Final Confrontation (47 page)

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Authors: D. Brian Shafer

BOOK: Final Confrontation
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Lucifer thanked his attendees and began to excuse himself from the assembly. Kara had already departed for the tomb to begin negotiations with Michael. The other angels scattered as well—some to their assignments on earth, others to await their king’s next command. Lucifer liked what he saw. He finally felt like a king.

“Berenius!” Lucifer shouted.

“Yes, lord,” said Berenius, standing in front of Lucifer.

“I have not forgotten the many services you have rendered me,” he said. “I am appointing you prince over all of the region promised to Israel.”

“I thank you, my lord,” he replied, bowing his head.

“Rather fitting that the terror of Jerusalem be made its shining new governor,” Lucifer smirked. He then turned his attention outward and asked, startled, “Who is that?”

Everyone turned to see a bluish streak streaming toward them from earth. It was Kara, looking quite frantic. He found Lucifer and immediately attempted to speak.

“Did you find Michael at the tomb?” asked Pellecus pointedly.

“Yes,” said Kara, half out of his mind. “But the tomb…”

“Stop stammering you fool,” said Lucifer. “What about the tomb?”

“The stone is moving—but no human hand is moving it!”

Lucifer charged the tomb as the earth was quaking all around it. He stood in front of it, not believing what he was seeing. The stone was indeed beginning to move! He ordered Rugio and his angels to stop the tomb from opening. Kara and Pellecus joined in the effort, ordering all of Lucifer’s angels to keep the tomb sealed.

Michael and Gabriel’s angels fought with Rugio’s warriors above the tomb. Lucifer kept an eye on the tomb, which was guarded no longer by Roman soldiers but by a Holy angel. A sharp blow came across Michael’s head as Rugio brought his sword down hard. Michael responded with a hard thrust of his own.

“This is long in coming, archangel,” sneered Rugio.

“The Lord has won, Rugio,” said Michael.

Then Michael’s sword began to glow with a blue-white aura as he swung hard at Rugio. The devil managed a shriek before Michael’s sword sent him spinning far into the heavenlies. Gabriel went after Kara, who stood atop the rock, shouting frantically to his angels. Upon seeing Gabriel’s advance, Kara yelped and landed on the ground. He shot Lucifer a grim look and vanished.

Infuriated, Lucifer manifested his reddish aura to its fullest brilliance and decided to get satisfaction by killing the two women standing by the tomb. His face contorted and his features began transforming from fallen angel to a hideous dragon. Baring his teeth and claws, he roared and lunged at the women.

Suddenly an unmistakable sound echoed throughout the cosmos…it was the sound of the rock moving.

“NO!” shrieked Lucifer, who turned from the women to watch the stone being pushed aside by angels.

When the tomb was opened, a blinding light caused every angel to fall to the ground. The stone rolled away and waves of brilliance fanned out of the entrance. By the time the angels could see, they perceived a figure standing on top of the tomb. It was the Angel of the Lord!

The demons began scattering in every direction. Pellecus vanished with a defiant look at Michael. Lucifer, still in the form of a red dragon, looked up and saw the Angel staring at him. He roared in defiance, his dragon eyes shooting fiery flames, and lunged at the Angel with a mighty thrust.

The Angel used his shield like a weapon and swung it hard across Lucifer’s chest. The impact was so terrific that the earth shook around the area for several seconds with a thunderous crash. Lucifer, enraged out of his mind, charged once more. The Angel of the Lord brought his weapon down hard once more and it crashed through the dragon’s skull, spewing reddish light everywhere.

Michael and the other angels, having vanquished the remaining devils, watched as Lucifer recovered for a final attack. He lunged toward the Angel of the Lord, charging past him to the tomb itself. As he touched the entrance he was suddenly hurled back with a brilliant blast of white light. Lucifer vanished in a fiery red cloud, shrieking and cursing as he disappeared.

Michael and Gabriel bowed low to the ground as the Angel of the Lord himself settled upon the very stone He had just rolled away. The women, Mary Magdalene and Mary, the sister of Lazarus, were frozen in terror at the sight of the angel and of the two unconscious guards.

“Don’t be afraid,” the Angel said. “I know you are looking for Jesus who was crucified. But He is not here; He is risen! Go and tell Peter and the others that Jesus has risen. He is alive!

Chronicles of the Host

And the Angel of the Lord said, ‘He is alive!’

There is, of course, much more to the story, and much yet to be written. We all await the day of the Most High’s return to earth where Lucifer, though defeated at the resurrection of the Lord, still retains a measure of authority over the minds and hearts of men who are unwilling to turn to the Truth.

That Jesus did as He promised is a matter of record. That we, the Host, never understood until it was finally revealed to us, demonstrates both the wisdom and nature of our Lord. To men God has revealed His places, for it was for men He came and died. The greater puzzle, indeed, is not that the love of God brought Him to earth to save it; but that men still refuse to receive the Love spilled out for them on that agonizing day in Jerusalem.

And so it is, Most High Lord, that I humbly submit these Chronicles of the Host into Your keeping. Until the glorious day of Your return, I therefore submit these records that they may bring to Your Name Glory forever and ever.

Respectfully submitted,


Chronicles of the Host 4:
Final Confrontation Study Notes

The fourth book of the Chronicles of the Host series takes us from the birth of Jesus to His Resurrection. Well, not quite. If you remember, the third book ended with the actual birth of Jesus. But this book begins some time later as the Magi—wisemen from the east—are ending their journey to Jerusalem in search of a king who was foretold by a star.

To the angels, it is not theology—it is simply God working in his mysterious and wonderful, if not difficult to understand, ways.

Here are a few questions to think through as you enjoy the book. May God continue to bless your journey with Him.

1. Think about it. The conflict of the ages waged between Lucifer and the Lord of Creation became prophetic in Eden. Re-read Genesis 3 and focus particularly on the Lord’s penalties upon Adam, Eve and the Serpent. Notice the Earth is also included as a part of Adam’s sin.

What are the judgments pronounced on each?





What was the difference between the judgment on Adam and Eve and that which the Lord spoke upon the Serpent and upon the Earth?

2. Over the years, Eve has been blamed for the downfall in Eden. In speaking to the angels, Crispin places the responsibility squarely on Adam’s shoulders.

Do you agree with Crispin’s assertion that Adam bears the responsibility for sin’s entry into the world? Why or why not?

Check out Genesis 2:15 as a part of your answer.

3. How do you feel about God using astrologers and mystics from a pagan nation to bring gifts to the Christ Child? What does that tell you about God?

4. Lucifer and his crew are not very impressed with the men Jesus chose as disciples.

Why do you suppose Jesus gathered such a hodge-podge of personalities instead of going straight to the best and brightest of Israel?

What does that say about our Lord?

5. Read John 6:26-65. Crowds of people followed Jesus around for all sorts of reasons—curiosity, food, healing, etc. but when He takes them into deeper teaching, some begin to leave Him. He even asks His disciples if they will also leave Him.

Do you know people who follow Christ to a point and then seem to dwindle away at the point of hardcore commitment?

How far does your level of commitment go? Are you ready to follow Christ no matter what the cost?

6. The book of John is organized around seven “I AM” statements by Jesus. (I AM…the bread of life…the light of the world…the door…the gate…the Good Shepherd…the Resurrection…the true vine). He also told the Pharisees, “before Abraham was born, I AM.”

What do each of those declarations mean to you?

Is there a connection between Jesus’ use of I AM and Moses’ encounter with God at the burning bush? (Exodus 3:14)

7. In the book, the religious leaders were often susceptible to demonic suggestion and influence.

How could such learned and religious people be open to spiritual oppression? Are Christians open to such suggestions from dark spirits?

What do you believe is the greatest crime against God that people commit in the name of religion?

8. Matthew 17:1-13 records the Transfiguration of Jesus on Mt. Tabor and His meeting with Elijah and Moses.

What is the significance of this event?

Why Moses and Elijah?

9. In answer to a question posed to Him about paying tax to the occupying authority, Jesus tells a Jewish leader that they should “give to Caesar what is Caesar’s and to God what is God’s.” Look at Matthew 17:24-27 for a similar incident.

What does this say to you about Jesus?

Why does God demand that we respect earthly authority? Check out Romans 13 as part of your answer.

How far must we go in obeying government if the authority is wicked?

10. As Jesus is being paraded around at His trial, the players react to Him differently. Read Matthew 27:11-32, Luke 22:66 - 23:25, and John 18 and 19.

What is going on in the minds and hearts of:

The Priests



Why do you suppose that Jesus doesn’t answer Herod but spoke to Pilate?

The trial was illegal according to Jewish law for a number of reasons. How do you think the high priest justified this murder?

11. In the book, as Jesus dies on the cross, he is being cajoled and cursed by humans and devils alike. Read all four of the accounts of Jesus’ death on the cross (Matthew, Mark, Luke, John); they record different statements made by Jesus and/or others.

What was Jesus feeling and thinking during His agony?

What were the humans (friend and foe) thinking?

12. At the Resurrection, the devils attempt to hold off the inevitable and keep the tomb sealed.

Do you think they really believed they had a chance? Why or why not?

Think About It

Jesus was the Seed that finally arrived to deliver us all from the sinful natures we inherited from Adam’s disobedience. It was a long time coming but Galatians tells us that “in the fullness of time” Christ came. Sometimes God seems to delay when we find ourselves struggling for a quick resolution. Many men and women of the Bible struggled with God’s seemingly delayed answers as well. In the end, God’s timing proved true and resulted in His greater glory.

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