers back between her legs, curling them this time, beckoning with a come hither motion inside her slick pussy that made her tremble.

Her lips parted and her hands groped for his shoulders, using them to hold herself upright as he massaged her G-spot. He waited until her legs began to shake and the muscles in her arms stiffened, until her hips rocked desperately against his hand and his fingers were drenched with her heat. He waited until soft hungry sounds issued from the back of her throat and her breasts flushed pink as that relief she was so desperate for swung within reach, and then he pulled away, leaving her to sob as she staggered a step forward, nearly losing her balance again.

“Let me know when you’re ready to play by the rules,” he said, turning his back on her, doing his best not to show how desperate he was to get to one of the rocks at the side of the pool.

He needed to jerk off before he lost control and he was going to have to fucking sit down to do it. His knees were already weak because that’s what Harley did to him. She made him weak, made him scattered.

Made him forget that you should never turn your back on a wounded animal, especially one you’ve personally pushed to the edge.

The hairs on the back of his neck prickled, warning danger, but it was over before he could turn around. One moment he was focused on putting some distance between him and Harley and jerking himself back into his right mind. The next the world went black.

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